International Tax Day New Orleans, October 24, 2012 Doing Business in Asia Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information, views and data contained herein are accurate and given in good faith, we accept no responsibility for and exclude all of our liability to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law for any loss and/or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused from use of the information contained in this report. Fiducia shall only be liable in respect of anything done or omitted in a grossly negligent manner. This report has been produced by Fiducia exclusively for clients, for their internal circulation. Fiducia retains all rights, titles and interests, including copyright and other proprietary rights, in this report and all material provided or made available as part of this report. This report does not constitute legal, valuation, tax, or investment advice. Those interested in specific guidance for legal, strategic, and/or financial or accounting matters, should seek competent professional advice from their own advisors. E&OE Fiducia Management Consultants We have a 30-year track record of serving international clients in China ► Established in 1982 in Hong Kong ► Professional service provider focused on China and Hong Kong ► 90 Chinese and foreign specialists ► 3 China offices located in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen ► High level of local expertise and multicultural experience ► Proven ability to apply international standards with local understanding ► Close co-ordination with the client leading to long-term relationships ► Strong support from a large network of partners, AGN member since ‘03 Page 2 Comparison of locations: Hong Kong vs. China One country – Two Systems – Differences prevail! ? = Page 3 Hong Kong and its reach within Asia Flights from Hong Kong to Shanghai Shenyang ca. 100 daily connections first 8:00 am last 9:20 pm Flight time ca. 2 ½ h Beijing Seoul Qingdao Tokyo Chongqing Shanghai Wuhan Any Conclusions? Fuzhou Taipei Guangzhou Hong Kong Hanoi Mumbai Business with China? Choose HK or SHA Manila Kuala Lumpur Ho-ChiMinh-City Singapore Business in SEA? Choose Singapore Return daytrip from HK to SHA is possible but not from Singapore Jakarta The circle represents approx. 3 h of flight or 1800 km Page 4 Comparison of key locations to set up an office The Ease of Doing Business 2012 HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANGKOK HO CHI MINH CITY 3 35 29 44 No minimum ($1) US$140,000 (depending on business scope) US$6,500 (foreign owned Thai limited company) No minimum (except for e.g. insurance, banking, real estate) Total tax rate as a % of profit 23% 63.5% 37.5% 40.1% Amount of yearly tax payments 4 7 23 32 Preparation and filing (hours required) 80 398 264 941 Proximity: airport to city centre (km) 36 40 30 8 Corruption Perception Index 12 75 80 112 FACTORS No. of days to incorporate company Minimum capital requirements Page 5 Risks / Tides of Change Corruption remains a major challenge in Asia… Transparency International Corruption Index Risks ► Paying bribes / taking kick-backs ► Collusion by staff members ► Manipulating financial reports ► Blackmail by existing / former staff Scale from 0 – 10 0 : highly corrupt 10: very clean No Country Index 12 Hong Kong 8.4 14 Germany 8 24 United Kingdom 7.8 24 USA 7.1 … …. … 75 China 3.6 ► China situation: Law vs. Enforcement ► FCPA / UK Bribery Act (July 1, 2011) ► Reputational damage I N T E R N A L E X T E R N A L 6 Recent Examples ...and foreign companies are no exemption, highlighting the importance of good corporate governance. “SAP Chinese personnel shock or impact of $2 billion investment plan” Quote: IC Supply, March 29, 2012 ► 5 executives (4 in China) were dismissed including senior VP, the founder of SAP China Research Instritute Mr. Rui Xianglin who served SAP for 20 years ► The 5 persons are suspected of violating company “internal regulation”, referring to changes to business processes, the disclosure of trade secrets, commercial bribery, bribery and gray trading and other acts of unfair competition ► Outside began to worry about the $2 billion investment plan will be affected, although declined by SAP spokesman ► Total damage? 7 Legal Situation and Consequences President Hu Jintao: ‘Fighting corruption is a matter of life and death for the Communist party’. Commercial Bribery ► Stricter laws in China since May 2011 ► Article 164: Prison term minimum 3 years, up to10 years if the amount is “huge” ► Laws apply to all PRC citizens (also outside of China) and foreigners physically in the PRC Hong Kong – A Different Situation ► Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) founded in 1974 ► Payer and receiver of bribery face severe jail terms ► Government officials and semi-public bodies obliged to declare origin of private assets ► Examples: Sun Hung Kai, Schenker Official Bribery ► Article 389: Illegal for a person to give money or property to a public official ► Officials who receive gifts above RMB200 must turn them over to their superiors 8 Change in China is a constant – the distances remain the same Peking – Chengdu 1,520 km Peking – Shanghai 1,070 km Peking – Hongkong 1,960 km Shanghai – Hongkong 1,225 km Shanghai – Chengdu 1,660 km Hamburg – München 612 km Page 9 Birds of same feather... – Industry Cluster in China The coastal regions with the three major centers of: Bohai Rim Region ► Aeronautics/Astronautics (Tianjin) ► Chemicals (Tianjin) ► Electronics and Telecom (Beijing) ► Fasteners (Handan) ► Medical (Beijing) ► Rubber (Hengshui) ► Steel (Cangzhou) Yangtze Delta Region ► Automotive (Shanghai, Hefei) ► Chemicals (Shanghai, Suzhou) ► Home Appliances (Hefei, Ningbo) ► IT (Suzhou) ► Steel (Hangzhou, Nanjing) ► Textiles (Wuxi, Suzhou) ► Wire and Cable (Wuxi) Pearl Delta Region ► Automotive (Guangzhou, Xiamen) ► Hi-tech Electronics (Shenzhen) ► Kitchenware (Yunfu) ► Lighting (Zhongshan) ► Machinery (Zhongshan) ► Textiles (Guangzhou, Zhongshan) ► Toys (Shantou) Page 10 Birds of same feather... – Industry Cluster in China Central China and the „Wild Westen” Shandong Province Mid-West Region ► Aerospace (Chengdu) ► Ceramics (Zhuzhou) ► IT (Chengdu) ► Machinery (Changsha) ► Motorcycle (Chongqing) ► Pharmaceuticals(Chongqing) ► Steel (Wuhan) Page 11 China consists of eight distinct markets Customer expectation differs from region to region – the main demand is along China’s Eastern belt NE Eastern vs. Western China 2011 (virtually unchanged in last 3 years) BB NW Centra l YR D W SW PR D Note: Eastern/Western region defined by China State Council for “Western Development” policy Sources: China Govt. NBS, Fiducia analysis Page 12 Birds of same feather... – Industry Cluster in South East Asia More labor intensive and manual industries have relocated from China to the SEA neighboring countries Myanmar (Burma) Laos Thailand Cambodia Philippines Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Success Strategies in China – Way Out or Go West Companies have difficulties to find new sourcing alternatives to China due to established economies of scale, industry clusters and high productivity. Selling in China is also tough since China is large and diversified. Made in India Made in Vietnam Made in Malaysia Made in Indonesia 9,640,821 km2 CAGR (06-11) 15% 15% 200km Productivity Wage Move V.S. Stay Page 14 Where is the best and most suitable location for my sourcing operation More labor intensive and manual industries have relocated from China to the SEA neighboring countries ► Labour: wage levels – age – quality ► Complexity of production: labour force vs. automation ► Logistics and infrastructure: transportation costs – sea/rail/air links ► Proximity to end market: short vs. long product life cycles ► Sustainability along the supply chain environmental footprint – social compliance – CSR ► Cross-border cash management: corporate requirements – currency issues bank transaction fees – tax – reporting credit rating – How to manage your purchasing business effectively? Getting all relevant parties on the Order To Cash Platform Supply Chain Management Platform ► Accessibility from anywhere, anytime ► Managing operations over distances using the right tool ► Shift to handling information more efficiently through technology ► Whole transparency and visibility of the supply chain ► Cut costs through better planning and decisions based on accurate reporting data from the system Page 16 Key Growth Industry Sectors - Automotive Guangdong ‘s automotive output ranks the third of all provinces in China in 2011 and continue with the aggressive expansion plans targeting to reach capacity of 4,500 k units in 2015. New Plant (2011 – 2015) Foshan Capacity Expansion (2011-2015) Guangzhou ’11 Capacity Development (k units) 1,670 1 3 4 6 ’15 4,500 5 2 Shenzhen Investment Snapshot 1. 220k, 2012 2. 200k, 2012 3. 100k, 2012 200k, 2013 4. 270k, 2012 50k (EV), 2015 5. 600k, 2013 6. 300k, 2014 Case Study Project: Audi and VW @ Foshan Investment amount Phase I: RMB18.2b Audi 300k units, VW 300k units, 2013 Phase II: RMB11b, 300k units Investment rational Strong demand in South China for mid-to-high end automotive Sufficient automotive parts supply Pushed by central government to diversify the location Sources: Company website, Guangdong govt., Fiducia Analysis Page 17 Key Growth Industry Sectors - Chemical Guangdong ‘s petrochemical industry output value achieved rapid growth, ranking the third of all provinces of China during 11FYP and targets to reach RMB1.3t with annual growth of 13% in 12FYP. New Plant (2011 – 2015) Capacity Expansion (2011-2015) Ethylene Capacity Development (m MT) Jieyang Huizhou 4 3 Maoming Zhanjiang 2.2 ’15 4 1 Investment Snapshot 2 ’11 1. 22m MT oil refining, 2m MT ethylene, 2012 2. 10m MT refining, 2012 3. 300k MT refining, 2013 4. 20m MT refining , 2014 Case Study Project: Lubricant Additives @ Zhuhai Gaolan DZ Investment amount Phase I: USD100m, 200k MT, 2012 Phase II: USD100m, 92k MT, 2013 Investment rational High speed train and railway connect to the national networks 16 deep water berths within 10 km of the zone Close to the major base oil import port for CNOOC Page 18 Guangdong Proximity to Shell lubricant plant Sources: Company website, govt., Fiducia Analysis Key Growth Industry Sectors - Biopharma Guangdong ‘s Biopharma industry catches annual growth rate of 25% during 11FYP tops all industries within the province. However most industry players are SMEs with production in trial stage. New Plant (2011 – 2015) Capacity Expansion (2011-2015) Output Value (RMB b ) Guangzhou 2 Zhuhai 1 3 Shenzhen ’11 90 ’15 180 Case Study Investment Snapshot 1. RMB400m insulin, 2011 2. RMB700m, vaccine 25m units , 2012 Project: Influenza Vaccine @ Shenzhen DZ Investment amount Total: USD94m, China’s largest influenza vaccine project Phase I: 25m units, 2008 Phase II: 25m units, 2012 Investment rational Strong local demand and close to Hong Kong for export Shenzhen govt spends RMB500m in developing biology industry every year during 12FYP period and provide subsidies to companies Sufficient biology talent back from overseas Sources: Company website, Guangdong govt., Fiducia Analysis Page 19 3. RMB116m API, 2012 RMB2b mAb, vaccine, 2015 Total ~500 players, 2011 Foreign Companies are planning new presences… Guangdong still tops other regions as new investment destination. Investment in west regions are mainly low cost sites added to existing sites, not a complete substitution. “If you want to set up new presences, which province(s) will you choose?” “Based on which top 3 criteria will / did you choose the above province(s)?” 21 18 14 1. Guangdong Geography 13 4. Beijing: 14% 4. Sichuan: 14% 12 12 Labour Availability Infrastructure Geography 15 13 Infrastructure Geography 14 12 Infrastructure Geography 2. Chongqing 3. Jiangsu: 15% Infrastructure Regional Policy 10 3. Jiangsu 2. Chongqing: 19% Regional Policy 10 4. Beijing 1. Guangdong: 21% Top 5 provinces for new presences Regional Policy 13 12 9 Labour Availability Infrastructure Geography Sichuan n = 154 (multiple answers possible) Page 20 Suitable (and affordable?) office locations throughout China Office rent in China can be on or above international levels Grade A offices top locations of CBD in Q1 2012 (rent per m²/ month) Stadt (1 EUR= 8 RMB) Higher End Lower End Average RMB EUR RMB EUR RMB EUR Beijing 712 89 375 47 525 66 Shanghai 541 68 308 39 414 52 Chengdu 174 22 139 17 161 20 Guangzhou 282 35 159 20 220 28 Shenzhen 295 37 239 30 288 36 Cushman & Wakefield Marketbeat Q1 2012 Page 21 Comparison of set up options within China Rep Office vs. WFOE – Corporate Structure Page 22 Comparison of set up options within China Rep Office vs. WFOE – Tax & HR Page 23 Comparison of set up options within China Set-up times in weeks for different entities (estimated from past experience) Trading WFOE Document preparation Name registration Manufacturing WFOE Environmental Evaluation Foreign investment approval Business Licence Tax and other registrations Service WFOE Bank Account opening Capital injection and verification Import / Export Licence & Customs Rep Office 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Page 24 Comparison of set up options within China Accounting Requirements of Rep Office and Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise Page 25 Finance Issues Taxation – Corporate Income Tax (CIT) RO WFOE The CIT is based on the deemed income, which is The taxable income is the amount remaining from calculated from the Rep Office’s expenses. Deemed income = operating expenses / (1deemed profit rate-business tax rate) Deemed profit rate is at least 15% and business its gross income in a tax year after deducting the corresponding costs, expenses and losses. The Tax Bureau can make adjustments due to non-deductible expenses or transfer prices that are deemed inappropriate tax rate is usually 5%. The actual profit rate shall be reviewed and approved by the local tax bureau. According to the Chinese Enterprise Income Tax Law implemented on January 1, 2008, the rate of corporate income tax is 25% for most industries. Some particular tax holidays and preferential treatments may be granted for approved new high-tech enterprises, which are subject to a reduced rate of 15%. It is settled on an annual basis but is paid quarterly with adjustments either refunded or carried forward to the next year. The final calculation will be based on the year-end audit. Page 26 Finance Issues WFOE Profit Repatriation Foreign companies in China generally can repatriate the profits they earned to their mother companies overseas. The procedure can be done every year after the annual audit has been conducted and the corporate income tax has been filed. Restrictions: At least 10% of the profit should be retained in the company as its statutory surplus reserve. When the total amount of the reserve reaches 50% of the company’s registered capital, the company can stop the provision of the reserve. Annual profits must also first "make up" losses from previous years and the registered capital has to be fully paid in before any distribution can be made to shareholders. China levies a withholding tax on any dividends remitted out of the country. Profits earned before 2008 are tax free. Page 27 Finance Issues Withholding Tax Rates The general rate for withholding tax for payments of dividends, interest, and royalties from China to abroad is 10%. For recipients from certain countries the rate is reduced under the respective DTA (e.g. Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Belgium). Hong Kong General (e.g. USA, Germany) Dividend 5%* / 10% 10% Interest 7% 10% Royalty 7% 10% *To enjoy the reduced 5% withholding tax rate on dividend, the “beneficial owner” of China WFOE must satisfy the conditions listed on the following page. Page 28 Finance Issues Withholding Tax Rates The reduced rate of 5% for dividends under the China-Hong Kong DBA is only granted to holding companies of a Chinese entity that fulfil the following requirements a) Be a Hong Kong company; b) Directly holding at least 25% of the entity that pays dividend; c) The shareholding percentage complies with the above limit during the past 12 months prior to dividend payment; d) The company must have been incorporated for over 12 months; e) The company should have its own business operation. Page 29 Comparison of company structures Benefits of using a Hong Kong holding company ► Hong Kong company can be used for billings to other SEA countries ► Hong Kong coporate tax rate only 16.5% ► Company set-up in China less complicated with Hong Kong parent company ► Easy and quick realization also of more complicated ownership structures possible in Hong Kong ► In the case of changes in the shareholding structure, shares of Hong Kong entity can be transferred ► Dividends are tax free in Hong Kong ► Withholding tax for dividends paid from China to Hong Kong favorable compared to many other countries (conditions apply) ► Hong Kong´s legal system is based on British law, favorable in case of disputes Page 30 Comparison of locations – Sales in Asia Warehouse in Asia for Asia-Pacific Mother company has (global) centralized warehouse in USA USA Production / Central warehouse Hong Kong Regional warehouse (Alternative: FTZ in China) • Increasing Asia business • Problem: Time and geographical distances Regional warehouse for time sensitive goods (e.g. spare parts) • Excellent logistics environment • Not duties or sales taxes Customers in Asia-Pacific Order by • Own subsidiary • Service partners • Final customer Page 31 Tax, legal and corporate background of Hong Kong Hong Kong’s strategic advantages Low Tax Regime ► Profits tax is 16.5% ► Offshore transaction tax free ► Salaries tax is 15% ► No sales tax or VAT ► No taxes on dividends ► No Capital Gains Tax Legal Environment Trade Friendly Export Credit Insurance Banking and Financial Services Outsourcing possibilities Page 32 Tax comparison of favorite corporate structures in Asia Comparison of tax rates in Hong Kong, Singapur and China China 11% Singapur 25% 14% 7% 17% Hong Kong 20% 28% 5% 5% 15% 20% 16.5 % 31% 14.5% Corporate Income Tax Personal Income Tax Social Security (Employee) Social Security (Employer) VAT Source: InvestHK Page 33 Countries with a DTA with Hong Kong Confirmed and ratified Double Taxation Agreements with 24 Countries (as at: 30.April 2012): Belgium Brunei China France UK Indonesia Ireland Japan Liechtenstein Luxembourg Holland New Zealand Austria Spain Thailand Czech Republik Hungary Vietnam Not yet ratified: Under discussion: Jersey Kuwait Malaysia Malta Portugal Schwitzerland Bangladesh Finland Guernsey India Italy Canada South Korea Macau Malaysia Mexico Saudi-Arabia UAE Source: InvestHK Page 34 Summary of Doing Business in Asia Important key learnings ► Consider the unique differences of setting up entities in the region when making investment plans ► Hong Kong set up is fast, China takes longer but an entity in China is required for local trading activities ► Tax landscape in Hong Kong in China is substantially different and requires good planning to profit from both places’ advantages ► Hong Kong is very suitable as a holding company or when sourcing from China Page 35 Our offices What is your next move? Hong Kong Tel: (+852) 2523 2171 Fax: (+852) 2810 4494 Email: Shanghai Tel: (+86) 21 6327 9118 Fax: (+86) 21 6327 9228 Email: Shenzhen Tel: (+86) 755 8329 2303 Fax: (+86) 755 8329 0821 Email: Page 36