FEB21JF - First Grantham United Church

Contact Information
415 Linwell Road
St. Catharines ON
L2M 2P3
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9 am to 1 pm
More Voices
Copyright © 2007 The
United Church of Canada
License no. A-723511
Interim Minister: Bev Robinson
ext. 202
Coordinator of Family Ministries:
Ashleigh Kovich
ext. 207
Coordinator of Volunteer Ministries:
Candace Popivanov
(on maternity leave)
ext. 205
Custodian: Carey Calder
ext. 204
Office Administrator: Judith Fraser
ext. 200
Our mission is to be ambassadors for Christ in our
neighbourhood, our city and the world.
Congregational Annual Meeting Sunday February 28.
Missing some Tupperware? Please check the counter in the kitchen.
Leftovers will be donated to the Flea Market.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Worship Leaders: Rev. Judy Bowman & Bev Robinson
Music Ministry Team: Ryan Baxter & Shelley Passfield
The Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
-2*Passing the Peace
Please stand as you are able and respond where the print is bold.
Conversation and Prayer with the Children and the Young at Heart
Gathering Music
The Lord’s Prayer
Ashlynne Vince and Bryce Moore
Colour Procession
Ministry of Music
“Be Thou My Vision”
G. Young
O Canada
Scripture Reading
Selected Verses from Psalm 27
Opportunities for ministry and community
The Hymn of Preparation
*We begin our worship singing
“Come All You People” (X2)
MV 2
*Invitation to Worship
Come join the parade.
Join the children.
Join the mystical fusion of scouting leaders of today and those of
Join with the people of faith who gather here each day, each
Sunday to worship God.
Let us walk together through this season of Lent. Let us not be afraid.
As we worship today let us be transported from a world of
concerns and fears to a place where we can be at peace and
unity in your presence.
*Hymn of Praise
“It’s a Song of Praise”
MV 30
Lenten Liturgy
Kate Irwin & Skylar Stone
Jesus knew that following God was not an easy path. We hope and
expect that life will be comfortable and easy. Following Jesus means
losing our life as we know it so that we can save it. Discomfort lies in
confronting the ways in which we ourselves contribute to pain and
suffering in the world.
The second rock is placed.
The rock of discomfort.
May God’s spirit walk with us.
Choral Response
“Don’t Be Afraid”
MV 90
“Spirit of God”
“In Pursuit of Courage”
VU 378
Rev. Judith Bowman
Moment of Meditation
We offer our gifts to God
Offertory Music
*Dedication Song
Ashlynne Vince and Bryce Moore
“What Can I Do?”
*Prayer of Dedication
Prayers of the People
*The Hymn of Mission “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”
VU 670
The way is long, let us go together.
The way is difficult, let us help each other.
The way is joyful, let us share it.
The way is Christ’s for Christ, is the way, let us follow.
The way is open before us, let us go.
*Choral Affirmation
“Sanctuary” (X2)
MV 18
Removal of Flags
Ashlynne Vince and Bryce Moore
-3Welcome to First Grantham United Church!
Thank you to Rev. Judy Bowman, the 23rd St. Catharines Scouts and
everyone who shared in our ministry today.
Thank you to Ashlynne Vince and Bryce Moore for their wonderful
ministry of music.
Welcome to worship at First Grantham United Church. We are so
glad that you are here. It is our hope that this time of community and
the sharing of God’s word, spoken and sung, will offer to each of you,
grace, peace and hope. If this is your first time with us, we invite you
to sign the welcome book at either of the entrances.
A Nursery and Kid’s Church are available should you choose to make
use of them.
-4Lenten Collection: Please pick up a Lenten Collection calendar and
follow along through Lent with the suggested donations. It is a
different spin on the collection for Lent. All donations will be due on
Easter Sunday. All contributions will be given to our two focus groups
- Red Roof Retreat and Doctors Without Borders.
Petition For Aboriginal Curriculum: As a result of the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission KAIROS –an ecumenical social justice
group – is asking the Ontario government to include curriculum at all
levels of our school system on Treaties, residential schools and
Aboriginal history. A petition will be available for anyone interested
to sign on Feb. 28 and Mar.6.
Please join us in the Ruby Carroll Hall for conversation and
refreshments following the service.
Out of the Cold: Thank you for your donations of toiletries in the
past. Once again, we are asking for your help in donating the
following items: toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, lotion,
razors and lip balm. Thank you.
Please remember to pray for those members of our church family in
hospital, nursing homes or other care facilities. As a church, we are
called to pray for each other and for our mission in the world. On the
Prayer Cycle this week we pray for Mount Carmel-Zion United Church,
Morriston, Waterloo Presbytery.
First Grantham Friendship Group March Meeting: Please note
change in date for this one get together only. You are invited one
and all to card games on Friday, March 11 at 1:30 pm in the
Fellowship Room. Tea and cookies and good fellowship. Members,
please bring your mug.
Thank you to everyone who is serving to make worship and
fellowship possible today!
If you have volunteered to be a Greeter for 2016 and do not have a
new list for this year, please see Nola Brown following the service in
the Ruby Carroll Hall.
Words worth reading for Lent: Lent For Everyone by N.T. Wright
guides us through Lent with a daily reflection, prayers and hymn
suggestions. The United Church Lenten Reflections also have
excellent daily readings. A Selection of these can be found in the
fellowship room and downstairs in the library. Please borrow them
for the full 40 days of Lent. The library also has excellent Lent and
Easter books for children. Need help? Please speak to Kay Houghton.
If you did not pick up First Grantham’s 2015 Annual Report last
week, it is available for pick up this morning. One report was
omitted, and this is also available for you to pick up. Sorry for the
Our First Grantham New Canadian, Chris, while not yet entering into
the winter sporting life, walks daily out into the cold, attending ESL
classes daily, and YMCA strength training every second day. He works
at night on creating and ‘mixing’ electronic and dance music in his
modest but workable ‘studio’ in the basement. Several new friends
and members of the First Grantham Care Team have become good
companions. Rosemary and Dave very much enjoy his company over
dinner and he is following the Raptors. All good. He is grateful to all
who have contributed to the First Grantham Refugee Fund.
Becoming fully relaxed in Canada is still some time off, but his new
life is underway.
Chair Yoga
9:00 a.m.
Between the Covers Book Group
9:30 a.m.
Fitness: Older Adult Exercise
10:00 & 1:00
6:00 p.m.
Baden Powell Banquet
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Fitness: Older Adult Exercise
1:00 p.m.
Fitness Older Adult Exercise
10:00 a.m.
Structure Team Meeting
1:00 to 3:00
Joint Search Committee
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Chair Yoga
9:15 a.m.
Age Friendly Recreation in Niagara: On Wednesday, March 24 from
11:30 to 1:00 come and share your ideas about how our communities
can maintain and grow recreational opportunities for all seniors. This
will take place with the Thorold Community Activities Group at 131
Richmond St., Thorold.