
Curate’s Corner ………………………
I woke this morning to find the ground covered in snow – I’m writing this in
January which really is the bleakest of months – and I hope that by the time you
come to read this in February the snow will have gone. January is named after
the Roman god Janus, who was depicted as having two faces – one looking
backwards and one looking forwards. Sensible chap – there’s not a lot to cheer us
in January itself.
February is different – we can start to look ahead and make plans for what we
are hoping to do during the year. We are living though in uncertain times with the
economic recession, the real threat of job losses, changes in benefits, cut backs
in care provision to name a few. Many of us will find things difficult.
The Church of England is also facing uncertain times. Our new Archbishop of Canterbury, soon to take
up office, faces a daunting task in reconciling different sections in the Church.
The media makes a great deal about church matters concerning gender – women bishops – gay bishops –
gay marriages.
The press also takes great delight in informing us of declining congregations and the Church being “out
of touch” with modern society.
This is how it is viewed from the outside.
Those of us who are members of a church need be less anxious about the outcome of these matters.
Rather we should be concerned to live our lives in faithfulness to God.
This is some of the reasoning behind the Parish Day we are holding in East Harling - ‘Growing a Healthy
Church’ at which we shall begin to think about some of the ways in which we ‘are’ Church - to look at its
life and potential for growth in faith.
It will be a challenge to all of us.
Then comes Lent – 6 weeks (40 days if you don’t count Sundays) in which Christians are invited to
spend time in thinking and learning more about their faith. In former times it was a preparation for
new Christians who were going to be baptised at Easter. If giving up alcohol, cigarettes or chocolate
helps you with this, OK, but it’s not compulsory and Sundays (see above) are not ‘fasting’ days.
As usual we shall be running a Lent Course which is open to anyone interested in exploring the faith.
As I write, not all the details have been finalised but these will be announced at services and on
notices in the church porch or ring Sarah on 01953 714611. See also elsewhere on this website under
A warm welcome to all who would care to join us.
Every Blessing to you all for a Holy Lent,