Civil Air Patrol Professional Development Guide As your Professional Development Officer, it is my responsibility to ensure that each one of you progresses in the Professional Development (PD) track and receives assistance and guidance along the way. Should you ever have questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to let me know. Promoting First I'm going to talk briefly about promoting. To join as a senior member you must be 18, however, that does not mean you will join as a CAP officer. Prior to turning 21 you will follow the Flight Officer grade structure as outlined below: SM -> the rank given to you upon receiving your CAPID. Flight Officer (FO) -> complete Level I and 3 months as SM Technical Flight Officer (TFO) -> attain a technician rating in a desired specialty track and 6 months as FO Senior Flight Officer (SFO) -> complete Level II and 12 months as TFO However, if you are 21 years of age or older upon joining, you will follow the CAP officer grade structure. The following is a rundown of the requirements for promoting as a CAP officer and I want you to pay special attention to the requirements for 1Lt. SM -> the rank given to you upon receiving your CAPID. 2Lt -> complete Level I and 6 months as SM 1Lt -> attain a technician rating in a desired specialty track and 1 year as 2Lt Capt -> complete Level II and 18 months as 1Lt Maj -> complete Level III and 3 years as Capt Lt Col -> complete Level IV and 4 years as Maj Col -> this rank is earned ONLY by becoming Wing or Region Commander It is important to note that there is a difference between PD and promoting and in the case of promoting from 2Lt to 1Lt and from Flight Officer to Technical Flight Officer, completing a level is NOT required. While it is not required that you promote, we do encourage it and will do all we can to help you. Levels Below is a listing of each Level and its subsequent requirements to complete said level. I have provided links where available and notes on how to complete the task if a link is not provided. Level I 1. *CPPT a. b. c. d. e. 2. Print pretest Read CAPR 52-10, CAPs Cadet Protection Policy Read CAPP 50-3, CPPT Student Guide Review Cadet Protection Slides Review pretest, meet with Squadron Commander to discuss/correct score to 100% using references above f. Review two scenarios with Squadron Commander Foundations Modules a. CAP History and Organization Iowa Wing Professional Development Guide Last updated: 5 Apr 11 3. 4. 5. b. Policies c. The CAP Uniforms d. Customs and Courtesies e. CAP Core Values f. Foundations for Volunteer Leadership *Intro to CAP Safety -> Found in eServices Under: CAP Utilities/Online Safety Education *OPSEC *Equal Opportunity Level II - Benjamin O. Davis 1. Complete Level I 2. Officer Basic Course (OBC) -> this is an online course 3. Squadron Leadership School (SLS) -> typically is offered as a two-day class at the wing level, though you may sign up online via the link provided if you wish to complete it via that route 4. Attain a technician rating in your respective specialty track Level III - Grover Loening 1. Complete Level II 2. Corporate Learning Course (CLC) -> typically is offered as a two-day class at the wing level, though you may sign up online via the link provided if you wish to complete it via that route 3. 4. 5. Attain a senior rating in your respective specialty track Attend two (2) Wing, Region or National conferences Complete one (1) year of a command or staff assignment Level IV - Paul E. Garber 1. Complete Level III 2. Attain a master rating in your respective specialty track 3. Complete Region Staff College (RSC) or approved equivalent 4. Serve on staff at a wing level course or conference (Ref CAPR 50-17) 5. Complete two (2) years of a command or staff assignment 6. Present a public presentation to a non-CAP group or an internal or external AE presentation, or Yeager AE award Level V - Gil Rob Wilson 1. Complete Level IV 2. Complete three (3) years of a command or staff assignment 3. Complete National Staff College (NSC) or equivalent course 4. Conduct a summary conversation for a Level I Foundations Course 5. Serve as director or staff member of a CAP course or educational activity (additional to Level IV - Ref CAPR 50-17, para 7-1) 6. Serve as staff member for a RSC or NSC The following are additional tests that are available outside of PD and promoting requirements - anything marked with an * means it is required. Iowa Wing Professional Development Guide Last updated: 5 Apr 11 Emergency Services related: CAPT 116 CAPT 117 parts I, II & III FEMA IS 100, 200, 700 & 800 SET *Aircraft Ground Handling -> log in to e-Services -> under Utilities, click on CAP Multimedia -> Video Courses -> under Video Options, select "View." to watch the video. Once you've watched it, click on the "take test" button to complete the 10-question test. -> once done, under Video Options select Download Certificate -> please send a copy of the PDF to your squadron Personnel Officer so the can file it in your records. Safety: *Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Operational Risk Management (ORM) Additional Safety education tests -> Found in eServices Under: CAP Utilities/Online Safety Education Aerospace Education related: The Yeager Award Wing Runner Iowa Wing Professional Development Guide Last updated: 5 Apr 11