Formal Modeling and Analysis of a Flash Filesystem in Alloy

Formal Modeling and Analysis of
a Flash Filesystem in Alloy
Eunsuk Kang
TDS Seminar, Mar. 14, 2008
What is flash memory?
Non-volatile, high-performance storage
Applications: MP3 players, laptop
drives, digital cameras, etc.
NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit
On-board flash memory to store scientific data
Flash anomaly on Spirit
System failure18 days after landing
Loss of communication with Earth, stuck
in “reboot” loop
Cause: Flaw in the flash filesystem
Cost: 10 days of lost scientific activity
Testing for unanticipated?
Out of free space, but still attempted to
service file operations
“There was a belief among the FSW
development team that the system
would not exhibit the behavior that is the
root cause of the anomaly…” [Reeves,
Testing is essential, but is it enough?
Answer: Formal methods?
Allows exhaustive analysis
BUT: Verifying a poorly designed piece
of code in an after-the-fact, ad hoc
manner is impractical
Apply formal methods early, get the
design right
Grand Challenge in Verification
Long term
“Build a verifying compiler” – Tony Hoare
Short term
“Build a verified flash filesystem” – Joshi &
Holzmann (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
In this talk
“Build a verified design for a flash filesystem”
What is POSIX?
 IEEE standard for filesystem operations
 Adopted by UNIX, Mac OS X, etc.
 Reference model for the flash filesystem
 Function signatures & behaviors
e.g. write(fildes, *buf, nbyte, offset)
“The write() function shall attempt to write nbyte
bytes from the buffer pointed to by buf to the file
associated with the open file descriptor, fildes.”
POSIX filesystem in Alloy
First-order relational logic + transitive closure
sig Data {}
sig FID {}
// data element
// file identifier
sig File {
contents : seq Data
sig AbsFsys {
fileMap : FID -> lone File
// abstract filesystem
// “lone” means one or zero
Abstract read operation
fun readAbs [fsys: AbsFsys, fid: FID, offset, size: Int] : seq Data {
let file = fsys.fileMap[fid] |
(file.contents).subseq[offset, offset + size – 1]
// simulation
run {
some fsys : AbsFsys,
fid : FID, output : seq Data |
output = readAbs[fsys, fid, 1, 3]
} for 3
Abstract write operation
pred writeAbs[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, fid : FID, buffer : seq Data,
offset, size : Int] {
let file = fsys.fileMap[fid], file’ = fsys’.fileMap[fid],
buffer’ = buffer.subseq[0, size – 1] {
(#buffer’ = 0) => file’ = file
// case 1
(#buffer’ != 0) =>
// case 2 & 3
file’.contents = (zeros[offset] ++ file.contents) ++ shift[buffer’, offset]
writePromote[fsys, fsys’, file, file’, fid]
} } }
// promotion
pred writePromote[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, file, file’ : File, fid : FID] {
fsys’.fileMap = fsys.fileMap ++ (fid -> file’)
Alloy is pure logic
 No built-in syntax/semantics for state machines
 Transition as an explicit constraint between two states
pred writeAbs[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, fid : FID, buffer : seq Data,
offset, size : Int] {
let file = fsys.fileMap[fid], file’ = fsys’.fileMap[fid],
buffer’ = buffer.subseq[0, size – 1] {
(#buffer’ = 0) => file’ = file
// case 1
(#buffer’ != 0) =>
// case 2 & 3
file’.contents = (zeros[offset] ++ file.contents) ++ shift[buffer’, offset]
writePromote[fsys, fsys’, file, file’, fid]
} } }
// promotion
pred writePromote[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, file, file’ : File, fid : FID] {
fsys’.fileMap = fsys.fileMap ++ (fid -> file’)
Abstract write operation: Case 1
 Input buffer is empty; no changes to the file
pred writeAbs[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, fid : FID, buffer : seq Data,
offset, size : Int] {
let file = fsys.fileMap[fid], file’ = fsys’.fileMap[fid],
buffer’ = buffer.subseq[0, size – 1] {
(#buffer’ = 0) => file’ = file
// case 1
(#buffer’ != 0) =>
// case 2 & 3
file’.contents = (zeros[offset] ++ file.contents) ++ shift[buffer’, offset]
writePromote[fsys, fsys’, file, file’, fid]
} } }
// promotion
pred writePromote[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, file, file’ : File, fid : FID] {
fsys’.fileMap = fsys.fileMap ++ (fid -> file’)
Abstract write operation: Case 2
 Offset is within the file
 Shift buffer by offset & override existing data
pred writeAbs[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, fid : FID, buffer : seq Data,
offset, size : Int] {
let file = fsys.fileMap[fid], file’ = fsys’.fileMap[fid],
buffer’ = buffer.subseq[0, size – 1] {
(#buffer’ = 0) => file’ = file
// case 1
(#buffer’ != 0) =>
// case 2 & 3
file’.contents = (zeros[offset] ++ file.contents) ++ shift[buffer’, offset]
writePromote[fsys, fsys’, file, file’, fid]
} } }
// promotion
pred writePromote[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, file, file’ : File, fid : FID] {
fsys’.fileMap = fsys.fileMap ++ (fid -> file’)
Abstract write operation: Case 3
 Offset is after the end of the file
 Fill in the gap with zeros
pred writeAbs[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, fid : FID, buffer : seq Data,
offset, size : Int] {
let file = fsys.fileMap[fid], file’ = fsys’.fileMap[fid],
buffer’ = buffer.subseq[0, size – 1] {
(#buffer’ = 0) => file’ = file
// case 1
(#buffer’ != 0) =>
// case 2 & 3
file’.contents = (zeros[offset] ++ file.contents) ++ shift[buffer’, offset]
writePromote[fsys, fsys’, file, file’, fid]
} } }
// promotion
pred writePromote[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, file, file’ : File, fid : FID] {
fsys’.fileMap = fsys.fileMap ++ (fid -> file’)
 A style of modeling changes in system state
 Ensure all other files remain unchanged
pred writeAbs[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, fid : FID, buffer : seq Data,
offset, size : Int] {
let file = fsys.fileMap[fid], file’ = fsys’.fileMap[fid],
buffer’ = buffer.subseq[0, size – 1] {
(#buffer’ = 0) => file’ = file
// case 1
(#buffer’ != 0) =>
// case 2 & 3
file’.contents = (zeros[offset] ++ file.contents) ++ shift[buffer’, offset]
writePromote[fsys, fsys’, file, file’, fid]
} } }
// promotion
pred writePromote[fsys, fsys’ : AbsFsys, file, file’ : File, fid : FID] {
fsys’.fileMap = fsys.fileMap ++ (fid -> file’)
What makes flash special?
Two types: NOR and NAND
Program (i.e. write) at the page level,
erase at the block level
Must erase before programming
Block can be erased only a limited
number of times (need wear-leveling)
Modeling memory hierarchy
sig Page { data : seq Data } { #data = PAGE_SIZE }
sig Block { pages : seq Page } { #pages = BLOCK_SIZE }
sig LUN { blocks : seq Block } { #blocks = LUN_SIZE }
sig Device {
LUNs : seq LUN
// simulation with constraints
run {
some Device
} for 4
Addressing mode
Row & column addresses:
sig RowAddr { // used to access a page
lunIndex : Int
blockIndex : Int
pageIndex : Int
A column address is an Int, and
identifies a data element in a page
rowAddr.lunIndex = 0
rowAddr.blockIndex = 1
rowAddr. pageIndex = 1
columnAddr = 1
Page status & data structures
 Each page is associated with its current status
abstract sig PageStatus {}
one sig Free,
Invalid extends PageStatus {}
 Auxiliary data structures*
sig Device {
LUNs : seq LUN,
pageStatusMap : RowAddr -> one PageStatus,
eraseCountMap : RowAddr -> one Int,
// wear-leveling
reserveBlock : RowAddr
// garbage collection
(* disclaimers)
Flash API functions
// reads data from page, starting at “colAddr”
fun read[d : Device, colAddr : Int, rowAddr : RowAddr] : seq Data { … }
// program data into page & set page status to “Allocated”
pred program[d, d’ : Device, colAddr : Int, rowAddr : RowAddr,
data : seq Data] { … }
// erase data in block & increase its erase count, and set status of
every page in block to “Free”
pred erase[d, d’ : Device, rowAddr : RowAddr] { … }
Abstract vs. concrete filesystem
Concrete filesystem in Alloy
sig Inode { blockList : seq VBlock }
sig VBlock {} // virtual block
sig ConcFsys {
inodeMap : FID -> lone Inode
blockMap : VBlock one -> one RowAddr
Concrete read operation (snippet)
pred readConc[fsys : ConcFsys, d : Device,
fid : FID, offset, size : Int, buffer : seq Data] {
all i : blocksToRead.inds {
let vblock = blocksToRead[i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
from = PAGE_SIZE*i,
to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1 |
buffer.subseq[from, to] = read[d, 0, rowAddr] }
State of a flash filesystem
 State is represented by a pair (ConcFsys, Device)
pred readConc[fsys : ConcFsys, d : Device,
fid : FID, offset, size : Int, buffer : seq Data] {
all i : blocksToRead.inds {
let vblock = blocksToRead[i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
from = PAGE_SIZE*i,
to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1 |
buffer.subseq[from, to] = read[d, 0, rowAddr] }
Read operation animated
Initially, buffer is empty
Read operation animated
Read operation animated
Read operation animated
Three calls to flash read in total
Concrete read operation: Step 1
 Extract blocks to read from inode using offset & size
pred readConc[fsys : ConcFsys, d : Device,
fid : FID, offset, size : Int, buffer : seq Data] {
all i : blocksToRead.inds {
let vblock = blocksToRead[i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
from = PAGE_SIZE*i,
to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1 |
buffer.subseq[from, to] = read[d, 0, rowAddr] }
Concrete read operation: Step 2
 Consider each index i in blocksToRead
pred readConc[fsys : ConcFsys, d : Device,
fid : FID, offset, size : Int, buffer : seq Data] {
all i : blocksToRead.inds {
let vblock = blocksToRead[i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
from = PAGE_SIZE*i,
to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1 |
buffer.subseq[from, to] = read[d, 0, rowAddr] }
Concrete read operation: Step 3
 Retrieve the address of page for ith virtual block
pred readConc[fsys : ConcFsys, d : Device,
fid : FID, offset, size : Int, buffer : seq Data] {
all i : blocksToRead.inds {
let vblock = blocksToRead[i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
from = PAGE_SIZE*i,
to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1 |
buffer.subseq[from, to] = read[d, 0, rowAddr] }
Concrete read operation: Step 4
 Calculate indices for current buffer slot
pred readConc[fsys : ConcFsys, d : Device,
fid : FID, offset, size : Int, buffer : seq Data] {
all i : blocksToRead.inds {
let vblock = blocksToRead[i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
from = PAGE_SIZE*i,
to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1 |
buffer.subseq[from, to] = read[d, 0, rowAddr] }
Concrete read operation: Step 5
 Execute the flash API function, read
pred readConc[fsys : ConcFsys, d : Device,
fid : FID, offset, size : Int, buffer : seq Data] {
all i : blocksToRead.inds {
let vblock = blocksToRead[i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
from = PAGE_SIZE*i,
to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1 |
buffer.subseq[from, to] = read[d, 0, rowAddr] }
Wear-leveling example
Client sends a write request to overwrite data in VBlk1
with 0110
Simple approach: Erase Block2 & program Page5
Non-wear-leveling approach: Step 1
Client sends a write request to overwrite data in VBlk1
with 0110
Step 1: Erase Block2
Non-wear-leveling approach: Step 2
Client sends a write request to overwrite data in VBlk1
with 0110
Step 2: Program 0110 into Page5 - Done.
Why wear-level?
What’s wrong with a simple approach?
1. Frequent requests on VBlk1: Block2 wears out quickly
2. H/W failure: Original data in Page5 is lost
Wear-leveling approach
Client sends a write request to overwrite data in VBlk1 with
Wear-leveling approach: Search for a free page & program
Wear-leveling approach: Step 1
Client sends a write request to overwrite data in VBlk1 with
Step 1: Program 0110 into a free page, Page3
Wear-leveling approach: Step 2
Client sends a write request to overwrite data in VBlk1 with
Step 2: Invalidate Page5 & validate Page3
Wear-leveling approach: Step 3
Client sends a write request to overwrite data in VBlk1 with
Step 3: Update blockMap
Erase unit reclamation
(garbage collection)
Erase-unit reclamation example
Client sends a write request to append 0101 at the end of
the inode
Problem: Flash is out of free pages (besides reserved ones)
Erase-unit reclamation: Step 1
Client sends a write request to append 0101 at the end of
the inode
Step 1: Pick a dirty block with the least erase count
Erase-unit reclamation: Step 2
Client sends a write request to append 0101 at the end of
the inode
Step 2: Relocate valid data to reserveBlock
Erase-unit reclamation: Step 3
Client sends a write request to append 0101 at the end of
the inode
Step 3: Invalidate/validate pages & update blockMap
Erase-unit reclamation: Step 4
Client sends a write request to append 0101 at the end of
the inode
Step 4: Erase Block2 & set it as the new reserveBlock
Erase-unit reclamation complete
Client sends a write request to append 0101 at the end of
the inode
Complete: Page0 in Block0 is now free and available for use
Concrete write operation
Concrete write operation
 Transition between two pairs (fsys, d) and (fsys’, d’)
pred writeConc[fsys, fsys’ : ConcFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int] { … }
Flash API program is a
single-step transition
between two device states
Write operation: Phase 1
 Partition input buffer into N fragments & program them
1. Introduce an intermediate device, interDev
2. Create a sequence of states between d and interDev using
seq Device
3. Constrain the sequence
pred stateSeqConds[init, final : Device, stateSeq : seq Device, length : Int] {
stateSeq.first = init
stateSeq.last = final
#stateSeq = length + 1
4. Program fragments one by one
Write operation: Phase 1.1
 Introduce & constrain intermediate device states
pred writeConc[fsys, fsys’ : ConcFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int] {
some stateSeq : seq Device, interDev : Device {
stateSeqConds[d, interDev, stateSeq, numBlocksToProgram]
all i : stateSeq.butlast.inds {
let from = PAGE_SIZE * i, to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1,
dataFragment = buffer.subseq[from, to],
vblock = inode.blockList[startBlkIndex + i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
preState = stateSeq[i], postState = stateSeq[i + 1] |
programPage[preState, postState, rowAddr, dataFragment]
Write operation: Phase 1.2
 For each sequence index i, extract a data fragment
from buffer
pred writeConc[fsys, fsys’ : ConcFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int] {
some stateSeq : seq Device, interDev : Device {
stateSeqConds[d, interDev, stateSeq, numBlocksToProgram]
all i : stateSeq.butlast.inds {
let from = PAGE_SIZE * i, to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1,
dataFragment = buffer.subseq[from, to],
vblock = inode.blockList[startBlkIndex + i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
preState = stateSeq[i], postState = stateSeq[i + 1] |
programPage[preState, postState, rowAddr, dataFragment]
Write operation: Phase 1.3
 Retrieve the address of page for ith virtual block
(could be empty)
pred writeConc[fsys, fsys’ : ConcFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int] {
some stateSeq : seq Device, interDev : Device {
stateSeqConds[d, interDev, stateSeq, numBlocksToProgram]
all i : stateSeq.butlast.inds {
let from = PAGE_SIZE * i, to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1,
dataFragment = buffer.subseq[from, to],
vblock = inode.blockList[startBlkIndex + i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
preState = stateSeq[i], postState = stateSeq[i + 1] |
programPage[preState, postState, rowAddr dataFragment]
Write operation: Phase 1.4
 Retrieve the current pair of pre- and post- states
pred writeConc[fsys, fsys’ : ConcFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int] {
some stateSeq : seq Device, interDev : Device {
stateSeqConds[d, interDev, stateSeq, numBlocksToProgram]
all i : stateSeq.butlast.inds {
let from = PAGE_SIZE * i, to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1,
dataFragment = buffer.subseq[from, to],
vblock = inode.blockList[startBlkIndex + i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
preState = stateSeq[i], postState = stateSeq[i + 1] |
programPage[preState, postState, rowAddr, dataFragment]
Write operation: Phase 1.5
 Program data fragment into page at rowAddr
pred writeConc[fsys, fsys’ : ConcFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int] {
some stateSeq : seq Device, interDev : Device {
stateSeqConds[d, interDev, stateSeq, numBlocksToProgram]
all i : stateSeq.butlast.inds {
let from = PAGE_SIZE * i, to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1,
dataFragment = buffer.subseq[from, to],
vblock = inode.blockList[startBlkIndex + i],
rowAddr = fsys.blockMap[vblock],
preState = stateSeq[i], postState = stateSeq[i + 1] |
programPage[preState, postState, rowAddr, dataFragment]
Write operation: Phase 2
 Invalidate obsolete pages & validate all allocated
pages by updating interDev.pageStatusMap
pred writeConc[fsys, fsys’ : ConcFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int] {
some stateSeq : seq Device, interDev : Device {
updatePageStatus[interDev, d’]
updateFilesystemInfo[fsys, fsys’]
Write operation: Phase 3
 Update filesystem information (blockMap & inode.blockList)
pred writeConc[fsys, fsys’ : ConcFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int] {
some stateSeq : seq Device, interDev : Device {
updatePageStatus[interDev, d’]
updateFilesystemInfo[fsys, fsys’]
Fault Tolerance
Fault Tolerance
What happens when H/W loses power in the
middle of a write operation?:
 On recovery, the filesystem must be in a state as if:
1. the operation has never begun, or
2. the operation has successfully completed
 Power loss may occur either in Phase 1 or Phase 2
Phase 1 crash
At the time of failure, one or more pages programmed &
status set to Allocated.
Recovery: Invalidate every allocated page
Recovery from Phase 1 crash
After recovery, the filesystem is in the original state (but
has extra invalid pages)
Phase 2 crash
At the time of failure:
1. some/all obsolete pages have been invalidated
2. all obsolete pages have been invalidated, and some
allocated pages have been validated
Recovery: Complete the rest of Phase 2 & Phase 3
Recovery from Phase 2
After recovery, the inode contains the new data as
expected by the caller of writeConc
Refinement: Trace inclusion
Does the concrete filesystem conform
to the abstract filesystem?
Abstract function
pred alpha[asys : AbsFsys, csys : ConcFsys, d : Device] {
all fid : FID |
let file = asys.fileMap[fid], inode = csys.inodeMap[fid],
vblocks = inode.blockList {
#file.contents = #vblocks * PAGE_SIZE
(all i : vblocks.inds |
let vblock = vblocks[i],
from = i * PAGE_SIZE, to = from + PAGE_SIZE – 1,
absDataFrag = file.contents.subseq[from, to],
concDataFrag = findPageData[vblock, csys, d] |
absDataFrag = concDataFrag)
Write refinement
assert WriteRefinement {
all csys, csys’ : ConcFsys, asys, asys’ : AbsFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int |
concInvariant[csys, d] and
writeConc[csys, csys’, d, d’, fid, buffer, offset, size] and
alpha[asys, csys, d] and
alpha[asys’, csys’, d’]
writeAbs[asys, asys’, fid, buffer, offset, size]
State invariant
assert WriteRefinement {
all csys, csys’ : ConcFsys, asys, asys’ : AbsFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int |
concInvariant[csys, d] and
writeConc[csys, csys’, d, d’, fid, buffer, offset, size] and
alpha[asys, csys, d] and
alpha[asys’, csys’, d’]
writeAbs[asys, asys’, fid, buffer, offset, size]
e.g. All pages within an inode have a valid status
all inode : FID.(csys.inodeMap) |
all rowAddr : csys.blockMap[inode.blockList.elems] |
d.pageStatusMap[rowAddr] = Valid
Write refinement
assert WriteRefinement {
all csys, csys’ : ConcFsys, asys, asys’ : AbsFsys, d, d’ : Device,
fid : FID, buffer : seq Data, offset, size : Int |
concInvariant[csys, d] and
writeConc[csys, csys’, d, d’, fid, buffer, offset, size] and
alpha[asys, csys, d] and
alpha[asys’, csys’, d’]
writeAbs[asys, asys’, fid, buffer, offset, size]
Analysis results
 A scope of 5 for each domain
 6 pages, each with 4 data elements
 Incremental modeling & analysis
 Found over 20 bugs over development
 Final version returned no counterexample,
approximately 8 hours to check
 Final version returned no counterexample,
approximately 45 minutes to check
Discussion & future work
On analysis:
 Our filesystem is small, but still found bugs
 Many bugs occur in “boundary” cases, involving a
small number of components
 Scientific argument for confidence?
On the Alloy language:
 Explicitly modeling state transitions – need better
Future work
On filesystem:
 Extended functionality (directories, etc.)
 Revisiting assumptions about flash H/W
 A wider variety of fault tolerance mechanisms
 Concurrency
On Alloy:
 Syntax/semantics for imperative statements
 Scalability
 Proof