Mass Intentions SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2016 5:00 pm +Betty Skok, Req. Agnes Switaj +Jim Ford, Req. Maureen & Rich Weber +Hazel Acquavella, Req. Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2016 7:00 am +Lucila Rodriguez, Req. Rafael Casanova +Francis J. McGrath, Req. Betty +Jim Ford, Req. Family 8:30 am +Andrea Ragan, Req. Ralph & Angie Marino +Ernest Kenney, Jr., Req. Foster Family +Betty Griffin, Req. Ellen Gallagher 10:00 am +Despina Leos, Req. Margaret & Paul Rockwell +Mary Tully, Req. Rita Sharkey +Michael Madden, Req. Kelly Family 11:30 am +Robert Notine, Req. SRGS Boys JV Basketball Team +Martin Kingman, Jr. Req. Family +Michael Balesterri, Req. Lynn & Carl Voorhees +Angelo L. Moliterno, Req. Yonelunas Family 5:00 pm Pro Populo MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2016 6:45 am +Albert & Catherine Gathman, Req. Family 9:00 am Intention Marianne Maddocks, Req. Joann & Carol +Carmella Cusumano, St. Rose Parish TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2016 6:45 am +Eleanor Barrow Schoch, Req. Ryan Family 9:00 am +Kathy Colasanti, Req. Durkin Family +Eileen Barry, 2nd Anniversary, Req. Family +Caroline DelBagno, 4th Anniversary, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016 6:45 am +Albert & Catherine Gathman, Req. Family 9:00 am Intention of Dr. Tom Rugino, Req. Ayers Family Intention of Rick Peters, Req. Dick & Suzanne Peters Intention of Phyllis Sexton THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 6:45 am +Michael Davis, Req. Kain Family 9:00 am +Bertran & Veronica Steel, Req. Son & Daughter +Tom Smyth, Req. Patricia Provenzano Intention of Jo Ann Maier, Req. Dick & Suzanne Peters 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2016 6:45 am +Albert & Catherine Gathman, Req. Family 9:00 am +Rocco Salvatoriello, Req. SRGSPTA +John Ferry, Req. Mrs. Burns & Class 3-A +Robert Notine, Req. SRGSPTA SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 2016 7:45 am +Andrea Ragan, Req. Barbara Russian +Michael Balesterri, Req. Bill & Jean Roberts +James Brandon, Req. McBride Family 10:00 am St. Patrick’s Investiture Mass 5:00 pm Pro Populo Your Sacrificial Offerings Last Week Number of registered families 2,490 Number of envelopes mailed 1,728 # of envelopes & ParishPay used 549 Average envelope & ParishPay donation $ 27.50 Total Weekend collection $ 15,189 Last year’s weekend collection $13,942 THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU or your contributions and continued support of our parish! Please consider remembering your parish Church of Saint Rose in your last will and testament by a Bequest to the Church of Saint Rose. This is how you might include The Church of Saint Rose in your will: "I give, devise, and bequeath to The Church of Saint Rose, Belmar, New Jersey, the sum of $________(or ___percent of my estate to be used by its trustees in carrying out its corporate objectives and purposes." Saint Rose Church and Schools, Belmar, New Jersey Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Arnister, Pastor Rev. Walter Quiceno, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. Cajetan Salemi, weekend assistant Rectory & Parish Office, 603 Seventh Avenue Office Hours: Monday – Friday - 9:30 am – 4:00 pm (Closed on Holy Days and Legal Holidays) Phone: 732-681-0512 Fax: 732-280-3107 Email: Website: Pastoral Associate for Catechesis Sr. Donna D’Alia, R.S.M., Ext.419 Deacons: Normand C. Bailey, Retired; Eugene G. Malhame, Jr., Ext. 423; Richard Weber, Ext. 491 and Eugene Genovese, Ext. 490 Director of Music: Elizabeth Hartnett, Ext. 420 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 am; & 5:00 pm. Saturday: 7:45 am & 5:00 pm Vigil. Weekdays: 6:45 am & 9:00 am. Confessions: Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 pm (or by appointment) Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament: Is held on Monday evenings from 7 to 8 pm in the church Mass Intentions SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2016 7:00 am +William Dahrouge, Req. Ed & Patricia Windas +Tom Cahill, Req. McBride Family +Jim Ford, Req. Family 8:30 am +Barbara Van Vorys, Req. Ellen & Brian Gallagher +Rocco Salvatoriello, Req. SRGS Faculty & Staff +Barbara Van Vorys, Req. Ellen & Brian Gallagher +Andrea Ragan, Req. John & Carol Prorok 10:00 am +Julia Erb, Req. Margaret & Paul Rockwell +David Wood, 3rd Anniversary, Req. Family +Colleen Graney, Req. Molloy Family 11:30 am +Mary Tully, Req. Kathy Alexander +Richard Calascibett, Req. Wife +Michael Slocum, Req. Catherine Crowley 5:00 pm +Loretta Cesare, Req. Family +Bertran & Veronica Steel, Req. Son & Daughter Intention of Men’s Cornerstone Group WEEKLY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday St. Rose, Belmar 7 – 8 pm Wednesday St. Catharine, 8:30 am – 4pm Spring Lake Thursday St. Elizabeth, Avon 8:30 – 9:30 am Thursday Holy Innocents, 9:30am -9:00 pm Neptune First Friday Holy Innocents, 9:30 am-2 pm Neptune Friday St. Mark, Sea Girt 11:30 am – 4 pm FOOD PANTRY NEXT SUNDAY is food collection Sunday for the hungry of our community. Most needed are canned meats and tuna, dry milk or Parmalat, tomato sauce, crackers, soap, detergent, tea, coffee, sugar, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, canned juice, canned vegetables, pasta and canned spaghetti with meat. Please bring your items to the E Street entrance of our Church (East entrance). Thank you for your generosity! The Belmar Food Pantry would like to thank all the parishioners of St. Rose for their continued generous support of the food pantry. We would like to especially thank the students of St. Rose Grammar School for their Souper Bowl collection and donation. Notes from the Pastor Dear Parish Family, Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! “But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!” Who wants to repent? Who wants to change habits, make sacrifices, or chart a more challenging course? Repentance isn’t the easy road. Perhaps that’s why Jesus had to speak with such boldness in today’s Gospel. Repent, or perish. Not what we like to hear. Not what we like to do. But we would be foolish not to listen. The entire Gospel message is certainly one of mercy and compassion. Jesus was the first to show forgiveness to sinners, and he always called others to do the same. He suffered and died so that we wouldn’t have to suffer eternal death. But the fact remains that we can still choose to “perish”, to stay rooted in our favorite sins and to cling tightly to the comfortable vices that stifle a virtuous life. But Jesus urges us to change so that we can enjoy the eternal benefits of his mercy. Lent is a time especially built for repentance. These forty days are a response to Christ’s stern warning that we need to repent in order to save our souls. Let’s not pretend to be exempt from the message. Lent is meant for all of us. ___________________________ Faith to Move Mountains. Again, I am extremely humbled and grateful for all those parishioners who responded to last weekend’s Commitment Weekend for Faith to Move Mountains! I thank you for your kind attention to my message and its importance. Ro ask parishioners to support a diocesan-wide campaign is not an easy task for any pastor but our Bishop has entrusted to the pastors of the diocese the importance of this endowment initiative to ensure that the Catholic faith continues to grow in the future. We have a responsibility as administrators to invite people to stewardship of the gifts that God has given to us. Besides the diocesan case statement that was presented to you in the mailing you received and from what you heard on the Bishop’s video a couple of weeks ago, our parish has four specific needs or projects that we want to address with the 30% we will receive from whatever is pledged and 70% when we go over our target. Whatever sacrificial gift you gave or will consider in the days ahead is greatly appreciated. And please remember that there was a third box to check off on the pledge card and that is the prayers you were offering for the success of Faith to Move Mountains. If all you can do is pray for us, that is an integral part of the campaign. Again, thank you to everyone who returned a pledge card. If you still are praying about your sacrificial gift, pledge cards are available at all the entrances as well as at the parish center. Hopefully, I will have some pledge numbers for you at the announcements this weekend! May God bless your generosity and stewardship! First Friday of the Month. This week features the First Friday of the month and our school children will be attending the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Friday, March 4th. Please join us if you can. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed at 3:00 p.m. (every Friday throughout the year), and Stations of the Cross will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. Investiture Mass for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be held on Saturday, March 5th at 10:00 a.m. We welcome all those who will be attending and all guests who come near and far to this annual event here in Belmar. A thousand welcomes! I will be presiding at the Mass, and Fr. Brian Woodrow, former parochial vicar at St. Rose and now pastor of St. John’s Parish in Allentown, NJ, will be homilist. Those to be invested will be Grand Marshal, Bobby Byrne and Deputy Grand Marshal, Martha Ann Mc Donough Finan. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade follows on Sunday, March 6th (rain or shine!)….so hope to see many of you there as we get all decked out in our festive green outfits and regalia! I always enjoy marching with our grammar and high school students. Reflection for the Jubilee of Mercy: “Christ knows how fragile and sinful we are. He knows the weakness of our hearts; He sees it wounded by the evil we have committed and right away. He knows how much we need forgiveness, He knows that we must feel loved and do good. Alone we are not capable: therefore, the Apostle does not tell us to do something, but to allow ourselves to be reconciled by God, to permit Him to forgive us, with trust, because ‘God is greater than our hearts.” (1 John 3:20). He defeats sin and lifts us from our miseries, if we entrust ourselves to Him. It is for us to acknowledge ourselves in need of mercy: it is the first step of the Christian journey: it is about entering through the door that is Christ, where He Himself, the Savior, awaits us and offers us a new and joyful life. (Pope Francis, homily on Ash Wednesday). Let us pray for one another during our Lenten journey. May God bless you and keep you always in His Love! Joyfully in the Lord Be sure to check out Fr. Ed’s blog each week at: Www. PALM SUNDAY is March 20th and the beginning of Holy Week. Masses on Palm Sunday follow the regular schedule: 5:00 Saturday Vigil (We invite you to please gather outside of church before this Mass for the blessing of palms and procession into church). On Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am and 5:00 pm. MONDAY, MARCH 21st. Confessions will be heard during the Holy Hour from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. (This is the last opportunity for confession before Easter). HOLY THURSDAY, MARCH 22ND: Morning Prayer at 9:00 a.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 p.m. (There is no morning Mass so we encourage you to attend the Evening Mass and procession, the beginning of the Sacred Triduum). The Church will be open for Adoration at the Repository until 10:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH: Morning Prayer at 9:00 a.m. Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion at 3:00 pm. Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. HOLY SATURDAY, MARCH 26TH. Morning Prayer at 9:00 a.m. Blessing of Easter food at 12:00 Noon. (Please bring your Easter baskets to church and place them on the altar rail…children are also invited to bring their baskets too!). Easter Vigil Services and Mass Services and Mass at 7:00 p.m. (Please gather outside of church before Mass for the blessing of the new fire and the Easter candle followed by a procession into church). The Easter Vigil Services and Mass is different from a usual Saturday night vigil Mass. It is not recommended to bring children because the Mass it is a little longer. ) EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 27TH. Mass at 7, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 a.m. There is no 5:00 p.m. Mass. The Rosary is recited Weekday mornings, before the 9 am Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed in St. Rose Church every Friday at 3:00 p.m “Visit the Sick” Easter is early this year! Our parishes have many sick and infirm particularly the elderly who are unable to get out of the house and whose family may live a distance from them. Bring them “new life!” Consider making a special “visit” to them (a card made by the children letting them know someone is thinking of them, a phone call, checking to see if they need anything at the store or listening to them tell a story from their past.) Visit the sick in this Year of Mercy. WEEKDAY READINGS Third Sunday of Lent Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11:14-23 First Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Mk 12:28-34 First Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14 BAPTISMS: In March please welcome and pray for all those joining St. Rose Parish through the Sacrament of Baptism: Isla Grace Ritchie, Kayla Rose Demko, Penny Joy DiPietro, Robert Edward Sykes and Frances Rose Calabrese. LITTLE ANGELS LITURGY OF THE WORD The Little Angels Liturgy of the Word is every FIRST Sunday of the month at the 10:00 Mass for children ages 4-7. The children are dismissed after the opening prayer and return during the offertory. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus Msgr. Thomas U. Reilly Council 5611 meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in St. Rose Parish Center. All Catholic gentlemen 18 years of age or older are welcome to join. LIKE us on FACEBOOK at: or follow us on HEALTHCARE MINISTRY The Healthcare Ministry consists of Registered Nurses and other healthcare professionals within the parish. These professionals will volunteer their expertise as health and wellness educators, advocates and referral agents. The Healthcare Ministry program is modeled after the Healing Mission of Jesus which connects Faith with Healing. For more into contact: Mary Jo Kundrats R.N. at the Parish Office 732-681-0512. LEGION OF MARY Please join us! We gather at the Parish Center Library on Tuesdays from 9-10:30. Come pray to our Blessed Mother and find fellowship and refreshment. You can also call us at (732) 681-0374 and we can visit you. We have a traveling statue of the Blessed Mother and if anyone is interested in keeping the statue for a week contact the Parish Office and we will make arrangements to bring it to church. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Unwrap Your Christmas Gift at! Adult and Family Religious Education: Check out for the latest Catholic DVDs, Videos, Movies on the Saints, eBooks. Can be used on Computer’s, Ipads or Tablets, Smartphones and TVs, These resources will refresh, teach and renew your Catholic faith in an engaging way. Our Parish code is RWX934. Subscription for this “Catholic Netflix” extends until July. Like what you see? Consider a donation to extend this for the entire parish. Respect Life Ministry "Mary's Child Pro-Life Ministry of six shore parishes will meet at St. Catharine's convent in Spring Lake on Wednesday, March 2, at 7:30 PM. New members are always most welcomed. For more information please contact Mary Reilly 732-685-6011 or your parish Respect Life rep. Thank you." 40 Days For Life from Feb. 10-March 20. Please consider volunteering to pray one hour a week outside of Planned Parenthood in Shrewsbury. For further information contact 732-610-7437, or your parish respect life representative. This peaceful and prayerful campaign has resulted in thousands of babies being saved from abortion. Thank you. MASS FOR LIFE MARCH 5, 2016 – SATURDAY AT ST. ANTHONY CHURCH IN RED BANK – 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. Anthony Church, 121 Bridge Avenue, Red Bank. Immediately after Mass, gather at the St. Anthony Parish Center for fellowship and light refreshments. The gathering will include brief talks on physician-assisted suicide with Patti Staley and “You Cannot be Replaced” with Chip and Melissa Dayton and the presentation of Respect Life Poster, Essay and Video awards. Let us join in prayer for all life, especially the unborn! For additional information, call 609-403-7192 or email DIOCESAN RESPECT LIFE WEBSITE– Please visit the Respect Life website of the Diocese of Trenton at You will obtain important information concerning respect life issues in our diocese and in our world. From Students for Life -Abolish Abortion!! There’s an App for That – Ever need a good Pro-Life Argument at your fingertips? Or what about awesome fetal development facts or photos? What if you need to find the closest Pregnancy Center? The Abolish Abortion app has everything you need at the touch of your fingertips. Check it out at the App Store. WELCOME TO HOLLAND by Emily Perl Kingsley c1987 I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this...... When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting. After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands, the stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland." You say "Holland?”What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy”. But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay. The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place. So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met. It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts. But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned” And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very, very significant loss. But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland. New Women’s Bible Study Fellowship Wednesdays, Jan. 27-Mar. 16th. The Study will be held from 10-11:30 am in the Parish Center. Please contact Sr. Donna - 732-681-0512 x419 or Sadie Tilton Becoming Catholic RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: This is a process through which adults seeking to join the Catholic Church become members. RCIA provides an opportunity to explore Catholic teaching and practice and discover for yourself if the Catholic Church is the “right place” for you. We generally meet on Wednesdays, 7-9 pm Sept. –Easter and some additional times. Contact: Sister Donna 732-681-0512 x419 or Missing Sacraments of Communion and/or Confirmation? There is a program for you intertwined with the RCIA. Contact: Sister Donna 732-681-0512 x419 or ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY The SVdP members will meet next on Tuesday, March 1st at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center. Everyone is welcome! Thank you for your selfless and extremely generous support over the years! Third Sunday of Lent: Lent is a call not just to “give up something” but more important to “give something for the poor.” Wherever you live in the parish, there are poor families within walking distance of your home. When in need, they ring the rectory bell. They are, in effect, ringing your doorbell. In the month of February, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to assist 32 families, providing $529 in food, $9,250 for utility and rent bills, etc. Thank You! Donate Your Vehicle to SVdP – Help Others When you donate a car to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Vehicle Donation Program, the money that is generated from vehicle donations in our community will come right back into us and help those in need.” Log onto to donate or call toll free (800) 3228284, we’ll have the vehicle picked up in 24 hours and fill out and send you the tax forms. SVdP CLUB FAITH: ATTENTION: ALL ASPIRING COOKS IN GRADES 6-8 AND HIGH SCHOOL!!! All students are welcome to join! We will be preparing meals at the Parish Center from 5-8 pm for those in need in our community. Middle School students (grades 6-8) will cook on 1st Fridays of each month. High School students will cook on the 3rd Fridays of each month. For more information, please contact Italia Testa at 732-604-9449. Service hours will be credited!!! Help us fill the freezer!! Selective Seconds . . . our high-quality, new and gently used furniture and home décor store located at 911 Main Street, Rear, Belmar; Phone: 732-894-9393. Open Thursday – Saturday, 11-5; Sunday, 12-4 FOR SALE: Barely used, GE smooth-top electric stove with double ovens, Kenmore Elite dishwasher, and Kenmore Elite built-in microwave all in black. “Like us” on Facebook to be one of the first to see new pieces delivered each week and to hear about our storewide sales events: ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES ~ ESOL St Rose offers Free English Classes to the community for adults 18 and older from 6:30 – 8:30 on Thursday evening in the Parish Center (rear door). All those who would like to learn to speak, read or write English are welcome. If you would be interested in English classes during the day please call Carmen Battend at 732 757 2905 or Suzanne Peters at 732 280 8055. La Parroquia de Santa Rosa sigue ofreciendo las clases de ingles basico para los que tienen mas de dieciocho anos de edad. Las clases tienen lugar los jueves por lanoche en el Centro de la Casa Parroquial. Cada clase dura dos horas. El centro esta al lado de la inglesia. Puede entrar por la puerta que esta al lado del estacionamient. Las clases empiezan a las 6:30 de la noche y terminan a las 8:30 de la noche. Los invitamos a venir con sus amigos y vecinos. Es gratis. Puede registrarce los jueves, hora de registracion y las clases es entre las 6:30 de la noche y 8:30 de la noche. Se estan interasados en clases los miercoles por el dia. Para mas informacion sobre las clases por favor comuniquese con: Carmen 732 757 2908 o Suzanne 732 280 8055. SAINT ROSE CHOIRS The ADULT CHOIR welcomes anyone of post-high school age and onward! Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the St. Rose Church choir loft. The adult choir supports congregational singing and participates at the 10:00am mass on Sundays, Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Holy Days of Obligation, and other various liturgies throughout the church year. A joy of singing to praise God during the celebration of the Eucharist is all that is required! The YOUTH CHOIR encourages Grades 6 through 12 to participate in serving in a ministry to the church. The Youth Choir participates in song throughout an entire liturgy, encouraging young people's involvement in prayer, spoken and sung. Rehearsals are held on Thursday’s from 5:00pm 6:00pm in the St. Rose Church choir loft. The choir participates at the 11:30am Sunday mass on the 2 nd & 4th Sunday of the month, Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday, and Confirmation. "Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth"! The CHILDREN'S CHOIR warmly invites Grades 2 through 5 to join in serving in a ministry to the church. The Children's Choir participates in song throughout an entire liturgy, encouraging young people's involvement in prayer, spoken and sung. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday's from 5:30pm 6:30pm in the St. Rose Church choir loft. The choir participates at the 11:30am Sunday mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday, and First Holy Communions. "O come, little children, come one and come all"! Do you love to sing and have considered joining the adult choir but cannot make rehearsals on Wednesday evenings? The FUNERAL CHOIR participates in song during funeral liturgies, offering comfort and support to the family and friends who have gathered to pray for their loved one. No rehearsals required! Have questions or need more information on how to join any of the above choirs? Please contact Elizabeth at: or at: 732.681.0512 ext. 420 or just come up to the choir loft after mass and introduce yourself! All are welcome! Knitting and Crocheting Group The “Knit Wits” meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 1 PM, in the Parish Center. We meet the 2 nd Tuesday of each month. The ladies have made many lapghans, hats for oncology patients, baby hats (given to the hospital nursery), baby blankets for the babies baptized at St. Rose, hats, mittens and baby sweaters for the Madonna House. Recently we have been making hats, scarves and mittens for the homeless. We are very grateful and thankful for all of the ladies who participate and are willing to share their time and talent for a worthy cause. However, we are always in need of more hands. Come join us for a couple of hours and let the nursing home residents, homeless, parish babies and the less fortunate know that someone cares and is praying for them with each stitch made. Y.A.R.N.-YOU ARE REALLY NEEDED! Call Eileen O’Connell at 732-280-2143 or Isabella Shannon at 732-681-5652 or just come, we have the yarn, needles and instruction books. ST. ROSE GRAMMAR SCHOOL Visit the St. Rose Grammar School Website at Saint Rose Grammar School, "our home away from home". At Saint Rose "Every Child is Known and Loved". St. Rose Grammar School . . . “Engaging Minds, Strengthening Faith.” Visit the grammar school on the web at or call the office at 732-681-5555. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY St. Rose Rosary Altar Society: Our next meeting will be held on Monday, March 21st in the Parish Center. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated, or patronized the annual Fish Dinner. Special thanks to the members of St. Vincent De Paul for their support. See you next year! Next Meeting: This Sunday, February 28th with recitation of the Rosary at 12:30 PM (after 11:30 Mass) and a meeting in the parish center afterwards. Please mark your calendars: Saturday April 9, 2016 12 PM – RAS Fashion Show and Gift Auction – Spring Lake Manor. Fashions by Zoe of Belmar. If you would like to donate a gift to the gift auction, please contact Mary Grace Pesce at GREG RYAN GROUPS Weekly Christian Meditation Group - Mondays, 7:007:45 pm. “[T]he challenge for us is not to reject the world nor to reject ourselves. The challenge is to learn to sacrifice. To sacrifice we offer something to God, and in the Jewish law it is the whole thing that was offered. It was called a holocaust. Nothing was kept back. Everything was given to God. That is what our meditation does to our life.” From John Main OSB, “The Accuracy of Sacrifice,” MOMENT OF CHRIST (New York: Continuum, 1998). You would be most welcome to join us. Information: 732-681-6238 | | Thomas Merton Discussion Group - St. Rose Parish Center, 7:00-8:00 pm. On March 16, we will discuss Merton’s He Is Risen! (Merton’s Easter Sunday Homily). You are welcome to take part in one or more of the discussions throughout the year, as your schedule permits. Questions or more information: 732-681-6238 | MERCY CLUB During this Year of Mercy, a group of first and second graders from St. Rose Grammar School and St. Rose Religious Education (CCD) have joined together to form the Mercy Club, a parish-based group dedicated to performing the 14 corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy. The Mercy Club invites you to join them at 5pm on Friday, February 26th at St. Rose Church for their second Work of Mercy: Praying for the Living and the Dead. Fr. Ed will lead the children in saying the Stations of the Cross, and then the children will enjoy some fun fellowship at Federico’s together with their families. Folks of all ages are welcome to participate in the Stations. If your child is interested in joining the Mercy Club, please contact Jean Reilly at Men’s Cornerstone Retreat Cornerstone II ("I Am the Bread of Life") was held here at St. Rose over February 19-20. A total of 36 men participated in Cornerstone II. The weekend retreat started Friday evening and wrapped up Saturday evening with a Mass in the Church at 8pm and a great reception afterward for participants, families and friends. Our sincerest thanks to Father Ed, the St. Rose staff (especially Charlie Kapighian) as well as Sister Kathy and Chuck Rutan from St. Rose High School. We must also tip our caps to Tom Dilberger who quietly got a lot of things done for our group behind the scenes. We are also proud to say Father Walter Quiceno was one of our new Cornerstone candidates, and thank him for his efforts through the weekend! Most of all we want to express our appreciation to the families of all 36 participants. SAINT ROSE HIGH SCHOOL St. Rose High School Alumni Association will host a St. Patrick’s Parade Watching Event on Sunday, March 6 2016, from 12:00-4 pm. Come out and watch the Belmar Parade with alumni, parents of alumni, current parents, family and friends from a heated tent at St. Rose High School, Main Street parking lot. Admission is free and for the 21+ crowd beer can be purchased. For more information contact Erin O’Brien 732-681-2858 or Spiritual Direction: Are you a person of prayer who is trying to live a good Christian life? Did you ever feel it would be nice to be able to share your journey with God with someone who could help guide you on that journey? Spiritual Direction could be the answer for you. My name is Sister Kathleen Boyle, SSJ, and I currently teach theology at St. Rose High School. I am also available to be a Spiritual Director. If you think you may be interested in spiritual direction, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss the possibility. I can be reached at St. Rose Convent, 732-681-1039 or my cell # 609-304-8045. SRHS Calendar Raffle: $3,000 in Prizes awarded, $150 minimum each pull. 9 chances to win on same ticket. $20 per chance. Drawing to be held every Wednesday; 3/9 through 5/25. Net proceeds to benefit the PTA. Winner need not be present. Cut out and use this form to order your raffle tickets until 3/8/16. Please make checks out to St. Rose High School and mail form and check to: SRHS PTA Raffles, 607 7th Ave., Belmar, NJ 07719 Name:________________________________________ Address:______________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone:_________________email:_________________ #of Tickets Requested_______Am’t $_______________ Enc. Questions: or 732-859-5037