Shriners Hospital for Children Liliane Asseraf-Pasin & Elaine Laflamme The McGill Educational Initiative on Interprofessional Collaboration: Partnership for Patient and Family Centered Practice Faculty of Medicine McGill University Overview Definitions Why Interprofessional Education? Literature Review (Freeth et al., 2005) How To? Discussion Definitions Multiprofessional Education: Is when members (or students) of two or more professions learn alongside one another: parallel rather than interactive learning. (Freeth et al., 2005) Students learn by tackling together a common problem, but from the perspective of their own discipline. (Areskog, 1994) Definitions Interprofessional Education: Learning arising from interaction between members (or students) of two or more professions. This may be a product of interprofessional education, happen spontaneously in the workplace, or in educational settings. (Freeth et al., 2005) Students from each profession look at the subject from the perspective of other professions as well as their own. (Harden, 1998) Interprofessional Patient-Centered Practice Active participation of different professional groups in decision making; delivery of patient & family-centered care Responsive to patient & family goals, opens mechanisms for continuous communication & fosters mutual respect among professionals The Nature of Collaboration Why Interprofessional Education? Mounting evidence that Collaborative Practice improves outcomes in a number of patient populations studied to date: Geriatrics, ER care for abused women, STD Screening, Adult Immunization, fractured hips and neonatal ICU care, depression care, and in simplifying medications (Zwarenstein et al., 2004) Why Interprofessional Education? Modify negative attitudes & perceptions (Carpenter, 1995) Remedy failures in trust & communication between professions (Carpenter, 1995) Reinforce collaborative competence (Barr, 1998) Secure collaboration implement policies (Department of Health, 2001) improve services (Wilcock and Headrick, 2000) effect change (Engel, 2000) Cope with problems that exceed the capacity of any one profession (Casto & Julia, 1994) Enhance job satisfaction & ease stress (Barr et al., 1998; McGrath, 1991) Create a more flexible workforce (Department of Health, 2000) (as cited in Barr, 2002) Why Interprofessional Education? Complexity of care Rising expectations Professional proliferation Students want to know Community based care Teamwork Interprofessional conflict New models of practice Legislation & redefinition of professional roles Effectiveness of interprofessional practice Literature Review Studies that EVALUATED Interprofessional Education: 10, 495 abstracts 884 papers 373 studies 107 “robust” evaluations = 3+ on quality criteria (Freeth et al., 2005) Literature Review Inclusion criteria for studies: Evaluation design was appropriate to the research aims/questions Selection of participants was based on clear criteria Validity & reliability or authenticity & trustworthiness well considered Results and context clearly described (Freeth et al., 2005) Literature Review Quality: reported information Clear rationale Good contextual information Sufficient information on sampling, ethics and possible bias Analysis described in sufficient detail (Freeth et al., 2005) Literature Review Profession Number of Studies Nurses 95 (89%) Doctors 88 (82%) Others (e.g. administrators, school teachers) 58 (54%) Social Workers 39 (36%) Allied Health Professionals (unspecified) 32 (30%) Occupational therapists 22 (21%) Physiotherapists 18 (17%) Psychologists 16 (15%) Pharmacists 13 (12%) Dentists 5 (5%) Midwives 6 (6%) (Freeth et al., 2005) Findings by Outcome – collapsed Education lead University Service Joint Total 1) Responses 26 + (4) 16 + (1) 0+ (3) 50 2a) Perceptions & attitudes 12 + (8) 9+ (2) 1+ (1) 32 2b) Knowledge & skills 27 + (2) 11 + (0) 0+ (0) 50 3) Behaviour 6+ (5) 12 + (1) 3+ (0) 26 4a) Practice 2+ (3) 31 + (6) 4+ (0) 46 4b) Patients 5+ (1) 14 + (8) 1+ (3) 32 Outcomes (Freeth et al., 2005) Literature Review Key messages with examples: Wide range of positive outcomes associated with IPE: Richardson, Montemuro, Cripps, Mohide, & Macpherson (1997) Mixed, neutral and negative reactions provide useful lessons Clinebell & Stecher (2003) McCallin (2001) (Freeth et al., 2005) Literature Review Key messages: High Profile Low Profile Work-Based Initiatives Team Development Undergraduate IPE University & Service Partnership In-service IPE Learning with Credit (Freeth et al., 2005) Effective Collaborative Interventions implemented in Pediatrics Purpose of Study Source To evaluate the frequency and referral patterns, need for continuing education, and information given to parents of children with cleft lip and palate by local primary care physicians. Grow, J. L. & Lehman, J.A., Jr. To assess the educational impact of a block rotation designed to familiarize pediatric residents with community resources for medically and developmentally complex children. Zenni, E.A., & Fiallos, Y. Cleft PalateCraniofacial Journal. 2002 Sep; 39(5):53540. (13 ref) Ambulatory Child Health. 1999; 5(2): 142-50. (11 ref) Intervention Particular aspects of care evaluated included protocols of care, information for parents, referral patterns, conferences attended, and literature read. Residents spent 4 weeks in a variety of community sites engaged in observational activities. Developed selfperceived increased knowledge of services available to children with special needs, and selfperceived increased ability to work with allied health professionals and to coordinate care for complex patients. Effective Collaborative Interventions implemented in Pediatrics Purpose of Study Source Intervention To describe the evaluation of an educational experience for thirdyear medical students concerning children with developmental disabilities, and parental psychosocial issues. Andrew, N.R., Siegel Students spent 2-4 h in a home B.S., Politch, L., & visit interviewing family Coulter D. members about their experiences with a child who Ambulatory Child had a developmental disability, Health. 1998; 4(3): & observed family interactions. 307-16. (19 ref) By following their patients from the time their patients were in the hospital and back to their homes and community, the students are able to understand in depth the problems faced by patients, the importance of communication skills in educating patients on their illness and the importance of good communication between primary, secondary and tertiary care. Sherina, M.S., Azhar, M.Z., Mohd Yunus, A., & Azlan Hamzah, S.A. Medical Journal of Malaysia. 60 Suppl D:54-7, 2005 Aug. The students do a series of home visits and also accompany their patients for some of their follow-ups at the hospital, government clinics, general practitioners' clinics & even to the palliative care or social welfare centres. Effective Collaborative Interventions implemented in Pediatrics Purpose of Study Source Intervention The authors sought to evaluate the accuracy of medical student selfassessment of their performance in the paediatric clerkship OSCE and thus obtain preliminary data for use in programme strengthening. Pierre, R. B., Wierenga, A., Barton, M., Thame, K., Branday, J. M., & Christie, C. D. C. The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) has been recognized not only as a useful assessment tool but also as a valuable method of promoting student learning. West Indian Medical Journal. 54(2):144-8, 2005 Mar. To compare the effects of two teaching methods (written case analyses and written case analyses with group discussion) on students' recognition and assessment of common ethical dilemmas. Smith S., FryerEdwards, K., Diekema D.S., & Braddock, C. H. 3rd. Academic Medicine. 79(3):26571, 2004 Mar. Four components of the case analyses were evaluated: ability to identify ethical issues, see multiple viewpoints, formulate an action plan, and justify their actions. Effective Collaborative Interventions implemented in Pediatrics Purpose of Study Source The authors sought third-year medical students' perceptions of ambulatory preceptors' teaching effectiveness across primary care disciplines. Elnicki D.M., Kolarik R., Bardella I. This paper documents the rhetorical features of certainty and uncertainty in novice case presentations, considering their pragmatic and problematic implications for students' professional socialization. Lingard, L., Garwood, K., Schryer, C.F., & Spafford, M. M. Academic Medicine. 78(8):8159, 2003 Aug. Social Science & Medicine. 56(3):60316, 2003 Feb. Intervention Students anonymously evaluated the full-time & volunteer preceptors using a 5point Likert-type evaluation that had 8 items addressing preceptor teaching behaviors, 6 items on attaining clerkship goals and 1 assessment of overall teaching effectiveness. Five thematic categories emerged, two of which this paper considers in detail: "Thinking as a Student" & "Thinking as a Doctor". Within these categories, the management & portrayal of uncertainty was a recurrent issue. Take Home Message: • • • • • • • Team Building is important Team Development is necessary Regular Interdisciplinary Rounds Interdisciplinary Assessments Maintain Collaborative Quality Design Improvements to your Practice Practice by Reviewing Performance Data How To Teach IPP to Students • Foster IPP Skills, Attitudes and Behaviors within your team and Model to & Mentor Students. • Provide didactic information package to students prior to their clinical placement. • Orient students to Spina Bifida Team Members early on in the rotation • Set clear, achievable & measurable goals • Have students Identify Roles & Tasks of each professional involved in the team and compare them to actual R & T. i.e.: – what do you think is the role of the Social Worker/Nurse… on this team? – Where do you see their intervention within this client’s plan of care? – What do you see as your role on this team? How To Teach IPP to Students • Use Simulation to present a typical case to all students as a group exercise. – Map out process from admission to discharge – Allow them to practice as an IP team & come up with a plan – Facilitate their discussion and redirect if necessary • Prepare a list of typical questions and answers (Q & A) parents may have about your team functioning, process and expected outcomes. • Have students pretend to be another professional and prepare a Mock Team Meeting. Sample Methods • Shadowing (walking through the day of another professional) • Scaffolding (breaking-up tasks into smaller parts) • Situated Learning Principles (beginning at the edge & moving towards the center) • • • • • • • Peer Coaching/Enhancing Metacognition (K/KDK/DKDK) Simulation Real Case Studies Small Group Discussions (IP) Peer discussions (intra) Videotaping sessions Provide time for students to meet prior to next clinic to share & discuss issues Summary Definitions Why Interprofessional Education? Literature Review (Freeth et al., 2005) How To? Discussion References Areskog, N. H. (1994). Multiprofessional education at the undergraduate level. In K. Soothill, L. Machay, & C. Webb (Eds.), Working together?: Interprofessional relations in health care. London: Edward Arnold. Barr, H. (March, 2002). Interprofessional Education: Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow. Published as Occasional Paper No1, The UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). Freeth, D., Hammick, M., Reeves, S., Koppel, I., Barr, H., & Ashcroft, J. (2005). Effective interprofessional education: Development, delivery & evaluation. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Inc. Harden, R. M. (1998). Effective multiprofessional education: a threedimensional perspective. Medical Teacher 20, 5, 402-408. Zwarenstein et al., (2004) For a copy of any article please email us: