THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP-2014) 16-17 October 2014, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia Analyzis of Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) Value towards X-ray Tube Current and Voltage Variations of Computed Tomography Scanner (CT Scan) by using PPMA Phantom Syamsir Dewang1*, Bualkar Abdullah1, Bannu1, Nur Hasanah1, Suryaningsih1, and Satrial Male2 1. Physics Department, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. 2. Department of Radiology, Hasanuddin University Hospital * Email: Abstract. Medical physics gave the contribution in the field of health, especially for developing of radio diagnostics and radiotherapy. The applying of radiography machine is intended to diagnoses of disease, which is needed by patient for detecting their sickness. There were measured the X-ray radiations using a simulator computed tomography Scanner (CT scan). The CT scan is the radiology checkup to describe internal body structure by multislice CT scan (MSCT scan). It was observed the influence of expose variations such as X-ray tube voltage (kV), and X-ray current tube (mA) toward Volume Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDIvol) value for investigating using head and body of Polymethyl Methacrylic (PPMA) phantom. Diameters of head and body phantom are 16 and 32 cm, respectively. Radiation output was observed by using a set of CT Dose profiler. Utilization of voltage variations between 80-135 kV and tube current between 50-200 mA. For the head phantom obtained, the value of CTDI100 and CTDIVol are 7- 43 mGy, and 10-32 mGy, respectively. This value is greater than CTDI100 value of 0.9-4.8 mGy and CTDIVol 0.9 - 4 mGy by current variations. As for the body phantom, the CTDI values of the voltage variation were also obtained greater than with the current. The high difference indicates that the value of the CTDI estimation using the voltage would be appropriate for an object or solid organs such as bone, while the variation of the current tube is more suitable for object softer organs. Furthermore, the CTDI value have a linear relationship between tube voltage (kV) and current flow (mA) of the X-ray machine. Keywords: CTDI , CT scan, X-ray, phantom, voltage, and tube current . PACS: 87.57.qp 1. INTRODUCTION The use of Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan) has gave a great contribution to medicine for patients to detect disease. With the development of technology, every hospital in the capital city of each province in Indonesia have had a CT Scan equipment. Through the use of CT Scan will make it easier for doctors to detect the inner structure of the body and disease for the patient. This is because the Xray radiation with a wavelength about 10-100 nm, so It has the strong power and intensity of light to penetrate body tissue. Operating the CT Scan machine has several physical parameters which can be regulated to obtain the radiation dose received by patients include: X-ray tube voltage (kV), X-ray tube current, and rotation time (mAs)[1]. The method used to determine the dose received by the patient on a CT scan is Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI). This research uses the object of Polymethyl Methacrylic (PPMA) Phantom of head and body as a substitute for the human body. The aim of research is to determine the effect of factors expose produced by radiation dose of Simulator CT scan and the spread of radiation dose in the phantom. Furthermore, analyzing the relatiaon between the change in value expose Volume Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDIvol), which represents the radiation dose received by the patient in the checkup of the head and body. THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP-2014) 16-17 October 2014, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia 2. THEORY AND METHOD CTDI is an integral dose profile D (z) along the axis of rotation, perpendicular to the plane of the scan for one time rotation or a single axial tomographic slice divided by the number (N) and nominal slice width (T) of X-ray beam. Profile CTDI value represents the average absorbed dose along the z axis, as shown in Figure 1 below: CTDIw . . . . . . (4) CT pitch factor ∆d With CT pitch factor = , where ∆d is the distance in NT mm movement of the patient table during the process of scanning, and NT is the total width of collimation that amount multiplied by the width tomographic slice collimation. CTDIVol value measurement in this study is done by setting the tube voltage (kV) and tube current (mA). CTDIvol = 2.1. RESEARCH PROCEDURE Figure 1. Radiation dose profile Analitical calculation of CTDI values can be formulated as follows: +∞ 1 CTDI= ∫ D(z)dz ...... (1) N∙T -∞ Where D (z) is profile of absorbed dose (mGy). To provide a standard of measurement based on the length of objects introduced CTDI100. Measurements with the use of a pencil ionization chamber CTDI100 used, length 100 mm with 3 cm3 active volume and use standard acrylic phantom CTDI. The value of CTDI100 by using the ion chamber is: CTDI100 = +50 mm 1 ∫ D(z)dz … … … . (2) N T -50 mm Where pencil ionization with 100 mm lengths insert to hole of PPMA phantom. We took center position then obtained by calculating the integral upper limit +50 mm, -50 mm and the lower limit. To calculate the approximate average value of CTDI, we define CTDIw in the measurement using a phantom object. The calculation ⅓ CTDI100 measured at the middle of the phantom coupled with ⅔ CTDI100 values measured at the edge of the phantom. The value CTDIw can be written as follows: 1 2 3 3 CTDIw = CTDI100, C + CTDI100,P . . . . . . . . . . (3) Furthermore, for the calculation on a particular examination protocol that is used CTDIvol, which is counting on a volume CTDIw at a volume calculation. CTDIvol determined on spiral CT scans, where the ratio of the time table for the one-time movement of rotation of 360 ° and the nominal beam width (NT) are referenced as Pitch. So CTDIvol such as follows: This research was observed in Hasanuddin University Hospital by using simulator computed tomography Scanner (CT scan). The equipments used in this measuremen are a Simulator CT scan machine of Toshiba-Alexion 16 Slic brand, phantom CT 007 model. Diameter of head and body phantom is 16 and 32 cm, respectively. CT dose profiler for measuring the radiation released by the CT scan, the Barracuda as a dose detector, bluetooth adapters, software and CT dose ocean profiler analyzer. The procedure of this experiment is CT scan turned on, then connect the CT dose profiler and barracuda detector bluetooth on. Prepare PPA phantom objects on the table the patient. Perform scanning of CT with rotating 360 degrees, while the object moves in the horizontal axis by default. Profiler CT dose phantom inserted into the hole located at the center and at the edges. After that, eksposi done in accordance with the parameters of the tube voltage (kV) and variations that have been determined. Computer and panels are placed outside the control panel will receive the data through bluetooth network. The CT Scan data acquisition process is done on two parts i.e. tube voltage (kV) vatiations and tube current (mA) settings for data phantom head and the body, respectively. Left and right side are a Head and body phantom Figure 2 left side. Phantom looks forward with a hole for the pencil ionization chamber at the center position C, the edge side P1 in 12 O.clock, P2 in 3 o'clock, P3 in 6 o'clock, and P4 in 9 o'clock, respectively. Right side, PPMA Phantom side view with a pencil ionization chamber THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP-2014) 16-17 October 2014, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia 35 a. Measurement CTDI100 and CTDIvol values with Tube Voltage Variation 30 The CTDI100 values for phantom head and the body were observed by each point of C, P1, P2, P3, and P4, respectively, with some variation of tube voltage. Figure 3 shows measuring of sample dose rate profile of head phantom with positioning the ion chamber at the center point C with 80 kV tube voltage settings. We can see that maximum dose rate is 3.5 mGy/s at 80-100 mm axis on time exposure 6-8 second. CTDI vol (mGy) 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 25 y = 7.1323x + 3.5117 R² = 0.9895 20 15 10 5 80 100 120 135 Tube Voltage of X-ray (kV) Figure 5. Relationship CTDIvol (mGy) of head phantom against X-ray tube voltage. Here are the measurements on a body phantom with a tube voltage variations, such as in Figure 6. Figure 3 Profile of the dose rate for phantom head at the center point C with 80 kV tube voltage settings. CTDI100 (mGy) 25 20 C 15 P1 10 P2 5 P3 0 P4 80 CTDI100 (mGy) 45 C P1 P2 P3 P4 35 25 15 5 80 100 120 135 Tube Voltage of X-ray (kV) Figure 4 graphs the relationship value of the X-ray tube voltage vs. the CTDI100 value of head phantom at position of ion chamber for each hole of C, P1, P2, P3 and P4. The CTDI100 value will increase when operating the greater tube voltage. The higher and the lowest value of CTDI100 are in point P1 about 43 mGy at 135 kV and P3 about 7 mGy at 80 kV, respectively. By using equation (3) to find the CTDIw value, and equation (4) to find the CTDIvol. We can calculate the volume of CTDIvol that is illustrated in graph, such as in Figure 5. The CTDIvol value of head phantom increases with the increase in X-ray tube voltage. The maximum value is 32 mGy at 135 kV and minimum value at 80 kV is 10 mGy. We find linear realtionship betwen CTDIVol with the tube voltage variation. Figure 6 Relationship X-ray tube voltage to the value of CTDI100 body CTDI Similar to the head phantom, the CTDI100 value obtained greater when increase tube voltage, the lowest value in point C is 2.5 mGy at 80 kV, and highest value P3 in 23 mGy of CTDI100 at 135 kV . This is because the X-ray absorption center C distributed throughout the phantom body that is larger than the value of phantom heads so CTDI100 on the few holes at point P is higher than from point C 20 CTDIvol (mGy) Furthermore, the result of CTDI100 (mGy) value for head phantom in each position of C, P1, P2, P3, and P4 such as in Fig. 4. 100 120 135 X-rayTube Voltage (kV) y = 3.4725x + 0.9975 R² = 0.9984 15 10 5 0 80 100 120 X-ray Tube Voltage (kV) 135 Figure 7. Relationship X-ray tube voltage against CTDIvol values. From the above chart CTDIvol values increased linearly along with the increase of the X-ray tube voltage, the higher selection of X-ray tube voltage, giving the higher value of CTDIvol obtained. We can see the higher and lower value were 15 and 5 mGy, in 135 kV and 80 kV, respectively. THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP-2014) 16-17 October 2014, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia b. Measurement of CTDI100 and CTDIvol values with Current Tube Variation P1 P2 1 P3 4 C 3 2 P4 0 50 P1 100 150 200 Tube Current of X-ray (mA) P2 1 P3 0 50 100 150 Tube Current of X-ray (mA) 200 P4 Figure 8 Relationship X-ray tube current to the value of head phantom CTDI100. From the chart above in Figure 8. CTDI100 on the current value of 50 mA almost have the same value as the absorption evenly throughout the phantom head. There is a similar trend, namely CTDI100 value increases linearly along with the increase in the value of the X-ray tube current. CTDI100 highest value on the P1 is 4.8 mGy of 200 kV and the lowest on the P3 is 0.9 mGy in 50 kV. 4 CTDIvol (mGy) C 2 y = 0.9999x - 0.1831 R² = 0.9917 3 2 Figure 10. Relationship X-ray tube current to the value of body phantom CTDI100. From the picture 10 above, at the observation point at P1 the value obtained CTDI100 highest in 2.5 mGy and lowest is 0.2 mGy in C point . CTDI100 value that was obtained in line with the increase in the flow tube. Similar to the phantom head, CTDIvol values increased linearly along with the increase of the X-ray tube current. In figure 11, the maximun CTDIVol is 1.5 mGy at 200 mA, and minimum value is 0.5 mGy at 50 mA. 2.0 y = 0.3622x + 0.055 R² = 0.9999 CTDIVol (mGy) CTDI100 (mGy) 5 CTDI100 (mGy) The CTDI100 value measurement on phantom head and the body is done with some variation of the X-ray tube current and other parameters remain at all measurement points C, P1, P2, P3, and P4. 3 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 50 1 0 50 100 150 200 Tube Current of X-ray (mA) Figure 9 Relationship of CTDIVol value of head phantom vs. X-ray tube current Calculation CTDIVol for head on current variation measurement values obtained 4 mGy at 200 mA and 0.9 mGy at 50 mA. This result can be shown that both CTDI value for CTDI100 and CTDIVol for head to the measurement of the voltage variation has a higher value than the measurement of the current variation. The results observation of CTDI100 values for voltage variation at the body phantom can be shown in Figure 10 as follows: 100 150 Tube Current of X-ray (mA) 200 Figure 11. Relationship of CTDIVol value of body phantom vs. X-ray tube current Similar to the phantom head, value of CTDI100 and CTDIvol increased linearly with the increase of the Xray tube current. However CTDIVol value is always lower than the value CTDI100, this is because CTDIVol calculate the radiation absorbed on the dimensions of the volume are scattered in the phantom while CTDI100 calculate radiation absorbed by ion chamber in the phantom along the 100 mm. The results generally show that the value CTDI100 and CTDIVol have a higher value by measuring the voltage variation compared with the variation of the current tube. So for the purposes of solid objects expose require higher CTDI values such as bone, it is suitable to use a voltage variation, while for soft objects more suitable for measuring the current variation. THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (ICTAP-2014) 16-17 October 2014, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia 5. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES Several conclusions from this research can be written as follows: 1. The results of the measurement value CTDI (Computed Tomography Dose Index) on the Simulator CT scans have a linear relationship between the value CTDI100 and CTDIVol in (mGy) with a tube voltage (kV) and tube current (mA) of the X-ray machine. 2. The results for the value of CTDI phantom head and body have been obtained values for phantom head using voltage variation between 80-135 kV. CTDI100 values derived of 7- 43 mGy, and CTDIVol of 10-32 mGy. As for the body phantom, the CTDI100 value is 2.5 - 23 mGy, and CTDIVol of 515 mGy. Further measurements for phantom head with current between 50-200 mA has been estimated of 0.9-4.8 mGy for CTDI100 and CTDIVol is 0.9 - 4 mGy. Further to the phantom body CTDI values procured for 0.2- CTDI100 is 0.2 to 2.5 mGy and CTDIVol is 0.5 - 1.5 mGy. The high difference in CTDI values for voltage than the current flow indicates that analyzing using voltage would be appropriate for an object or a sample of solid organs such as bone, while the variation of the tube current is more suitable for object softer organs. 3. The result value of CTDI for head phantom at voltage and current flow was obtained greater than the value for the CTDI body phantom. This result is gained because of the smaller size of the head from the body phantom, so that the absorption of radiation received by the head phantom will be higher, while for the body phantom can absorb Xray radiation is distributed uniformly with a larger volume CTDI, so that it would be small compared to the head phantom. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes many thanks to Hasanuddin University, and chairman center, Hasanuddin University for the using operational funding for State (BOPTN), 2014. Rector of of research sponsorship University 1. Siemens. (2010). Easy Guide to Low Dose. 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