Week 7

Copyright Guy Harley 2008
 Terms can be
 Express
 In writing
 Oral
 Partly in writing and partly oral
 Implied
 By the Courts
 By legislation
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Reasonable Bystander Test
 Which statements and representations would a
reasonable bystander, aware of the
circumstances of the case, regard as
 The test is objective
 Parties actual intention is irrelevant
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Reasonable Bystander Test - Guidelines
Timing of Statement
Was the statement in writing
Did one party have special skill or knowledge
How objectively important is the representation
to the whole deal
 What words were used
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Parol Evidence Rule
 Courts presume that written formal contracts that
appear to be a complete record of the
agreement, contain the whole agreement
 Exceptions
 Parties did not intend written document to record
whole of the agreement
 Written document inaccurately records the parties
 Terms must be implied to make the agreement
 Collateral contracts
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Implied Terms
Terms implied by Statute
Terms implied by the Courts
Implied as a matter of law
Trade Custom
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Implied as a matter of fact
Business efficacy
Past Dealings
Exemption Clauses
 Courts adopt a 2 step process
 Has the exemption clause become a term of
the contract?
 If so, does it cover the breach in question?
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Does the Clause Cover the Breach?
 Courts will examine the clause carefully to
determine its effect and limit its scope where
 Generally, the Courts will give effect to the
parties intentions as evidenced by the natural
and ordinary meaning of the words
 There are 3 rules that courts use to limit
exemption clauses:
 The Contra Preferendum rule
 Negligence Clauses
 The Four Corners Presumption
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Void and Voidable Contracts
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Void, Voidable & Unenforcable
 Void
 Where one or more of essential elements of
contract are missing
 There is no contract
 Voidable
 Parties have option to avoid contract
 Equitable remedy of rescission
 Valid & enforceable until one party rescinds
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Void, Voidable & Unenforceable
 Unenforceable
 Valid contracts
 Legislative or procedural requirement not
 E.g. Sale of Land must be in writing (s26 Law
of Property Act)
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
 Effect
 Contract is terminated ab initio (i.e. it is as
though there never was a contract)
 cancels the contract from the point of
 Procedure
 Innocent party rescinds by giving notice to the
other party
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Notice of Rescission
 Innocent party must give notice of rescission
to other party
 Notice can be implied from conduct
 Academy of Health & Fitness v Power
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
 Available for:
 Misrepresentation
 Undue influence
 Unconscionable conduct
 Duress
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Bars to Rescission
Third Party rights adversely affected
Substantial restitution not possible
Innocent party affirms contract
Party wishing to rescind does not have “clean
 Lapse of time
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Third Party Rights
 Rescission is not permitted if the legal rights
of an innocent third party will be adversely
 For example, where goods have been on sold
in good faith and for value to a purchaser
 But, rescission will be effective where it
occurs before the third party gains an interest
 Car & Universal Finance Co v Caldwell
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
 The parties must be capable of being restored to
substantially the position they were in before the
contract was entered into
 Known as “Restitution”
 Court can make consequential orders
 Precise restitution is not necessary
 Alati v Kruger
 Brown v Smitt
 Not possible where services already supplied
pursuant to a contract of service
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Affirming the Contract
 Rescission is not permitted if the contract has
been affirmed
 After discovering misrepresentation,
innocent party does any act which
indicates that he is treating contract as still
 A delay in rescinding can amount to an
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Clean Hands
 Rescission will not be permitted if party seeking
to rescind has also done something wrong under
the contract
 E.g.
 One party makes misrepresentation
 Other party has breached the contract by not
carrying out their obligations
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Lapse of Time
 Lapse of time will not normally deprive innocent
party of right to rescind except if long period
 Leaf v International Galleries (Graw 12.8.4)
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Duress, Undue Influence,
Unconscionable Conduct and
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
 A contract entered into due to coercion or
force can be rescinded
 Coercion can be:
 To the person;
 To goods; or
 Economic duress
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Duress (cont.)
 Duress to the Person
 Threats of physical punishment or
imprisonment to the person, his family or
 Duress to Goods
 Threats that are made against a person’s
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Economic duress
 An economic threat that is not “legitimate”
 No rule that that commercial parties have to
be fair to one another
 A threat to break a contract can be economic
 North Ocean Shipping v Hyundai
 A lawful threat may be illegitimate
 Cockerill v Westpac
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Undue influence
 The unconscionable use by one person of
power possessed by him over another in
order to induce the weaker party to enter into
a contract
 Mitchell v Pacific Dawn
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Undue influence
 Presumed in pre-existing special
relationships where one party is in a position
of trust and confidence
 Called a “fiduciary relationship”
 Cases
 O’Sullivan v Management Agency
 Lloyd’s Bank v Bundy
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Fiduciary Relationships
Parent & Child
Guardian & ward
Principal & Agent
Trustee & Beneficiary
Doctor & Patient
Lawyer & Client
Religious advisor & Follower
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Where No Special Relationship
 Weaker party must show that there is a
relationship of dependence, trust &
 Stronger Party exerted undue influence to the
extent that the weaker party could not
exercise an independent judgment
 There must be more than mere reliance or
 Weaker party must show that the contract
would not have been made without the undue
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Where no Special Relationship
 Court will look at:
 The equality of the bargain
 The weaker party’s ability to make free and
independent choices
Domination by one party
Dependency on another
Need for guidance, advice and support
Low intelligence, weak mindedness, illiteracy
Age & Health
 Lack of independent financial or legal advice
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Rebutting Undue Influence
 Party in weaker position made an independent
decision of their own free will
 No pressure or influence as weaker party
encouraged to seek independent advice
 Weaker party was paid market price
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Unconscionable Conduct
 One party takes advantage of the other
parties special disability to the extent that the
contract is unfair or unconscionable
 Blomley v Ryan (S&OR p219\261)
 Commercial Bank v Amadio (S&OR p61\86)
 Elements
 Special disability
 Absence of any equality between the parties
 Disability evident to other party
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
 A party cannot get out of a contract because they
made a mistake
 Exceptions:
 Mistake due to other party’s misrepresentation,
unconscionable conduct etc.
 Common mistake
 Mutual mistake
 Unilateral mistake
 Mistake as to nature of document
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
 Mistake at Common Law makes contract void
 Mistake at equity makes contract voidable
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Common Mistake – Common Law
 Both parties make the same mistake
 Res Extincta
 Subject matter of contract has ceasd to
 Res Sua
 Subject matter of contract already owned
by purchaser
 Cooper v Phibbs
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Common Mistake – Equity
 A common misunderstanding
 An important but not fundamental
 Mistake through no fault of either party
 Unconscionable for one party to benefit
from mistake
 No bar to rescission
Solly v Butcher (Graw 11.3.5)
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Mutual Mistake
Parties are talking about different things
Both are mistaken
Difficult to work out what parties intended
No “meeting of the minds”
Raffles v Wichelhaus
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Unilateral Mistake - Equity
 One party is mistaken as to a
fundamental term; and
 Other party is aware, or should be
aware, of the mistake
 Mistaken party will suffer detriment if not
allowed to rescind
Taylor v Johnson
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Unilateral Mistake – Common Law
 Mistake as to Identity
 If Third Party rights involved, identity must
be important
 Ingram v Little (Graw 11.5.4)
 Mistake as to nature of document
 Non est factum
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
Mistake as to nature of document
 Radical difference between what was signed
and what party believed they were signing
 Mistaken party relied on others for advice
because unable to
 read document
 Understand document
 Mistaken party not careless
Saunders v Anglia Building Society
Copyright Guy Harley 2008
• Correction of document that does not
accurately record parties’ intention
• Nobleza v Lampi
Copyright Guy Harley 2008