Scientific Argumentation { Science PD Sept. 2013 For your calendar: Oct. 14 – 25 (maybe longer): testing window for Science District Benchmarks for grades 3-8 and HS Biology Oct. 16: Vertical Articulation - Feeder schools meet at each High School Jan. 18: County Science Fair at Greenwood Feb. 26: next PD like this one at your schools (trainers will meet at GHS Feb.19) The Phase III On-modules *WCPS will require four modules to be completed during the 2013-14 school year. The following three modules listed in *bold type and the fourth module will be teachers’ choice. Certified staff will need to complete one module per quarter. The certificates will be turned in to the PD designee at each school. Ten new modules are available to North Carolina educators in 2013–2014, all through the NC Education site: Go On-line to NC Education: My home (GUEST) Building and Sustaining Professional Development *Data Literacy in Action* required, submit certificate of completion by Friday, 3-21-14 to your school Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, Part 2 Measures of Student Learning, Grades 9–12 Measures of Student Learning: Common Exams, Middle and Elementary Grades NC Principal and Assistant Principal Evaluation: Understanding the Process NC Teacher Evaluation: Understanding the Process *Responsibilities of the 21st-Century Educator* required, submit certificate of completion by Friday, 1-17-14 to your school 21st-Century Mentoring *Universal Design for Learning* required submit certificate of completion by Friday, 10-25-13 to your school The fourth module (teacher’s choice) will need to be completed and certificate turned in by Friday, 5-30-14 at your school Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Students with contacts should not remove contacts before wearing safety goggles. (I. B. 19. Contact lens wearers should be provided with non-vented or indirect-vented chemical splash goggles in the laboratory.) Remember to flush eyewash stations weekly. Read the CHP—the whole thing!!! (Compared to industry, accidents in school labs are 100-1,000x more common.) You have ~3 minutes to complete the following: 1. 2. In one sentence, describe how the school year has gone for you so far. With one or more sentences, cite evidence to support your claim of how your year has been going. Argumentation ≠ Fighting Ärgyəmən’tāSHən noun 1. the action or process of reasoning systematically in support of an idea, action, or theory. "lines of argumentation used to support his thesis" NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards Scientific and Engineering Practices 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Cl-Ev-R Claim: a statement that answers a question Evidence: the data that supports a claim Reasoning: explains how and why evidence supports the claim (hopefully using newfound science ideas!) Take a look at the Cl-Ev-r handout Poster version Feedback template Feedback template can be used for selfassessment, peer feedback, or teacher feedback. data and evidence: students often confuse the two The data does not “speak”. Something must be done with data to get evidence. data reasoning evidence Cl-Ev-R and Formative probes Each school received a set of these seven Page Keeley books last year. DPI has produced a document that links NC Essential Standards to each probe within these books. That PDF can be downloaded from your teacher resources page on the WCPS Science site Task: get that PDF 1. Go to WCPS homepage 2. Click the “Instruction” tab 3. Find “Science” and click on it. 4. Click on “Teacher Resources” for your level Science …yum here or here 5. Click to download Cl-Ev-R Formative Probe Complete sections 1. and 2. of the SWH template: (from Keeley Vol. 2, page 41) Making a probe concrete Use the stuff I give you to do an experiment Fill out sections 3. and 4. of SWH Safety goggles are for losers. Making a probe concrete Do sections 5. and 6. What effect did holes have on floating? Give an explanation to support your claim with evidence and reasoning. Sharing and comparing results 2 stay the others stray activity: Two members of your team stay to study “external sources”. The others moves to collaborate with other class members “internal sources”. Return and record your findings. Metacognition What is SWH? Science Writing Heuristic a type of guided inquiry a writing to learn strategy promotes collaboration, learning, critical thinking skills, communication, & problem solving Why use SWH? NRC says: Students need to investigate Students need to gain evidence for their claims Students need to compare their findings to those of peers, others Students need to communicate and defend their findings You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. Albert Einstein SWH helps integrate What’s so good about integration? That’s how problems are solved in “the real world”. It gives students a use for what you’re teaching. It’s a treatment for student apathy. MS/HS Writing portfolios Now required to contain 2 pieces of science writing. Science (Argumentation) Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science