33 05 16 Precast Concrete Utility Structures


SECTION 33 05 16




A. Section Includes:

1. Requirements for manufacturing, transporting, and placing pre-cast concrete structures and associated items as required or indicated on the Drawings.

2. Precast concrete structures and appurtenant items.

B. Related Sections: The Work of the following Sections is related to the Work of this Section.

Other Sections, not referenced below, may also be related to the proper performance of this

Work. It is the C ontractor’s responsibility to perform all Work required by the Contract


1. Section 01 29 00 – Measurement and Payment

2. Section 05 50 00 – Miscellaneous Metalwork

3. Section 03 30 00 – Concrete

4. Section 33 41 00 – Surface Water Drainage


A. Referenced Standards: This Section incorporates by reference the latest revision of the following documents. It is part of this Section as specified and modified. In case of conflict between the requirements of this Section and that of the listed documents, the requirements of this Section shall prevail:

1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) M11,

Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed and Forged

Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip

2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A36/A36M-08: Standard

Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

3. ASTM A48/A48M-03(2008): Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings

4. ASTM A167-99(2009): Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting

Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip

5. ASTM A500/A500M-10a: Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless

Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes

6. ASTM A536-84(2009): Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings

7. ASTM A615/A615M-01 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

8. ASTM C150/C150M-09: Standard Specification for Portland Cement

9. ASTM C478-09: Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole


10. ASTM C858-10e1: Standard Specifications for Underground Precast Concrete Utility


11. ASTM C923-08: Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced

Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes, and Laterals

Contract No. SW02-2012

Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project

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§33 05 16

Precast Concrete Utility Structures

12. ASTM D2000-08: Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive


13. ASTM F593-02(2008): Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs

14. American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1, Structural Welding

Code – Steel

15. City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines (Port Angeles 2010)


A. All submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 01 33 00 – Submittals.

B. Prior to shipping materials to the site the Contractor shall submit: manufacturer’s product data, certificates of compliance and recommended installation procedures for all proposed materials.

C. Shop Drawings:

1. Precast structures shop drawings prior to construction of the items.

2. Product technical data including: a. Acknowledgement that products submitted meet requirements of standards referenced b. Manufacturer's installation instructions

3. Fabrication and/or layout drawings: Include detailed diagrams of structure showing typical components and dimensions. Itemize, on separate schedule, sectional breakdown of each structure with all components and refer to drawing identification number or notation.

4. Energy Dissipater shop drawings shall be signed and stamped by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Washington.

D. Product Data: For each type of product indicated.

E. Design Mixtures: For each precast concrete mixture, include compressive strength and water-absorption tests.

F. Welding certificates

G. Material Certificates: For the following, from manufacturer:

1. Cementitious materials

2. Reinforcing materials

3. Admixtures

4. Bearing pads

H. Material Test Reports: For aggregates

I. Source quality-control reports

J. Field quality-control and special inspection reports



A. Subject to compliance with the Contract Documents, the following manufacturers or an approved equivalent, are acceptable:

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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project

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§33 05 16

Precast Concrete Utility Structures

1. Covers and frames: a. Sather Mfg. Co., Inc. b. Neenah Foundry c. East Jordan Iron Works d. Or approved alternate

2. Pre-molded joint compound: a. ConSeal b. Ramnek c. Best Fitt Gasket Company, Inc. d. Or approved alternate

3. External Joint Seal: a. NPC, Inc b. Cretex Specialty Products c. ConSeal d. Or approved alternate

4. Cavity O-Ring: a. NPC, Inc. b. Cretex Specialty Products c. ConSeal d. Or approved alternate

5. Flexible butyl resin sealant: a. ConSeal/CS440 b. Ramnek c. Best Fitt Gasket Company d. Or approved alternate

6. Wall Penetration Type 1: a. NPC, Inc. b. PSI-Thunderline/Link-Seal c. Flexicraft d. Or approved alternate

7. Wall Penetration Type 2: a. GPK Products, Inc. b. Specified Fittings c. Pro-Line Fittings d. Or approved alternate

8. Precast Concrete Vaults: a. Oldcastle Precast Utility Vault

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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project

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§33 05 16

Precast Concrete Utility Structures

b. Hanson Pipe & Precast c. Shope Concrete Products d. Or approved alternate

B. Submit request for substitutions in accordance with Specification

Section 01 60 00 – Product Requirements.


A. Concrete:

1. All concrete for this portion of the Work shall conform to the provisions of Section

03 30 00 – Concrete, or as otherwise indicated on Drawings.

B. Reinforcement:

1. All reinforcement for this portion of the Work shall conform to the provisions of Section

03 30 00 – Concrete.

C. Finish:

1. Pre-cast units shall be finished as defined in Section 03 30 00 – Concrete.

D. Other:

1. All other material not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation of the Work of this Section, upon selection, are subject to the approval of the

Construction Manager.


A. Catch basin Components:

1. Reinforcement: ASTM C478

2. Provide the following components for each catch basin structure, as required: a. Base (precast) with separate precast bottom section b. Precast concrete transition section c. Precast flat top

3. Unless dimensioned or specifically noted on Drawings, provide catch basin section with minimum 48 inches inside diameter.

4. Precast opening or core drill concrete penetrations.

B. Non-pressure Type Frames and Cover:

1. Ductile iron frame and covers: ASTM A536

2. Use only ductile iron of best quality, free from imperfections and blow holes.

3. Furnish frame and cover of heavy-duty construction a minimum total weight of 450 pounds.

4. Machine all horizontal surfaces.

C. Joint Treatment:

1. Other precast structures: a. Seal all joints with a flexible external rubber seal and a seal adaptor. Rubber seals shall be sized or put together in series to provide a continuous seal. The external frame dimension (diameter) and the total sealing distance (height) shall be measured or coordinated by the Contractor to ensure properly-sized components.

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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project

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§33 05 16

Precast Concrete Utility Structures

b. Materials – EPDM rubber seal, conforming to ASTM C923. Type 304 stainless external band clamps, conforming to ASTM A167, sized and supplied by seal manufacturer for the intended use. c. The external flexible rubber seal and frame adapter shall be NPC External Joint Seal manufactured by NPC, Inc., Milford, NH, or CretexWrap External Joint Seal manufactured by Cretex Specialty Products, Waukesha, WI, or approved alternate.


A. Non-shrink grout shall be in accordance with Section 03 30 00 – Concrete.


A. Type 1:

1. CSW wall penetration/pipe connections shall include all components required to complete watertight wall penetrations including, but not limited to, a flexible compression seal, thermoplastic HDPE wall sleeve, and pipe lining sleeve. All components shall be resistant to leachate (sulfuric acid and hydrocarbons). A sufficient quantity and type of seal is required to effectively provide a hydrostatic seal.

2. Provide a flexible seal, Model “OS-316” Link-Seal Modular Seal, which consists of Nitrile seal elements conforming to ASTM D2000, and composite Modular Seal Pressure

Plates, or reviewed equal: a. Modular seal shall consist of inter-locking nitrile links shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the pipe and wall opening. b. Modular seal hardware shall be Type 316 Stainless Steel, conforming to ASTM F593. c. Modular seal pressure plates shall be molded of glass reinforced nylon polymer. d. The cast in wall sleeve shall be molded non-metallic HDPE, with integrally formed water stop on the outside of the sleeve, and end caps manufactured of the same material as the wall sleeve. It shall be sized to accommodate the pipe O.D. plus the space needed to install the water stop per the manufacturer ’s specifications. End caps shall be installed at each end of the sleeve so as to prevent deformation during initial concrete pour, and to facilitate attaching the sleeve to the wall forms. End caps shall remain in place to protect the opening from residual debris and rodent entry prior to pipe insertion.

3. Provide a stainless steel pipe liner that allows for a rigid extension through the vault wall to achieve a watertight seal between the seal and the wall. The pipe sleeve shall be stainless steel unless otherwise noted on Drawings.

B. Type 2:

1. All stormwater wall penetration/pipe connections shall be Wall Penetration-Type 2 and shall consist of a sanded manhole adapter with a rubber internal gasket.


A. Type:

1. Precast concrete vault type shall be as shown on the drawings.

B. Concrete:

1. As specified in Section 03 30 00 – Concrete

C. Accessories:

1. Pulling irons: as required for placement of vault (to remain after installation).

2. Riser sections: as required for grade adjustment

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§33 05 16

Precast Concrete Utility Structures

3. Access hatches cast integrally with riser section

4. Gasket for riser section joints: butyl rubber

D. Design Requirements:

1. Loading: 300 pounds per square foot

2. Saturated Unit Weight of Soil: 135 pcf

3. At-Rest Soil Coefficient: Ko=0.6

4. Dimensions and Quantity: As shown on Drawings

5. Depth Below Grade: As indicated on Drawings

6. Drawings stamped by a professional structural engineer registered in the State of


7. Vault and hatches shall be designed for H-20 loading. Hatches shall be locking.

8. Clear opening of access shall be a minimum of 33 inches by 101 inches.



A. Inspections:

1. Prior to all Work of this Section, carefully inspect the adjacent Work to verify that all such

Work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence.

2. Verify that the Work of this Section may be performed in strict accordance with all pertinent codes and regulations and the original design.

B. Discrepancies:

1. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Construction Manager. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been resolved with the approval of the Construction Manager.


A. Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this Section before, during and after installation and to protect the installed Work and materials of all other trades.


A. Casting Surface:

1. Casting beds or forms shall be specially constructed for that purpose.

2. Casting slab or forms surfaces for pre-cast units shall conform to the provisions of

Section 03 30 00 – Concrete, describing finishing.

B. Bond Breakers:

1. Areas of the casting surface damaged by the placement of reinforcing steel, inserts, or frames shall be repaired and treated with bond breaker prior to pouring concrete.

2. Exercise extreme care to prevent bond breaker from coating reinforcement.

C. Layout:

1. The location and installation of lift points, special reinforcement required for lifting, and method shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Lift points and appurtenances shall remain following installation.

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§33 05 16

Precast Concrete Utility Structures

2. Lay out each unit such that each unit may be poured in one continuous pour with no construction joints.


A. Furnish and install all reinforcement in strict accordance with the provisions of

Section 03 30 00 – Concrete.


A. Formwork and forms shall comply with the provisions of Section 03 30 00 – Concrete.

B. Place and cure all concrete in accordance with the provisions of Section 03 30 00 –



A. The method and sequence of erection is the responsibility of the Contractor.

B. Do not anchor the pre-cast concrete units in a way, which will restrain their normal volume change until at least 21 days after casting.

C. Set all units in true alignment in all directions to a tolerance of +/- one-tenth (1/10) of an inch.

D. Do not lift or move pre-cast units until the concrete has attained 80 percent of its design strength. Handle units by lifting eyes cast into the units or at lifting points designated on the shop drawings.


A. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Construction Manager at no additional cost to the City.


A. All items shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

B. Prepare bedding for vaults at correct elevation as shown on the Drawings. Grade level and smooth for uniform support. Protect from damage caused by backfilling operations.

C. Place level and plumb, without damage to structural capacity, shape, or finish. Repair or replace damaged structures.

D. Joints: Install gasket. After coating concrete at joint with a suitable bonding agent, grout interior and exterior with non-shrink grout.

E. Wall penetrations: Type 1 installed per manufacturer ’s recommendations.

F. Site tolerances:

1. Maximum vari ation from level or plumb: ¼ inch per 10 feet

2. Maximum offset from required location: 1 inch

G. Protect from damage caused by backfilling operations.

H. Testing:

1. Testing of the vault consists of filling the vault to check for water tightness. This is to be done no sooner than 28 days after completion of the vault. To test the vault, plug all pipes, fill vault to the top, cover, and let set for 24 hours.

2. Note the height of the water. Check the water height after 2 consecutive 24-hour periods.

Allowing for ev aporation, the water level shouldn’t drop more than 1 tenth of one percent in any 24 hour period. a. If structure fails the test, the Contractor shall empty the structure and inspect it for cracks and/or other evidence of leakage.

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§33 05 16

Precast Concrete Utility Structures

b. Cracks that are 0.01 inches wide or wider shall be “vee’d” and sealed by using pressure injection epoxy resin (Sika/Sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV or Master

Builders/Concresive 1360; or approved equal). c. Following satisfactory repairs the structure shall be tested again.

3. All readings shall be taken by the Contractor in the presence of the Construction


4. Release of water from structure after testing has been completed shall be as directed by the Construction Manager.


A. All items shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

B. Grade level and smooth foundation material for uniform support. Protect from damage caused by backfilling operations.

C. Prepare bedding for structure on undisturbed soil as shown on the Drawings. Grade level and smooth for uniform support.

D. Place level and plumb, without damage to structural capacity, shape, or finish. Repair or replace damaged structures.

E. Wall penetrations

1. Type 2 installed per manufacturers recommendations

F. Place backfill and succeeding pieces of structure in the sequence shown on the Drawings.

G. Site tolerances:

1. Maximum vari ation from level or plumb: ¼ inch per 10 feet

2. Maximum offset from required location: 1 inch

H. Protect from damage caused by backfilling operations.

I. Set and adjust frame and cover final 6 inches (minimum) to 18 inches (maximum) to match finished pavement or finished grade elevation using pre-cast adjuster rings.


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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project

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§33 05 16

Precast Concrete Utility Structures
