suhu tanah - akar tanaman

Dihimpun oleh:
Jurusan Tanah FPUB , Oktober 2011
Interactive effects of soil temperature, atmospheric carbon
dioxide and soil N on root development, biomass and nutrient
uptake of winter wheat during vegetative growth
Journal of Experimental Botany
Production of new root length at weekly intervals for winter
wheat grown under ambient (a) or elevated (b) CO2. Plants were
grown at 10 °C or 15 °C soil temperature and with low or high‐N
supply. Vertical bars indicate ±1 SE, n=6.
Effects of temperature, water content and nitrogen fertilisation
on emissions of nitrous oxide by soils
K.A Smith, P.E Thomson, H Clayton, I.P Mctaggart, F Conen
Atmospheric Environment
Volume 32, Issue 19, 1 October 1998, Pages 3301–3309
Nitrous oxide emissions were measured from several grassland and
arable soils in the field, and from two of these soils and a forest soil
transferred in large monoliths to a greenhouse. The effects of
fertiliser N additions and of soil water content and temperature were
Emissions were in the order grazed grassland>grassland cut for
conservation>potatoes>cereal crops, and generally were higher than
those from temperate natural ecosystems. Based on these data,
agricultural soils constitute the major soil source of N2O in the U.K.
The highest emission recorded was 8 kg N2O–N ha-1 over 10 months,
from a grazed grassland site. Emissions varied from year to year,
depending particularly on rainfall at the time of fertilisation. When soil
mineral N was not limiting, exponential relationships between N2O
flux and both water-filled pore space (WFPS) and temperature were
observed. The Q10 value for a sandy loam was 1.6, but ranged up to
12 for a clay loam soil at high WFPS.
The high values were attributed to the increase in anaerobic zones
where denitrification could take place, as respiratory demand for O2
increased. A forest soil (peaty gley) showed an optimum water
potential for N2O emission. Diurnal fluctuations in emissions were
associated with diurnal cycles in soil temperature, but with varying
time lags, which could be explained by the N2O being produced at
different depths.……
diunduh 10/2/2012
Environ. Res. Lett. 6 (October-December 2011) 045509
doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045509Shrub expansion in tundra
ecosystems: dynamics, impacts and research priorities
Isla H Myers-Smith1,2, Bruce C Forbes3, Martin Wilmking4,
Martin Hallinger4, Trevor Lantz5, Daan Blok6, Ken D Tape7, Marc MaciasFauria8, Ute Sass-Klaassen6, Esther Lévesque9, Stéphane Boudreau10,
Pascale Ropars10, Luise Hermanutz11, Andrew Trant11, Laura
Siegwart Collier11, Stef Weijers12, Jelte Rozema12, Shelly A Rayback13,
Niels Martin Schmidt14, Gabriela Schaepman-Strub15, Sonja Wipf16,
Christian Rixen16, Cécile B Ménard17, Susanna Venn18, Scott Goetz19,
Laia Andreu-Hayles20,21, Sarah Elmendorf22, Virve Ravolainen23,
Jeffrey Welker24, Paul Grogan25, Howard E Epstein26 and David S Hik1
.…… diunduh
Environ. Res. Lett. 6 (October-December 2011) 045509
doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045509Shrub expansion in tundra
ecosystems: dynamics, impacts and research priorities
Recent research using repeat photography, long-term ecological
monitoring and dendrochronology has documented shrub expansion in
arctic, high-latitude and alpine tundra ecosystems. Here, we
(1) synthesize these findings, (2) present a conceptual framework that
identifies mechanisms and constraints on shrub increase, (3) explore
causes, feedbacks and implications of the increased shrub cover in tundra
ecosystems, and (4) address potential lines of investigation for future
Satellite observations from around the circumpolar Arctic, showing
increased productivity, measured as changes in ‘greenness’, have
coincided with a general rise in high-latitude air temperatures and have
been partly attributed to increases in shrub cover. Studies indicate that
warming temperatures, changes in snow cover, altered disturbance
regimes as a result of permafrost thaw, tundra fires, and anthropogenic
activities or changes in herbivory intensity are all contributing to observed
changes in shrub abundance.
A large-scale increase in shrub cover will change the structure of tundra
ecosystems and alter energy fluxes, regional climate, soil–atmosphere
exchange of water, carbon and nutrients, and ecological interactions
between species.
In order to project future rates of shrub expansion and understand the
feedbacks to ecosystem and climate processes, future research should
investigate the species or trait-specific responses of shrubs to climate
change including: (1) the temperature sensitivity of shrub growth,
(2) factors controlling the recruitment of new individuals, and (3) the
relative influence of the positive and negative feedbacks involved in shrub
expansion. .
Large Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Temperate Peatland
by Teh, Yit Arn; Silver, Whendee L.; Sonnentag, Oliver; Detto,
Matteo; Kelly, Maggi; Baldocchi, Dennis D. 2011
Ecosystems Vol. 14 Issue 2
Agricultural drainage is thought to alter greenhouse gas emissions from
temperate peatlands, with CH4 emissions reduced in favor of greater CO2
losses. Attention has largely focussed on C trace gases, and less is known
about the impacts of agricultural conversion on N2O or global warming
We report greenhouse gas fluxes (CH4, CO2, N2O) from a drained peatland
in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California, USA currently
managed as a rangeland (that is, pasture).
This ecosystem was a net source of CH4 (25.8 ± 1.4 mg CH4-C m−2 d−1)
and N2O (6.4 ± 0.4 mg N2O-N m−2 d−1). Methane fluxes were comparable
to those of other managed temperate peatlands, whereas N2O fluxes were
very high; equivalent to fluxes from heavily fertilized agroecosystems and
tropical forests.
Ecosystem scale CH4 fluxes were driven by “hotspots” (drainage ditches)
that accounted for less than 5% of the land area but more than 84% of
emissions. Methane fluxes were unresponsive to seasonal fluctuations in
climate and showed minimal temporal variability. Nitrous oxide fluxes
were more homogeneously distributed throughout the landscape and
responded to fluctuations in environmental variables, especially soil
moisture. Elevated CH4 and N2O fluxes contributed to a high overall
ecosystem global warming potential (531 g CO2-C equivalents m−2 y−1),
with non-CO2 trace gas fluxes offsetting the atmospheric “cooling” effects
of photoassimilation. These data suggest that managed Delta peatlands
are potentially large regional sources of greenhouse gases, with spatial
heterogeneity in soil moisture modulating the relative importance of each
gas for ecosystem global warming potential..…… diunduh 10/2/2012
Nitrous oxide fluxes plotted against soil moisture (A) and soil temperature
(B) for crown landforms. In both the panels, four was added to the raw
N2O fluxes so that net negative or zero fluxes could be log-transformed.
Each data point represents the mean of five replicate flux chambers.
. ……
diunduh 10/2/2012
Ecosystem respiration (R ECO), as determined by eddy covariance
measurements, plotted against soil temperature. Each data point
represents weekly-averaged values of both R ECO and soil
temperature.. …… diunduh 10/2/2012
Plant and Soil
Volume 39, Number 1, 177-186, DOI: 10.1007/BF00018055
Effect of soil temperature on direction of corn root
J. J. Onderdonk and J. W. Ketcheson.
More precise effects of soil temperature on the direction of corn
root growth were determined by growing seedlings in soil for
short periods in growth cabinets controlled to give a range of soil
temperature conditions.
The angle of growth (relative to the horizontal) was found to be
minimum (10°) at constant 17°C. Above or below this
temperature (10–30°C), a more vertical direction occurred.
Cyclic temperatures also influenced direction, with the maximum
of the cycle apparently determining the angle. The duration of
the maximum temperature period in a cycle necessary to initiate
a direction effect was not determined, however.
The significance of these findings in the field is that modifications
of soil temperatures by mulches, etc. probably influence the
distribution of roots in the rooting zone of soils.
This in turn means that plant behaviour such as moisture and
nutrient uptake can be better explained or managed for
maximum performance.…… diunduh
Plant and Soil
Volume 47, Number 3, 631-644, DOI: 10.1007/BF00011032
Temperature changes and the geotropic reaction of the
radicle of zea mays L.
S. C. Sheppard and M. H. Miller
The relationship between the geotropic reaction of the maize radicle
and changing temperatures was investigated with seedlings grown in
soil, in vermiculite, and between sheets of chromatographic paper.
The seeds were oriented horizontally and vertically and the angle to
vertical of several successive 2-cm segments of each radicle was
measured. Constant temperatures of 17°C and 33°C and cyclic
temperatures with times of 1, 3, 6, 12 and 18 hours at 33°C, the
remaining time of the 24 hour cycle at 17°C were imposed on maize
The most horizontal radicles occurred at constant 17°C (0 hours at
33°C) and the most vertical radicles occurred in cycles with 1 and 3
hours at 33°C. Longer times at 33°C up to and including constant
33°C produced increasingly more horizontal radicles. Curvature of the
radicles in response to temperature continued with distance from the
Slightly more horizontal growth occurred with radicles from seeds
oriented horizontally rather than vertically. However, radicles from
both seed orientations responded similarly to temperature and
distance from the seed.
These observations were noted with growth in two and three
dimensions and from experiments in several different growth
chambers. A further experiment indicated that a change toward more
vertical growth could be induced with a single change in temperature
from 17°C to 33°C.…… diunduh
The effect of soil temperature on the bud phenology, chlorophyll
fluorescence, carbohydrate content and cold hardiness of Norway
spruce seedlings.
Repo T, Leinonen I, Ryyppö A, Finér L
Physiologia Plantarum [2004, 121(1):93-100]
The effects of soil temperature on the shoot phenology,
carbohydrate dynamics, chlorophyll fluorescence and cold
hardiness of 4-year-old Norway spruce seedlings (Picea abies
L. Karst.) were studied.
The experiment was carried out under controlled conditions in
the Joensuu dasotrons. Air conditions were similar but soil
temperatures differed by treatments (9, 13, 18 and 21
degrees C) during the second growing period in the
dasotrons. The after-effects of the treatments were
investigated during the third growing period following the
Low soil temperature increased the starch content of needles
and delayed the loss of starch at the end of the growing
season. The photochemical efficiency (F(v)/F(m)) of the PSII
of the current-year needles was reduced at the lowest soil
The cold hardiness of needles correlated with the soluble
sugar content. The differences in soil temperature had no
effect on the timing of bud burst. No after-effects from the
treatments were observed during the third growing period in
the dasotrons.;jsessionid=Ie1HyG
UllSxKc3wKZpUC.0…… diunduh 10/2/2012
Geophysical Research Abstracts
Vol. 12, EGU2010-9181, 2010
Potential effect of changing soil temperature within an integrated
biophysical-hydrological modelling system
Markus Muerth, Tobias Hank, and Wolfram Mauser
The projection of potential impacts of recent and future climate change on
and geophysical condition of the land surface requires both, the scientific r
the processes triggered by a changing climate, as well as the analysis of th
temporal patterns induced by altering climatic conditions. In general, the
changes and future distribution of land surface properties (e.g. soil mo
investigated in modelling studies. Complex land surface models for regio
detection are typically driven by data from complex climate models. Conse
uncertainty of the land surface model results is strongly influenced through
uncertainty inherent to the atmospheric models. Therefore, the impact asse
the multi-disciplinary research project GLOWA-Danube, which this study
concentrates on two types of climate change scenarios: Uni- and bi-directio
of the land surface model with regional climate models (“dynamic downsca
hand, and stochastic rearrangement of climate stations data based on pred
in temperature and precipitation (“statistical downscaling”) on the other. Th
profound “what if” impact assessment, based on the historic climate charac
investigated area, which in our case is represented by the 77,000 km2 Up
The water and nutrient cycles of the land surface, as well as the subsur
development are strongly influenced by the physical and biochemical state
Again, the biochemical processes occurring in soils are largely influenced
temperature and moisture. Therefore, knowledge of the temporal and spati
soil temperature is a prerequisite for impact assessment in the field of plan
nutrient cycles. The biological activity at the land surface again exerts im
water availability and quality. The development of the integrated biophysica
model used for this study aims at the implementation of the highly complex
between climate, soil and vegetation with regard to the issues of scale of ap
potential biases. The integrated model describes the hydrological cycle inclu
energy and water and implements dynamic plant growth module
Besides a short overview of the integrated SVAT scheme, model results ar……
Effect of mulch on soil temperature, moisture, weed
infestation and yield of groundnut in northern Vietnam
Field crops research 2006, vol. 95, no2-3, pp. 115-125
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the chief foreign
exchange earning crops for Vietnam. However, owing to lack of
appropriate management practices, the production and the area
under cultivation of groundnut have remained low. Mulches
increase the soil temperature, retard the loss of soil moisture, and
check the weed growth, which are the key factors contributing to
the production of groundnut. On-farm trials were conducted in
northern Vietnam to study the impact of mulch treatments and
explore economically feasible and eco-friendly mulching options.
The effect of three mulching materials (polythene, rice straw and
chemical) on weed infestation, soil temperature, soil moisture and
pod yield were studied.
Polythene and straw mulch were effective in suppressing the
weed infestation. Different mulching materials showed different
effects on soil temperature. Polythene mulch increased the soil
temperature by about 6 °C at 5 cm depth and by 4 °C at 10 cm
depth. Mulches prevent soil water evaporation retaining soil
moisture. Groundnut plants in polythene and straw mulched plots
were generally tall, vigorous and reached early flowering. Use of
straw as mulch provides an attractive and an environment
friendly option in Vietnam, as it is one of the largest rice growing
countries with the least use of rice straw. Besides, it recycles
plant nutrients effectively..…… diunduh
Effects of different cultivation practices on soil
temperature and wheat spike differentiation
Y. M. Wang1, S. Y. Chen1, H. Y. Sun1, X. Y. Zhang. Cereal Research
Communications. Volume 37, Number 4/December 2009
Field cultivation practices affected soil temperature that
influenced the crop development of winter crops. This study was
undertaken to determine the effects of different mulch materials,
tillage depths and planting methods on spike differentiation of
winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.).
The field experiment was consisted of three tests: (i) polythene
mulch, straw mulch and no mulch; (ii) ridge planting and furrow
planting; (iii) conventional tillage and shallow tillage.
The results showed that soil temperature was affected by
different practices. The higher soil temperature under polythene
mulch resulted in the earlier initiation of spike differentiation,
while straw mulch decreased soil temperature in spring that
delayed the initiation compared with the non-mulch treatment.
The spike initiation under ridge planting started earlier than that
of furrow planting.
Reduced tillage delayed the initiation compared with the
conventional tillage. Duration of spike differentiation lasted longer
under earlier starting of initiation that increased the grain
numbers per spike. Other yield component characters were not
affected by soil temperature. It was concluded that in the North
China Plain where grain-filling duration of winter wheat was
limited, agricultural practices that increased soil temperature in
spring were favorable for grain production..…… diunduh
Effect of tillage treatments on soil thermal conductivity
for some Jordanian clay loam and loam soils
Nidal H Abu-Hamdeh. Soil and Tillage Research. Volume 56,
Issues 3–4, August 2000, Pages 145–151.
Soil thermal conductivity determines how a soil warms or cools with
exchange of energy by conduction, convection, and radiation. The
ability to monitor soil thermal conductivity is an important tool in
managing the soil temperature regime to affect seed germination and
crop growth. In this study, the temperature-by-time data was obtained
using a single probe device to determine the soil thermal conductivity.
The device was used in the field in some Jordanian clay loam and
loam soils to estimate their thermal conductivities under three
different tillage treatments to a depth of 20 cm. Tillage treatments
were: no-tillage, rotary tillage, and chisel tillage.
For the same soil type, the results showed that rotary tillage
decreased soil thermal conductivity more than chisel tillage, compared
to no-tillage plots. For the clay loam, thermal conductivity ranged from
0.33 to 0.72 W m−1 K−1 in chisel plowed treatments, from 0.30 to
0.48 W m−1 K−1 in rotary plowed treatments, and from 0.45 to
0.78 W m−1 K−1 in no-till treatments. For the loam, thermal
conductivity ranged from 0.40 to 0.75 W m−1 K−1 in chisel plowed
treatments, from 0.34 to 0.57 W m−1 K−1 in rotary plowed treatments,
and from 0.50 to 0.79 W m−1 K−1 in no-till treatments. The clay loam
generally had lower thermal conductivity than loam in all similar tillage
treatments. The thermal conductivity measured in this study for each
tillage system, in each soil type, was compared with independent
estimates based on standard procedures where soil properties are
used to model thermal conductivity. The results of this study showed
that thermal conductivity varied with soil texture and tillage treatment
used and that differences between the modeled and measured thermal
conductivities were very small..……
diunduh 10/2/2012
Effects of straw mulching on soil temperature, evaporation and
yield of winter wheat: field experiments on the North China Plain
S.Y. Chen, X.Y. Zhang, D. Pei, H.Y. Sun, S.L. Chen
Annals of Applied Biology
Volume 150, Issue 3, pages 261–268, June 2007.
Straw mulching is an effective measure to conserve soil moisture. However,
the existence of straw on the soil surface also affects soil temperature,
which in turn influences crop growth, especially of winter crops. Five-year
field experiments (2000–2005) investigated the effects of straw mulching
and straw mass on soil temperature, soil evaporation, crop growth and
development, yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of winter wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) at Luancheng Station on the North China Plain. Soil is
a moderately well-drained loamy soil with a deep profile at the station. Two
quantities of mulch were used: 3000 kg ha−1 [less mulching (LM)] and
6000 kg ha−1 [more mulching (MM)], representing half and all of the straw
from the previous crop (maize). In the control (CK), the full quantity of
mulch was ploughed into the top 20 cm of soil.
The results showed that the existence of straw on the soil surface reduced
the maximum, but increased the minimum diurnal soil temperature. When
soil temperature was decreasing (from November to early February the next
year), soil temperature (0–10 cm) under straw mulching was on average
0.3°C higher for LM and 0.58°C higher for MM than that without mulching
(CK). During the period when soil temperature increased (from February to
early April, the recovery and jointing stages of winter wheat), average daily
soil temperature of 0–10 cm was 0.42°C lower for LM and 0.65°C lower for
MM than that of CK. With the increase in leaf area index, the effect of
mulching on soil temperature gradually disappeared. The lower soil
temperature under mulch in spring delayed the development of winter
wheat up to 7 days, which on average reduced the final grain yield by 5%
for LM and 7% for MM compared with CK over the five seasons. Mulch
reduced soil evaporation by 21% under LM and 40% under MM compared
with CK, based on daily measuring of microlysimeters. However, because
yield was reduced, the overall WUE was not improved by mulch..;jsessionid=B93118448657FCC5DB94EC21A132BDB0.d0
1t01…… diunduh 10/2/2012
Effect of mulch on soil temperature, moisture, weed
infestation and yield of groundnut in northern Vietnam
A. Ramakrishna, Hoang Minh Tam, Suhas P. Wani, Tranh Dinh Long.
Field Crops Research. Volume 95, Issues 2–3, 15 February 2006, Pages
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the chief foreign
exchange earning crops for Vietnam. However, owing to lack
of appropriate management practices, the production and the
area under cultivation of groundnut have remained low.
Mulches increase the soil temperature, retard the loss of soil
moisture, and check the weed growth, which are the key
factors contributing to the production of groundnut. On-farm
trials were conducted in northern Vietnam to study the impact
of mulch treatments and explore economically feasible and
eco-friendly mulching options. The effect of three mulching
materials (polythene, rice straw and chemical) on weed
infestation, soil temperature, soil moisture and pod yield were
Polythene and straw mulch were effective in suppressing the
weed infestation. Different mulching materials showed
different effects on soil temperature. Polythene mulch
increased the soil temperature by about 6 °C at 5 cm depth
and by 4 °C at 10 cm depth. Mulches prevent soil water
evaporation retaining soil moisture. Groundnut plants in
polythene and straw mulched plots were generally tall,
vigorous and reached early flowering. Use of straw as mulch
provides an attractive and an environment friendly option in
Vietnam, as it is one of the largest rice growing countries with
the least use of rice straw. Besides, it recycles plant nutrients
Interactive effect of tillage depth and mulch on soil
temperature, productivity and water use pattern of
rainfed barley (Hordium vulgare L.)
S. Sarkar, , S.R. Singh. Soil and Tillage Research. Volume 92, Issues 1–2,
January 2007, Pages 79–86.
Soil porosity and organic matter content influence the hydrology,
thermal status and productivity of agricultural soils. Shape, size and
continuity of soil pores are determined by tillage practices. Thus
appropriate tillage and mulch management can conserve residual soil
moisture during the post rainy season. This can play a key role in
enhancing productivity under the rainfed ecosystem of subhumid
region in eastern India. A field study was carried out on a fine loamy
soil from 1993–1994 to 1995–1996. Two tillage treatments were
conventional ploughing (150 mm depth) and shallow ploughing
(90 mm) depth. Each tillage practice was tested with three mulch
management viz., no mulch, soil dust mulch and rice (Oryza sativa L.)
straw mulch. Soil organic carbon, bulk density, moisture retentivity, soil
temperature with productivity and water use pattern of barley
(Hordium vulgare L.) were measured.
Reduction in ploughing depth resulted in nominal increase in profile
(0.0–1.2 m) moisture status, yield, and soil thermal status at 14:00
and water use efficiency (WUE). However, it decreased the magnitude
of soil temperature in the morning (07:00). Straw mulch conserved
19–21 mm of moisture in the profile (1.2 m) over the unmulched
condition. Both soil dust and rice straw mulching elevated soil thermal
status at 07:00 as compared to unmulched condition, but this trend
was reversed at 14:00. Straw mulching significantly increased grain
yield and WUE over soil dust mulch and unmulched condition. Impact
of straw mulch was more pronounced under shallow ploughing depth.
Shallow tillage with rice straw mulching is recommended to the
farmers to obtain higher level of yield and water use efficiency.……
diunduh 10/2/2012
Soil temperature, water use and yield of yellow sarson (Brassica
napus L. var. glauca) in relation to tillage intensity and mulch
management under rainfed lowland ecosystem in eastern India
S. Sarkar, , M. Paramanick, S.B. Goswami
Soil and Tillage Research
Volume 93, Issue 1, March 2007, Pages 94–101.
The rainfed, lowland ecosystem in the Lower Gangetic Plain of eastern
India is characterized by fine-textured soils, bowl shaped topography,
stagnation of rainwater and chances of flash floods. The area is mostly
covered with long duration (≥150 days) rice varieties during the rainy
season and thereafter the land remains fallow. The uncropped fallow
period represents a waste of resources and a new crop management
package would be desirable to encourage effective utilization of soil and
water resources. A study was carried out on a Gayeshpur clay loam soil
(fine loamy Aeric Haplaquept) during the winter months of 1996–1997
and 1997–1998 to evaluate the role of tillage intensity and mulch
management on the temperature of upper soil layers (0.0–0.2 m),
moisture depletion pattern and yield and water use efficiency of yellow
sarson (Brassica napus L. var. glauca). Zero-till (ZT) and conventional
tillage (CT, two cross-wise passes with a rotary power tiller) were main
plots and three mulch treatments were sub-plots: no mulch (NM), dry
water hyacinth mulch (HM) and rice straw mulch (SM).
Morning soil temperature at 0.0–0.2 m depth was 0.1–0.8 °C higher
under CT than under ZT. The difference was only 0.1–0.4 °C at
14:00 h. Seed yield of yellow sarson under ZT was 1175 kg ha−1, which
was 25% higher than under CT. Highest (1212 kg ha−1) seed yield was
obtained under SM, which was 7 and 41% higher than under HM and
NM, respectively. Water use efficiency (WUE) under ZT was 17%
greater than under CT. The WUE was enhanced 45 and 37% under SM
and HM, respectively, when compared with NM. In a lowland rainfed
ecosystem, adoption of ZT and organic mulching would utilize the
residual soil moisture following rice, resulting in rice–yellow sarson as a
viable profitable cropping system.……
diunduh 10/2/2012
Effect of Soil Temperature on K and Ca Concentrations
and on ATPase and Pyruvate Kinase Activity in Potato
Juan M. Ruiz, Joaquín Hernández, Nicolas Castilla, Luis Romero.
HortScience April 2002 vol. 37 no. 2 325-328
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) `Spunta' plants were grown
with the root zone covered by different types of
polyethylene plastic mulches. The plastic mulches used
were transparent, white, co-extruded black and white, and
black. As a control, plants were grown without plastic
mulch. The parameters analyzed were soil temperature,
root concentration of K and Ca, and enzymatic activities of
ATPase and pyruvate kinase (PK), measured as basal and in
the presence of K+ and Ca2+.
The physical characteristics of the plastic mulches directly
influenced soil and root temperatures in potato plants. In
addition, the concentration of cations in the roots
(particularly Ca2+) and basal ATPase activity were affected
by soil temperature, whereas basal PK was not affected by
soil temperature.
The use of co-extruded black and white plastic mulch
improved the nutritional status of Ca in the roots of potato
plants. Finally, the basal ATPase and PK activities in the
presence of K+ and Ca2+ were related with the root levels of
these cations. .……
diunduh 10/2/2012
The effect of soil water content, soil temperature, soil pH-value
and the root mass on soil CO2 efflux – A modified model
Sascha Reth, Markus Reichstein, Eva Falge
Plant and Soil, Vol. 268, No. 1. (1 January 2005), pp. 21-33.
To quantify the effects of soil temperature (Tsoil), and relative soil
water content (RSWC) on soil respiration we measured CO2 soil efflux
with a closed dynamic chamber in situ in the field and from soil cores
in a controlled climate chamber experiment. Additionally we analysed
the effect of soil acidity and fine root mass in the field. The analysis
was performed on three meadow, two bare fallow and one forest
sites. The influence of soil temperature on CO2 emissions was highly
significant with all land-use types, except for one field campaign with
continuous rain. Where soil temperature had a significant influence,
the percentage of variance explained by soil temperature varied from
site to site from 13–46% in the field and 35–66% in the climate
chamber. Changes of soil moisture influenced only the CO2 efflux on
meadow soils in field and climate chamber (14–34% explained
variance), whereas on the bare soil and the forest soil there was no
visible effect. The spatial variation of soil CO2 emission in the field
correlated significantly with the soil pH and fine root mass, explaining
up to 24% and 31% of the variability. A non-linear regression model
was developed to describe soil CO2 efflux as a function of soil
temperature, soil moisture, pH-value and root mass. With the model
we could explain 60% of the variability in soil CO2 emission of all
individual field chamber measurements. Through the model analysis
we highlight the temporal influence of rain events. The model
overestimated the observed fluxes during and within four hours of the
last rain event. Conversely, after more than 72h without rain the
model underestimated the fluxes. Between four and 72 h after
rainfall, the regression model of soil CO2 emission explained up to
91% of the variance..…… diunduh
Interactive effects of soil temperature and moisture on
Concord grape root respiration
Xuming Huang, Alan N. Lakso and David M. Eissensta.
Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 56, No. 420, pp. 2651–2660, October
Root respiration has important implications for understanding
plant growth as well as terrestrial carbon flux with a changing climate.
Although soil temperature and soil moisture often interact, rarely have
these interactions on root respiration been studied. This report is on
the individual and combined effects of soil moisture and temperature
on respiratory responses of single branch roots of 1-year-old Concord
grape (Vitis labruscana Bailey) vines grown in a greenhouse. Under
moist soil conditions, root respiration increased exponentially to shortterm (1 h) increases in temperature between 10oC and 33oC.
Negligible increases in root respiration occurred between 33oC and
38oC. By contrast to a slowly decreasing Q10 from short-term
temperature increases, when roots were exposed to constant
temperatures for 3 d, the respiratory Q10 between 10oC and 30oC
diminished steeply with an increase in temperature. Above 30 oC,
respiration declined with an increase in temperature. Membrane
leakage was 89–98% higher and nitrogen concentration was about
18% lower for roots exposed to 35oC for 3 d than for those exposed to
25oC and 15oC.
There was a strong interaction of respiration with a combination of
elevated temperature and soil drying. At low soil temperatures (10 oC),
respiration was little influenced by soil drying, while at moderate to
high temperatures (20oC and 30oC), respiration exhibited rapid
declines with decreases in soil moisture. Roots exposed to drying soil
also exhibited increased membrane leakage and reduced N. These
findings of acclimation of root respiration are important to modelling
respiration under different moisture and temperature regimes..…… diunduh 10/2/2012
Effects of Soil Temperature and Moisture Content on Ammonia
Volatilization from Urea-Treated Pasture and Tillage Soils
S. J. McGarry, P. O'Toole, M. A. Morgan
Irish Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 26, No. 2/3, 1987 (pp. 173-182) .
The effects of temperature (8°, 13° and 18°C), soil moisture content
(SMC) (35, 60 and 85% of field capacity (FC)) and simulated rainfall
(35/85% FC) on ammonia volatilization from urea-treated pasture and
tillage counterparts of Borris, Clonroche, Fontstown and Screen soils
were investigated under controlled laboratory conditions.
Maximum ammonia loss rates did not develop until 3-6 days after urea
application at 8°C in all soils, presumably due to delayed urea
hydrolysis, and at all temperatures in Clonroche and Fontstown soils
apparently because of their low urease activities and high cation
exchange capacities (CECs). Otherwise, maximum loss rates occurred
within 3 days at 13°C or at 18°C. Simulated rainfall reduced NH₃
volatilization in all soil-temperature treatments. Total ammonia losses
after 16 days ranged from 0.05 to 32.2% of the applied urea-N (1000
mg N kg⁻¹ soil). The [soil × temperature × SMC] interaction was highly
significant (p <0.001): losses increased with increasing temperature
and decreasing soil moisture content except at 85% FC when similar
losses occurred at 13°C and 18°C in each soil, except Screen.
The results suggest that serious ammonia volatilization from fertilizer
urea can occur not only under warm-dry conditions, but even under
cool-wet conditions. The influence of soil physical and chemical
properties on ammonia volatilization, however, was much larger than
the temperature and SMC effects. Ammonia volatilization in each tillage
soil, except Fontstown, greatly exceeded that in its pasture
counterpart, especially at 18°C/35% FC. The findings suggest that
recently reseeded, coarse-textured tillage soils are more prone to
ammonia loss through volatilization from urea fertilizer than their
counterparts under continuous pasture, especially under warm, dry
conditions. .…… diunduh 10/2/2012
Effect of Soil Temperature and pH on Resistance of
Soybean to Heterodera glycines
Anand, S C and Matson, K W and Sharma, S B (1995) Effect of Soil
Temperature and pH on Resistance of Soybean to Heterodera glycines.
Journal of Nematology , 27 (4). pp. 478-482..
Soyabean cultivars resistant to soyabean cyst nematode (SCN),
Heterodera glycines are commonly grown in nematode-infested
fields. The objective of this study was to examine the stability of
SCN resistance in soyabean genotypes at different soil temperatures
and pH levels.
Reactions of five SCN-resistant genotypes, Peking, Plant
Introduction (PI) 88788, Custer Bedford, and Forrest, to SCN races
3, 5, and 14 were studied at 20, 26, and 32°C, and at soil pHs 5.5,
6.5 and 7.5.
Soyabean cultivar Essex was included as a susceptible check.
Temperature, SCN race, soyabean genotype, and their interactions
significantly affected SCN reproduction.
The effect of temperature on reproduction was quadratic with the
three races producing significantly greater numbers of cysts at
26°C; however, reproduction on resistant genotypes remained at a
low level. Higher numbers of females matured at the soil pH levels
of 6.5 and 7.5 than at pH 5.5.
Across the ranges of temperature and soil pH studied, resistance to
SCN in the soyabean genotypes remained stable..……
diunduh 10/2/2012
Effects of Soil Temperature on Mineral Nutrients Uptake
and Fruit Quality of Papaya (Carica papaya Tainung
Yao-Tsung Chang .
Research Bulletin of KDARES Vol.19(2)
The purposes of this study were to observe the effect of soil
temperature changes on the papaya mineral nutrient uptake and fruit
quality. The results were showed as follows: the highest temperatures in
the screen house, indoor, outside and under the plastic sheet mulching
10 cm surface soil were showed 42.4℃, 36.8℃ and 36.1℃ respectively,
while temperature difference between indoor and outside were ranged
5.3℃ to 6.0℃. Temperatures difference of indoor and surface soil of 10
cm depth was ranged 6.2℃ to 11.2℃. Results of soil fertility analysis
showed that pH and EC of surface soil were very significant negative
correlation. Between temperature changes and soil fertility, there was no
significant correlation. Results of nutrient concentration of mid-leaf
analysis showed very significant positive correlation between N nutrient
concentrations with increasing temperature, while the nutrients
concentration of Ca and Mg, showed very significant negative
correlation. In terms of fruit quality, the average fruit length and width
were showed the best in July and March. The average fruit weight was
showed the best from three months in March, April and July. The total
soluble solid of fruit was showed the best of 13.9 oBrix in May. The total
soluble solids with N and K nutrient concentrations of mid-leaf were
showed a significant negative correlation and positive correlation,
respectively. Nutrient concentration of the pulp were showed higher
total soluble solids from N/K ratio, which ranged from 0.43 to 0.44. In
addition, the fertilization management of the farmers were found
excessively fertilized, accelerates soil acidification, resulting in decreased
the soil pH values and increased EC values gradually. There was still
need to reduce fertilizer application for farmers. .…… diunduh
Effect of Soil Solarization and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
Fungus (Glomus intraradices) on Yield and Blossom-end
Rot of Tomato.
J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 12, No. 4, 2010
The study was aimed to investigate the effect of tomato seedlings of
Falcon variety (Lycopersicum esculantum L.) inoculated with arbuscular
mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices in solarized and non
solarized parcels on yield and blossom end rot (BER) that cause yield
loses in tomato growing. The experiment established according to splitplot design with four replicates as main plot of solarization and sub-plot
of mycorrhizal in total 16 parcels.
The solarized field increased the soil temperature (11, 8, 7 & 5oC) than
non-applied in different soil depth (5, 10, 20 & 30 cm). The contents of
N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn and Cu were increased in leaves by solarization.
The levels of P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in leaves were higher in plots
inoculated with AM than without non AM.
The effect of solarization on yield was significant and was three times
higher than non solarized control. However, AM had no effect on yield.
In this study, the expected yield was not obtained, because of blossom
end rot (BER). The effect of neither solarization nor AM was seen on
this physiological disorder in tomato. However, high temperature
affected these abiotic diseases. During the vegetative season, incidence
of BER occurred 100% of the high temperature in July-August, whereas
this rate was rapidly decreased and was not observed during the cool
periods at the end of growing season.
The results of this study show that solarization can be applied and
recommended for growing tomato in the region, but the research about
factors resulting in BER must be accelerated.
M. O’CALLAGHAN, E.M. GERARD and V.W. JOHNSON. New Zealand Plant
Protection 54:128-135 (2001)
Microbial control of soil dwelling pests and pathogens depends
on the survival of microbial inocula in soil. Three microbes,
Beauveria bassiana A6, Serratia entomophila 626, and
Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0-Rif, were inoculated into soil
microcosms at three soil moistures and temperatures. Survival
was determined at regular intervals. Beauveria bassiana
survived well in soil; after 3 months the populations were
maintained at levels close to those immediately following
inoculation under most soil conditions Serratia entomophila and
P. fluorescens populations declined gradually.
Soil moisture impacted on survival of P. fluorescens, with
populations declining most rapidly in the dry soil at all
temperatures. Pseudomonas fluorescens was not recovered
after 54 days at 20°C.
The rate of population decline of S. entomophila increased with
soil temperature but populations remained above the minimum
level of detection after three months, with soil moisture having
little effect on survival. Formulation of S. entomophila into
granules greatly improved the survival of this bacterium in soil.…… diunduh 10/2/2012
The Effects of substrate, temperature and soil fertility on respiration and
N2O production in pastoral soils
Uchida, Yoshitaka.
Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University, 2010 , Thesis
Soil respiration (Rs) and N₂O emissions from pastoral ecosystems are
responsible for a substantial portion of global greenhouse gas budget. The soil
processes responsible for RS and N₂O emissions are sensitive to soil temperature
(TS). However, there are many points which are uncertain in this temperature
sensitivity of soil processes, because of the complexity of the mechanisms
controlling the processes. The temperature sensitivity is defined as a
proportional increase of the rate of soil process or activity per a unit change of
soil temperature. An important factor controlling the temperature response of
the soil processes is substrate availability. Hence the objectives of this research
were (1) to quantify the interaction between temperature and soil substrate
availability on soil microbial activity in the absence of plant substrate inputs, (2)
to determine the temperature sensitivity of respiration sourced from root-derived
C (RRD) and soil organic matter decomposition (ROM) in two pasture soils of
contrasting nutrient status, and (3) to investigate the effects of a urine
deposition events on RS and N₂O fluxes.
The first experiment measured the changes in soil microbial respiration (RM)
without plants present at 3°, 9°, and 24°C. At 9° and 24°C, RM was significantly
reduced within 2 days while RM remained constant for 14 days at 3°C. The
decrease in RM at higher TS was caused by substrate depletion but the substrate
depletion was not indicated by the soil’s water soluble and hot-water soluble C.
The first experiment showed that at higher TS, soil microbes could access soil C
that was not accessible to soil microbes at lower TS.
The second experiment focused on the temperature sensitivity of RS with plants
present in two soils with contrasting nutrient status (fertility). The components
of RS; RRD and ROM were separatedly measured using a natural ¹³C abundance
The results suggested the temperature sensitivity of ROM was significantly
reduced in the low fertility soil only when plants were actively growing, while the
temperature sensitivity of RRD was unaffected by soil nutrient status.) have to
be taken into account..…… diunduh
The Effects of substrate, temperature and soil fertility on respiration and
N2O production in pastoral soils
Uchida, Yoshitaka.
Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University, 2010 , Thesis
Finally the third experiment investigated the changes in soil N₂O
emissions and RS following a urine deposition event on a pasture soil
at various TS (11°, 19°, and 23°C) with or without plants present. Soil
moisture was increased from 50% to 70% water-filled pore space at
21 days following the urine deposition event. Soil-N contributed to soil
N₂O emissions only at the early phase of the experiment, especially at
higher TS, and the contribution was lesser when plants were present.
The presence of plants increased N₂O flux particularly when soil
moisture contents were high, and when TS was > 19°C. Urine
application primed soil C and increased the rate of RS. The magnitude
of urine-induced priming of soil C was relatively larger at lower TS,
and was larger when plants were absent based on the estimation from
cumulative RS. Based on the results obtained using a natural ¹³C
abundance, when plants were present, urine application increased the
contribution of ROM to RS particularly at 19°C.
This study indicates that the responses of soil N₂O fluxes and RS to
temperature changes are markedly affected by plant presence and soil
nutrient status. Both urine addition and plant activity primed RS but
the magnitude of the priming effect was influenced by other factors
(e.g. TS). To accurately predict the global warming feedback of
belowground soil processes, the factors affecting the aboveground
plant activity (e.g. soil nutrient status) have to be taken into account..…… diunduh
Effects of Soil Temperature on Growth and Root Function
in Rice
Yumiko Arai-Sanoh, Tsutomu Ishimaru, Akihiro Ohsumi and Motohiko
Plant Production ScienceVol. 13 (2010) , No. 3 235-242
The objective of this study was to clarify the effects of soil
temperature in the stage from late tillering to panicle initiation (SI)
and during the grain-filling stage (SII) on grain setting, dry matter
production, photosynthesis, non-structural carbohydrate (NSC), xylem
exudation and abscisic acid (ABA) levels in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv.
Koshihikari). Rice plants were exposed to four different soil
temperatures during SI or SII: 17.5, 25, 31.5 and 36.5ºC (ST18, ST25,
ST32 and ST37, respectively). The yield, yield components, grain filling
and quality in SI were negatively influenced by high soil temperature
of 37ºC. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in
those characters among temperature treatments in SII.
The root/shoot ratio was smallest in the ST37 plants in both SI and
SII, mainly due to their lighter root weight. At 7 days after initiation of
treatment (DAT) in both SI and SII, the photosynthetic and xylem
exudation rate tended to increase slightly as soil temperature
increased up to 32ºC. At 21 DAT, however, the photosynthetic rate was
lowest in ST37, with concurrent decrease of diffusion conductance and
SPAD value.
The Decrease of NSC concentration in stem and xylem exudation rate,
and increase of ABA level in leaves and xylem exudate were observed
in ST37 plants at 21 DAT. These results suggested that high soil
temperature before heading especially influenced yield, grain quality
and plant growth. Possible mechanisms of the effect of soil
temperature are discussed..…… diunduh
Low soil temperature inhibits the effect of high nutrient supply
on photosynthetic response to elevated carbon dioxide
concentration in white birch seedlings.
Ambebe TF, Dang QL, Li J.
2010 in Tree Physiol, 30(2): 234-43.
To investigate the interactive effects of soil temperature (T(soil)) and nutrient
availability on the response of photosynthesis to elevated atmospheric carbon
dioxide concentration ([CO(2)]), white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings
were exposed to ambient (360 mumol mol(-)(1)) or elevated (720 mumol mol()(1)) [CO(2)], three T(soil) (5, 15 and 25 degrees C initially, increased to 7, 17 and
27 degrees C, respectively, 1 month later) and three nutrient regimes (4/1.8/3.3,
80/35/66 and 160/70/132 mg l(-)(1) N/P/K) for 3 months in environmentcontrolled greenhouses.
Elevated [CO(2)] increased net photosynthetic rate (A(n)), instantaneous wateruse efficiency (IWUE), internal to ambient carbon dioxide concentration ratio
(C(i)/C(a)), triose phosphate utilization (TPU) and photosynthetic linear electron
transport to carboxylation (J(c)), and it decreased actual photochemical efficiency
of photosystem II (DeltaF/F(m)'), the fraction of total linear electron transport
partitioned to oxygenation (J(o)/J(T)) and leaf N concentration.
The low T(soil) suppressed A(n), transpiration rate (E), TPU, DeltaF/F(m)' and J(c),
but it increased J(o)/J(T). The low nutrient treatment reduced A(n), IWUE,
maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco, light-saturated electron transport rate,
TPU, DeltaF/F(m)', J(c) and leaf N concentration, but increased C(i)/C(a). There
were two-factor interactions for C(i)/C(a), TPU and leaf N concentration, and a
significant effect of CO(2) x T(soil) x nutrient regime on A(n), IWUE and J(c).
The stimulations of A(n) and IWUE by elevated [CO(2)] were limited to seedlings
grown under the intermediate and high nutrient regimes at the intermediate and
high T(soil). For J(c), the [CO(2)] effect was significant only at intermediate T(soil)
+ high nutrient availability. No significant [CO(2)] effects were observed under the
low T(soil) at any nutrient level. Our results support this study's hypothesis that
low T(soil) would reduce the positive effect of high nutrient supply on the
response of A(n) to elevated [CO(2)]..…… diunduh 10/2/2012
A conceptual diagram depicting relationships between plant and soil
factors that control the availability and uptake of mineral nutrients. Soil
temperature affects nutrient uptake directly by altering root
growth,morphology, and uptake kinetics. Indirect effects include altered
rates of decomposition and nutrient mineralization, mineral weathering,
and nutrient transport processes (mass flow and diffusion).
(Modified from Fig. 1 in BassiriRad 2000,with kind permission).
Effects of Soil Temperature on Nutrient Uptake
K.S. Pregitzer and J.S. King…… diunduh 10/2/2012
Soil temperature response of maize root dry weight 24 days after
germination, and pecan seedling taproot length after 4-day
growth at treatment temperatures.
(Redrawn from Figs. 3 and 4 in Kaspar and Bland 1992, with kind
permission from Lippincott,Williams and Wilkins Publishers).
…… diunduh 10/2/2012
Cumulative root length production and mortality of four clones of aspen grown at
two levels of soil N availability and temperature for 98 days at the University of
Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, Michigan.H and L refer to high and low soil
temperature, respectively; HN and LN refer to high and low soil N availability,
respectively. (Redrawn from Fig. 4 in King et al. 1999 ,with kind permission from
Kluwer Academic Publishers).
…… diunduh 10/2/2012
At the global scale, it has long been recognized that
temperature is a major controller of decomposition, resulting in
the latitudinal gradient of soil organic matter (Olson 1963).
Recent interest in global climate change has stimulated
ecosystem-level research on soil warming, usually using buried
heating cables, to assess the effects of the predicted warmer
climate on soil carbon storage and cycling (Van Cleve et al.
1990; Peterjohn et al. 1994; McHale et al. 1998; Rustad and
Fernandez 1998).
Universally, these studies have found that moderate warming of
soil results in more rapid mass loss of decomposing litter,
greater efflux of CO2 from soil, and greater levels of nutrient
availability. For example, after 2 years of decomposition in a
northern hardwood forest, mass remaining of American beech
leaf litter was approximately 60, 50, and 42 % for ambient,
ambient+5 °C, and ambient+ 7.5 °C soil temperature
treatments, respectively (McHale et al. 1998).
Olson JS (1963) Energy storage and the balance of producers and decomposers in
ecological systems. Ecology 44:322–331.
Rustad LE, Fernandez IJ (1998) Soil warming: consequences for foliar litter decay in
a spruce-fir forest in Maine, USA. Soil Sci Am J 62:1072–1080
McHale PJ, Mitchell MJ, Bowles FP (1998) Soil warming in a northern hardwood
forest: trace gas fluxes and leaf litter decomposition. Can J For Res 28:1365–1372
Root-free laboratory incubations of forest soil have been
used to characterize the temperature response of microbial
mineralization of C and nutrients (Ellert and Bettany 1992;
Kirschbaum 1995; MacDonald et al. 1995; Bowden et al.
1998; Ross et al. 1999).
These studies indicate that microbial respiration and the
mineralization of N and sulfur (S) increase over the range
of temperatures most commonly experienced in natural
soils, and this response has traditionally been described as
exponential (i.e., the Arrhenius equation).
Microbial sensitivity to temperature diminishes at
higher temperatures, indicating the exponential
model may not always be appropriate..
Bowden RD,Newkirk KM,Rullo GM (1998) Carbon dioxide and methane
fluxes by a forest soil under laboratory-controlled moisture and
temperature conditions. Soil Biol Biochem 30:1591–1597.
Ross DJ,Kelliher FM, Tate KR (1999) Microbial processes in relation to
carbon, nitrogen and temperature regimes in litter and a sandy mineral
soil from a central Siberian Pinus sylvestris L. forest. Soil Biol Biochem
In a survey of the incubation literature, Kirschbaum (1995)
determined the Q10 for decomposition to be ~8.0 at 0 °C, 4.5 at
10 °C, 2.5 at 20 °C, and ~1.0 at 35 °C. The temperature
sensitivity of mineralization of N and S has also been shown to
decrease with increasing temperature, and several authors have
suggested alternate models (e.g., quadratic) to describe the
temperature response of microbial metabolism (Ellert and Bettany
1992;MacDonald et al. 1995).
The decrease in Q10 at higher temperatures may result from
changes in substrate pool size or composition, microbial
community composition, or transport processes such as diffusion
(Zak et al. 1999). None-the-less, these findings suggest that soil
temperature effects on nutrient availability are greatest when soil
temperature is low and changes on short timescales (hours to
days), such as in temperate systems in spring and fall, or highlatitude soils during the growing season. Increased nutrient
availability on short timescales as soils warm may provide the
selective pressure for the ability to rapidly increase rates of
nutrient uptake..
Ellert BH, Bettany JR (1992) Temperature dependence of net nitrogen and sulfur
mineralization. Soil Soc Am J 56:1133–1141
Kirschbaum MU (1995) The temperature dependence of soil organic matter
decomposition, and the effect of global warming on soil organic C storage. Soil Biol
Biochem 27:753–760.
MacDonald NW, Zak DR, Pregitzer KS (1995) Temperature effects on kinetics of
microbial respiration and net nitrogen and sulfur mineralization. Soil Soc Am J
Zak DR, Holmes WE, MacDonald NW, Pregitzer KS (1999) Soil temperature, matric
potential, and the kinetics of microbial respiration and nitrogen mineralization. Soil
Sci Am J 63:575–584
Wardle (1998) concluded that temporal variation
in microbial biomass C in forest, grassland, and arable ecosystems was best
described by a model (R2=0.6) incorporating soil pH, soil C, and latitude.
High-latitude systems exhibited greater seasonal variation in microbial biomass
(greater turnover) due to higher inter-seasonal variations in temperature.
Wardle DA (1998) Controls of temporal variability of the soil microbial biomass: A global-scale
synthesis. Soil Biol Biochem 30:1627–1637.
The activity of soil organisms follows seasonal patterns, as well as daily patterns. In
temperate systems, the greatest activity occurs in late spring when temperature and
moisture conditions are optimal for growth (see graph). However, certain species are
most active in the winter, others during dry periods, and still others in flooded
Lipson et al. (2000) demonstrated that fall/winter
increases in microbial biomass in dry alpine
meadows were followed by spring declines
related to a sustained increase in soil
temperature, and a corresponding decrease in
soluble organic C. Microbial biomass was similar
in grassland soil incubated for 240 days at 15
and 25 °C, but declined precipitously after 50
days when incubated at 35 °C (Joergensen et al.
Microbial biomass remained low in the highest-temperature
treatment, and biomass turnover times were 4, 62, and
Effects of Soil Temperature on Nutrient Uptake 297 139
days for the 35, 25, and 15 °C temperature treatments,
respectively. The rapid microbial turnover at high
temperature resulted in much higher cumulative CO2
evolution and N mineralization.
Joergensen RG, Brookes PC, Jenkinson DS (1990) Survival of the soil
microbial biomass at elevated temperatures. Soil Biol Biochem 22:1129–
Lipson DA, Schmidt SK,Monson RK (2000) Carbon availability and
temperature control the post-snowmelt decline in alpine soil microbial
biomass. Soil Biol Biochem 32:441–448
These results are consistent with those of Zogg
et al. (1997), who also found the lowest
microbial biomass and highest CO2 evolution in
soil from a sugar maple forest incubated at 25
°C, compared to incubations at 5 and 15 °C.
Using molecular techniques to examine changes
in membrane lipid profiles (PLFA and LPS-OHFA),
Zogg et al. (1997) concluded that:
microbial community composition had shifted at
higher soil temperature, possibly conferring the
ability to metabolize C sources unavailable to the
lower-temperature communities..
Zogg GP, Zak DR, Ringelberg DB,MacDonald NW, Pregitzer
KS,White DC (1997) Compositional and functional shifts in
microbial communities due to soil warming. Soil Sci Soc Am J
Carreiro and Koske (1992) similarly reported shifts in microfungal community
composition in mixed deciduous leaf litter incubated in microcosms at 0, 10, and 20
Litter decay rates increased with increasing soil temperature, and Zygomycete
species richness declined while that of Deuteromycetes increased, indicating that
microbial community composition was strongly influenced by thermal environment.
Carreiro MM, Koske RE (1992) Effect of temperature on decomposition and
development of microfungal communities in leaf litter microcosms. Can J Bot
Temporal variations of soil microbial biomass C for maize soils amended with mineral fertilizer
(control) and pig slurry at 60 (PS60) and 120 Mg ha−1 (PS120). Mineral fertilizer was applied on
29 May and pig slurry on 30 June 1997.
Changes in soil temperature directly affect root
physiology in several ways that, in combination
with soil-mediated controls on nutrient
availability (diffusion, mass flow, mineralization),
determine nutrient uptake.
The influx of nutrients into living cells of roots
occurs by transport across the plasmalemma
through high- and low-affinity transporter
proteins that operate at low and high
concentrations, respectively, and that are
thought to be more or less specific to each ionic
species (Nissen 1996).
Nissen P (1996) Uptake mechanisms. In:Waisel Y, Eshel A, Kafkafi
U (eds) Plant roots: the hidden half, 2nd edn.Marcel Dekker,New
York, pp 511–527.
Nutrient uptake rate increases with increasing external
concentration until a saturation level is reached, above
which uptake is independent of concentration (see Chap. 6,
this Vol.). The kinetics of nutrient uptake are suggestive of
the operation of enzyme–substrate systems, and for most
essential ions can be described reasonably well by the
Michaelis-Menten model. Experimental evidence suggests
that nutrient uptake capacity is directly related to
temperature (Chapin 1974a, b; Gosselin and Trudel
1986;MacDuff et al. 1994; Weih and Karlsson 1999;
BassiriRad 2000; Tinker and Nye 2000; Dong et al.
Effects of Soil Temperature on Nutrient Uptake 293 2001).
This short-term physiological response has been shown to
exhibit Q10 values ≥2 between 10 and 30 °C, and lasts for
several hours (Deane-Drummond and Glass 1983)..
BassiriRad H (2000) Kinetics of nutrient uptake by roots: responses to global
change. New Phytol 147:155–169
Chapin FS III (1974a) Morphological and physiological mechanisms of temperature
compensation in phosphate absorption along a latitudinal gradient. Ecology
Dean-Drummond CE, Glass ADM (1983) Compensatory changes in ion fluxes into
barely (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Betzes) seedlings in response to differential
root/shoot growth temperatures. J Exp Bot 34:1711–1719.
Gosselin A, Trudel MJ (1986) Root-zone temperature effects on pepper. J Am Soc
Hortic Sci 111:220–224.
Tinker PB,Nye PH (2000) Solute movement in the rhizosphere. Oxford University
Press, New York
Given the high degree of diurnal variation in soil
temperature (Fig. 10.2A), this may confer upon plants the
ability to rapidly exploit nutrients made available as soils
warm throughout the day.On longer timescales (days),
nutrient uptake rates at different temperatures converge,
so that uptake appears progressively less sensitive to
temperature (Glass and Siddiqu 1985; Toselli et al. 1999),
but the reasons for this apparent “acclimation” are poorly
understood. In a recent review, BassiriRad (2000) suggests
caution when generalizing nutrient uptake responses
across a wide range of species and soil temperatures.
Earlier work demonstrated that PO4 3– uptake by
Eriophorum vaginatum increased as soil temperature rose
from 5 to 15 °C, but decreased with further increases in
temperature (BassiriRad et al. 1996). In addition, other
factors such as plant demand for nutrients (growth), root
system surface area, and previous N nutrition are known to
modify the response of nutrient uptake to changes in soil
temperature (MacDuff and Wild 1989; Bowen 1991;
MacDuff et al. 1994).
BassiriRad H, Tissue DT, Reynolds JF, Chapin FS III (1996) Response of Eriophorum
vaginatum to CO2 enrichment at different soil temperatures: effects on growth, root
respiration and PO43– uptake kinetics.New Phytol 133:423–430.
MacDuff JH, Jarvis SC, Cockburn JE (1994) Acclimation of NO3 – fluxes to low root
temperature by Brassica napus in relation to NO3 – supply. J Exp Bot 45:1045–1056.
MacDuff JH,Wild A (1989) Interactions between root temperature and nitrogen
deficiency influence preferential uptake of NH4 + and NO3 – by oilseed rape. J Exp
Bot 40:195–206.
The mechanisms for increased nutrient uptake with
rising soil temperature are not well understood. Root
respiration is known to increase with rising soil
temperature (Atkin et al. 2000), in part due to higher
availability of carbohydrates from enhanced
photosynthesis, providing more energy for active
Decreased root hydraulic conductance at low root
zone temperature was attributed, in part, to
decreased capacity to replenish respiratory substrates
in Populus tremuloides (Wan et al. 2001). However,
the correlation between the rise in nutrient uptake
and root respiration breaks down at higher
temperatures, indicating that other energydemanding processes are also changing (BassiriRad
Atkin OK, Edwards EJ, Loveys BR (2000) Response of root respiration to
changes in temperature and its relevance to global warming.New Phytol
BassiriRad H (2000) Kinetics of nutrient uptake by roots: responses to
global change. New Phytol 147:155–169.
Wan X, Zwiazek JJ, Lieffers VJ, Landhausser M (2001) Hydraulic
conductance in aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings exposed to low
root temperatures. Tree Physiol 21:691–696.
Higher rates of root respiration result in higher
concentrations of CO2 in soil solution, of which
the dissociation products, H+ and HCO3 –
,promote ion exchange reactions at the surface
of clay and humic particles, freeing nutrient ions
for uptake (Larcher 1995).
Formation of carbonic acid as a result of
increased respiration (auto- and heterotrophic)
can decrease rhizosphere and soil pH, which is
widely known to affect the availability and uptake
of essential ions, especially micronutrients
(Marschner 1995).
The effect of enhanced root and microbial
respiration on soil solution chemistry and plant
nutrition is determined to a large extent by the
buffering capacity of the soil..
Larcher W (1995) Plant physiological ecology. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
New York.
Marschner H (1995) Mineral nutrition of higher plants, 2nd edn. Academic
Press, London.
Properties of cell membranes also change with soil
temperature, affecting nutrient uptake. There is a decrease
in water uptake at low soil temperatures, caused primarily
by increased resistance to water movement within the root
due to higher viscosity of water and reduced permeability
of cell membranes (Johnson and Thornley 1985; Kramer
and Boyer 1995;Wan et al. 2001).
This decreases mass flow of nutrients to the root
surface in soil water. After extended periods at
low root zone temperature (3–5 days), the
content of unsaturated fatty acids in cell
membranes of new roots has been observed to
increase, and has been implicated in the
acclimation response of nutrient uptake
(Markhart et al. 1980; Osmond et al. 1982)..
Johnson IR,Thornley JHM (1985) Temperature dependence of plant and
crop processes. Ann Bot 55:1–24.
Markhart AH, Fiscus EL, Naylor AW, Kramer PJ (1980) Low temperature
acclimation of root fatty acid composition, leaf water potential, gas
exchange and growth of soybean seedlings. Plant Cell Environ 3:435–441.
Osmond DL,Wilson RF, Raper CD Jr (1982) Fatty acid composition and
nitrate uptake of soybean roots during acclimation to low temperature.
Plant Physiol 70:1689–1693.
It must noted that root growth and physiology may exhibit
distinct, possibly compensatory responses to changes in
soil temperature, resulting in variation in nutrient uptake
by plant species and for ions of differing mobility.
Chapin et al. (1986) found that nutrient uptake [(PO4 3–,
NH4 +, NO3 –, Rb+ (analog of K+), Cl–] was least
sensitive to temperature in slow-growing species such as
black spruce (Picea mariana), compared to the more
rapidly growing poplar (Populus balsamifera) and aspen
(Populus tremuloides). They attributed this in part to the
fast-growing species occupying warmer sites, but also
more fertile sites where high uptake capacity would confer
a selective advantage. It has been suggested that uptake
capacity and root growth could act as compensatory
responses to changes in soil temperature (Clarkson 1985;
Clarkson et al. 1988).
Chapin FS III, Van Cleve K, Tryon PR (1986) Relationship of ion
absorption to growth rate in taiga trees. Oecologia 69:238–242.
Clarkson DT (1985) Factors affecting mineral nutrient acquisition by
plants. Annu Rev Plant Physiol 36:77–115.
Clarkson DT, Earnshaw MJ,White PJ,Cooper HD (1988) Temperature
dependent factors influencing nutrient uptake: an analysis of responses at
different levels of organization. In: Long SP,Woodward FI (eds) Plants and
temperature. Symp 42, Society for Experimental Biology, Cambridge, pp
Thus, if root growth diminished relative to shoot
growth at higher soil temperature, then the
specific rate of nutrient uptake would increase,
whereas an increase in root:shoot ratio would
cause specific uptake rates to decrease.
In a 9-week growth chamber experiment with
Pinus sylvestris seedlings,Domisch et al. (2001)
observed increased total biomass as soil
temperature increased from 5 to 17 °C, but little
change in allocation between roots and shoots.
The above considerations underscore the
complexity of plant nutrient uptake as influenced
by soil temperature, and illustrate the difficulty in
making generalizations about the multiple,
interacting processes.
Domisch T, Finér L, Lehto T (2001) Effects of soil temperature on biomass
and carbohydrate allocation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings at
the beginning of the growing season. Tree Physiol 21:465–472.
Soil temperature can have a significant effect on
the viscosity of water. The viscosity of water is
inversely related to its temperature in a nearly
linear fashion (r2=0.94) over the range of
temperatures experienced in soil in ecosystems
around the world (0 to ~70 °C), from 1.15 \ 10–
3 to 0.41 \ 10–3 N s m–2 (Brown and LeMay
The increased viscosity at low temperatures is known
to decrease rates of water uptake by roots and
transport within the plant (Johnson and Thornley
1985; Wan et al. 2001), and therefore reduces the
rate of nutrient transport to the roots in mass flow.
Similarly, the transport of nutrient ions from areas of
high to low concentration by the process of diffusion
is directly influenced by soil temperature..
Brown TL, LeMay HE Jr (1981) Chemistry: the central science. PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs.
Johnson IR,Thornley JHM (1985) Temperature dependence of plant and
crop processes. Ann Bot 55:1–24.
Wan X, Zwiazek JJ, Lieffers VJ, Landhausser M (2001) Hydraulic
conductance in aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings exposed to low
root temperatures. Tree Physiol 21:691–696
Ecological Studies,Vol. 181
H.BassiriRad (Ed.) Nutrient Acquisition by Plants
An Ecological Perspective
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
Dynamics of Soil Temperature
Soil Energy Balance
The temperature of the soil is determined by the balance of
energy input (short wave) and output (long wave), which
changes continuously on a diurnal and seasonal basis. Formal
treatments of the soil energy balance can be found in Hanks and
Ashcroft (1980).
The main determinant of soil thermal regime is the net amount of
radiation reaching the Earth’s surface, termed insolation,which is
a function of latitude, time of year, and cloud cover. Aspect
significantly affects insolation, with south- and west-facing slopes
generally receiving the most solar energy (Geiger 1965).
Tajchman and Minton (1986) reported greater monthly mean soil
temperature on south- and west-facing exposures relative to
north-facing slopes in a forested Appalachian watershed.
Altitude also significantly affects soil temperature, with lowerelevation soils warming more and earlier in the spring than those
higher up (Woodward 1998)..
Hanks RJ,Ashcroft GL (1980) Applied soil physics. Springer,Berlin Heidelberg New
Geiger R (1965) The climate near the ground.Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
Tajchman SJ, Minton CM (1986) Soil temperature regime in a forested Appalachian
watershed. Can J For Res 16:624–629.
Woodward A (1998) Relationships among environmental variables and distribution of
tree species at high elevation in the Olympic mountains.Northwest Sci 72:10–22.
Plant cover generally reduces albedo, which can be
extremely important to the energy balance of high-latitude
ecosystems. Hall et al. (1996) found that jack pine-spruce
forests in Saskatchewan and Manitoba had an average
albedo of 0.08 compared to a value of 0.8 for bare snow.
It has also been shown that the tussock growth form of
Eriophorum vaginatum improves the soil thermal regime
and nutrient cycling in Alaskan tundra (Chapin et al. 1979).
Part of the insulating effect of vegetation is due to the
buildup of a layer of organic detritus on the soil
surface,which can decrease the amplitude of daily and
seasonal temperature fluctuations.
Breshears et al. (1998) reported that winter soil
temperatures under patches of woody plants (Pinus edulis
and Juniperus monosperma) in semi-arid woodland were
warmer than interpatch areas due to the buildup of a litter
layer. The insulating properties of litter stem from the
relatively low thermal conductivity of organic matter
compared to mineral soil, and the large proportion
(volumetric) of air spaces..
Breshears DD,Nyhan JW,Heil CE,Wilcox BP (1998) Effects of woody plants on
microclimate in a semiarid woodland: Soil temperature and evaporation in canopy
and intercanopy patches. Int J Plant Sci 159:101–1017.
Chapin FS III,Van Cleve K, Chapin MC (1979) Soil temperature and nutrient cycling
in the tussock growth form of Eriophorum vaginatum. J Ecol 67:169–189.
Hall FG, Sellers PJ,Williams DI (1996) Initial results from the Boreal EcosystemAtmosphere Experiment, BOREAS. Silva Fenn 30:109–212.
Soil texture can influence the ability of a soil to conduct and store energy. Compiling
results from several studies, Jury et al. (1991) reported that wet peat had a thermal
conductivity (average) of 0.83 cal cm–1 s–1 °C–1, compared to 4.01 cal cm–1 s–1
°C–1 for wet sand.
Since the thermal conductivity of most mineral components of the solid phase is
similar (Smith and Byers 1938), differences between mineral soils are primarily due
to water content and bulk density..
Jury WA, Gardner WR, Gardner WH (1991) Soil physics, 5th edn.Wiley,New York
Smith WO, Byers HG (1938) The thermal conductivity of dry soil of certain of the great soil groups.
Soil Sci Soc Am Proc 3:13–19.
The hydrologic cycle is a very important driver of
soil temperature.When soil is bare, color and
moisture content are the main determinants of
albedo (Hanks and Ashcroft 1980). Dark soils
absorb more energy than lighter ones, and
wetting the soil effectively darkens it.
Because the specific heat of water (1.0 cal g–1)
is so much greater than that of soil minerals
(~0.2 cal g–1), moisture content greatly
influences soil thermal capacity and diffusivity,
and therefore temperature (Kohnke 1968).
Evapotranspiration of water from the soil surface removes
latent heat from soil, thereby cooling it.
Sumrall et al. (1991) observed maximum dry soil
temperatures at 1-cm depth of ~60 °C in burned semidesert grassland in Arizona,but of only ~42 °C after the
summer rainy season had wet the soil.
Hanks RJ,Ashcroft GL (1980) Applied soil physics. Springer,Berlin
Heidelberg New York.
Kohnke H (1968) Soil physics.McGraw-Hill,New York.
Sumrall LB,Roundy BA,Cox JR,Winkel VK (1991) Influence of
canopy removal by burning or clipping on emergence of
Eragrostis lehmanniana seedlings. Int J Wildland Fire 1:35–40
Other drivers of soil temperature largely result from landuse practices that influence plant cover, soil moisture
status, and cultivation of soil. Maximum daily soil
temperature (1-cm depth) in a clear-cut exceeded 50 °C
compared to 16 °C in an adjacent mature, western
hemlock-fir forest in coastal British Columbia, and had
much greater amplitude (Spittlehouse and Stathers 1990).
The cumulative warming of soil 19 years after
forest removal in western Australia increased soil
temperature (relative to intact forest) to many tens
of meters in depth, and it was estimated that it
would require 208 years to return to an upward
heat flux (Taniguchi et al. 1998).
Mounding and trenching, forms of site preparation widely
practiced in cold, wet soils of northern forests, have been
shown to increase soil temperature, significantly increasing
tree seedling survival and growth (Paterson and Mason
Paterson DB, Mason WL (1999) Cultivation of soils for forestry. Forestry
Commission Bull 119, Purely Print, Blandford Forum, Dorset
Spittlehouse DL, Stathers RJ (1990) Seedling microclimate. British
Columbia Ministry of Forests,Victoria, Land Management Rep no 65.
Taniguchi M,Williamson DR, Peck AJ (1998) Estimations of surface
temperature and subsurface heat flux following forest removal in the
south-west ofWestern Australia. Hydrol Proc 12:2205–2216
Other forms of cultivation, such as blade
scarification and plowing, have been shown to
increase soil temperature due to the removal of
vegetation and improved thermal conductivity
from mixing of mineral and organic horizons
(Spittlehouse and Stathers 1990).
Use of dark-colored mulches, such as
waterpermeable plastic, decreases soil albedo
and significantly increases soil temperature. As
with mounding and trenching, this can be an
important way to extend growing seasons at high
latitudes. The use of light-colored mulches
composed of organic residues has the opposite
effect, cooling soil and reducing water loss,which
is important in hot climates (Olasantan 1999).
Olasantan FO (1999) Effect of time of mulching on soil temperature and
moisture regime and emergence, growth and yield of white yam in
western Nigeria. Soil Till Res 50:215–221
Spittlehouse DL, Stathers RJ (1990) Seedling microclimate. British
Columbia Ministry of Forests,Victoria, Land Management Rep no 65.
The diurnal and seasonal progression of soil
temperature exhibits patterns characteristic of
the prevailing climate. During a day in the
growing season, soil temperature close to the
surface is lowest between the hours of midnight
and sunrise. As the solar angle increases, so too
does the soil temperature, reaching a peak at
midday and declining thereafter. With increasing
depth, soil temperature decreases and the
amplitude of the daily signal diminishes.
Peak temperature is reached progressively later
in the day due to a time lag imposed by the
thermal conductivity inherent to the soil. At
sufficient depth, diurnal temperature variation is
completely dampened, and the temperature of
the soil remains near that of the mean annual air
temperature (Strahler and Strahler, 1983).
Strahler AN, Strahler AH (1983) Modern physical geography, 2nd
edn.Wiley,New York.
Soils with a thermic or hyperthermic temperature
regime experience accelerated rates of mineral
weathering and decomposition, increasing the
content of low-activity clays and decreasing
organic matter (Sanchez 1976).
The highly weathered clays (e.g., kaolinite) are
composed mainly of iron and aluminum hydroxides,
having long since lost most of the elements
important to plant nutrition such as Ca and Mg.
Therefore, soil nutrient stocks are severely
These clays have low cation exchange capacity,
and therefore low capacity to retain nutrients that
may be made available from the mineralization of
organic matter or atmospheric deposition.
Soil temperature influences plant nutrient uptake
through effects on soil water, rates of chemical
reactions, and nutrient transport.
Sanchez PA (1976) Properties and management of soils in the
tropics.Wiley,New York.
Since most chemical reactions and nutrient
transport occur in water, how soil water is
affected by soil temperature directly impacts
nutrient uptake. It has been estimated that only
1 % of the nutrients reaching the surface of
plant root systems is due to direct interception,
while the remainder is transported to the roots
by mass flow (transpiration and hydrodynamic
dispersion) and diffusion (Jungk 1996), although
interception may be much more important for
immobile nutrients such as P (Barber et al.
The effect of soil temperature on soil water is
increased rates and depth of evaporation with
increasing soil temperature, especially in
situations where the supply of water may be
Barber SA,Mackay AD, Kuchenbuch RO, Barraclough PB (1989) Effects of
soil temperature and water on maize root growth. Dev Plant Soil Sci
Jungk AO (1996) Dynamics of nutrient movement at the soil-root
interface. In:Waisel Y, Eshel A, Kafkafi U (eds) Plant roots: the hidden
half, 2nd edn. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 529–556.
Cortina and Vallejo (1994) reported a decline in litter
decomposition due to soil drying associated with
higher soil temperature in a clear-felled Pinus radiata
stand in Mediterranean ecosystems of northeastern
Paláez et al. (1992) reported a very strong
inverse relationship between soil temperature
and soil water potential (5-cm depth) in Prosopis
ecosystems 286 K.S. Pregitzer and J.S. King in
the semiarid region of Argentina.Not only does
dry soil prevent mass flow and diffusion of
nutrients, but it may also lead to increased
mechanical impedance to root growth (Bennie
1991), thereby limiting nutrient interception..
Bennie ATP (1991) Growth and mechanical impedance. In:Waisel
Y, Eshel A, Kafkafi U (eds) Plant roots: the hidden half.Marcel
Dekker,New York, pp 393–414
Cortina J,Vallejo VR (1994) Effects of clearfelling on forest floor
accumulation and litter decomposition in a Radiata pine
plantation. For Ecol Manage 70:299–310.
Paláez DV, Bóo RM, Elia OR (1992) Emergence and seedling
survival of caldén in the semiarid region of Argentina. J Range
Manage 45:564–568
Soil temperature can have a significant effect on the
viscosity of water. The viscosity of water is inversely
related to its temperature in a nearly linear fashion
(r2=0.94) over the range of temperatures
experienced in soil in ecosystems around the world (0
to ~70 °C), from 1.15 \ 10–3 to 0.41 \ 10–3 N s m–2
(Brown and LeMay 1981).
The increased viscosity at low temperatures is known
to decrease rates of water uptake by roots and
transport within the plant (Johnson and Thornley
1985; Kramer and Boyer 1995;Wan et al. 2001), and
therefore reduces the rate of nutrient transport to the
roots in mass flow.
The transport of nutrient ions from areas of high to
low concentration by the process of diffusion is
directly influenced by soil temperature.
Brown TL, LeMay HE Jr (1981) Chemistry: the central science. PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs.
Johnson IR,Thornley JHM (1985) Temperature dependence of plant and
crop processes. Ann Bot 55:1–24.
Kramer PJ,Boyer JS (1995) Water relations of plants and soils.Academic
Press, San Diego.
In general, the rate at which nutrients are taken up by
roots is proportional to their concentration in soil solution
near the root (Marschner 1995).
Anything that affects nutrient concentrations in soil
solution greatly influences nutrient uptake and growth by
All chemical reactions that occur in soil, including mineral
weathering (Sparks 1995), biologically mediated nitrogen
transformations (Paul and Clark (1996), and most reactions
involving nutrient ions in soil solution (Sposito 1994), are
strongly influenced by temperature.
Marschner H (1995) Mineral nutrition of higher plants, 2nd edn. Academic Press,
Paul EA, Clark FE (1996) Soil microbiology and biochemistry, 2nd edn.Academic
Press, San Diego.
Sparks DL (1995) Environmental soil chemistry.Academic Press, San Diego.
Sposito G (1994) Chemical equilibria and kinetics in soils. Oxford University
Press,New York.
Joslin and Wolfe (1993) reported that warmer soils
associated with the sunny side of a clear-felled, highelevation red spruce stand exhibited higher mean seasonal
solution concentrations of NO3 –, Mg2+, and Al3+
compared to cooler soils on the shaded side.
Though nutrient availability increased in the short term,
the seasonal export (leaching) of NO3 – and Mg2+ from
the site was 30–33 % greater due to soil warming, which
the authors speculated could adversely affect forest
nutrition over time.
Kelly (1993) reported higher concentrations of total N, NH4
+-N, and PO4 3–-P in soil solution from the Oa and A
horizons of a mixed-age spruce forest as soil temperature
was increased from 4 to 24 °C.
Concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and NO3 –-N
decreased with increasing soil temperature,however,
indicating that it cannot be assumed that all ions respond
Joslin JD,Wolfe MH (1993) Temperature increase accelerates nitrate
release from highelevation red spruce soils. Can J For Res 23:756–759
Kelly JM (1993) Temperature affects solution-phase nutrient
concentrations and subsequent calculations of supply parameters. Soil Sci
Soc Am J 57:527–531.
Along with chemical and physical effects on soil nutrient concentrations
and transport, soil temperature influences nutrient uptake through direct
effects on the growth and physiology of plant root systems.
The amount and duration of root growth, root morphology, and root
spatial distributions can all be affected by soil temperature.
In addition, soil temperature can alter specific rates of ion uptake, root
respiration, cell membrane permeability, and rates of transport in the
Pregitzer KS, King JS,Burton AJ,Brown SE (2000) Responses of tree fine roots to temperature. New
Phytol 147:105–115.
Distribution of Roots of Onion Grown with and without Mulch
Roots systems, especially in long-lived woody perennials,
have functionally distinct fractions with coarse roots being
important for anchorage, transport and storage, and smalldiameter “fine” roots being most important for uptake of
water and nutrients (Eissenstat 1992; Fitter 1996).
There is a large body of evidence demonstrating that, all
other factors remaining equal, root growth is enhanced with
increasing soil temperature (Bowen 1991; Kaspar and Bland
1992; McMichael and Burke 1996; Pregitzer et al. 2000).
Production of root biomass and length commences at
some low, limiting temperature, increases with rising
temperature to an optimum, and then declines with
further increases in temperature
Eissenstat DM (1992) Costs and benefits of constructing roots of small diameter. J Plant Nutr
Fitter A (1996) Characteristics and functions of root systems. In: Waisel Y, Eshel A, Kafkafi U (eds)
Plant roots: the hidden half, 2nd edn. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 1–20.
Kaspar TC, Bland WL (1992) Soil temperature and root growth. Soil Sci 154:290–299.
McMichael BL, Burke JJ (1996) Temperature effects on root growth. In:Waisel Y, Eshel A, Kafkafi U
(eds) Plant roots: the hidden half, 2nd edn. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 383–396.
Pregitzer KS, King JS,Burton AJ,Brown SE (2000) Responses of tree fine roots to temperature. New
Phytol 147:105–115
The range of soil temperatures at which root growth
begins, peaks, and then declines varies by species and is
related to the environmental conditions under which the
plants have evolved (Chapin 1974a, b).
Root growth of plants adapted to cold environments
usually responds to a lower range of temperatures than
those from warmer climates, and vice versa (Gliński and
Lipiec 1990).
Lyr and Hoffmann (1967): data generally
represent the physiological optimum rather than
the ecological optimum, because temperatures
employed in controlled-environment experiments
are rarely experienced in the soil.
Chapin FS III (1974a) Morphological and physiological mechanisms of
temperature compensation in phosphate absorption along a latitudinal
gradient. Ecology 55:1180–1198
Chapin FS III (1974b) Phosphate absorption capacity and acclimation
potential in plants along a latitudinal gradient. Science 183:521–523
Gliński J, Lipiec J (1990) Soil physical conditions and plant roots.CRC
Press, Boca Raton.
Lyr H,Hoffmann G (1967) Growth rates and growth periodicity of tree
roots. Int Rev For Res 2:181–236.
Few studies have examined the effects of soil temperature
on the allocation of carbon between coarse roots and the
very fine feeder roots, which is a particularly important
trait affecting nutrient uptake.
King et al. (1996) reported that elevated soil (and air)
temperature (+5 °C) resulted in small increases in the
partitioning of biomass to the smallest-diameter root
fraction in Pinus taeda and Pinus ponderosa seedlings.
More research is needed before generalizations
can be made about soil temperature effects on
biomass allocation between root fractions.
King JS, Thomas RB, Strain BR (1996) Growth and carbon accumulation in
root systems of Pinus taeda and Pinus ponderosa seedlings as affected by
varying CO2, temperature and nitrogen. Tree Physiol 16:635–642.
One potential mechanism for enhanced root growth in
warmer soils is via source–sink relationships between
above- and belowground plant parts.
The elevated soil temperature increases rates of
photosynthesis (Day et al. 1991; Landhäusser et al. 1996;
Schwarz et al. 1997).
This is due in part to the relief of water stress by greater
rates of water uptake and conductance, allowing greater
stomatal conductance.
Higher rates of photosynthesis increase the availability of
fixed carbon, some of which is translocated belowground
to sustain new root growth.
Day TA,Heckathorn SA, Delucia EH (1991) Limitations of photosynthesis in
Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) at low soil temperatures. Plant Physiol
Landhäusser SM,Wein RW,Lange P (1996) Gas exchange and growth of
three arctic treeline tree species under different soil temperature and
drought preconditioning regimes. Can J Bot 74:686–693.
Schwarz PA, Fahey TJ, Dawson TE (1997) Seasonal air and soil
temperature effects on photosynthesis in red spruce (Picea rubens)
saplings. Tree Physiol 17:187–194.
Another possible mechanism for enhanced root
growth with increasing soil temperature is
greater production of growth-regulating
substances (e.g., ABA, cytokinins, gibberellins) or
altered ratios of these substances (Atkin et al.
1973; Kramer and Boyer 1995).
Evidence for this is limited, however, and more
work needs to be done to determine the
importance of soil temperature control over the
production of growth-regulating substances.
Rates of enzymatic reactions, cell division and
expansion are directly related to temperature
(Taiz and Zeiger 1991; Larcher 1995), and so the
capacity of plants to construct new root tissue
increases as soil temperature rises..
Atkin RK, Barton GE, Robinson DK (1973) Effect of root-growing
temperature on growth substances in xylem exudates of Zea mays. J Exp
Bot 24:475–487
Kramer PJ,Boyer JS (1995) Water relations of plants and soils.Academic
Press, San Diego
Larcher W (1995) Plant physiological ecology. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
New York
Taiz L, Zeiger E (1991) Plant physiology. Benjamin/Cummings, New York.
Lynch has highlighted the role of root architecture in root
nutrient acquisition. There is published evidence (albeit
scanty) that soil temperature can affect root architecture.
For example, it has been reported that the angle at which
lateral roots grow from the central axis changes as a
function of soil temperature in several agronomic crops,
giving rise to root systems of distinct architecture (Rendig
and Taylor 1989).
Cooper (1973), the number of root hairs generally
decreases at higher soil temperature, but several authors
have reported increases, decreases, or no effects (MacDuff
et al. 1986; Kaspar and Bland 1992). Root hairs provide
intimate contact with the soil, reducing resistance to water
uptake, and are therefore important to nutrient uptake.
Bowen (1991) concluded that the length of “unsuberized”
root behind the growing apex decreases at low soil
temperature, implying reduced capacity for nutrient
Bowen GD (1991) Soil temperature, root growth, and plant function.
In:Waisel Y, Eshel A,Kafkafi U (eds) Plant roots: the hidden half.Marcel
Dekker,New York, pp 309–330
Cooper AJ (1973) Root temperature and plant growth – a review.Res Rev
no 4,Commonwealth Bureau of Horticulture and Plantation Crops,
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, Farnham Royal, England.
Rendig VV, Taylor HM (1989) Principles of soil-plant interrelationships.
McGraw-Hill, New York
SUHU TANAH - Root Physiology
Changes in soil temperature directly affect root
physiology in several ways that, in combination
with soil-mediated controls on nutrient
availability (diffusion, mass flow, mineralization),
determine nutrient uptake.
The influx of nutrients into living cells of roots occurs by
transport across the plasmalemma through high- and lowaffinity transporter proteins that operate at low and high
concentrations, respectively, and that are thought to be
more or less specific to each ionic species (Marschner
1995; Nissen 1996; BassiriRad 2000).
Nutrient uptake rate increases with increasing
external concentration until a saturation level is
reached, above which uptake is independent of
BassiriRad H (2000) Kinetics of nutrient uptake by roots: responses to
global change. New Phytol 147:155–169.
Marschner H (1995) Mineral nutrition of higher plants, 2nd edn. Academic
Press, London.
Nissen P (1996) Uptake mechanisms. In:Waisel Y, Eshel A, Kafkafi U (eds)
Plant roots: the hidden half, 2nd edn.Marcel Dekker,New York, pp 511–
The kinetics of nutrient uptake are suggestive of the
operation of enzyme–substrate systems, and for most
essential ions can be described reasonably well by the
Michaelis-Menten model. Experimental evidence suggests
that nutrient uptake capacity is directly related to
temperature (Gosselin and Trudel 1986; MacDuff et al.
1994; Dong et al. Effects of Soil Temperature on Nutrient
Uptake 293 2001).
THE physiological response has been shown to exhibit Q10
values ≥2 between 10 and 30 °C, and lasts for several
hours (Glass 1989). Given the high degree of diurnal
variation in soil temperature, this may confer upon plants
the ability to rapidly exploit nutrients made available as
soils warm throughout the day. On longer timescales
(days), nutrient uptake rates at different temperatures
converge, so that uptake appears progressively less
sensitive to temperature (Glass and Siddiqu 1985), but the
reasons for this apparent “acclimation” are poorly
Gosselin A, Trudel MJ (1986) Root-zone temperature effects on pepper. J Am Soc
Hortic Sci 111:220–224.
Glass ADM, Siddiqui MY (1985) Nitrate inhibition of chloride influx in barley:
implications for a proposed chloride homeostat. J Exp Bot 36:556–566.
Glass ADM (1989) Plant nutrition: an introduction to current concepts. Jones and
Bartlett, Boston
MacDuff JH, Jarvis SC, Cockburn JE (1994) Acclimation of NO3– fluxes to low root
temperature by Brassica napus in relation to NO3 – supply. J Exp Bot 45:1045–1056.
The mechanisms for increased nutrient uptake
with rising soil temperature are not well
understood. Root respiration is known to increase
with rising soil temperature (Atkin et al. 2000), in
part due to higher availability of carbohydrates
from enhanced photosynthesis, providing more
energy for active transport.
Decreased root hydraulic conductance at low root
zone temperature was attributed, in part, to
decreased capacity to replenish respiratory
substrates in Populus tremuloides (Wan et al.
2001). However, the correlation between the rise in
nutrient uptake and root respiration breaks down
at higher temperatures, indicating that other
energy-demanding processes are also changing
(BassiriRad 2000)..
Atkin OK, Edwards EJ, Loveys BR (2000) Response of root respiration to changes in
temperature and its relevance to global warming.New Phytol 147:141–154.
BassiriRad H (2000) Kinetics of nutrient uptake by roots: responses to global
change. New Phytol 147:155–169.
Wan X, Zwiazek JJ, Lieffers VJ, Landhausser M (2001) Hydraulic conductance in
aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings exposed to low root temperatures. Tree
Physiol 21:691–696.
Higher rates of root respiration result in higher
concentrations of CO2 in soil solution, of which the
dissociation products, H+ and HCO3–, promote ion
exchange reactions at the surface of clay and
humic particles, freeing nutrient ions for uptake
(Larcher 1995).
Formation of carbonic acid as a result of increased
respiration (auto- and heterotrophic) can decrease
rhizosphere and soil pH, which is widely known to
affect the availability and uptake of essential ions,
especially micronutrients (Marschner 1995).
The effect of enhanced root and microbial respiration
on soil solution chemistry and plant nutrition is
determined to a large extent by the buffering capacity
of the soil..
Larcher W (1995) Plant physiological ecology. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York.
Marschner H (1995) Mineral nutrition of higher plants, 2nd edn. Academic Press,
Properties of cell membranes also change with soil
temperature, affecting nutrient uptake.
There is a decrease in water uptake at low soil
temperatures, caused primarily by increased resistance to
water movement within the root due to higher viscosity of
water and reduced permeability of cell membranes
(Johnson and Thornley 1985; Kramer and Boyer 1995).
This decreases mass flow of nutrients to the root surface in
soil water.
After extended periods at low root zone temperature (3–5
days), the content of unsaturated fatty acids in cell
membranes of new roots has been observed to increase,
and has been implicated in the acclimation response of
nutrient uptake (Markhart et al. 1980; Osmond et al.
Johnson IR,Thornley JHM (1985) Temperature dependence of plant and crop
processes. Ann Bot 55:1–24.
Kramer PJ,Boyer JS (1995) Water relations of plants and soils.Academic Press, San
Markhart AH, Fiscus EL, Naylor AW, Kramer PJ (1980) Low temperature acclimation
of root fatty acid composition, leaf water potential, gas exchange and growth of
soybean seedlings. Plant Cell Environ 3:435–441.
Osmond DL,Wilson RF, Raper CD Jr (1982) Fatty acid composition and nitrate uptake
of soybean roots during acclimation to low temperature. Plant Physiol 70:1689–
Chapin et al. (1986) found that nutrient uptake [(PO4 3–, NH4 +,
NO3–, Rb+ (analog of K+), Cl–] was least sensitive to
temperature in slow-growing species such as black spruce (Picea
mariana), compared to the more rapidly growing poplar (Populus
balsamifera) and aspen (Populus tremuloides).
They attributed this in part to the fast-growing species occupying
warmer sites, but also more fertile sites where high uptake
capacity would confer a selective advantage.
It has been suggested that uptake capacity and root
growth could act as compensatory responses to changes in
soil temperature (Clarkson 1985; Clarkson et al. 1988).
Thus, if root growth diminished relative to shoot growth at higher
soil temperature, then the specific rate of nutrient uptake would
increase, whereas an increase in root:shoot ratio would cause
specific uptake rates to decrease.
Chapin FS III, Van Cleve K, Tryon PR (1986) Relationship of ion absorption to growth
rate in taiga trees. Oecologia 69:238–242.
Clarkson DT (1985) Factors affecting mineral nutrient acquisition by plants. Annu
Rev Plant Physiol 36:77–115
Clarkson DT (1996) Root structure and sites of ion uptake. In:Waisel Y, Eshel A,
Kafkafi U (eds) Plant roots: the hidden half, 2nd edn.Marcel Dekker,New York, pp
Clarkson DT, Earnshaw MJ,White PJ,Cooper HD (1988) Temperature dependent
factors influencing nutrient uptake: an analysis of responses at different levels of
organization. In: Long SP,Woodward FI (eds) Plants and temperature. Symp 42,
Society for Experimental Biology, Cambridge, pp 281–330
. ….
DIUNDUH 13/2/2012
Design and Performance of a Dynamic Gas Flux Chamber.
Rivka Reichman and Dennis E. Rolston.
JEQ. Vol. 31 No. 6, p. 1774-1781
Chamber effect on soil temperature at two depths for two
soil surface water contents. diunduh