(May 2003) outside the USA! 3 Israel IEEE EMC Chapter

Welcome to the Israel IEEE EMC Chapter
Moshe Z. Netzer
Israel IEEE EMC Chapter Chairman
EMC Engineering and Safety
Israel IEEE EMC Chapter - The
• The Israel IEEE EMC Chapter was founded in
1982 by two prominent persons:
– Mr. Rafi Rubinstein
– Mr. Oren Hartal
The first IEEE EMC Chapter outside the USA!
• Mr. Elya Joffe elevated the Chapter to its present status
• The first Chapter organizing the International
IEEE EMC Symposium (May 2003) outside the
Israel IEEE EMC Chapter - The
Early Days
• Since its founding, the Chapter’s membership
was 20 all of which IEEE members
• Activities include:
– 2-3 annual (technical) meetings
• One Full day, and
• 2 technical sessions within other meetings
– Elections, every two, three years
Moshe Netzer has been re-elected as Chairman, 2007
– No open-to-the-public activities
• The Chapter served its membership!
Last Event – 28 July 2009
ESD - Fire and Explosion Risk in the Processing
and Military Industry
• Introduction to ESD as an ignition source through HAZMATS,
M. Netzer
• Techniques for achieving safety within hazardous work
environment, J. Shapira NISCO
• Static Electricity causing Industry nuisance and remedies for,
M. Netzer
• Glenpool Tank Explosion and Fire 2003, M. Warshevski, Haifa
• ESD Failure Analysis Methodology, E. Zadok
• Fire and Explosion Events – Lesson learned, Shay Segev –
• Instituting ESD Safety Procedures in RAFAEL, E. Bitan
Last Event – 28 July 2009
Israel IEEE EMC Chapter - The
Turning Point
• The Chapter was getting older, ready for the great
Hosting the IEEE International Symposium on EMC
You want to
... What?
• The EMC Society were cautious:
True “Israeli Chutzpah”
• The Chapter was “under test”
– “Go and organize a small Regional Symposium
first, then we will see!”
The “Regional Symposium” - an
Overwhelming Success
• More than 200 Participants, from 18 Countries
– Including Japan, Australia, USA, East & West Europe, etc…
• Extensive technical program
5 day program
80 technical papers (reviewed by IEEE TAC)
3-4 parallel sessions
2 days of Workshops & Tutorials
Technical exhibition (x25 exhibitors)
• IEEE EMC-S BoD official representative
The Israel EMC Chapter - on the map!
May 2003 the Chapter host
2003 IEEE International Symposium on EMC,
Istanbul, Turkey
Radiating Compatibility from the East”
• >10 years after initial petition
• host the IEC TC77 Committee meeting in
conjunction with the Symposium
June 13th 2004 the Chapter host
Electromagnetic Influence (ELF) Basic Exposure
Limitations and Engineering Ramifications
EMF and Health: Science, Uncertainty and Policy
Lack of Consensus Concerning Adverse Affects of
Non-ionizing Radiation
Available Engineering Measures and Techniques for
Decreasing ELF Magnetic Field
International Standardization in ELF Electromagnetic
Exposure and the Known Physiological and Health
Effects of ELF Field Exposure
Santa Clara EMC Symposium, Aug.
Israel IEEE EMC Chapter - Today
• Significant Membership growth:
– > 200 Chapter members, of whom - > 20 IEEE members
A 1020 dB Increase!!!
– Averaging 70 (!) participants per meeting
• Increased National recognition
– Industry and Academy seek to support
Chapter activities
• Increased cooperation:
– Israel Institution of Standards (IIS)
– URSI, Commission E
Israel IEEE EMC Chapter - Today
• More International Involvement
– Representation in the EMC-S BoD
– The first IEEE EMC-S Distinguished Lecturer in Region 8, from the
Israel Chapter and the president of the IEEE EMCS
– Chapter members are active in international symposia worldwide
(Japan, China, S. Korea, Singapore, USA, Europe, etc.)
• Increased enthusiasm among Chapter members
• Chapter Board includes 5 officers
Vice Chairman
Technical Activities Officer
Student Involvement Officer
Israel IEEE EMC Chapter - Future
Goals We have the Choice!
• Cooperation with the neighboring countries
• Harmonization of EMC Regulations
• Openness to the Public
• Involvement in National EMC activities
• Conferences and colloquiums
• EMC Education to all electrical/electronic engineers