Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Submitted by: Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario Mechanical Engineering August 31, 2011 Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board 1100 – 180 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 2K3 Tel.: (613) 232-2474 / Fax: (613) 230-5759 1 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Table of contents Table of contents .......................................................................................................... 2 Glossary of terms .......................................................................................................... 2 3. Accreditation criteria ................................................................................................. 3 3.0 Continual improvement .......................................................................................... 3 Summarize the continual improvement process: .................................................................... 3 3.1 Graduate attributes ........................................................................................... 4 Appendix 3.1 Graduate Attributes.................................................................................... 20 Glossary of terms Accreditation Units (AU) are defined on an hourly basis for an activity which is granted academic credit and for which the associated number of hours corresponds to the actual contact time of that activity between the student and the faculty members, or designated alternates, responsible for delivering the program: one hour of lecture (corresponding to 50 minutes of activity) = 1 AU one hour of laboratory or scheduled tutorial = 0.5 AU This definition is applicable to most lectures and periods of laboratory or tutorial work. Classes of other than the nominal 50-minute duration are treated proportionally. In assessing the time assigned to determine the AU of various components of the curriculum, the actual instruction time exclusive of final examinations should be used. Assessment tool: sources of data on student learning. Illustrative examples: design report, presentation, essay, examination, standardized exam, oral examination, observed behaviour, focus group, survey, etc. Curriculum content: This need not mean an entire course dedicated to specific material; for example, it may include separate units within an array of courses which address the material. Curriculum map: a plotted representation (often in the form of a table) that shows the relationship between learning experiences (e.g. courses, co-ops, co-curricular activities), instructional and assessment methods, and intended learning for each aspect of a given program so that the relationships and connections among all the elements are easily seen. Illustrative Example: If a program identifies three indicators to demonstrate the graduate attribute Lifelong Learning, as described above, a table could be used to show which learning experiences (e.g. courses) are used to develop abilities and assess indicators Graduate Attribute: generic characteristics, specified by the CEAB, expected to be exhibited by graduates of Canadian engineering schools Indicator: descriptors of what students must do to be considered competent in the attribute; the measurable and pre-determined standards used to evaluate learning 2 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Illustrative example: Criterion 3.1.12 requires that students possess the attribute Lifelong Learning. A program might consider that the indicators required to demonstrate that students possess this attribute are: Critically evaluates procured information for authority, currency, and objectivity. Describes professional and academic societies in the discipline and how new knowledge enters discipline. Identifies resources and professional associations that address student’s own ongoing professional development. Minimum path: The set of courses, including common-core, program compulsory, option compulsory and elective courses which provide the least number of AU within each Accreditation Board curriculum content category. Modern engineering tools: This refers to tools such as equipment, processes, codes of practice, software, simulation packages, etc. that are considered essential for the given discipline. “Qualified” Accreditation Units: Curriculum content delivered by faculty members that meet the Accreditation Board accreditation licensure requirements. Engineering licensure is examined only for courses that include engineering science and/or engineering design curriculum content. Please see the Statement of interpretation on licensure expectations and requirements for further information. Weakest-link principle: All options in the program are examined. Following the principle that a program is only as strong as its “weakest link”, a program is accredited only if all such variations meet the criteria. 3. Accreditation criteria The following sections describe the measures used by the Accreditation Board to evaluate Canadian engineering programs for the purpose of accreditation. The number indicated beside each criterion corresponds with the Accreditation Board’s Accreditation Criteria and Procedures for 2010. 3.0 Continual improvement Summarize the continual improvement process: In 2009 the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science began developing a process for graduate attribute assessment by forming working groups to establish measurable and meaningful indicators of graduate attributes appropriate to first year, middle years, and at graduation. In the 2009-2010 academic year the Faculty piloted a process for attribute assessment within some faculty-wide first year courses. In the summer of 2010 the processes were reviewed and expanded, and in the 2010-2011 academic year the process of attribute assessment was broadened to involve include faculty wide first and second year courses, and the fourth year capstone design, communications and project management courses MECH 460/464. 3 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program For this cycle attribute assessment was a separate process from the remainder of accreditation preparation. As a result the detailed response to Criterion 3.0 and 3.1 are contained in a separate document in Appendix 3.1, which details the processes followed faculty wide and common to all programs for the 2010-2011 academic year. It lists the indicators measured, where they were measured, a description of how the curriculum contributes to the development of the attributes, a description of the student activities used to measure the attributes, data collected from student work and surveys, an evaluation of the data, and proposals for program improvement. Based on evaluation of the data from student work and surveys, revisions are planned as follows: The existence and importance of attributes for engineering practice will be communicated and used more extensively, and linked to learning objectives in courses. Some of the attributes appear to be poorly understood by students, and this will be addressed At the first year level, the program is being revised in the areas including making effective arguments, evaluating complex problem solutions against objectives, written communications, and evaluating information. Grader calibration is being enhanced to reduce variation between graders, and some indicators will be revised to reflect student ability. At the second year level, changes are being made to the faculty-wide communications and economics courses. More emphasis will be placed on summarizing important information clearly and concisely, effectively participating in informal small group discussions, and on risk assessment and project planning. A 4-year sequence of courses in engineering design and practice is partway through implementation, which will support development of professional skill attributes, and provide a venue for developing and assessing all attributes in broad integrative experiences, like team projects, that emulate professional practice. The outcomes assessed in the Mechanical and Materials Engineering capstones MECH 460/464 (See Below) will be harmonized with the new outcomes developed in the faculty wide courses. A project this summer has collected a list of over 1000 outcomes being assessed, but not yet recorded, in our current offerings. Analysis of this data will allow a more complete picture of our program in combination with the faculty wide curriculum rolling out this fall. Because the process of attribute assessment generally started in faculty wide courses, the faculty-wide data and analysis is more detailed and should be viewed as representing an example of process that will augment our graduating year assessment in the coming years. The faculty plans to continue assessing student attributes throughout the four-year program for the purpose of program improvement. As curriculum changes occur over the next two years, the program evaluation and improvement process will be expanded to include more comprehensive coverage of all attributes at the first and graduating years of the program. 3.1 Graduate attributes The higher education institution must demonstrate that the graduates of a program possess the attributes under the following headings. The attributes will be interpreted in the context of candidates 4 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program at the time of graduation. It is recognized that graduates will continue to build on the foundations that their engineering education has provided. Engineering programs are expected to continually improve. There must be processes in place that demonstrate that program outcomes are being assessed in the context of these attributes, and that the results are applied to the further development of the program. Response to criterion 3.1: This section presents only data specific to the Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) program and is additional to the information on process and faculty wide curriculum presented in Appendix 3.1. The details presented in sections 3.1.1 through 3.1.12 cover only the assessments made in the capstone courses MECH 460/464 and do not include the faculty wide information found in the appendix. MME Program Curriculum Map In the summer of 2011 a project in MME collected a list of over 1000 outcomes based on a retrospective survey of assessments actually applied in MME program courses during the 2010/2011 year. For each assessment (report, exam question, problem set) in each course, the marks assigned were associated with an outcome or outcomes such as “Applies Bernoulli’s equation to a pipe flow” or “Composes clear and logical arguments”. Those outcomes were categorized by CEAB Attribute, CDIO Syllabus Topic, and Bloom Verb for knowledge characterization, among other details. This analysis is not yet complete, however the curriculum map table below lists courses where teaching and assessment has been carried out in each of the Attribute areas. The collected outcomes will be used as explicit indicators to gather data on student performance starting in 2011/2012, with initial concentration on courses with strong relationships to attributes 2 through 12 to capture performance in areas other than the Engineering Knowledge Base. Attribute Developed Assessed Knowledge base Extensively Extensively 5 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program problem analysis Extensively APSC-100, MECH-396,397,398,399 Investigation APSC-100, MECH 215/396/397/398/399 (not this year) Design APSC-100, MECH 212/323 APSC-100,MECH-323,212,460, Math272 Engineering tools APSC -100, 142, 161, MECH 323 APSC 161, Math 272, MECH 213, MECH 323 Communication APSC-100, 291, 292, MECH 464 APSC-100, 291,292, MECH213,396,397,398,399,464 Individual and team work APSC-100, MECH 212 APSC-100, MECH 212 Impact of engineering on society APSC-100, 151 APSC-100, 151 Ethics and equity APSC-100 APSC-100 Professionalism APSC-100, MECH 212 APSC-100, MECH 212, 460,464 Economics and project management APSC-100, 221 APSC-100, 221 Lifelong learning APSC-100, 291, 292 APSC-100, 291, 292, MECH 464 Graduating year assessment In 2010-2011, the final year class was assessed on the basis of performance in the jointly offered MECH 460/464 capstone design, communications and project management courses. Students were assessed both on a team basis (Group Assignment in the legend) and as individuals (Assignment) for outcomes taken from the faculty wide list in development and from the CDIO Syllabus where additional coverage was required. All outcomes were assessed directly by regular or adjunct faculty members who are Professional Engineers. Data were accumulated for each outcome during the marking process and stored in the Moodle course management system. The charts that follow were completed based on Moodle records at the end of the academic year. The data for all students in both courses was downloaded, aligned to provide a complete record for each student, and then anonymized for privacy. The resulting frequencies were accumulated over all students and plotted for each outcome in each assignment. The overall data set includes 96 students, the majority of whom participated in both courses. The data does not capture the performance of students taking the APSC 480 Multidisciplinary Design course. Each of the FEAS outcomes were ranked on a scale of: Not Demonstrated, which included instances where the outcome was not addressed Marginal Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 6 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program CDIO Syllabus outcomes were ranked on an Engineering Practice scale of: Resubmit: The work is unsatisfactory and must be revised. File Only: The work is sufficient to provide a record for the file. Internal Circulation: I would show this to my boss. Almost Client Ready: Only a few minor tweaks are required. Client Ready: The work is ready for submission to an outside client with no revisions. All of the outcomes are satisfactory except Resubmit and Not Demonstrated. File Only or Marginal is below expectations, but sufficient to pass the course. The full numerical data is available in the file MECH460—F-464—FW Combined Outcomes Anonymized.xlsx available as part of the on-site exhibits. The following outcomes were used as indicators in the graduating year for MME students. The faculty wide indicators have been supplemented by several CDIO indicators as needed. Each indicator (or outcome) was explicitly assessed as part of the MECH 460/464 capstone project course evaluation by project faculty supervisors. 7 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Sec. 3.02 3.02 Attribute Code Indicator Course Deliverable Problem analysis 3.02-GY1 Identifies problem, known and unknown information, uncertainties, and biases Final Report 3.02-GY2 Creates process for solving problem including justified approximations and assumptions Final Report Final Report Problem analysis 3.02 Problem analysis 3.02-GY3 Selects and applies appropriate model and analysis to solve problems 3.02 Problem analysis 3.02-GY4 Evaluates validity of results and model for error, uncertainty Final Report 3.04-GY1 Identify problem and constraints including health and safety risks, applicable standards, economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations Proposal Report 3.04-GY2 Applies appropriate knowledge, judgement, and design tools, in creating and analyzing conceptual design solutions to select best concept Proposal Report 3.04-GY3 Creates and tests simulations, models, and/or prototypes at various points in design with complexity appropriate to design stage Final Report 3.04-GY4 Assesses design performance based on requirements, yield, reliability, and/or safety as appropriate Final Report 3.04-GY5 Identifies possibilities for further improvement and conducts design review to evaluate performance of the overall process. Final Report Final Report 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 Design Design Design Design Design 3.05 Engineering tools 3.05-GY1 Evaluates techniques, resources, and tools to identify their limitations with respect to needs 3.05 Engineering tools 3.05-GY2 Applies appropriate techniques, tools, and processes to accomplish a task Final Report 3.05 Engineering tools 3.05-GY3 Evaluates appropriateness of results from several engineering techniques and tools Final Report Demonstrates capacity for initiative and technical or team leadership while respecting others' roles Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes / Supervisor Assessment of Individual Contribution 3.06 Teamwork 3.06-GY1 3.06 Teamwork 3.06-GY2 Evaluates team effectiveness and plans for improvements Not Explicitly Assessed, although students completed peer evaluations at mid term and the end of term. 3.07 Communications 3.07-GY1 Writes and revises documents using appropriate discipline-specific conventions Proposal Report 3.07 Communications 3.07-GY2 Demonstrates accurate use of technical vocabulary Proposal Report 3.07 Communications 3.07-GY3 Demonstrates confidence in formal and Meeting Leader, 8 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program informal oral communications Memo and Minutes/ Supervisor Assessment of Individual Contribution 3.07 Communications 3.07-GY4 Uses appropriate referencing to cite previous work Proposal Report 3.07 Communications 3.07-GY5 Uses graphics to explain, interpret, and assess information Proposal Report CDIO 3.2.3 Compose meeting minutes and progress memo Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes CDIO 3.2.6 Demonstrate answering questions effectively Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes / Proposal Presentation or Final Poster Presentation Final Report 3.07 3.07 Communications Communications 3.08 Professionalism 3.08-GY1 Integrates standards, codes of practice, and legal and regulatory factors into decision-making processes (as appropriate) 3.08 Professionalism 3.08-GY2 Demonstrates professional bearing Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes 3.09 Impact of engineering 3.09-GY1 Considers economic, social, and environmental factors and/or impacts in decisions Final Report 3.09 Impact of engineering 3.09-GY2 Evaluates trade-offs among goals and concepts Proposal Report 3.09 Impact of engineering 3.09-GY3 Explains the societal, enterprise, and/or technical context of the system Proposal Report 3.11 Economics and project management CDIO 4.3.4 Apply project Control for cost, performance, and schedule in the estimation and allocation of resources considering risks and alternatives. (typically includes a Gantt Chart and Work plan) Proposal Report 3.12 Lifelong learning 3.12-GY1 Critically evaluates procured information for authority, currency, and objectivity. Proposal Report Demonstrate skills of self-education Supervisor Assessment of Individual Contribution 3.12 Lifelong learning 3.12-GY2 Overall Student performance on outcome measures is strong, with 90% meeting or exceeding expectations on individual outcomes. This performance is consistent across the attributes assessed. The remaining students showed marginal outcomes in these areas, sufficient to meet our threshold requirements to pass the course. These marginal outcomes were not strongly clustered in individual students or project groups so that in aggregate, all but eight students met our expectations and those eight met expectations in half or more of the outcomes. Outcomes of Not Demonstrated appear under several attributes. These instances were investigated with faculty supervisors. They are generally a result of perceptions by the students and faculty supervisor that addressing that outcome was not essential to that particular project. For example, a team designing an on-board braking system for an SAE Mini-Baja 9 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program vehicle would have had to make a big reach to include substantial elements of impact on society and the environment. This is the first application of these outcomes in our final year projects and many project scopes were defined before the assessment scheme was finalized. We will address this in the future by ensuring that the scope of each project includes elements representative of the full outcomes list, in combination with assessing some outcomes, e.g. 10. Ethics and Equity in other parts of the curriculum or on deliverables not directly tied to capstone project reports. Students show considerable progress in communications abilities over time in comparison to the similar cohort assessed this year in APSC 291/292. Anecdotal observation also indicates substantial progress in design, team, and project skills from their performance in the MECH 212 design course. Repeated experience over multiple years in contexts based on engineering practice and design in teams develops the skills necessary for engineering practice. This is not surprising. Our students are strongest in the outcomes based on presentations in various forms ranging from informal meetings to poster sessions and formal slide presentations. Marginal outcomes appear in more substantial numbers in both the technical and communications elements of their proposals and final reports, although the overall quality is still very high. We are in the process of expanding the outcomes assessment to other courses to allow us to collect more comprehensive data on student performance with respect to the graduate attributes. This will be especially useful where all students are working on activities with the same objectives and scope, all marked by the same faculty member. Individual faculty variation adds considerable noise to the assessments on final year projects. 10 This chart shows the outcomes from the combined MECH 460/464 results grouped by assignments. Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 11 This chart shows the outcomes from the combined MECH 460/464 results grouped by CEAB Attribute. Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 12 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Mechanical Engineering Program specific development Mechanical and Materials Engineering has been an active partner in the development of the faculty wide initiatives summarized above and detailed in Appendix 3.1, and has been actively revising and improving curricula towards design and engineering practice based goals since at least the early nineties. We pioneered development of curriculum and prototype facilities eventually incorporated in the Integrated Learning Initiative and the Integrated Learning Centre, including: MECH 212 design course in second year that incorporates two project activities and design build within a context of engineering practice. The new APSC 200 design course is largely modelled on MECH 212’s success. The ILC Active Learning Centre was prototyped with found materials on the third floor of Jackson Hall in support of MECH 212. The ILC Plaza Labs were prototyped on the first floor of Jackson Hall to support more open-ended lab activities in MECH 215. Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Queen’s was one of the founding members of the CDIO Initiative in Engineering Education ( which now includes more than 70 member institutions around the world. We hosted the First International CDIO Conference in 2005 and we continue active participation and one of our faculty, Rick Sellens, holds a seat on the CDIO Council. CDIO Standards are closely aligned with the Washington Accord and with national and international accreditation requirements based on them, such as ABET (a-k) and the CEAB Graduate Attributes. Mapping by Cloutier, Hugo and Sellens1 shows that the highly detailed CDIO Syllabus is a superset of the topics required to meet the CEAB Graduate Attributes and shows how programs may select from the Syllabus to meet the Attributes. Many of the Queen’s faculty wide outcomes listed above are adapted from CDIO and additional outcomes based on CDIO have been used in evaluating some aspects of our program not covered by the faculty wide outcomes. In 2005 we completed an initial assessment of our curriculum against CDIO Standards and Syllabus, including a mapping of our courses to the relevant areas of the Syllabus on an Introduce, Teach, Utilize basis, and completion of stakeholder surveys. The stakeholder surveys showed consistency with others internationally and strong agreement among faculty, students, alumni and industry partners. A major result of that assessment was a refocusing of design activities in all years, especially capstone (see section of the MME Questionnaire), to focus on industrially relevant design activities with practical consequences in the real world. In addition, many faculty members reworked elements of their engineering science courses to deliver materials in the context of real systems and engineering practice following CDIO Standard 1. 1 Guy Cloutier, Ron Hugo and Rick Sellens, Mapping the relationship between the CDIO Syllabus and the CEAB Graduate Attributes: An Update, paper 132, 7th International CDIO Conference 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 20-23, 2011. 13 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program In the summer of 2011, we are gathering a detailed list of what outcomes were actually assessed across our core curriculum in 2010/2011 for comparison against the earlier mapping and to determine which changes have actually stuck and been carried through to student assessment. These outcomes from individual courses are being categorized in terms of both the CDIO Syllabus and the CEAB Attributes to provide further evidence that they are parallel systems with very similar objectives. Once the mapping is complete we will have data on how many of the AU within our core program relate to each of the different topics in the Syllabus and to each of the different CEAB Graduate Attributes. Where possible, the outcomes will be monitored in Moodle to allow us to collect comprehensive data on our student performance, and support a further process of continuous improvement. 3.1.1 A knowledge base for engineering Response to criterion 3.1.1: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program and indicators have been identified as part of our summer 2011 curriculum project. These indicators will be evaluated in 2011/2012. The data available from student performance in technical courses indicate that students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute as a requirement of graduation. The results from the 2011/2012 assessments will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. 3.1.2 Problem analysis Response to criterion 3.1.2: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: “Identifies problem, known and unknown information, uncertainties, and biases” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Creates process for solving problem including justified approximations and assumptions” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Selects and applies appropriate model and analysis to solve problems” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Evaluates validity of results and model for error, uncertainty” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. 14 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program The data indicate that more than 90% of students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute at the fourth year level. However, about 25% of students did not adequately evaluate the validity and uncertainty of their solutions. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. Emphasis will be added to their reporting requirements to increase their focus on validity of results. 3.1.3 Investigation Response to criterion 3.1.3: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, particularly in MECH 215/396/397/398 lab courses. Indicators have been identified as part of our summer 2011 curriculum project and will be applied to the lab course in 2011/2012. The data collected by direct performance assessment will indicate if students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. 3.1.4 Design Response to criterion 3.1.4: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, including APSC 100, MECH 212/323/460, and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: “Identify problem and constraints including health and safety risks, applicable standards, economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Applies appropriate knowledge, judgement, and design tools, in creating and analyzing conceptual design solutions to select best concept” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Creates and tests simulations, models, and/or prototypes at various points in design with complexity appropriate to design stage” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Assesses design performance based on requirements, yield, reliability, and/or safety as appropriate” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Identifies possibilities for further improvement and conducts design review to evaluate performance of the overall process” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. 15 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program The data indicate that over 90% of students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute at the fourth year level. About 12% of students do not adequately transfer knowledge from the technical courses to their design project. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. Knowledge application will be improved through our increasing integration of design activities into engineering science courses under CDIO. 3.1.5 Use of engineering tools Response to criterion 3.1.5: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, including APSC 100/142/161, MATH 272, and MECH 212/323 and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: “Evaluates techniques, resources, and tools to identify their limitations with respect to needs” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Applies appropriate techniques, tools, and processes to accomplish a task” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Evaluates appropriateness of results from several engineering techniques and tools” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. The data indicate that more than 90% of students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute at the fourth year level. Many students did not explicitly evaluate the appropriateness of tools for the application, typically in instances where the appropriateness was obvious, as in applying a finite element package to stress analysis in a component. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. 3.1.6 Individual and team work Response to criterion 3.1.6: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, including APSC 100 and MECH 212/460/464, and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: “Demonstrates capacity for initiative and technical or team leadership while respecting others' roles” was evaluated in Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes / Supervisor Assessment of Individual Contribution by the Faculty Supervisor. 16 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program “Evaluates team effectiveness and plans for improvements” was not explicitly assessed, although students completed peer evaluations at mid term and the end of term. The data indicate that students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute at the fourth year level. This is unsurprising given their teaming experiences in APSC 100 followed by the MECH 212 design course which provides the model for the new faculty wide APSC 200 course. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. 3.1.7 Communication skills Response to criterion 3.1.7: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, including APSC 100/291/292 and MECH 464, and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: “Writes and revises documents using appropriate discipline-specific conventions” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Demonstrates accurate use of technical vocabulary” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Demonstrates confidence in formal and informal oral communications” was evaluated in Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes / Supervisor Assessment of Individual Contribution by the Faculty Supervisor. “Uses appropriate referencing to cite previous work” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Uses graphics to explain, interpret, and assess information” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Compose meeting minutes and progress memo” was evaluated in Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes by the Faculty Supervisor. “Demonstrate answering questions effectively” was evaluated in Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes / Proposal Presentation or Final Poster Presentation by the Faculty Supervisor. The data indicate that all students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for oral communications at the fourth year level, with the exception of a few students who are marginal in responding to questions during oral presentations. Less than 10% of our students still have some difficulty meeting expectations in the details of referencing, vocabulary, and discipline specific conventions in their writing, but are otherwise strong in their written communications. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing 17 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. More emphasis will be place on the details in MECH 464 lectures and additional detailed material will be incorporated into the new APSC 293 communications course paired with the faculty wide APSC 200 design project course, which should produce improvements in future years. 3.1.8 Professionalism Response to criterion 3.1.8: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, including APSC 100/151 and MECH 212, and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: “Integrates standards, codes of practice, and legal and regulatory factors into decision-making processes (as appropriate)” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Demonstrates professional bearing was evaluated” in Meeting Leader, Memo and Minutes by the Faculty Supervisor. The data indicate that more than 90% of students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute at the fourth year level. Some design projects fall in areas outside the realms of established standards and codes of practice. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. Greater attention will be given to including elements of standards within all design projects. 3.1.9 Impact of engineering on society and the environment Response to criterion 3.1.9: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, including APSC 100/151, and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: “Considers economic, social, and environmental factors and/or impacts in decisions” was evaluated in Final Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Evaluates trade-offs among goals and concepts” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Explains the societal, enterprise, and/or technical context of the system” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. The data indicate that over 95% of students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute at the fourth year level. In some design projects their assessment of context indicated minimal social or environmental impacts and thus no opportunity to consider mitigation of those impacts. 18 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. Greater attention will be given to including elements of social and environmental impact within the scope of all design projects. 3.1.10 Ethics and equity Response to criterion 3.1.10: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, primarily in APSC 100, but not explicitly assessed in the MME program outside the faculty wide courses. Anecdotal sources suggest that most students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute, however empirical data is required. We will review the coverage in the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and the new second year curriculum coming on line this fall and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. 3.1.11 Economics and project management Response to criterion 3.1.11: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, particularly in APSC 100/221 and MECH 464, and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: “Apply project Control for cost, performance, and schedule in the estimation and allocation of resources considering risks and alternatives. (Typically includes a Gantt Chart and Work plan)” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. The data indicate that over 90% of students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute at the fourth year level. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. 3.1.12 Life-long learning Response to criterion 3.1.12: Details for faculty wide courses are presented in Appendix 3.1. This attribute is developed in various parts of the program, particularly in APSC 100/291/292 and MECH 464, and indicators were collected as part of the assessment process in MECH 460/464 as detailed above. Indicators evaluated for this attribute were: 19 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program “Critically evaluates procured information for authority, currency, and objectivity” was evaluated in Proposal Report by the Faculty Supervisor. “Demonstrate skills of self-education” was evaluated in Supervisor Assessment of Individual Contribution by the Faculty Supervisor. The data indicate that over 90% of students are meeting or exceeding our expectations for this attribute at the fourth year level. These results will be combined with the faculty wide data from Appendix 3.1 and follow the process defined there to improve coverage and student performance as part of our ongoing curriculum monitoring process under the CDIO Standards. Appendix 3.1 Graduate Attributes Appendix 3.1 Contents Appendix 3.1 Contents................................................................................................................................ 20 Section 3.0 – Continual improvement process ........................................................................................... 22 Section 3.1 Part A: Demonstration of student attributes ........................................................................... 24 Purpose and outcomes ........................................................................................................................... 25 Curriculum mapping ............................................................................................................................... 29 Assessment and evaluation .................................................................................................................... 33 Faculty-wide First year ........................................................................................................................ 33 Faculty-wide middle year assessment: Communications ................................................................... 69 Faculty-wide Middle year assessment: Economics ............................................................................. 75 Student input on Graduate attributes ................................................................................................ 77 Program development informed by data ............................................................................................... 82 Faculty wide development .................................................................................................................. 82 Section 3.1 Part B: Future plans for graduate attribute assessment .......................................................... 83 Appendix 3.1A: Leveled indicators.............................................................................................................. 85 Appendix 3.1B: Student surveys ................................................................................................................. 91 Appendix 3.1C: Definitions and Guidelines................................................................................................. 96 Criterion 3.1 ............................................................................................................................................ 96 Supplementary guidelines for Criterion 3.1 ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Definitions .............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 20 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 21 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Section 3.0 – Continual improvement process Engineering programs are expected to continually improve. There must be processes in place that demonstrate that program outcomes are being assessed in the context of the graduate attributes, and that the results are applied to the further development of the program. Summarize the continual improvement process. The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science is committed to continual program improvement that has historically focused on many of the attributes in Criterion 3.1. In the mid 90’s the faculty began an initiative, labelled Integrated Learning, to promote integration of theory and practice, and concepts from academia and industry. The faculty saw a need to enhance development of professional skills and an understanding of the engineering profession in the first year program. Informed by data from pilot projects and an awareness of outcomes-based assessment being introduced in the USA via EC2000, a committee of faculty, administration, and industry advisors designed new facilities and curriculum to developing competence in areas now covered by the CEAB graduate attributes. This led to the introduction of two new team and project-based first year courses focusing on problem analysis, design, investigation, engineering tools, teamwork, communications, professionalism, ethics and equity, and lifelong learning.2 Over the past 10 years these courses have seen regular re-development based on student feedback and assessment3. Previously existing courses have also been going through a development process; a course on earth systems has been developing a stronger emphasis on the impact of engineering on society and the environment, and courses on engineering graphical communications and computer programming include open-ended design projects. With the introduction of the graduate attribute assessment requirements the faculty has begun formalizing an approach to program development informed by measurable and meaningful data. In the 2009-2010 academic year the Faculty piloted a process for attribute assessment within some first year courses. At the end of the year the processes were reviewed and expanded to cover graduating year courses for the 2010-2011 academic year. The process being developed is shown in Figure 1 and follows other accepted processes for outcomes assessment.4 In 2009 the Faculty created seven working groups to establish measurable and meaningful indicators appropriate to first year, middle years, and at graduation. Although current accreditation regulations 2 See J. McCowan, C. Knapper, An Integrated and Comprehensive Approach to Engineering Curricula, (Three parts), Int. J. Eng. Ed, Vol. 18, No. 6, 2002. 3 See A. Topper, L. Clapham, From Experiments to Experimentation; A New Philosophy for First Year Laboratories, C2E2 2001, Victoria; B. Frank, J. Mason, Impact of Peer-Managed Project-Based Learning in First Year Engineering, ASEE 2008 General Conference, Pittsburgh, PA 4 P. Wolf, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Volume 2007, Issue 112, pp. 15-20 22 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program require assessment only at graduation, the faculty is assessing attribute development in earlier years for several reasons: 1. The ability to apply the results of graduate attribute assessment to the further development of the program is improved when data is available for earlier years. 2. Creating expectations by years greatly improves the efficiency and quality of curriculum design 3. The first year of the engineering program is common to all engineering students and is administered by the faculty office. It is efficient to benchmark all incoming students. 4. Most of the professional skill attributes are specifically targeted in the first two years of the current program and not in upper years. The curriculum is being developed to ensure these attributes continue to be developed in upper years. Figure 1 - Current graduate attribute assessment process Working groups were composed of representatives from departments across the faculty, subject experts in areas required by the graduate attributes (library science, economics, communications, etc.) and students. An educational developer was consulted throughout the process. The groups used several resources including the CDIO syllabus and resources from other engineering accreditation bodies. The 23 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program requirements from the Ontario Council of Academic Vice Presidents Guidelines for University Undergraduate Degree Learning Expectations (UDLEs) were also used.5 1. Depth and Breadth of Knowledge 2. Knowledge of Methodologies 3. Application of Knowledge 4. Communication Skills 5. Awareness of Limits of Knowledge 6. Autonomy and Professional Capacity Appendix 3.1A shows the indicators created by these groups in a single table. At the beginning of the 2010-2011 academic year, a set of indicators from Appendix 3.1A was selected for assessment in the 2010-2011 academic year based on the current state of the curriculum and ability to assess in a timely manner. The indicators were mapped to some faculty-wide courses, including the common first year, and faculty-wide middle year courses in economics and communication, and to program specific courses. Appropriate assessment tools were determined by individual course instructors. Finally, grading resources like rubrics were created for each of the course assignments that were used to assess the indicators. In a parallel process, a survey of instructors in the faculty was conducted to look at the alignment between the curriculum and the attributes. After the data was gathered and collated, statistical analysis was performed and provided to the faculty and programs to interpret and create an improvement plan. Section 3.1 Part A: Demonstration of student attributes Instructions for criterion 3.1 A. Describe the processes that are being or are planned to be used to demonstrate that students possess the attributes required by criteria 3.1.1 to 3.1.12, and that the results are being applied to the further development of the program. The description should include: a) a set of indicators that describe specific abilities expected of students to demonstrate each attribute b) where attributes are developed and assessed within the program, such as via courses, co-curricular activities, co-op positions (e.g., a curriculum map). Ensure that courses described are easily identified in the course descriptions presented on the Course Information Sheets. 5 See, e.g. 24 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program c) how the indicators were or will be assessed. This could be based on assessment tools that include, but are not limited to, reports, oral presentations, observed laboratory performance, assignments, exams, standardized tests, student/alumni surveys, peer reviews, self-assessments, and work term experience/reports which may be used in whole or in part. For example, evidence may be demonstrated via a single question embedded on an exam or in the entirety of one or more of the assessment tools. Provide samples of work or other documents deemed to exceed, meet, and fall below the expected level of performance. How the samples of work or other documents are used to assess indicators should be clearly explained. d) evaluation of the data collected including analysis of student performance relative to program expectations e) discussion of how the results will be used to further develop the program f) a description of the ongoing process used by the program to assess and develop the program as described in (a)-(e) above. The response to part A above must specifically address each graduate attribute in criteria 3.1.1 to 3.1.12. Purpose and outcomes The Mission statement for the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science is: We educate engineering students for leadership and citizenship in a global society through high quality, technically rigorous engineering programs. The Faculty’s perspective was used to develop indicators faculty-wide for first year, middle years, and graduating year; these are shown in Appendix A to give a perspective on the general approach being taken. The tables below show the indicators that were assessed in the 2010-2011 academic year, and the courses in which they were assessed. 25 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Faculty-wide first year indicators Sec. Attribute Code 3.01 Knowledge base 3.01-FY1 3.01 Knowledge base 3.01-FY2 3.01 Knowledge base 3.01-FY3 3.02 Problem analysis 3.02-FY1 3.02 Problem analysis 3.02-FY2 3.02 Problem analysis 3.02-FY3 3.02 Problem analysis 3.02-FY4 3.04 Design 3.04-FY1 3.04 3.04 Design Design 3.04-FY2 3.04-FY3 3.04 Design 3.04-FY4 3.04 Design 3.04-FY5 3.04 Design 3.04-FY6 3.04 Design 3.04-FY7 3.06 Teamwork 3.06-FY1 3.06 Teamwork 3.06-FY2 3.06 Teamwork 3.06-FY3 3.06 Teamwork 3.06-FY7 3.07 Communications 3.07-FY3 3.08 3.08-FY2 3.09 Professionalism Impact of engineering 3.10 Ethics and equity 3.10-FY2 3.10 Ethics and equity 3.10-FY3 3.09-FY4 Indicator Create mathematical descriptions or expressions to model a real-world problem Select and describe appropriate tools to solve mathematical problems that arise from modeling a real-world problem Use solution to mathematical problems to inform the real-world problem that gave rise to it. Identifies known and unknown information, uncertainties, and biases when presented a complex ill-structured problem Creates process for solving problem including justified approximations and assumptions Selects and applies appropriate quantitative model and analysis to solve problems Evaluates validity of results and model for error, uncertainty Adapts general design process to design system, component, or process to solve openended complex problem. Accurately identifies significance and nature of a complex, open-ended problem Identifies customer and user needs Gathers and uses information from appropriate sources, including applicable standards, patents, regulations as appropriate. Produces a variety of potential design solutions suited to meet functional specifications Performs systematic evaluations of the degree to which several design concept options meet project criteria Compares the design solution against the problem objective Recognizes a variety of working and learning preferences Applies principles of conflict management to resolve team issues Assumes responsibility for own work and participates equitably Exercises initiative and contributes to team goal-setting Summarizes and paraphrases written work accurately with appropriate citations Demonstrates punctuality, responsibility and appropriate communication etiquette Incorporates sustainability considerations in decision making (societal and ecological) Identifies and iterates items from the professional codes of conduct Describes ethical issues and how they affect the individual, the company and the public Course APSC-171 APSC-171 APSC-171 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 26 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 3.11 Economics 3.11-FY1 3.11 Economics 3.11-FY2 3.11 Economics 3.11-FY3 3.12 Lifelong learning 3.12-FY1 3.12 3.12 Lifelong learning Lifelong learning 3.12-FY2 3.12-FY4 3.12 Lifelong learning 3.12-FY5 3.12 Lifelong learning 3.12-FY6 Plans and efficiently manages time and money Establishes appropriate project scope, after consultation with client, based on available resources. Plan maps out project with clear milestones and delegation. Uses information effectively, ethically, and legally to accomplish a specific purpose, including clear attribution of Information sources. Identifies a specific learning need or knowledge gap. Describes own learning style Identifies appropriate technical literature and other information sources to meet a need Critically evaluates the procured information for authority, currency, and objectivity. APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 Faculty-wide middle year indicators Two attributes, communications and engineering economics, were assessed within the middle years of the program as there are faculty-wide courses targeting these attributes within the current curriculum. APSC-291 and -292 are second year courses in communications, each with 12 AU. APSC-221 is a course in engineering economics and business taken by MME students, usually in their fourth year. Indicators for these courses are shown below. Note that the code for middle year communications follows the CDIO Syllabus convention, in contrast to other indictor codes. These codes are coursespecific. Sec. Attribute 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications Code 2.2.2 2.3.3a 3.07 Indicator Course Apply information search and identification, with proper citations Identify all relevant factors and the dominant factors in the system APSC291/292 Communications APSC291/292 2.3.3b 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications APSC291/292 2.4.4 2.4.5a Identify and Prioritize relevant factors Compose logical arguments based on supporting evidence Assess the extent of one's presentation abilities, and one's responsibility for selfimprovement to overcome important weaknesses APSC291/292 APSC291/292 27 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 3.07 Communications 2.4.5b 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications 3.1.2 3.2.1a 3.2.2a Communications 3.2.2b 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications 3.2.2c 3.2.2d 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications 3.2.3a 3.2.3b 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications 3.2.3c 3.2.3d 3.07 Communications 3.2.3e 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications 3.2.3f 3.2.3g 3.07 Communications 3.07 Communications 3.2.5 3.2.6a 3.07 3.07 Communications Communications APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 3.2.1b 3.07 Assess the extent of one's team communications skills, and one's responsibility for self-improvement to overcome important weaknesses Demonstrate effective communication in a small team (active listening, collaboration, providing and obtaining information) Demonstrate a communications strategy that considers the needs and character of the audience 3.2.6b 3.2.6c Identify and Summarize key content Compose with the appropriate structure and relationship amongst ideas Create logical, persuasive arguments in your cover letter Demonstrate conciseness, crispness, precision and clarity of language Show relevant, credible, accurate supporting evidence in your resume Compose clear, precise, sequential description of events or instructions Demonstrate writing with coherence and flow Demonstrate writing with correct spelling, punctuation and grammar Use appropriate formatting for a memo, including to: and cc: Use appropriate formatting for a short report, including headings and figure captions Use appropriate formatting for an executive summary Use prescribed formatting for a letter and resume Demonstrate construction of block diagrams Prepare a presentation with appropriate language, style, timing and flow Prepare and deliver a presentation with appropriate language, style, timing and flow Prepare presentation materials with APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC291/292 28 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 3.07 Communications 3.2.6d 3.07 Communications 4.3.1 3.11MY1 3.11 Economics 3.11 Economics 3.11 Economics 3.11 Economics 3.11MY2 3.11MY3 3.11MY4 3.11 Economics 3.11MY5 appropriate language, style, timing and flow Use appropriate nonverbal communications (gestures, eye contact, poise) Apply the language/format of goals and requirements Gather appropriate information, categorize it, and determine the economic attractiveness of an engineering project Measure the financial impact of risks that are associated with the engineering project and consider the risk and return relationship as a component of determining economic attractiveness Plans a project from scoping to completion, including scheduling Plans for the management of risks and changes required for project Describes new enterprise formation, business planning and the economic attractiveness of the enterprise. APSC291/292 APSC291/292 APSC-221 APSC-221 APSC-221 APSC-221 APSC-221 Graduating year MME specific information for the graduating year is detailed in section 3.1 of the main body of the questionnaire. Curriculum mapping In addition to mapping indicators to courses as shown above, a survey of instructors in the faculty was conducted to look at the alignment between the curriculum and the graduate attributes.6 Each course instructor was asked to respond to a set of questions about each course they teach. The questions were as follows: a. What methods of instruction do you use in your course? (respondents select from list provided) b. What methods of assessment are used in your course? (respondents select from list provided) 6 Queen`s was generously allowed to pilot the CurricKit curriculum mapping tool created at the University of Guelph for this survey. Information is at: 29 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program c. Which of the Engineering Graduate Attributes are developed in your course? (respondents select from list provided) d. What level of complexity/depth is expected for each of the identified Engineering Graduate Attribute? (respondents select one of three levels) e. Please specify the ways that each grad attribute is Taught in your course. (respondents select from the list in part (a)) f. Please specify the ways that each grad attribute is Assessed in your course. (respondents select from list in part (b)) g. What is the mark and workload distribution over the duration of the semester? h. Are optional assignments or optional weighting of assignments made available to your students? If so, please specify. i. Do you have any general comments? The plot below shows the results across all of engineering. Knowledge base and problem analysis are the most commonly developed and assessed attributes, and economics, ethics and equity, lifelong learning, and professionalism are the least. This distribution agrees with student perceptions as discussed later in this report. 30 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program The plot below shows the expected complexity for the attributes as reported by course instructors. Again, knowledge base and problem analysis attributes have the greatest number of courses reporting an expectation for work-ready performance. Within only faculty-wide courses (APSC), the distribution is shown below. The courses include all of the core first year courses, second and third year communications and economics courses. The prevalence of professional skill development is under-represented in the plot below, as many of the skills are developed in a course that is equivalent to three typical term-length courses (APSC-100, which has 132 AU). 31 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program A rough mapping of the attributes to courses in the existing faculty wide curriculum is shown below. Details of the program specific course mapping for Mechanical and Materials Engineering is provided in Section 3.1 of the main body of the questionnaire. Section 3.1B discusses proposals for curriculum development that will expand the development and assessment of graduate attributes. Attribute Knowledge base Problem analysis Investigation Design Engineering tools Communication Individual and team work Impact of engineering on society Ethics and equity Professionalism Economics and project management Lifelong learning Developed Extensively Extensively APSC-100, APSC-100, APSC -100, 142, 161 APSC-100, 291, 292 APSC-100 APSC-100, 151 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100, 221 Assessed (not this year) APSC-100 (not this year) APSC-100, (not this year) APSC-100,291 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100 APSC-100,221 APSC-100 APSC-100 32 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Assessment and evaluation Faculty-wide First year Historically many of the knowledge and skills now targeted by the graduate attributes have been developed in the common first year of the engineering program. As a result, all 11 of the 12 attributes were assessed in two first year course courses, in addition to the assessment process in the graduating year. Mathematical knowledge base for engineering was assessed in APSC-171, Calculus I, and ten of the professional skill attributes were assessed in APSC-100, Engineering Practice. Details and sample work may be found in the example material provided for each course. The sections below show the indicators, assessment tools, and data gathered from these courses in the 2010-2011 academic year. Knowledge base for Engineering Three specific indicators were assessed in the context of introductory mathematical knowledge. These reflect the three key course objectives of the introductory calculus course APSC-171, Calculus I. Code 3.01-FY1 3.01-FY2 3.01-FY3 Indicator Create and/or select mathematical descriptions or expressions for simple real-world problems involving rates of change and processes of accumulation Course APSC-171 Select and describe appropriate tools to solve mathematical problems that arise from modeling a real-world problem Use solution to mathematical problems to inform the real-world problem that gave rise to it. APSC-171 APSC-171 These indicators are also appropriate for the problem analysis graduate attribute, but since they are specific to mathematics they are listed under the knowledge attribute. The final exam in the course was designed to allow these three indicators to be assessed individually by specific questions or subquestions on two tests and the final exam. A copy of these tests is shown in the course material for APSC-171. The material below shows results from specific questions on tests and the exam that were developed to evaluate student performance on these indicators.7 7 The material in this section was adapted from a report prepared by the course coordinator of APSC-171, Prof. L. Jonker. 33 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Indicator 1: Create and/or select mathematical descriptions or expressions for simple real-world problems involving rates of change and processes of accumulation The context for this question involved calculating intersection of two trajectories. One of the important ways in which mathematics connects to the "real" world is through its applications to geometric space and dynamics. This connection was explored especially during the first few weeks of the course and was tested especially on the first test. Thus, the third and fourth pages of the first test consist of a question that gives students the equations of the trajectories of two particles and then asks them to determine whether the particles will collide, and (separately) whether their trajectories cross, and at what point of time the velocity of the second particle is in a horizontal direction. This material is difficult for the students, especially for those who do not come from Ontario high schools, where the curriculum includes a unit on linear algebra and vectors. The marks for these pages show this, for they were quite low, averaging 3.8 out of 6 (63%). Figure 2 Indicator 2: Select and describe appropriate tools to solve mathematical problems that arise from modeling a real-world problem The context for this was differentiation similar to that required in the high school curriculum. Generally, we find that students are well prepared to negotiate the second indictor, and the test and exam questions that test this are done very well by most. For example, in Test 1, Question 1, students were asked to calculate the derivatives of mathematical functions involving logarithms, exponents, powers. These problems test students' knowledge of the various rules of differentiation, as well as their knowledge of logarithm and exponential laws, and of the derivatives of trigonometric functions. Some of that (particularly the differentiation rules and the laws of exponents and logarithms) was on their high school curriculum. It shows, as the average mark (out of 11) was 8.9 (81%). 34 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Figure 3 Another question on the first test that was purely focused on mathematical knowledge and problem analysis was Question 7. The first part of this question tested students' understanding of inverse trigonometric functions, while the second part tested their understanding of implicit differential equations. This question was done less well because both were entirely new topics to the bulk of the students, and the first one, particularly, involved some subtlety that students tend to miss. The average mark on this question was 3.3 out of 6 (55%). 35 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Figure 4 Indicator 3: Use solution to mathematical problems to inform the real-world problem that gave rise to it. One of the challenges in teaching calculus is that, whereas students know how to differentiate when they come out of high school, their understanding of what a derivative is in practice is not as secure as it might be. We consider one of the main goals of the course to be that they should gain a better, more practical, sense of what a derivative represents. One of the ways in which we do this is by spending quite a bit of time asking students to interpret differential equations (mostly without teaching them to solve a differential equation!) and to translate statements of physical laws into mathematics (inevitably resulting in a differential equation). One of the questions on Test 1 (Question 6) probes this understanding, and asks students to do this sort of translation, together with a linear approximation (the essence of the derivative): Question 6 on Test 1: This problem concerns atmospheric pressure near the earth. A rough model is that: “The rate of change in pressure with height is proportional to the pressure at that height." (a) Write down the mathematical equation that expresses this relationship. Be sure and label all your variables and constants as clearly as possible, and do not use any variables that you do not need. Finally, state whether the constants in your equation are positive or negative. (b) The constant of proportionality in part (a) has an absolute value of approximately 0.124 /km. At a height of 5:6 km above sea level, the pressure is approximately 0.5 atm (atmospheres). What is the rate of change of pressure at this height? 36 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program (c) Use your answer from (b) and linear approximation to estimate the pressure at a height of 6 km above sea level. The average on this question was 4.9 out of 7 (70%). The histogram for the marks indicates that some students continue to find this exercise difficult. Problem analysis, Design, Communications, etc. Ten of the professional skill attributes were assessed in APSC-100, Engineering Practice (the Investigation attribute was not assessed this year, but will be in future years). These were assessed in integrated assignments which covered multiple attributes. The tables below show the deliverables by which indicators were assessed. Details about each deliverable expectation are described in the APSC100 course material. APSC-100 is divided into three modules: Module 1 focuses on complex problem solving and numeric computation (MATLAB is used as the tool); Module 2 focuses on investigation and design of experiments; Module 3 centres around a semester long client-based team design project. Modules 1 and 3 were used to assess attributes this year. Indicators used in APSC100 Module 1 (Fall and winter) Course Deliverable Assignment: Learning styles and professional communication Handed in: Sept 2010 Assignment: Problem solving and modeling activity 1 Indicators FEAS - 3.12-FY4: Describes learning style FEAS - 3.02-FY1: Identify problem FEAS - 3.02-FY2: Create process 37 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program (PSM1: Mersey Venture Elevator Failure) Handed in: Oct 2010 Assignment: Problem solving and modeling activity 2 (PSM2: Water filter) Handed in: Nov 2010 Assignment: Problem solving and modeling activity 4 (PSM4: nicotine diffusion) Handed in: Feb 2010 FEAS - 3.02-FY3: Select model FEAS - 3.02-FY4: Evaluate solution FEAS - 3.10-FY3: Describes ethical issues FEAS - 3.02-FY1: Identify problem FEAS - 3.02-FY2: Create process FEAS - 3.02-FY3: Select model FEAS - 3.02-FY4: Evaluate solution FEAS - 3.10-FY3: Describes ethical issues FEAS - 3.02-FY2: Create process FEAS - 3.02-FY3: Select model FEAS - 3.02-FY4: Evalute solution Nicotine Diffusion - Ethical dilemma Indicators used in APSC100 Module 3 (Winter) In Module 3 student deliverables were assessed by three groups of people: each project had a faculty sponsor (FS), an upper year student serving as a project manager (PM), and independent academic assistants who evaluated written and oral communications. In the data below, the evaluators are indicated by FS for faculty sponsors, PM for project managers, and AA for academic assistants. Course Deliverables Midterm Individual Assessment Description Assessment on Students’ individual performance to the middle of semester - Conflict management 3.06-FY2 - Responsibility 3.06-FY3 - Initiative 3.06-FY7 - Professional behavior 3.08-FY2 Final Individual Assessment Assessment on Students’ individual performance to the end of semester - Conflict management 3.06-FY2 - Responsibility 3.06-FY3 - Initiative 3.06-FY7 - Professional behavior 3.08-FY2 Team Assignment 1: Project definition (TA1) The first report done by groups. Contents focus on the project definition and team organization. - 3.04-FY2: Identify problem - 3.04-FY3: Identify needs - 3.12-FY2: Identifies learning need - 3.12-FY5: Identifies appropriate literature - 3.06-FY1: Learning preferences Team Assignment 2: Project scope and information (TA2) A brief report outlines team project plan and summarizes the information research. - 3.11-FY3: Project plan - 3.11-FY2: Project scope - 3.07-FY3: Summarizes accurately - 3.12-FY6: Evaluates information - 3.12-FY1: Ethical information use - APSC-100 Comm: Conciseness 38 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Proposal Report Draft In order to achieve a formal and professional proposal report, a draft is required. Rubrics here focus on the grammar, formatting and reference. - 3.07-FY3: Summarizes accurately - APSC100 Comm: Purpose and style - APSC100 Comm: Coherence and Format - APSC100 Comm: Graphical communications - APSC100 Comm: Correctness Proposal Report The formal/final version of proposal report. Rubrics here are different than the one above. - 3.04-FY2: Identify problem - 3.11-FY3: Project plan - 3.04-FY5: Potential solutions - 3.04-FY6: Decision making - 3.07-FY3: Summarizes accurately - APSC100 Econ: Proposal economic analysis - APSC100M3 Proposal: Overall proposal Proposal Presentation A presentation on the proposal of the project. - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Organization - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Content - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Slides - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Speakers - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Purpose and style Final Report The Formal final report which summarizes students’ term efforts - 3.04-FY4: Gathers info - 3.11-FY1: Manage time and money - 3.04-FY1: Uses process - 3.09-FY4: Sustainability in decisions - 3.04-FY7: Compares solution - APSC 100 Final Report – Implementation - APSC 100 Final Report - Overall Written Communication Final Presentation A presentation on the final solution/implementation of the project - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Organization - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Content - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Slides - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Speakers - APSC-100 Oral Comm: Purpose and style The Table below summarizes which assignments were used to assess each indicators across the entire course. 39 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program X X X X X X X X Final Report Proposal Report Proposal Report Draft Team Assignment 1: Project Definition (TA1) Team Assignment 2: Project Scope and Information (TA2) Final Individual Assessment Midterm Individual Assessment Module 3 Problem Solving and Modeling Activity 4 (PSM4) Problem Solving and Modeling Activity 2 (PSM2) Indicators FEAS – 3.02-FY1 FEAS – 3.02-FY2 FEAS – 3.02-FY3 FEAS – 3.02-FY4 FEAS – 3.04-FY1 FEAS – 3.04-FY2 FEAS – 3.04-FY3 FEAS – 3.04-FY4 FEAS – 3.04-FY5 FEAS – 3.04-FY6 FEAS – 3.04-FY7 FEAS – 3.06-FY1 FEAS – 3.06-FY2 FEAS – 3.06-FY3 FEAS – 3.06-FY7 FEAS – 3.07-FY3 FEAS – 3.08-FY2 FEAS – 3.09-FY4 FEAS – 3.10-FY3 FEAS – 3.11-FY1 FEAS – 3.11-FY2 FEAS – 3.11-FY3 FEAS – 3.12-FY1 FEAS – 3.12-FY2 FEAS – 3.12-FY4 FEAS – 3.12-FY5 FEAS – 3.12-FY6 Assignment: Learning Styles and Professional Communication Problem Solving and Modeling Activity 1 (PSM1) Module 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 40 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Some indicators were added specifically to APSC-100, beyond the faculty-wide indicators created and shown in Appendix 3.1A. Most indicators were scored on a four-level rubric, with a “1” corresponding to expectation not being demonstrated, a “2” meaning marginal (threshold) performance, “3” for meeting expectations (target performance), and 4 for exceeding expectations. The rubrics were given to students when the assignments were created. Each deliverable, by students or team, was graded using the rubric. The total grade for the deliverable was used to compute the mark on the assignment, and the score for each indicator was stored for the purpose of analyzing students’ ability to meet expectations. In the next section student performance is described. Sample rubrics for some of the deliverables are shown below. More detail is shown in the set of APSC100 course materials. Rubric descriptors for each indicator on each deliverable are shown in the section with student scores. 41 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program APSC-100 (2010 -2011) MEA1: Mersey Venture Elevator Failure Information summary 3.02-FY1: Identify problem 1 (not demonstrated) Information not identified properly, no information, or information copied from assignment. 2 (marginal) Some important information or biases not identified, or trivial/incorrect information included. 3 (meets expectations) Identifies known and unknown information, uncertainties, and biases. 4 (outstanding) Meets expectations plus: No or inadequate process Process identified misses some important factors; some assumptions left unidentified or unjustified. Creates justified process for solving problem, suppored by information. Meets expectations plus: No analysis, or model/analysis selected is inappropriate Model selected, some errors in analysis or inappropriate assumptions. Selects and applies appropriate quantitative model and MATLAB analysis to solve problems, using reasonable approximations and assumptions. Meets expectations plus: No evaluation of solution. Superficial evaluation of solution Evaluates validity of results and model for error, uncertainty Meets expectations plus: Makes supported recommendations to prevent future failures; describes implications to stakeholders. Meets expectations plus: Mark (/4) Includes information from authoritative sources to inform process, model, and conclusions. /4 Proposed process 3.02-FY2: Create process Comprehensive process model; comparison with other possible approaches. /4 Model 3.02-FY3: Select model Model results and conclusions 3.02-FY4: Evalute solution Recommendations 3.10-FY3: Describes ethical issues No or trivial recommendations Some important recommendations and implications missed. Authoritative research used to defend assumptions and approximations made /4 Evaluates conclusions and presents potential improvements. Information, model, and conclusions used to make recommendations supported by authoritative information. /4 /4 42 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program APSC-100 (2010 -2011) MEA2: Clay water filter Information summary 3.02-FY1: Identify problem Proposed process 3.02-FY2: Create process Analysis 3.02-FY3: Select model Model results and conclusions 1 (not demonstrated) Information not identified properly, no information, or information copied from assignment. 2 (marginal) Some important information or biases not identified, or trivial/incorrect information included. 3 (meets expectations) Identifies known and unknown information, uncertainties, and biases. No or inadequate process Process identified misses some important factors; some assumptions left unidentified or unjustified. Creates justified process for solving problem, including concept map, that includes T,S,E,F factors. Model selected, some errors in analysis or inappropriate assumptions. Uses analysis to make decision on multiple factors using reasonable approximations and assumptions. Meets expectations plus: Authoritative research used to defend assumptions and approximations made Evaluates validity of results and model for error, impact of uncertainty. Meets expectations plus: Evaluates conclusions and presents potential improvements. /4 Describes potential side effects of design. Meets expectations plus: Potential side effects informed by model, analysis, and conclusions, supported by authoritative information. /4 No analysis, or model/analysis selected is inappropriate No evaluation of solution. Superficial evaluation of solution 3.02-FY4: Evalute solution Side effects 3.10-FY3: Describes ethical issues No or trivial recommendations Some important recommendations and implications missed. 4 (outstanding) Meets expectations plus: Includes information from authoritative sources to inform process, model, and conclusions. Mark (/4) /4 Meets expectations plus: Comprehensive process model; comparison with other possible approaches. /4 /4 43 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program APSC-100 (2010-2011) Purpose and style Coherence and Format Sequence, transitions, formatting 1 (not demonstrated) Unclear purpose. Tone and style inappropriate. Audience needs not met. Poorly organized; rambling, lacks unity; Inconsistent writing/formatting; lacks transitions; many gaps or redundancies. Handwritten material. Graphical communications Figures and tables not related to text. Improper referencing of figures. List of tables/figures missing. Correctness Numerous grammar errors; disorganized sentence structure; inappropriate units or significant digits; acronyms not defined Erroneous or incomplete conclusions drawn from sources, or inappropriate quality or quantity of background information. Information usage 3.07-FY3: Summarizes accurately Overall: Written Communications Rubric 2 (marginal) Some aspects of presentation don’t achieve purpose. Organization sometimes unclear; some unsuitable sections, minor gaps or redundancies, minor formatting problems; some wordy expressions . "This is/There is/It is" … Some figures and tables not discussed in text. Figure/table captions missing. Incomplete/ inconsistent list of tables/ figures. Some grammar/ punctuation errors; spelling; incomplete sentences. Sources summarized with minor misconceptions. 3 (meets expectations) Clear purpose is met. Formal tone and style appropriate to audience Organized, appropriate sections, uniformly and correctly formatted; little irrelevant information. 4 (outstanding) Professional tone and style. Authoritative and convincing Focused, logically organized; skillful and varied transitions. Professionally formatted. No irrelevant information Figures and tables referred to in text, captioned. Appropriate lists of figures/tables. Figures and tables professionally formatted, integrated into text, complementing text Relatively free of grammar/ punctuation errors; units specified; acronyms and symbols defined No typos or grammatical errors; attractively and professionally formatted. Summarizes and paraphrases appropriate sources accurately with appropriate citations Multiple authoritative, objective, reliable sources used; cited and formatted properly Mark (/4) /4 /4 /4 /4 /4 / 44 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program APSC-100 (2010-2011) Purpose & Style Organization Sequence; transitions. Methods to emphasize content (illustrations, repetition) Content Oral Communications Rubric 1 (not demonstrated) Unclear purpose. Tone and style inappropriate. Audience needs not met. Insufficient content; poorly organized; rambling; not understandable Minimal content that does not demonstrate appropriate progress on project. Slides Mechanics, acronyms, units, graphics Numerous typos and grammatical errors; unprofessional and inconsistent formatting; figures and tables unclear or unrelated Speakers Volume, speed, cadence, English usage; questions. Use of aids Hard to understand/hear the speaker; speaking far too fast/slow; questions not satisfactorily answered; reading from notes Team Number: 2 (marginal) Some aspects of presentation don’t achieve purpose. 3 (meets expectations) Clear purpose is met Formal tone and style appropriate to audience Organization sometimes unclear; some unsuitable sections; disconnected. Some useful information missing. Generally appropriate content but some information missing. Organized; appropriate information; generally smooth transitions between topics Some typos; some inconsistency in formatting; some acronyms and symbols not defined; inappropriate use of figures/tables Generally understood with some volume, pitch and speed issues; some questions answered incorrectly; reading off of slides Date: Evaluator: 4 (outstanding) Professional tone and style Authoritative and convincing Slides logical, easy to follow; detailed, impressive depth of thought; excellent transitions between topics Appropriate content covering project background, scope, relevant information, design options, and work completed. Relatively free of typos and grammatical errors Slides uniformly formatted Acronyms and symbols defined; appropriate graphics Excellent content and evidence of detailed thought and analysis. Understandable, appropriate volume, pitch and speed; questions generally answered correctly; aids used properly Professional variation in volume, pitch, speed; very knowledgeable and clear when handling questions; aids used very well Mark (/4) Slides free of typos and grammatical errors; slides uniformly formatted and professional; material and graphics support main ideas Overall: 45 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program APSC-100 Module 3: Final team evaluation 1 (not demonstrated) 2 (marginal) 3 (meets expectations) 4 (outstanding) Mark Information Management No significant information used, not 3.04-FY4: Gathers info cited; blatant plagiarism. Insufficient usage; improper citations. Gathers and uses information from appropriate sources, including applicable standards, patents, regulations as appropriate, with proper citations Uses information from multiple authoritative, objective, reliable sources; cited and formatted properly Project Management No useful timeline or budget described; poorly managed project; safety issues Poor timeline or budget; infrequent meetings; minor safety problems Plans and efficiently manages time and money; team effectively used meetings; safety considerations are clear Efficient, excellent project plan presented; detailed budget; potential risks foreseen and mitigated No discussion of design process. Generic design process described. Describes design process used to design system, component, or process to solve open-ended complex problem. Comprehensive design process described, with appropriate iterations and revisions based on project progress /4 No consideration of these factors. Factors mentioned but no clear evidence of impact on decision making. Incorporated appropriate social, environmental, and financial factors in decision making Well-reasoned analysis of these factors, with risks mitigated where possible /4 Implementation Insufficient implementation Sufficient implementation but some opportunities not taken, or feedback at proposal not incorporated in implementation Appropriate effort, analysis, Outstanding implementation and/or construction demonstrated to implement product, process, or system /4 Evaluation No evaluation of design solution Some factors missed in evaluating design solution Compares the design solution against the project objectives and functional specifications, providing qualitative evaluation where appropriate /4 Poorly constructed report Some organization problems, minor formatting problems, redundancy, spelling grammar/errors Report achieves goal using formal Professional tone, convincing tone, properly formatted, argument, authoritative, skillful concisely written, appropriate use transitions of figures, few spelling/grammar errors 3.11-FY1: Manage time and money Design process 3.04-FY1: Uses process Social, environmental, and financial factors /4 /4 3.09-FY4: Sustainability in decisions 3.04-FY7: Compares solution Written communication Comprehensive evaluation of design solution, with welldefended recommendations for future work or implementation /4 46 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Attribute: Problem analysis The plots below show student scores on indicators of problem analysis. In these plots, and plots below, the text in parentheses shows the abbreviation of the deliverable by which the indicator was assessed. Abbreviations are shown in the list of indicators above. The table below shows the levelled descriptors used by graders to score student work on these indicators. The problem analysis attribute was identified as one where students fail to meet expectations more than others at the first year level. The indicators on which more than 20% of the students fell below the target expectation were: 3.02-FY1: Identify problem (twice) 3.02-FY4: Evaluate solution (three times) Figure 5 1 - Not Demonstrated 3.02 - FY1: Identifies known and Information not unknown information, identified properly, uncertainties, and biases when no information, or presented a complex illinformation copied structured problem from assignment Threshold Target 2 - Marginal 3 - Meets Expectations Some important information or biases not Identifies known and unknown identified, or information, uncertainties, trivial/incorrect information and biases included 3.02 - FY2: Creates process for solving problem including justified approximations and assumptions Process identified misses Creates justified process for some important factors; solving problem, suppored by some assumptions left information. unidentified or unjustified. Meets expectations PLUS: Comprehensive process model; comparison with other possible approaches No analysis, or 3.02 - FY3: Selects and applies model/analysis appropriate quantitative model selected is and analysis to solve problems inappropriate Selects and applies approriate quantitative model and Model selected; some MATLAB analysis to solve errors in analysis or problems, using reasonable inappropriate assumptions approximations and assumptions Meets expectations PLUS: Authoritative research used to defend assumptions and approximations made 3.02 - FY4: Evaluates validity of results and model for error, uncertainty Superficial evaluation of solution No or inadequate process No evaluation of solution Evaluates validity of results and model for error, uncertainty 4 - Outstanding Meets expectations PLUS: Includes information from authoritative sources to inform process, model, and conclusions Meets expectations PLUS: Evaluates conclusions and presents potential improvements 47 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Design Plots of performance scores on design indicators are shown below. Generally performance on these was acceptable. However, given the large percentage of students scored as “Exceeding expectations”, the wording of the indicators needs to be reviewed to ensure that the expectations are appropriate. Figure 6 1 - Not Demonstrated 3.04 - FY1: Adapts general design process to design No discussion of system, component, or process design process. to solve open-ended complex problem. Project definition is 3.04 - FY2: Accurately identifies loosely defined. significance and nature of a Difficulty narrowing complex, open-ended problem goal of project 3.04 - FY3: Identifies customer and user needs 3.04 - FY4: Gathers and uses information from appropriate sources, including applicable standards, patents, regulations as appropriate. Threshold 2 - Marginal Generic design process described. Target 3 - Meets Expectations 4 - Outstanding Describes design process used to design system, component, or process to solve openended complex problem. Comprehensive design process described, with appropriate iterations and revisions based on project progress Thoroughly identifies and Accurately identifies and Repeats project description describes the presented problem describes the presented as presented by client or while being aware of human problem building on the client course factors, resources constraints and requirements client needs Statement is multidimensional No description of Identifies customer and user Identifies some customer showing constraints and potential customer or user needs; elaborates and explain and user needs. strengths. Is aware of potential needs how it will impact the project bias from client Gathers and uses information No significant from appropriate sources, Uses information from multiple information used, not Insufficient usage; including applicable standards, authoritative, objective, reliable cited; blatant improper citations. patents, regulations as sources; cited and formatted plagiarism. appropriate, with proper properly citations 48 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Figure 7 1 - Not Demonstrated 3.04 - FY5: Produces a variety of No description of potential design solutions potential design suited to meet functional solutions specifications 3.04 - FY6: Performs systematic evaluations of the degree to which several design concept options meet project criteria No comparison/analysis of potential design solutions 3.04 - FY7: Compares the design No evaluation of solution against the problem design solution objective Threshold 2 - Marginal Target 3 - Meets Expectations 4 - Outstanding Some critical considerations Produces a variety of potential Applies creative approaches to missed in generating design solutions suited to identify and develop alternative potential design solutions meet functional specifications concepts and procedures Contrasts potential design solutions without analysis Performs systematic evaluations of the degree to which several design concept options meet project criteria Uses technical knowledge, mathematical models, appropriate design tools and client/user feedback to select best solution Some factors missed in evaluating design solution Compares the design solution against the project objectives and functional specifications, providing qualitative evaluation where appropriate Comprehensive evaluation of design solution, with welldefended recommendations for future work or implementation In addition to the indicators described above, two professors in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science have administered a test of design process understanding at the beginning and end of their courses for the past three years.8 APSC-100 was the context in first year, and an elective multidisciplinary project-based design course, APSC-381, was the context for the third year assessment. Since students elect to take APSC-381 the results should not be considered representative across the third year of all programs, but provide a point of comparison for first year students. The test instructions were as follows: Situation: You are leading a team of engineers on a design project, and need to plan out how you would approach a problem. Instructions: 1) Select and circle one scenario from the box below. Content for this was adapted from a published study: B. Frank, D. Strong, “Development of a Design Skill Assessment Tool”, Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference 2010, Kingston, ON, available online at: 8 49 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 2) Outline, on the back of this page, the specific steps you would take to ensure a successful design for your selected scenario. Please ensure you: Outline all special considerations and specific requirements associated with your selected scenario. Outline the design process you would follow to solve the problem, listing specific steps your team would take. You do not need to create a specific design, sketch, etc. The students selected one scenario from a list of three provided on each test. An “A” version, with 3 of the scenarios, and a “B” version, with three different scenarios, were each given to half of the class as the pre-assessment, and the versions switched for the post assessment. This way the average difficulty of the two versions could be evaluated. Student responses were evaluated against 6 commonly accepted stages of engineering design: problem definition, preliminary design, conceptual design, detailed design, validation, and implementation. They are also assessed for the overall process (iteration and appropriate order) and use of design tools. The figures below show the distribution of “pre” and “post” subtotal scores on the for the groups of interest. The largest gains occur in APSC381, as would be expected since it is an advanced 12-week course on design tools and methodologies. APSC100 students also show significant gains in the two deliveries. Very modest gains are apparent from the outreach group. Note that the distribution of “post” scores for APSC-100 is higher than “pre” scores for APSC-381, possibly due to low knowledge retention between first and third year, or limited design instruction between first year and winter semester of third year. The histograms for APSC-100 show students making gains in conceptual and preliminary design, which include activities like idea generation, planning, comparing potential designs, and early prototype construction. This reflects the emphasis in the course. Note that score changes corresponding to a major tick on the x-axis are grouped with the lower interval. The corresponding data for APSC-381 students show much larger gains are made in problem definition, conceptual design, preliminary design, and detailed design. This reflects the nature of the course which does not require students to implement their designs. An even more significant increase in score for use of Tools can be seen students were noted to make reference to design tools in the post-course assessment. 50 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program PRE Figure 9: Change in score from in 2010 “pre” to “post” for APSC100 students in the major categories. Statistically significant changes at a 95% confidence level are indicated with an asterisk. POST Figure 8: Distribution of scores in 2010 for pre (top) and post (bottom) engineering activity. Boxes show middle quartiles, dark line shows median score. Figure 10: Change in score in 2010 from “pre” to “post” for APSC381 students in the major categories. Statistically significant changes at a 95% confidence level are indicated with an asterisk. 51 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Scoring rubric used to assess design skill assessment scenarios. 52 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Teamwork Plots of performance scores on teamwork indicators are shown below. Generally performance on these was acceptable. However, for this year no descriptors were provided to graders on these indicators (as shown below). Given the large percentage of students scored as “Exceeding expectations”, descriptors will need to be provided to provide guidance to graders in future years. Figure 11 Threshold Target 1 - Not Demonstrated 2 - Marginal 3 - Meets Expectations 4 - Outstanding 3.06 - FY1: Recognizes a variety of working and learning preferences Fail Marginal Good Excellent 3.06 - FY2: Applies principles of conflict management to resolve team issues Fail Marginal Good Excellent 3.06 - FY3: Assumes responsibility for own work and participates equitably Fail Marginal Good Excellent 3.06 - FY7: Exercises initiative and contributes to team goalsetting Fail Marginal Good Excellent 53 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Communications In addition to the faculty wide indictors of the communications attribute, some course specific indicators for communications were developed and assessed as well. Generally students were observed to do well on formal oral presentation expectations but poorer on expectations for written work. Throughout the year approximately 15% of the students struggled with summarizing and paraphrasing written work accurately. At the end of the semester approximately 15% of the student teams were deemed to be below target on written communications, as measured by their final report. 450 400 350 300 250 1 200 2 150 3 100 4 50 0 FEAS - 3.07-FY3 FEAS - 3.07-FY3 FEAS - 3.07-FY3 FEAS - 3.07-FY3 (PropReportPM) (PropReportFS) (PropReportAA) (T2Scope&Info) APSC100 APSC100 APSC100 APSC100 Figure 12 3.07 - FY3: Summarizes and paraphrases written work accurately with appropriate citations Threshold 1 - Not Demonstrated 2 - Marginal Insufficient content to assess summary of Records information from work. Summary few resources. Misses misinterprets significant points of view. researched material. Target 3 - Meets Expectations Summarizes and paraphrases written work accurately. 4 - Outstanding Synthesizes main ideas to construct new concepts. Summarizes the leading thoughts in the field and gives a broader picture of the problem. 54 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Figure 13 1 - Not Demonstrate d Threshold Target 2 - Marginal 3 - Meets Expectations 4 - Outstanding Report achieves goal using formal tone, properly formatted, concisely written, appropriate use of figures, few spelling/grammar errors Professional tone, convincing argument, authoritative, skillful transitions Concise prose, few extraneous words. Little irrelevant information Concise, meaningful text, with no irrelevant information. Appropriate use of varied sentence structures. Final Report Written Communication Poorly constructed report Some organization problems, minor formatting problems, redundancy, spelling/grammar errors Team Assignment 2 Communication: Conciseness Wordy expressions, including "This is/There is/It is" structures. Many redundancies or gaps Some irrelevant information, wordy phrases, redundancies, and/or gaps 55 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Figure 14 Threshold Target 3 - Meets Expectations 1 - Not Demonstrated 2 - Marginal Proposal Report Coherence & Format: Sequence, transitions, formatting Poorly prganized; rambling, lacks unity; Inconsistent writing/formattin g; lacks transitions; many gaps or redundancies. Handwritten material Organization sometimes unclear; some unsuitable sections, minor gaps or redundancies, minor formatting problems; some wordy expressions "This is/There is/It is" Organized, appropriate sections, uniformly and correctly formatted; little irrelevant information. Focused, logically organized, skillful and varied transitions. Professionally formateed. No irrelevant information Proposal Report Correctness Numerous grammar errors; disorganized sentence structure; inappropriate units or significant digits; acronyms not defined Some grammar/ punctuation errors; spelling; incomplete sentences. Relatively free of grammar/ punctuation errors; units specified; acronyms and symbols defined No typos or grammatical errors; attractively and professionally formatted. 4 - Outstanding 56 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Proposal Report Graphical Communications Figures and tables not related to text. Improper referencing of figures. List of tables/figures missing. Some figures and tables not discussed in text. Figure/table captions missing. Incomplete/ inconsistent list of tables/ figures. Figures and tables referred to in text, captioned. Appropriate lists of figures/tables. Figures and tables professionally formatted, integrated into text, complementing text Proposal Report Purpose & Style Unclear purpose. Tone and style inappropriate. Audience needs not met. Some aspects of presentation don’t achieve purpose. Clear purpose is met. Formal tone and style appropriate to audience Professional tone and style. Authoritative and convincing 450 400 350 300 250 1 200 150 2 100 3 50 4 0 Prop Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Prop Pres Oral Comm: Content Comm: Content Comm: Content Comm: Content (FS) (FS) (PM) (PM) APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 Figure 15 57 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 1 - Not Demonstrated Oral Communication Content Oral Communication Organization: Sequence; transitions. Methods to emphasize content (illustrations, repetition) Oral Communication Purpose & Style Oral Communication Slides: Mechanics, acronyms, units, graphics Oral Communication Speakers: Volume, speed, cadence, English usage; questions. Use of aids 2 - Marginal 3 - Meets Expectations Appropriate content covering project background, scope, relevant information, design options, and work completed. 4 - Outstanding Minimal content that does not demonstrate appropriate progress on project. Generally appropriate content but some information missing. Insufficient content; poorly organized; rambling; not understandable Organization sometimes unclear; some unsuitable sections; disconnected. Some useful information missing. Organized; appropriate information; generally smooth transitions between topics Slides logical, easy to follow; detailed, impressive depth of thought; excellent transitions between topics Some aspects of presentation don’t achieve purpose. Clear purpose is met. Formal tone and style appropriate to audience Professional tone and style. Authoritative and convincing Relatively free of typos and grammatical errors. Slides uniformly formatted. Acronyms and symbols defined; appropriate graphics Slides free of typos and grammatical errors; slides uniformly formatted and professional; material and graphics support main ideas Understandable, appropriate volume, pitch and speed; questions generally answered correctly; aids used properly Professional variation in volume, pitch, speed; very knowledgeable and clear when handling questions; aids used very well Unclear purpose. Tone and style inappropriate. Audience needs not met. Numerous typos and grammatical errors; unprofessional and inconsistent formatting; figures and tables unclear or unrelated Hard to understand/hea r the speaker; speaking far too fast/slow; questions not satisfactorily answered; reading from notes Some typos; some inconsistency in formatting; some acronyms and symbols not defined; inappropriate use of figures/tables Generally understood with some volume, pitch and speed issues; some questions answered incorrectly; reading off of slides Excellent content and evidence of detailed thought and analysis. 58 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 Prop Pres Oral Prop Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Comm: Comm: Comm: Comm: Organization (FS) Organization Organization (FS) Organization (PM) (PM) APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 Figure 16 400 350 300 250 200 1 150 2 100 3 50 4 0 Prop Pres Oral Prop Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Comm: Purpose Comm: Purpose Comm: Purpose Comm: Purpose & Style (PM) & Style (FS) & Style (FS) & Style (PM) APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 Figure 17 59 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 400 350 300 250 200 1 150 2 100 3 50 4 0 Prop Pres Oral Prop Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Comm: Slides Comm: Slides (FS) Comm: Slides (FS) Comm: Slides (PM) (PM) APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 Figure 18 450 400 350 300 250 1 200 150 2 100 3 50 4 0 Prop Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Prop Pres Oral Final Pres Oral Comm: Speakers Comm: Speakers Comm: Speakers Comm: Speakers (FS) (FS) (PM) (PM) APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 APSC 100 Figure 19 60 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Professionalism Individual professional behaviour, punctuality, responsibility, and communication etiquette was assessed on the team design projects at the middle and end of the projects. Additionally, a coursespecific indicator was assessed that required students to deal with an ethical dilemma using PEO’s code of ethics (this indicator overlaps with the Ethics and Equity attribute). The student scores are shown below. Generally graders felt that the students showed appropriate professional behaviour on teams, but many students’ performed below expectation when it came time to apply a code of ethics to an ethical dilemma. Figure 20 3.08 - FY2: Demonstrates punctuality, responsibility and appropriate communication etiquette Ethical dilemma (PSM4) 1 - Not Demonstrated Threshold 2 - Marginal Target 3 - Meets Expectations 4 - Outstanding Fail Marginal Good Excellent 1 (not demonstrated) No process to deal with dilemma. 2 (marginal) Process to deal with dilemma based on personal beliefs only. 3 (meets expectations) Process to deal with dilemma based on personal beliefs and applicable codes of ethics. 4 (outstanding) Process to deal with dilemma based on personal beliefs and applicable codes of ethics addresses obligations to multiple parties. 61 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Impact of Engineering and Ethics and Equity As shown in the ethical dilemma in the previous section, and in the plot below, a significant number of students were below expectation in applying code of ethics, and making decisions based on their potential impact on society. Figure 21 1 - Not Demonstrated 3.09 - FY4: Incorporates sustainability considerations in No consideration of decision making (societal and these factors. ecological) 3.10 - FY3: Describes ethical issues and how they affect the No or trivial individual, the company and the recommendations public Threshold 2 - Marginal Target 3 - Meets Expectations Incorporated appropriate Factors mentioned but no social, environmental, and clear evidence of impact on financial factors in decision decision making. making Some important recommendations and implications missed Makes supported recommendations to prevent future failures; describes implications to stakeholders 4 - Outstanding Well-reasoned analysis of these factors, with risks mitigated where possible Meets expectations PLUS: Information, model, and conclusions used to make recommendations supported by authoritative information 62 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Economics and Project Management Generally first year students were observed to plan and manage time and money effectively at the end of the semester-long design project (3.11-FY1). However, many teams struggled to create an appropriate project scope and project plan early in the project. Figure 22 1 - Not Demonstrated 3.11 - FY1: Plans and efficiently manages time and money Threshold 2 - Marginal No useful timeline or Poor timeline or budget; budget described; infrequent meetings; minor poorly managed safety problems project; safety issues 3.11 - FY2: Establishes appropriate project scope, after Scope of project is not consultation with client, based defined. on available resources. Project scope not appropriate for available resources and project objectives. 3.11 - FY3: Plan maps out project Plan does not refer or Plan has a general outline with clear milestones and map out a timeline of milestones with some delegation. for the project reference to duration Target 3 - Meets Expectations Plans and efficiently manages time and money; team effectively used meetings; safety considerations are clear 4 - Outstanding Efficient, excellent project plan presented; detailed budget; potential risks foreseen and mitigated Project scope definition clearly Establishes appropriate project defended by economic analysis, scope using cost/benefits available time and skills, and linked to project timeline. Plan maps out project with clear milestones and delegation appropriate to project stage. Detailed layout (e.g. Gantt chart) with clear plan including consideration for item dependencies as well as room for readjustment and remedial action 63 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Lifelong learning Indicators for lifelong learning at the first year level focus primarily on information gathering and evaluation. The most significant issue identified here is critical evaluation of information sources, as has been observed in previous years. 450 400 350 300 250 1 200 2 150 3 100 4 50 0 FEAS - 3.12-FY1 FEAS - 3.12-FY2 FEAS - 3.12-FY5 FEAS - 3.12-FY6 (T2Scope&Info) (T1ProjectDef) (T1ProjectDef) (T2Scope&Info) APSC100 APSC100 APSC100 APSC100 Figure 23 1 - Not Demonstrated 3.12 - FY1: Uses information effectively, ethically, and legally to accomplish a specific purpose, including clear attribution of Information sources. 3.12 - FY2: Identifies a specific learning need or knowledge gap. Target 3 - Meets Expectations 4 - Outstanding No way to check validity of information. Inconsistent use of citation Clear attribution of all sources, guidelines; some Outstanding range of sources, including graphics, using a information sources cited properly. single citation style ambiguous No description of learning need. Some learning needs identified but some gaps remain. Identifies learning needs or knowledge gap based on project requirements Identifies learning needs encompassing all phases of project. Some identified needs not appropriately met by identified information sources. Identifies appropriate technical literature and other information sources to meet a need Identifies multiple authoritative sources from diverse perspectives. All source selection is justified. Presents information that is not relevant. Accepts all information found. Does not check for timeliness. Describes professional-grade Presents information that has sources and reputable experts in clearly been critically technical, regulatory, and social evaluated based on authority, aspects, as appropriate. currency and objectivity 3.12 - FY5: Identifies appropriate technical literature and other No useful information information sources to meet a sources identified. need 3.12 - FY6: Critically evaluates the procured information for authority, currency, and objectivity. Threshold 2 - Marginal Presents information that is not relevant. Accepts all information found. Does not check for timeliness. 64 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Overall analysis The assessment of Knowledge Base in first year focused on introductory calculus, APSC-171. Based on the data, the focus in the next year will be on helping students develop the ability to create a mathematical model of a real-world problem, and on integration activities. At the first year level, the majority of the attributes were assessed in APSC-100. In this course there were several indicators on which students were scored low multiple times. The list of indicators on which more than 20% of the students fell below the target expectation (“meets expectations”, or 3 out of 4) were as follows (the number of times 20% or more of the students fell below the target is shown in parentheses): 3.02-FY1: Identify problem (twice) 3.02-FY4: Evaluate solution (three times) 3.07-FY3: Summarizes accurately (only for proposal, this significantly improved by the end of the first year) 3.10-FY3: Describes ethical issues (twice) 3.11-FY2: Project scope and 3.11-FY3: Project plan – these were weak on two deliverables in the middle of the winter semester 3.12-FY5: Identifies appropriate literature 3.12-FY6: Evaluates information Some of these were reassessed in other ways at the end of the first year, and the overall class performance was much stronger at the end. At the end of the first year students were also evaluated on overall written communication, and 16% of the teams were deemed below target. Student performance on indicators in APSC-100 was examined over the year to examine how students were adapting to expectations. The figure below shows the mean score on activities, and the percentage of the students below target, as a function of the date in which the activity occurred. Early activities more likely to be below threshold, and by the end of the year the percentage of students below threshold was much lower than at the beginning. The trend lines suggest that students are adapting to overall expectations within the course. 65 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 45 4.000 40 3.800 % Below target 3.600 Mean 3.400 30 3.200 25 3.000 20 2.800 15 2.600 10 2.400 5 2010-08 Mean score Percent below target 35 2.200 2010-09 2010-11 2011-01 2011-02 2.000 2011-04 Approximate deliverable date Figure 24 - Percent of students below target (red) and mean score on indicators scored out of four (blue) by date The performance of students across all the indicators was also analyzed. The figure below shows the number of students scoring below the target level of expectation on the indicators. Note that these include faculty –wide indicators and course-specific indicators. Approximately half of the students did not fall below target level on any indicator (this includes group work). Approximately 80% of the students fell below threshold on 2 or fewer indicators. 66 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Figure 25 When the comparison is restricted only to faculty-wide indicators, the result is shown below. About half of the students do not fall below the target expectation for any indicator, and 70% fall below for 2 or fewer indicators. Approximately 80% do not fall below threshold level on any indicator, and 96% fall below threshold for two or fewer indicators. 67 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 700 Number of students 600 584 500 Below target 400 300 Below threshold 293 200 96 108 61 48 55 100 56 54 37 16 6 0 0 13 0 30 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6-10 11-1516-2021-2526-3031-3536-4041-50 Number of indicators Figure 26 Plans for program improvement At the first year level, specific plans for improvement based on the data include: Grader calibration: In analyzing the data it was also observed that the variation between graders was larger than desirable. In the previous year students were assigned to sections randomly, and all students are taught by same instructor, but graded by section. An analysis of average scores assigned by graders show statistically significant differences at the .05 level between graders scores on deliverables. As a result greater effort will go into grader training and calibration Problem analysis: greater focus will be placed on making an effective argument, and comparing the outcome of a solution to the originally defined problem definition. Design: the focus on safety and risk assessment is going to be expanded in the coming year (overlaps with attributes Professionalism and Impact on Society), including focus on Occupational Health and Safety. Communications: Student feedback and performance indicate that communication skill development needs to be revised in first year. Additional effort will be provided to support students with weak communication skills at the beginning of first year. If an individual or 68 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program group falls below some level of expectation in communications they will be required to meet with the TA for detailed feedback, and pointed at resources that they can use to improve the document before resubmitting. Economics and project management: additional emphasis is being placed on problem definition, project scoping and planning Lifelong learning: additional emphasis is being placed on evaluating information and making an effective argument On some indicators a large number of students are above expectations, suggesting that the expectations may be too low Based on survey results, student view ethics and equity, professionalism, and impact of engineering as receiving lower priority within program. This is being emphasized in the engineering design and practice stream being introduced in all programs Faculty-wide middle year assessment: Communications These two courses taken by most students in second year provide basic instruction in Engineering Communications. Full details of their delivery are available in the supplemental materials filed with the Course Information Sheets. The course activities were loosely tied to technical and design activities in other courses, varying with program. The rollout of our new common design course APSC 200 in the 2011-2012 academic year will allow tight integration of the communications elements of the new APSC 293 with student design projects in second year across all programs. The focus of both courses was on student communication activities, practice, and revision in workshops. There were five modules in each of the 12 AU courses, each equally weighted. Each course included an individual presentation module, a group presentation module, and three written modules. They were: Job Application, including resume and cover letter. (291 JA) One Minute Engineer, a brief extemporaneous oral presentation, followed by written reflection on video of the performance and means for improvement. (291 OME) Briefing Note, a three page written analysis of the potential for district heating at Queen’s. (291 BN) Incident Report, a written report of a fictitious machine shop accident, using mandated forms and a follow-up memo. (291 IR) Group Presentation, with supporting slides, on a technical topic chosen by the students. (291 GP) Executive Summary, from review of a report prepared by 4th year students. (292 ES) Team Oral Communication, in a design group meeting with the aid of a whiteboard, followed by written reflection on performance and means for improvement. (292 TOC) 69 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Procedures and Systems, detailing a sequence in a process and/or a set of instructions, complete with block diagram. (292 PS) Discussion and Conclusions, communications and reasoning on a technical topic chosen by the students. (292 DC) Group Presentation, with supporting slides, on a technical topic chosen by the students. (292 GP) To pass, students were required to achieve a satisfactory outcome in all modules. Revision cycles in workshops and resubmission allowed all students the opportunity to improve their work. (Incorporation of specific, marked revision cycles represents an improvement over previous offerings with a single final submission of each deliverable.) Specific communications outcomes from the CDIO Syllabus were evaluated for each module, as well as a separate outcome for overall performance on the module. The overall performance was not a simple sum of the other outcomes, thus a submission could be unsatisfactory and require resubmission even if 3 out of 4 subsidiary outcomes were satisfied. CDIO Syllabus topics were used in part because of the instructor’s familiarity with them, and in part because the faculty outcome list had not been finalized when the course design was being completed. The outcomes used will be harmonized as part of the roll-out of the faculty-wide integrated design and communications courses APSC 200/293 in Fall 2011. All of the outcomes used are contributors to meeting Graduate Attribute 7, Communications. Data were accumulated for each outcome during the marking process and stored in the Moodle course management system. The charts that follow were completed based on Moodle records at the end of the academic year. They do not reflect the subsequent resubmission and success of a small number of students who completed modules after the end of classes. In addition, some subsidiary outcomes were not recorded when students completed revisions in workshops, resulting in lower numbers of observations. The data for all students in both courses was downloaded, aligned to provide a complete record for each student, and then anonymized for privacy. The resulting frequencies were accumulated over all students and plotted for each outcome in each submission of each module. The overall data set includes 483 students, the vast majority of whom participated in both courses. Each of the outcomes were ranked on an Engineering Practice scale of: Resubmit: The work is unsatisfactory and must be revised. File Only: The work is sufficient to provide a record for the file. Internal Circulation: I would show this to my boss. Almost Client Ready: Only a few minor tweaks are required. Client Ready: The work is ready for submission to an outside client with no revisions. All of the outcomes are satisfactory except Resubmit. File Only is below expectations, but sufficient to pass the course. More details accompany the Course Information Sheets. Students generally performed well on the communications tasks set for them. There is evidence that they were able to improve their outcomes through a cycle of revisions. Any improvements over the course of the year are masked by other factors, including rising expectations of academic assistants over the course of the year, student workloads, course administration glitches, etc. More telling comparisons 70 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program are available between second year and final year outcomes displayed in communications elements of capstone projects. Over the course it became evident that students were not expecting the graders to apply the strong standards we advertised for the first assignment, and the vast majority of students were required to resubmit their job applications, mostly on matters related to format, spelling, punctuation and grammar. Most students can meet targets of either Internal Circulation or Almost Client Ready on the first try. Student performance on each module after their revision process in workshops and resubmission of their work shows that more than 85% of the students met expectations with scores of Internal Circulation or above and virtually all students were able to meet a minimum threshold standard of File Only after multiple revisions. Several areas can be identified where students show higher frequencies of the marginal File Only outcome were also identifiable from anecdotal experience. These items should receive more attention in the APSC 200/293 offering in 2011/12: Students had more difficulty identifying key elements for a summary and expressing them clearly and concisely. More students performed below expectations in informal small group discussions than in a formal presentation, and they were less able to identify their problems and opportunities to improve on them. The chart below shows APSC 291/292 outcomes related to the mechanics of written communication. The outcomes on the left stand out because the Job Application module required students to resubmit at least twice to eliminate any errors in format, punctuation, spelling or grammar. The vast majority of students meet expectations on all assignments and can exceed expectations when required. 71 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program 72 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program This chart shows APSC 291/292 outcomes related to critical thinking in communications. 73 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program This chart shows APSC 291/292 outcomes for oral presentations, both extemporaneous, individual presentations and more formal group presentations with slides. 74 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Faculty-wide Middle year assessment: Economics The table below shows the percentage of the course assessment on the five indicators. These include all assignments (5 individual 2, team), and questions on the midterm and the final exam. Code 3.11-MY1 3.11-MY2 3.11-MY3 3.11-MY4 3.11-MY5 Indicator Gather appropriate information, categorize it, and determine the economic attractiveness of an engineering project Measure the financial impact of risks that are associated with the engineering project and consider the risk and return relationship as a component of determining economic attractiveness Plans a project from scoping to completion, including scheduling Plans for the management of risks and changes required for project Describes new enterprise formation, business planning and the economic attractiveness of the enterprise. % of course assessment 41 3 15 8 34 The description under Economics and project management speaks specifically to indicators 1, 2, 3 and 4 while indicator 5 was included as important related material. Student performance on activities was analyzed after the course. Students were scored on a numeric scale appropriate to the deliverable, rather than using a rubric as in other courses. Overall student performance on the five indicators measured on questions given on the midterm and final exams are shown below for comparison. Code MY1 Indicator Economic attractiveness Indicator Gather appropriate information, categorize it, and determine the economic attractiveness of an engineering project MY3 Project Plan Plan the project from scoping to completion, including scheduling MY4 MY5 Manage Risks Describe Enterprise plan for the management of risks and changes required Describe new enterprise formulation, business planning and enterprise economic attractiveness AVG High Low 59 100 0 63 100 5 79 100 35 95 100 0 70 100 0 82 100 45 74 100 0 35 100 0 69 100 15 78 100 30 MY5, describing enterprise formulation and economic attractiveness, had the lowest average score. 75 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Observations Slightly less emphasis can be placed on MY1 (economic attractiveness) and a lot less on MY5 (new enterprise formation). While MY5 is reduced overall the Capital asset Pricing Model (CAPM) reflecting cost of equity for the Enterprise must be included. Slightly more emphasis will be placed on developing and assessing MY2,MY 3, and MY4 (risk assessment, project scoping, and risk management). Approach for 2011-12: One more indicator will be added to the course activities: Describe a project's sustainability and broader contribution and impact on the enterprise, environment and society. Overall the course learning outcomes will be the six economic indicators. The course delivery and assessment will be adjusted to provide a balance in assessment. Code 3.11-MY1 3.11-MY2 3.11-MY3 3.11-MY4 3.11-MY5 3.11-MY6 Indicator Gather appropriate information, categorize it, and determine the economic attractiveness of an engineering project Measure the financial impact of risks that are associated with the engineering project and consider the risk and return relationship as a component of determining economic attractiveness Plans a project from scoping to completion, including scheduling Plans for the management of risks and changes required for project Describes new enterprise formation, business planning and the economic attractiveness of the enterprise. Describe a project's sustainability and broader contribution and impact on the enterprise, environment and society. % of course assessment 35 5 20 10 20 10 76 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Student input on Graduate attributes The faculty conducted a survey across all programs to understand student perceptions of the graduate attribute requirements, and to solicit their input into how the program can be developed to help them develop the required attributes. This was done by two methods: 1. Web-based surveys of first year and graduating year students. Survey questions are shown in Appendix 3.1B. 2. Interviews with members of the undergraduate engineering student society. This study was approved by the Queen’s University General Research Ethics Board. First year survey Of the approximately 650 students in the first year program 188 students (29%) responded to the survey, and 129 of those (20%) completed the entire survey. Students were asked to report the degree to which they felt they already possessed attributes upon entry to the program. The top five graduate attributes where students reported a rating of 2 or 3 (yes or to a great degree) out of three is as follows: Individual and Team Work Communication Skills Professionalism Problem Analysis Investigation 89% 78% 69% 61% 61% Students were then asked to report on the degree to which first year programming supported development of the attributes. The top five graduate attributes where students reported a rating of 2 or 3 (yes or to a great degree) out of three is as follows: Individual and Team Work* Knowledge base in engineering Problem analysis* Professionalism* Investigation* Design Impact of Engineering on Society 95% 94% 94% 86% 83% 81% 81% *Identified as a strength coming in to the program 77 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Knowledge base and problem solving were most frequently listed as the top priority in the program as shown in the table below. This is not expected in an engineering program, particularly in first year when the majority of the courses focus on natural sciences and mathematics. Interestingly, teamwork, communications, and professionalism were also frequently listed. Attribute Problem Solving* Individual & Team Work* Knowledge Base Communication* Professionalism* # of students who incl it in top 5 120 97 95 76 47 # of students who selected it as #1 priority 34 17 51 6 4 The three listed least frequently as being developed by first year programming were: Ethics and Equity Economics and Project Management Lifelong Learning 64% 70% 73% It is interesting that even the attributes with the lowest scores were perceived by approximately twothirds of the first year class as being developed in the first year of the program. Attribute Lifelong learning Economics and Project Management Ethics and Equity Use of Eng Tools Impact on Society # who included it in bottom 3 80 68 45 38 37 # who ranked it lowest priority 38 25 1 15 6 78 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Fourth year surveys The graduating year survey was sent to approximately 600 final year students. There were a total of 156 responses, and 102 completed the entire survey. Students were asked which of the attributes they felt were difficult to demonstrate. Responses, along with some general comments, are shown in the table below. There were 73 responses to this question. Attribute Ethics and Equity # of students 25 Professionalism Impact on Society Communication 13 12 11 Design 9 Lifelong Learning Economics & Project Mgmt 8 8 Rationale Next to no content since 1st year on these issues; student perception of unethical behaviour in program (plagiarism etc) Lack of opportunity in the program (12) Many assignments are team based so difficult for all students to demonstrate competence; feedback on written work takes too long to be able to improve for next assignment; not always integrated Design is integral, should be focal point of more courses; focus on team work means that individual contributions are difficult to recognize/demonstrate More of an attitude than a skill Lack of opportunity in the program; only touched on in APSC 100 and APSC 221 Four of the students pointed out that, aside from knowledge base for engineering, most attributes are difficult to demonstrate through traditional exams. There was a general perception that ethics and equity, professionalism, and impact on society weren’t significant in upper years of programs. This has was identified as an area of improvement several years ago, and will be discussed under program development. Students were asked to what degree did the engineering program support the development of attributes. The table below shows the percentage of students who responded affirmatively (2) or to a high degree (3) out of 3. The attribute for which the most students felt the program supported their development to a high degree was individual and team work, and the lowest was ethics and equity. Attribute Knowledge base Problem analysis Ind & Team work Investigation Design Use of eng tools Communication 2+3 98.41 95.25 93.65 91.27 88.10 84.93 80.95 3 (to a high degree) 63.49 69.05 74.60 42.86 50.00 38.10 43.65 79 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Lifelong learning Professionalism Economics & pro mgmt Impact on society Ethics and equity 79.36 79.20 75.20 68.26 60.00 46.03 36.80 20.00 27.78 17.60 The attributes ranked by students as being given the highest priority most often were: Knowledge base for engineering (53) Problem analysis (31) Those most often included in the top 5 were: Problem analysis (105) Knowledge base (92) Individual & team work (80) Design (79) Communication (45) Those ranked by students as being given the lowest priority the most often were: Ethics and equity (29) Impact on society (20) Those most often included in the bottom five were: Ethics and equity (73) Impact on society (51) Professionalism (46) Lifelong learning (46) With the exception of professionalism, the same attributes were ranked lowest by first year students. 80 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Individual interviews Toward the end of the academic year students were asked to participate in focus groups and interviews. At the time students were in exams and so it was difficult to get significant participation. In the end two undergraduate engineering students were interviewed, both of whom were members of the undergraduate engineering society executive elected by their peers. Generally these students are better informed and more engaged in faculty matters than the average student. One student had just finished second year, one just finished third year. The most significant comments and recommendations from the students were: Communicate graduate attributes and draw attention back to them. E.g. For example by pointing out that assignments develop and demonstrate particular attributes Use writing activities to support under-developed attributes in program (impact, ethics, etc.) Make communications an important part of multiple courses, not only communications-only courses Don’t understand “lifelong learning” attribute Professionalism and ethics and equity should be focused on in upper years Portfolios would not be well received if they were an add-on to what’s already in the curriculum Movement toward grad attributes is good. Need better communication about them and stress that they are important elements of what it means to be an engineer 81 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Program development informed by data Faculty wide development Improvements in specific faculty-wide course were addressed in the previous sections on first and middle year courses. This section will address a proposal for a sequence of four courses on Engineering Design and Practice that has been in development for two years. This course will target 11 of the 12 graduate attributes; only knowledge base is not specifically targeted, as it is the primary attribute developed in most engineering courses. As identified in the curriculum mapping exercise and student surveys, development of these professional skills needs to be enhanced. The sequence will build upon existing courses, including APSC-100 in first year, capstone design courses in the graduating year, and some existing design and professional practice courses. The first new course introduction happens in the 2011-2012 with a new pair of faculty-wide second year courses, APSC-200 and 293. These will be taught by the same personnel, and are separated into two courses for the purpose of record-keeping. APSC-200 focuses primarily on design and engineering practice, and APSC-293 focuses on written and oral communications. The projects in the design course will serve as the context for the reports and presentations used in the communications course. This will provide multiple revision cycles to help students develop an effective writing process. The design activities are also supported by materials from APSC 221/321 on engineering economics and business practices. In this project based design course, students will participate constructively on teams to create solutions to open-ended problems, using standard design methods and tools. The course opens with a discipline specific project activity in the first week to engage the students in an active learning opportunity. Instruction will be provided primarily in the first 6 weeks of the semester focusing on problem scoping, creativity and idea generation, decision making incorporating technical, economic, societal, and environmental factors, safety, engineering codes and regulations, and engineering ethics. In that first six weeks student groups complete a simple design/build project to provide a focus for tools they are learning. The final 6 weeks of the course centers around a more advanced design project delivered by each discipline. The communication course will include a small number of lectures, online modules, and working tutorials supporting deliverables in the design course. This ensures the communications expectations occur in an engineering context. The course objectives include: Employ and apply design processes and tools with emphasis on early stages (problem definition, idea generation and decision making) Promote creative processes in open ended problem solving Design (involving analysis and/or simulation and/or prototyping) a solution for presented openended problem 82 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Excite students about engineering and the discipline they selected Apply engineering principles and theories from other disciplinary courses to solve an openended problem Employ appropriate technical and non-technical factors in decision making, including some combination of economic, environmental, safety, and social factors, and consideration of the public interest Awareness of engineering as a regulated profession, including reference to some relevant engineering regulations/codes/standards Awareness of professional/technical associations in engineering and discipline Awareness of occupational safety regulations Teaming skills In future years third and fourth year courses will be introduced that build upon these objectives. Section 3.1 Part B: Future plans for graduate attribute assessment Programs should describe future plans for graduate attribute assessment in preparation for the next accreditation cycle when criterion 3.1 will form a basis for accreditation decisions. Also describe the assessment cycle if attributes will be assessed on a rolling basis. In future years the program development process will be expanded to include more detailed data gathering and analysis. Specific improvements include: All 12 graduate attributes will be assessed in first year and the graduating year, and many will also be assessed in middle years Review and revise current indicators based on previous year use, including providing information about the context in which each is evaluated Program specific indicators will be developed for many of the attributes, including knowledge base, engineering tools, and investigation Faculty-wide and departmental committees will establish regular timelines for attribute assessment, data analysis, and program improvement. These will include student members Industrial feedback on the process and outcomes will be incorporated Mapping of attributes in the existing program will be expanded to ensure that attributes are being developed throughout the program Faculty-wide design and professional practice courses will be used allow longitudinal assessment of students throughout their program Recently introduced and upcoming provincial and university policies for quality assurance will be incorporated into the program development process Policies will be established to deal with students who fall below threshold performance on indicators. In some cases this will require students revise and resubmit material until threshold performance is met Instructors will describe relationship of course materials and deliverables to attributes 83 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Student portfolios will be introduced in selected courses to allow students to determine how they meet expectations Indicators will be assessed using multiple methods to assess reliability of data 84 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Appendix 3.1A: Levelled indicators These indicators were developed in the 2009-2010 academic year. A selection of these were assessed in the 2010-2011 year based on timeliness and the current state of the curriculum. Sec Attribute First year 3.01-FY1 3.01-FY2 3.01 3.02 Knowledge base Problem analysis Middle years Graduating year Create mathematical descriptions or expressions to model a real-world problem Select and describe appropriate tools to solve mathematical problems that arise from modeling a real-world problem 3.01-FY3 Use solution to mathematical problems to inform the real-world problem that gave rise to it. 3.01-FY4 FCI score as indicator of basic physics concepts 3.01-FY5 CCI score as indicator of basic chemistry concepts 3.02-FY1 Identifies known and unknown information, uncertainties, and biases when presented a complex illstructured problem 3.02-GY1 3.02-FY2 Creates process for solving problem including justified approximations and assumptions 3.02-GY2 3.02-FY3 Selects and applies appropriate quantitative model and analysis to solve problems 3.02-GY3 Selects and applies appropriate model and analysis to solve problems 3.02-FY4 Evaluates validity of results and model for error, uncertainty 3.02-GY4 Evaluates validity of results and model for error, uncertainty Identifies problem, known and unknown information, uncertainties, and biases Creates process for solving problem including justified approximations and assumptions 85 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Sec 3.03 Attribute First year 3.03-FY1 Generates ideas and working hypothesis 3.03-FY2 Designs investigations involving information and data gathering, analysis, and/or experimentation Investigation 3.03-FY3 3.03-FY4 3.04 Design 3.04-FY1 3.04-FY2 Middle years Graduating year Synthesizes data and information to reach conclusion Appraises the validity of conclusion relative to the degrees of error and limitations of theory and measurement Adapts general design process to design system, component, or process to solve open-ended complex problem. Accurately identifies significance and nature of a complex, open-ended problem 3.04-FY3 3.04-GY1 3.04-GY2 3.04-GY3 Identifies customer and user needs 3.04-FY4 3.04-FY5 3.04-FY6 Gathers and uses information from appropriate sources, including applicable standards, patents, regulations as appropriate. Produces a variety of potential design solutions suited to meet functional specifications 3.04-GY4 3.04-GY5 Identify problem and constraints including health and safety risks, applicable standards, economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations Applies appropriate knowledge, judgement, and design tools, in creating and analyzing conceptual design solutions to select best concept Creates and tests simulations, models, and/or prototypes at various points in design with complexity appropriate to design stage Assesses design performance based on requirements, yield, reliability, and/or safety as appropriate Identifies possibilities for further improvement and conducts design review to evaluate performance of the overall process. Performs systematic evaluations of the degree to which several design concept options meet project criteria 86 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Sec 3.05 3.06 Attribute Engineering tools Teamwork First year 3.04-FY7 Compares the design solution against the problem objective 3.05-FY1 Selects appropriate measurement devices or techniques to accomplish a task 3.05-GY1 Evaluates techniques, resources, and tools to identify their limitations with respect to needs Applies appropriate techniques, tools, and processes to accomplish a task Evaluates appropriateness of results from several engineering techniques and tools Follows protocols when using techniques, skills and tools 3.05-GY2 3.05-FY3 Demonstrates correct use of testing apparatus, databases and models 3.05-GY3 3.06-FY1 Recognizes a variety of working and learning preferences 3.06-GY1 Demonstrates capacity for initiative and technical or team leadership while respecting others' roles 3.06-FY2 Applies principles of conflict management to resolve team issues 3.06-GY2 Evaluates team effectiveness and plans for improvements 3.06-FY3 Assumes responsibility for own work and participates equitably Describes own temperament 3.07-GY1 Writes and revises documents using appropriate discipline-specific conventions 3.06-FY4 3.06-FY5 Critically analyzes results from a temperament sorter, defending opinion of how well results apply 3.06-FY6 Analyzes impact of own temperament on group work 3.06-FY7 Exercises initiative and contributes to team goal-setting Writes using standard formats 3.07 Graduating year 3.05-FY2 3.07-FY1 Communications Middle years 3.07MY1 Adapts format, content, organization, and tone for various audiences 3.07-FY2 Writes using standard grammar and mechanics 3.07-GY2 Demonstrates accurate use of technical vocabulary 3.07-FY3 Summarizes and paraphrases written work accurately with appropriate citations 3.07-GY3 Demonstrates confidence in formal and informal oral communications 87 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Sec Attribute First year 3.09 3.10 Professionalism Impact of engineering Ethics and equity Graduating year 3.07-FY4 Delivers clear and organized formal presentation following established guidelines 3.07-GY4 Uses appropriate referencing to cite previous work 3.07-FY5 Creates effective figures, tables, and drawings employing standard conventions to compliment text. 3.07-GY5 Uses graphics to explain, interpret, and assess information 3.08-FY1 3.08 Middle years 3.08-FY2 Describes role of protection of the public and public interest in decision making Demonstrates punctuality, responsibility and appropriate communication etiquette 3.08-GY1 3.08-GY2 Demonstrates professional bearing 3.08-FY3 Participates actively in meetings, helps to generate ideas 3.09-FY1 Describes relationship between human activity and earth systems 3.09-GY1 3.09-FY2 Describes management techniques for sustainable development Describes relevant legal requirements governing engineering activities 3.09-GY2 3.09-FY3 3.09-FY4 Incorporates sustainability considerations in decision making (societal and ecological) 3.10-FY1 Demonstrates behaviour congruent with academic integrity expectations of university and faculty 3.10-FY2 Identifies and iterates items from the professional codes of conduct 3.10-FY3 Describes ethical issues and how they affect the individual, the company and the public Integrates standards, codes of practice, and legal and regulatory factors into decision-making processes (as appropriate) 3.09-GY3 3.09-GYX Considers economic, social, and environmental factors and/or impacts in decisions Evaluates trade-offs among goals and concepts Explains the societal, enterprise, and/or technical context of the system Evaluates technical, social, and environmental trade-offs among goals and concepts 88 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Sec Attribute First year 3.10-FY4 Plans and efficiently manages time and money 3.11-FY2 Establishes appropriate project scope, after consultation with client, based on available resources. Economics 3.11-FY3 Plan maps out project with clear milestones and delegation. 3.11MY1 3.11MY2 3.11MY3 3.11MY4 3.11MY5 3.11MY6 3.12 Lifelong learning Graduating year Describes consequences of deviating from professional codes of conduct and university code of conduct 3.11-FY1 3.11 Middle years Gather appropriate information, categorize it, and determine the economic attractiveness of an engineering project Measure the financial impact of risks that are associated with the engineering project and consider the risk and return relationship as a component of determining economic attractiveness Plans a project from scoping to completion, including scheduling Plans for the management of risks and changes required Describes new enterprise formation, business planning and the economic attractiveness of the enterprise. Describe a project's sustainability and broader contribution and impact on the enterprise, environment and society 3.12-FY1 Uses information effectively, ethically, and legally to accomplish a specific purpose, including clear attribution of Information sources. 3.12-GY1 3.12-FY2 Identifies a specific learning need or knowledge gap. 3.12-GY2 Critically evaluates procured information for authority, currency, and objectivity. Demonstrate skills of self-education 89 Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University - Questionnaire for Evaluation of an Engineering Program Sec Attribute First year 3.12-FY3 Makes accurate use of technical literature and other information sources. 3.12-FY4 Middle years 3.12-GYX 3.12-GYX Describes own learning style 3.12-FY5 Identifies appropriate technical literature and other information sources to meet a need 3.12-FY6 Critically evaluates the procured information for authority, currency, and objectivity. 3.12-FY7 Describes connections between past experience and future projects 3.12-FY8 Selects project planning strategies based on past experience 3.12-GYX Graduating year Describes professional and academic societies in the discipline and how new knowledge enters discipline. (Later year) Identifies resources and professional associations that address own ongoing professional development (Later year) Recognizes the need to keep current regarding new developments in field (Later year) 90 Appendix 3.1B: Student surveys Students in first and graduating years were asked to complete web-based surveys on their perceptions of the graduate attributes. The questions from the fourth year survey are show below; the first year survey was similar but with fewer questions. Continuous Program Improvement to Support Engineering Graduate Attribute Development: A pilot project Survey Questions Fourth-Year Students The 12 Engineering Graduate Attributes identified and defined by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board will be made available for students' reference while completing the survey. 3.1.1 A knowledge base for engineering: Demonstrated competence in university level mathematics, natural sciences, engineering fundamentals, and specialized engineering knowledge appropriate to the program. 3.1.2 Problem analysis: An ability to use appropriate knowledge and skills to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve complex engineering problems in order to reach substantiated conclusions. 3.1.3 Investigation: An ability to conduct investigations of complex problems by methods that include appropriate experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information in order to reach valid conclusions. 91 3.1.4 Design: An ability to design solutions for complex, open-ended engineering problems and to design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate attention to health and safety risks, applicable standards, economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations. 3.1.5 Use of engineering tools: An ability to create, select, apply, adapt, and extend appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering tools to a range of engineering activities, from simple to complex, with an understanding of the associated limitations. 3.1.6 Individual and team work: An ability to work effectively as a member and as a leader in teams, preferably in a multidisciplinary setting. 3.1.7 Communication skills: An ability to communicate complex engineering concepts within the profession and with society at large. Such abilities include reading, writing, speaking and listening, and the ability to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, and to give and effectively respond to clear instructions. 3.1.8 Professionalism: An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the professional engineer in society, especially the primary role of protection of the public and the public interest. 3.1.9 Impact of engineering on society and the environment: An ability to analyse social and environmental aspects of engineering activities. Such abilities include an understanding of the interactions that engineering has with the economic, social, health, safety, legal, and cultural aspects of society; the uncertainties in the prediction of such interactions; and the concepts of sustainable design and development and environmental stewardship. 92 3.1.10 Ethics and equity: An ability to apply professional ethics, accountability, and equity. 3.1.11 Economics and project management: An ability to appropriately incorporate economics and business practices including project, risk and change management into the practice of engineering, and to understand their limitations. 3.1.12 Life-long learning: An ability to identify and to address their own educational needs in a changing world to sufficiently maintain their competence and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. 1) With 0 being not at all and 3 being to a great degree, to what extent did the Engineering Program support your development in: a. A knowledge base for engineering b. Problem analysis c. Investigation d. Design e. Use of engineering tools f. Individual and team work g. Communication skills h. Professionalism i. Impact of engineering on society and the environment j. Ethics and equity k. Economics and project management l. Lifelong learning 2) Please identify the 5 attributes that, in your opinion, are given the highest priority in the Engineering Program. Use 1 to indicate the highest priority attribute; 2 to indicate the next highest and 3 to indicate the next: (all attributes listed; drop down boxes for ranking) 3) Which 3 graduate attributes, in your opinion, are given the least priority in the Engineering Program? (Use 1 to indicate the least priority attribute; 2 to indicate the next least and 3 to indicate the next.) 93 (all attributes listed; drop down boxes for ranking) 4) Which instructional/assessment strategies were most beneficial in allowing you to develop each of the graduate attributes? Please select no more than 2 for each attribute: Lecture-based classes Small group long-term projects Field placements Studio Seminars Small group, short-term projects Problem-based learning Labs Problem sets Other (please specify) 5) In your opinion and given current course structures and assessment strategies, which attributes were the most difficult for you to demonstrate? Why? 6) It is recognized that many opportunities outside the regular engineering curriculum support the development of graduate attributes. Please indicate your involvement in the activities listed below and the degree to which they contribute to your development of graduate attributes: N/A 1-3 hrs/wk 4-7 hrs/wk more than 7 Student Government Special Interest Clubs Sports Clubs Employment Other 7) For purposes of program improvement we would like to be able to make inferences about the ways program strengths and limitations affect acquisition of engineering graduate attributes across levels of academic achievement. Please 94 select the grade range that most accurately reflects your overall academic average in the Queen’s engineering program. 95 Appendix 3.1C: Definitions and Guidelines Criterion 3.1 The institution must demonstrate that the graduates of a program possess the attributes under the following headings. The attributes will be interpreted in the context of candidates at the time of graduation. It is recognized that graduates will continue to build on the foundations that their engineering education has provided. 3.1.1 A knowledge base for engineering: Demonstrated competence in university level mathematics, natural sciences, engineering fundamentals, and specialized engineering knowledge appropriate to the program. 3.1.2 Problem analysis: An ability to use appropriate knowledge and skills to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve complex engineering problems in order to reach substantiated conclusions. 3.1.3 Investigation: An ability to conduct investigations of complex problems by methods that include appropriate experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information in order to reach valid conclusions. 3.1.4 Design: An ability to design solutions for complex, open-ended engineering problems and to design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate attention to health and safety risks, applicable standards, and economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations. 3.1.5 Use of engineering tools: An ability to create, select, apply, adapt, and extend appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering tools to a range of engineering activities, from simple to complex, with an understanding of the associated limitations. 3.1.6 Individual and team work: An ability to work effectively as a member and leader in teams, preferably in a multi-disciplinary setting. 3.1.7 Communication skills: An ability to communicate complex engineering concepts within the profession and with society at large. Such ability includes reading, writing, speaking and listening, and the ability to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, and to give and effectively respond to clear instructions. 3.1.8 Professionalism: An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the professional engineer in society, especially the primary role of protection of the public and the public interest. 96 3.1.9 Impact of engineering on society and the environment: An ability to analyze social and environmental aspects of engineering activities. Such ability includes an understanding of the interactions that engineering has with the economic, social, health, safety, legal, and cultural aspects of society, the uncertainties in the prediction of such interactions; and the concepts of sustainable design and development and environmental stewardship. 3.1.10 Ethics and equity: An ability to apply professional ethics, accountability, and equity. 3.1.11 Economics and project management: An ability to appropriately incorporate economics and business practices including project, risk, and change management into the practice of engineering and to understand their limitations. 3.1.12 Life-long learning: An ability to identify and to address their own educational needs in a changing world in ways sufficient to maintain their competence and to allow them to contribute to the advancement of knowledge. 97