
SUBJECT: Geography. Around our school – the local area
Week Learning objectives
Activities (in brief)
to recognise an address & understand its
Where do I live? Where do other pupils live?
Look at letters addressed to the school and discuss what an address is and why it is
necessary. Look at our home addresses and identify the street, the number of the house,
that all pupils have a personal address and
the postcode and the city. Copy our address and complete sentences about it.
that they travel to school
Discuss how we all travel to school. List the different possibilities. Make a human graph.
to be aware that people have different ways
Construct a large class graph
of travelling to school
their sense of place in relation to home and
Where is the school? Which way do I go home?
Discuss which way pupils travel home and what features they observe as they are leaving
to observe the main features on the journey
school and when they get near to home.
between school and home and to describe a
Draw maps of the journey from school to home. Use maps to recount the journey to
to describe the features of the local
What are our immediate surroundings like?
Go outside school to observe what can be seen in the area surrounding it. Record some of
to express views on the features
the features that have been observed.
to make drawings from observation, noting
Walk around the neighbourhood of the school to make observations. Discuss features that
shape and pattern
are passed. Stop to make a sketch of an interesting building.
to be aware of landmarks in the
What special landmarks can we see in Krakow?
neighbourhood and their importance when
Talk about what a landmark is. Suggest some landmarks in Krakow. Look at photos and
finding your way about
postcards of some landmarks. Discuss which ones are near to school. Discuss which ones
are near to where we live.
Draw a favourite landmark and write a sentence about it.
to recognise some of the uses of land and
What are buildings used for?
buildings in the locality
Discuss why we need a school building. Discuss other buildings near to school, what they
to recognise the variety of buildings in the
are like inside and what they are used for. Make a chart with symbols to represent each
locality and begin to relate design with
function in a building
Visit a nearby building to look at the interior and discuss the purpose of different areas
within the building. Design a rug for a local building.
to identify some of the uses of land and
buildings in their locality
to understand that these uses are linked to
the work people do
to identify suitable and safe playing areas and
leisure facilities in the neighbourhood and
understand the need for such facilities locally
to find out how adults like to spend their
leisure time
know that places change for better or worse
over time
notice changes in the locality
What jobs do people do in our locality?
Talk about the different jobs that people do in our school. Discuss the jobs that people do
in other buildings near to school. In groups make a list of all the jobs that people do near
to our school.
Discuss jobs that people do outside locally. Make a list of outdoor jobs.
Draw and write about the job that they would most like to do and why.
Where can we go to play and spend our leisure time?
Talk about where we can go to play outside near to our home and what we can do there.
Discuss whether it is a safe place and how to avoid danger and to stay safe. Discuss indoor
leisure facilities that we can use. Draw a picture showing our favourite place to go and
play. Write about it.
Plan a survey to find out what are the favourite leisure activities of parents. Brainstorm a
list of possible activities. Carry out survey. Collate results in a class graph.
Are there any changes taking place in our area?
Discuss with the children the changes they have noted during their work on the area.
With help from the children, make a list and mark them on a large map of the area. Take
photos of the area and discuss what might change in a few years’ time, e.g how the
buildings might be renovated. Discuss what happened to our playground, look at some
photographs from the teachers’ collection from last year and earlier