College Board (2008 Indiana Data)

Advance College Project
An Indiana University collaboration with high school students
and their teachers
What is concurrent
enrollment/dual credit?
• An option for college credit sponsored by a
university or college through which
students can earn credits for high school
and college by taking courses that are
• At the high school
• During the regular school day
• Taught by qualified high school teachers
ACP Classes are College
• Listed in the official Indiana University
course catalog
• Use the same syllabi, methods, content
and textbooks
Minimum General Student Admission
Standards for ACP Classes
Generally, ACP students should
• Rank in upper half of high school class
• Have a GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4-point scale
• Have combined SAT score ≥ 1000 (500 & 500) or
ACT composite ≥ 21 or PSAT ≥ 100 (50 & 50)
• Be on track toward earning a Core 40 or Core 40
with Academic Honors Diploma
Collaboration Model
ACP is a dual credit program
where students take classes
taught by their high school
teachers for high school and
college credit concurrently, at
their high school, during the
regular school day.
• NACEP (National Alliance of Concurrent
Enrollment Partnerships) is a national
organization of American colleges and
universities that
• Oversees the quality of instruction in these
• Establishes standards that all participating
institutions will follow to guarantee quality
programs and rigorous academic standards for
all stakeholders, and
• Sponsors legislation that furthers the mission of
concurrent enrollment.
ACP and AP
• ACP offers transcripted college credit
• 16,835 credit hours were earned by 3314
students enrolled in ACP 2007-2008
• AP does not offer college credit – it offers
students the opportunity to earn an exam
score high enough to be awarded credit by a
college or university
AP Exams Scores in Indiana
• 50% of the public school juniors and seniors
in Indiana who took an AP exam earned a
score of 3, 4, or 5
College Board (2008 Indiana Data)
• 21% of public juniors and seniors took an AP
exam, which means only 11% of public juniors
and seniors earned a score of 3, 4, or 5
College Board (2008 Indiana Data)
College Credit Earned in H105
& H106/AP US History
Curricula are well aligned
College Credit Earned in
M211/AP Calculus AB
Curricula are well aligned
College Credit Earned in
W131/AP Lang & Comp
Curricula are not well aligned
Indiana’s High School to College Completion
Graduation Rates for 2001 Cohort
of Full-time Beginning Students
Data Source: Todd Schmitz, Executive Director, University Reporting and Research
Expanded Graduation Rates for 2001 Cohort
of Full-time Beginning Resident Students
First semester GPAs
2005-2008 IUB
Data Source: Retention Reports, IU Information Environment; Resident students
Retention to 3rd semester
2005-2008 IU
NOTE: Retention to 2nd semester for 2008 data
Data Source: Retention Reports, IU Information Environment; Resident students
First Semester GPAs and Test
Scores Fall 2008 IU
Data Source: Retention Reports, IU Information Environment
College Departmental
Review applications and select instructors
Provide training for new instructors
Review instructor syllabus yearly
Approve curricular materials
Conduct site visits
– interact with students
– examine student work
and classroom materials
ACP Quality Controls
• Professional development workshops
• Program evaluation through surveys
– Annual teacher surveys
– Senior 1 yr. out survey
– Graduate 5 yr. out survey
• Data comparison
– ACP students at IU
– ACP students at other
colleges and universities
Looking back, how would you rate
your overall experience with ACP?
Survey question asked of ACP students who graduated
high school May, 2008. n = 335
Would you recommend ACP to
current high school students?
Survey question asked of ACP students who graduated
high school May, 2008. n = 336
What ACP students say one year
after high school graduation
• “I have recommended ACP to every senior
I know. I can’t imagine not having these
ACP credits.”
• “Take advantage while you can. It is the
best thing you can do to receive early
credit and get a feel for college, and ACP
improves your work and study habits.”
What ACP students say five years
after high school graduation
• “I earned college credit while still in high school:
the same classes, the same homework, the
same tests as everyone else, with an extra fee
and an extra final the end - it's a no-brainer!”
• “Mrs. X, my ACP comp. teacher at Y High
School, was an excellent instructor. She really
helped me understand how to break down a text
and build a solid argument. I utilized the lessons
from ACP all throughout college and grad
What students say
about ACP
• “I took W131 and it really
helped me develop my
writing skills. The papers I
wrote in college got
comments from my
professors. The recognized
my writing as more
sophisticated than other
Jayme Jones, IU 2001
What ACP teachers say
• “I always enjoy the
interplay of ideas.
It is nice to know
that people have
common concerns.
We are all trying to
help students
succeed. This is a
very well run
Advance College Project
An Indiana University collaboration with high school students
and their teachers
Benefits of ACP Program
• To Parents
• Improved student opportunity for success
• Familiarity with university registration
• Financial Advantages
– Tuition waived for students eligible for Free or Reduced
– Reduced tuition cost, relative to on-campus tuition
– No additional fees, i.e., no activity, science infrastructure,
technology, student health, or transportation fees
Benefits of ACP Program
• To Students
Improved study skills
Ability to analyze complex materials
Impact on other class work
Seamless transition to college
Jump start on credit hours
Familiarity with university registration
Benefits of ACP Program
• To Teachers
• Professional development at no cost
Adjunct faculty status
Annual review seminar
Tuition scholarships available for up to 3 liaison-approved
courses (veteran & prospective teachers)
• Collaboration with university faculty
• Interaction with colleagues
• Potentially reduces “Senioritis”