The Early Republic Test ( points)

The Early Republic Study Guide
Name: __________________
Precedent in Our President
Why did President Washington stay neutral in the war between England and France?
The US wanted to trade with both sides. Not our war.
How many terms did President Washington decide to serve? How did this precedent help shape the
2---- Stepped down from power peacefully, which was a
very new idea at the time
What events did President Washington face? How did his handling of these events make him a great
Whiskey Rebellion, Impressment of sailors, Indian attacks--Because he acted decisively even with a government that was still
inventing itself
Hamilton’s Financial Plan
What compromise did the southern states make with Alexander Hamilton so that the federal
government can pay off the state’s war debts?
The new capital could be made in the south if the bank was
Why did Alexander Hamilton (Secretary of the Treasury) want to set up a National Bank?
It would make the federal government more powerful because it
had the power of money and credit
How would a tariff protect U.S. manufactures from foreign competition?
It would add a tax to foreign goods to let the USA manufactures
compete for costumers
I am John Adams
What is the Sedation Act? Why did President Adams approve of this act?
Limited outsiders from being citizens and made it a crime to insult
or say false things about the government (to restore order)
Based on the way he handled the events on your sheet, how do you feel about President Adams?
Smart but not always wise (didn’t consult others well and play
Where do you stand in the 1790s and 1800s Political Survey?
Complete the chart: Letter A are Democratic-Republicans; Letter B are Federalists
How should we follow the
What are the 2 parties’ views
towards the British? Do they
like the British or do they
dislike the British?
What does each party thinks of
the National Bank? (#6 on
Pro National Bank
Jeffersonian Democracy
 What does the following quote mean?
“The Legislative and Executive Branches may sometimes err, but elections and
dependence will bring them to rights.”
Our government may make mistakes but you can elect new people
Is New Orleans for Sale?
Why do the American farmers along with many other Americans want to go to war with France?
They are controlling the Mississippi and New Orleans- can’t get as
much money for their crops (sometimes even totally blocked) and
took over 500 of our ships
How is Napoleon Bonaparte important in our history?
He offered to sell the Louisiana Territory to make money for a
war with Britain
Why was the French willing to sell the port of New Orleans and the Louisiana Territory
(530,000,000 acres) for the price of only $15 million?
Needed money, the land wasn’t all that important to them, didn’t
need a war with us.
The Louisiana Purchase
What are some advantages of this purchase? (Explain why they are advantages)
Doubled our land area (land is power and resources), farmland for
money and food, gave us the Mississippi River
What are some disadvantages of this purchase? (Explain why they are disadvantages)
Increased our debt, not in the Constitution, hard to defend
What is in the Unknown?/Exploration of the West!(Page 7 in your binder)
What was the purpose for sending Lewis and Clark out into the Louisiana Territory?
Map geography, look for Northwest passage, inform natives that
we own it
What did Lewis and Clark follow out to the Pacific? What is the importance of what they
Missouri River and Colombia River—Led them through the
mountains towards the Pacific
What challenges did they face on their journey?
Mountains, weather, wild animals, finding food, and Native
Who is Sacagawea? Describe the importance of her on Lewis and Clark’s mission?
A Shoshone woman worked as a guide and translator---And a
signal that it was a peaceful expedition
How does the information that Lewis and Clark bring back from their trip aide in the westward
expansion/movement of people into the western parts of the United States?
A national feeling of expanding the USA across the continent
(Manifest Destiny)
How can events and issues change the ideas or policies of the President
 Did Jefferson follow his policy or go against his policy by paying $15 million for the land and
Goes against it. National Debt-More taxes. It
also created more power for federal government----Which also
meant a larger government
doubling the size of America?
How did President Jefferson handle the English attacking our ships and impressing our sailors?
He sent a couple warships and trade embargo (to not trade with
other countries…It ended up hurting us more than them…)
What are impressments?
The sailors on our shipping boats were forced to join the British
Overall, based on the events that President Jefferson had to handle, do you think he was a good
Yes. He kept us out of war, doubled the size of our
country, secured the Mississippi, stabilized our government-All
while cutting taxes!
president? Explain!
On the Map/War
What were the causes to make most Americans including Madison to want war with England?
The British taking over ships (1000 of them), making 5000 of our
men serve in their navy, arming the Native Americans, and
disrespecting us as our own country
Why did some Americans (especially in New England) oppose the war? Why did they still believe
that England was important to them?
Trading with them gave us money
The War of 1812
How did the British hurt us economically without stepping foot on American land?
Blocked our trade ships and took our goods
What important events happened during this war?
We won the Battle of New Orleans, The Capitol and the White
House were burned down, Invaded Canada, British Blockade
What happened at Fort McHenry?
British attacked on Sept. 13th, 1814. The Star Spangled Banner
was written when the fort DID NOT fall to the British---Baltimore
remained protected
What did we gain from the War of 1812?
Protected our independence and freedom, formed a peace treaty,
and Gain Confidence as a country
What did Dolly Madison (President Madison’s wife) take from the White House during the War of
She removed the presidential portraits and important
Why was Andrew Jackson important during the War of 1812? Why is he important afterwards?
Commanded the American Forces, then became a Congressman,
then became President of the USA
Overall, based on the events that President Madison had to handle, do you think he was a good
Yes, because he led through and war that made us
stronger as a country after the war was over
president? Explain!
 What was unusual about the 1800 election? Who won? How did he win?
It ended up in a tie between Jefferson and Aaron Burr- Jefferson
won because the House of Representatives voted him in
Was Washington D.C. always the capital? Any of our presidents never live there as president?
No. George Washington is the only president who never lived in
the White House