Speaking and Listening Objectives

Whitchurch Primary School English Plans
Class 3 Y 3/4
Summer Term
Newspaper Report unit (Ancient Egypt) beginning 1st June, 2015
WALT : Learning Objectives
Overall objective: Write a newspaper report about Tutankhamun
Begins with cold writing and Reading as a Reader
Read as a writer
To know the features of a recount- Newspaper reports
(Short 'Talk for Writing' unit)
To retell a report
WILF :Success Criteria (must, should, could)
 Must, with TA, copy out given explanations of different colour-coded
features and find examples of them in the text.
 Should write in their own words what the different colour-coded features
of a newspaper report are, and pick out examples to illustrate their
 Could write in their own words what the different features are, and pick
out examples to illustrate their explanations.
Key vocabulary:- Talk for Writing; cold writing; hot writing; explanation;
cause /causal; chronological; connectives; technical; tense; magpie / magpieing
 Must, (with TA) use text map as a whole group to decide what information
should go in each box
 Should use a text map and the text to box the newspaper report into a grid
and name the paragraph headings. Magpie any words or phrases that
would be useful when writing our own newspaper report.
 Could use a text map and the text to box the newspaper report into a grid
and name the paragraph headings with increasing precision. Magpie any
words or phrases that would be useful when writing our own newspaper
To be able to plan an introductory paragraph using
To write an opening answering 5 questions and with a
Edit and improve work
 Must with the TA discuss ideas as a group, develop ideas for pictures ( all
children to create the same story). Copy down pictures, take it in turns to
retell, then use their pictures to independently write their introductions.
 Should draw a sketch of their opening paragraph, follow the structure
exactly but change all the ideas. Talk through the drawings with their talk
partners. Should write their introduction which follows structure but
invents all new ideas. With help, edit and improve. Write headline and byline.
 Could show greater invention as they draw a sketch of their opening
paragraph, follow the structure exactly but change all the ideas. Talk
through the drawings with their talk partners. Should write their
introduction which follows structure but invents all new ideas.
Independently edit and improve. Write headline and by-line.
To be able to plan a newspaper report using ‘boxing it up’
 Must (with support) box up their story using sentences from their w/b.
Must use time connectives, speech and a conclusion
 Should use sentences from their w/b to box up their story. Must use time
connectives, questions and speech and a conclusion
 Could use sentences from their w/b to box up their story. Must use
time/causal connectives, questions, direct/reported speech and conclusion
 Must talk through their newspaper report before writing with TA.
 Should use their grids to write their extended newspaper report (with as
little help given as possible). Should use full speech punctuation for
 Could – as should, with greater use of authorial language.
To be able to retell their newspaper report using
appropriate actions
To be able to write a newspaper report.
Homework - recount of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb
To order the events up to the discovery of King Tut’s
 Follow a map of Tutankhamun’s tomb as they look at website. Order
pictures chronologically. When they have done it; they match the sentence
to the picture. They stick them onto an A3 sheet and draw arrows to show
the steps taken to discovery. Add time connectives to show time passing.
To write a recount of finding a specific room in King Tut’s
To be able to use adjectives, similes and time connectives
 Must write sentences describing the pictures of what Howard Carter found,
using adjectives, similes, connectives etc.
 Should use the information provided to write a description of the room and
what they saw as if they were Howard Carter writing a recount of his
memories of a particular room.
 Could use the information provided to write a description of the room and
what they saw as if they were Howard Carter writing a recount of his
memories of a particular room. They may do more than one.