Understanding Childhood Trauma and its Lifelong Effects – A Systems Approach Healthy People Stable Families Strong Communities Joanne Mooney and Carole Wilcox Child Safety and Permanency Division, MNDHS Overview of Presentation Adverse effects on healthy development due to toxic stress and trauma Approaches to improving the odds Development of a trauma informed Minnesota public child welfare system Building hope from resiliency Orientation What do we hope for our children? MN Public Child Welfare System Hope for Children Based on the child welfare practice model built form lessons learned over the last decade of reforms Shift from “Family Bubble” or “Deficit Oriented Models” to Models that focus on strengths, health, & thriving. We work with parents and partners to ensure that children and families are supported to achieve equitable optimal development regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or tribal status Positive Adaptation – A Focus on Well-Being Child Well-Being includes: Healthy social emotional functioning Safe, secure and responsive environments for families Conditions that allow children to be successful during childhood and into adulthood This means no child in Minnesota should ever experience extended hunger, be homeless, live in poverty or go without health care. Equality or Parity? Timing is Everything… When it Comes to Brain Development Health trajectories! Our healthy path is particularly affected during critical or sensitive periods. Early programming is key. Critical or Sensitive Periods. While adverse events and exposures can have an impact at any point in a person’s life course, the impact is greatest at specific critical or sensitive periods of development. Early Programming. Early experiences can “program” an individual’s future health and development. Our Past Stays With Us Today's Experiences Tomorrow's Health The lifecourse is an integrated continuum of risk and protective exposures, experiences and interactions Health pathways or trajectories are built – and modified– over the lifespan Trauma and Early Brain Development During the early period of life, a baby’s brain is forming 700 neural connections every second. The experience of trauma during this stage impacts healthy development. Trauma is the experience of an event by a person that is emotionally painful or distressful which often results in lasting mental and physical effects. Growing scientific knowledge links childhood toxic stress with disruptions of the developing nervous, cardiovascular, immune, and metabolic systems. Trauma and Early Brain Development These disruptions can lead to lifelong impairments in learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health. Disruption in Neural Development that concern child welfare Failure to expose youth to appropriate experiences at the critical times (Neglect) Overwhelming the brain’s alarm system (Abuse) Adverse Childhood Experiences Change How Our Brains Work Toxic stress video: http://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/multimedia/videos/three_core_conc epts/toxic_stress/ Impact of Trauma Short Term Long Term Eating Depression Sleeping Toileting Anxiety Attention & Concentration PTSD Withdrawal Personality Avoidance Fearfulness Re-experiencing/ Flashbacks Aggression; Turning passive into active Relationships Partial memory loss Alcohol or Other Drug Problems Becoming Violent Towards Others Trauma-informed worldview Now Add…Child Poverty … Based on 3-year averages from the American Community Survey (ACS) for Minnesota 2007-2009 (children for whom poverty status is determined) 14 Poverty and Neglect There is a relationship between neglect and poverty. Neglect is defined as the failure to provide for a child’s basic needs “when reasonably able to do so.” Disproportionate referrals occur by community reporters to the public child welfare system. The Fourth National Incidence Study found families under the poverty level to be reported at 7 times the rate of families over the poverty level. Conditions of poverty can create circumstances of a child being neglected due to parents’ lack of financial resources. When this occurs, public child welfare agencies should work to improve the conditions that influence neglect and meet protective needs while making no determination of maltreatment. Families of color are more likely to be in poverty as an artifact of historical racism. Therefore higher neglect rates of families of color can be tied in large part to higher poverty rates. 15 Historical Trauma HISTORIC TRAUMA is the collective emotional and psychological injury both over the life span and across generations, resulting from a cataclysmic history of genocide. Genocide is the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group (1948 Geneva Convention) Historical trauma has a layering effect and is the "cumulative emotional and psychological wounding over the life span and across generations, emanating from massive group trauma." Historical or intergenerational trauma is similar to that suffered by the Jewish people as a result of the Holocaust, Native Americans, the Japanese Americans interned in California at the beginning of World War II and African Americans suffering the aftermath of slavery. Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart, Research Associate Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver Effects of Historic Trauma First Generation Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Subsequent Generations – Historical Unresolved Trauma Survivor Guilt, Depression, Anger Psychic numbing Victim identity/death identity Thoughts of suicide Nightmares Preoccupation with trauma Relational problems Physical symptoms including diabetes and other disease associated with high stress hormones that wear out the body. What is ACE? High Individual and Public Costs of Trauma Alcoholism and alcohol abuse Risk for intimate partner Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Depression Fetal death Health-related quality of life Illicit drug use Ischemic heart disease (IHD) Liver disease violence Multiple sexual partners Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Smoking Suicide attempts Unintended pregnancies Early initiation of smoking Early initiation of sexual activity Adolescent pregnancy (Graphic: R. Anda, 2011) Slide from R. Anda (2011), used with permission Slide from R. Anda (2011), used with MAGNITUDE OF THE SOLUTION A large portion of many health, safety and prosperity conditions is attributable to Adverse Childhood Experience. ACE reduction reliably predicts a decrease in all of these conditions simultaneously. “Ten Tribes” Study Adverse Childhood Exposures Boarding School, Foster Care and Adoption perspectives added. Cultural variables assessed. 86% participants experienced one or more categories of exposure 33% reported four or more categories. Strong relationship between childhood sexual abuse and subsequent drinking problems among the general population similar in Native American population. Combined sexual and physical abuse increased alcohol dependence for men. Combined sexual abuse and boarding school attendance were significant for women. Source: Koss, M., Polacca, M., Yuan N., et al “Adverse Childhood Exposures and Alcohol Dependence Among Seven Tribes” American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 2003, pp. 238‐244 States Collecting ACE Data 2009-2011 18 States No data 2009 2010 2011 Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, CDC. HOPE Children are vulnerable to risk – but also amenable to intervention Human brains have the capacity to change Plasticity Focus for children must be on relationships that are: • • • Nurturing Stable Engaging Resilience and Relationships “Resilience rests, fundamentally, on relationships” None of us is perfect Resilience is complex We have the capacity to adapt Resiliency and protective factors help during adversity Recovery is individual and environmentally influenced Conclusion of SuniyaLuthar, in: Resilience in development: A synthesis of research across five decades. (2006, p. 780) Key Components of Resilience CAPABILITY How is your community nurturing these three components for resilience throughout the lifespan? COMMUNITY, CULTURE, SPIRITUALITY • Intellectual & employable skills • Self regulation – self control, executive function, flexible thinking • Ability to direct & control attention, emotion, behavior • Positive self view, efficacy ATTACHMENT & BELONGING • Bonds with parents and/or caregivers • Positive relationships with competent and nurturing adults • Friends or romantic partners who provide a sense of security & belonging • Faith, hope, sense of meaning • Engagement with effective orgs – schools, work, pro-social groups • Network of supports/services & opportunity to help others • Cultures providing positive standards, expectations, rituals, relationships & supports Discussion How is your community nurturing these three components for resilience throughout the lifespan of the people you serve? What do you need to do more of? With whom? Building Upon the Strengths of Families: The Protective Factors 30 • Concrete Supports in Times of Need • Social Connections • Parental Resilience • Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development • Children’s Social and Emotional Competence Embracing Culture Culture is a system of shared actions, values and beliefs that guide behavior of families and communities Recognizing importance and strength of cultural norms supports families and communities and helps them to flourish Establishing shared leadership with diverse parents and caregivers improves supports and services for families and communities Discussion Protective Factor Card How does this protective factor present itself in your personal life? How does this protective factor present itself in your professional life? System Approach to Trauma Child Welfare Education Trauma Mental Health Community Violence Alcohol & Other Drugs System Health Care Criminal Justice PEDIATRICS Volume 129, Number 1, January 2012 Working Across Systems in Partnership Primary Prevention • • • • • • • • • Positive early care and education Positive social and emotional development Parenting skills Quality after-school programming Conflict resolution Youth leadership Quality education Social connections in neighborhoods Economic development Secondary Prevention • • • • • • Mentoring Mental health services Substance abuse services Family support services Domestic Abuse services Conflict interruption and street/community outreach Tertiary Prevention • • • • Mental Health Services Substance Abuse Services Domestic Abuse Services Successful re-entry Discussion Questions How is the system you work within traumatizing children and families? What will your system do to shift away from these policies, practices, or procedures? Child Welfare System Perspective What has Minnesota’s Public Child Welfare System done to… Become trauma-informed? Improve the odds for children and their families? Minnesota Public Child Welfare System Context 38 State-supervised/County- administered (87 counties) Eleven federally recognized Tribes – 2 American Indian Child Welfare Initiative Tribes State with highest share of local property taxes for child welfare MN Children in Out-of-home Care per 1,000 in the Child Population by Race/Ethnicity, 2001–2010 39 94.1 92.6 89.2 86.9 88.7 83.9 82.5 77.8 78.7 Children in care per 1,000 72.8 48.0 45.7 42.7 37.4 35.9 35.8 34.9 32.4 33.6 29.8 17.3 25.9 17.3 9.4 21.5 24.1 15.3 14.5 8.0 7.4 9.1 7.0 7.7 2001 2002 5.9 2003 20.1 19.7 20.3 19.3 14.7 14.5 14.1 13.5 7.9 7.7 7.6 6.7 5.4 4.9 2004 2005 6.2 2006 5.2 2007 5.0 2008 17.2 25.0 16.9 11.5 10.3 5.7 5.8 3.8 2009 3.7 2010 African American/Black American Indian Asian/Pacific Islander White Two or more races Hispanic ethnicity–any race What We Now Know Relationships cause change Leaders and partnerships impact change Flexibility and adaptability Employ strengths and engage capacities Assure continuity of care and connections Focus on well-being Rely on professional, familial, community and cultural wisdom 40 Building Upon the Strong Foundation Minimize trauma when a child enters the CW system – Engage parents as partners in safety planning – – – – – If placement is necessary, make every effort to place children with relatives/kin – – – Parent Support Outreach Program Family Assessment Response Signs of Safety Family Group Decision Making Conduct relative/kin searches early on Continue to pursue available relative/kin resources When placing children – – – – keep them close to their homes keep siblings together maintain cultural connections and school stability ensure frequent and quality visits with parents and children Building Upon the Strong Foundation Implement a systemic approach to creating trauma- informed child welfare system – Screen for trauma upon entrance to out of home care – – Examine potential to integrate screening items into existing screening and/or assessment instruments. Expand learning and training opportunities – – Build knowledge of brain development and trauma-informed practice integrated into foundation training for social workers Provide training to resource family providers Building Upon the Strong Foundation Improve capacity, access and availability for therapeutic services that are culturally sensitive and relevant – – – Coordinate with Children’s Mental Health Division and MN’s Ambit Network to build capacity for trauma-informed mental health practitioners Encourage child welfare workers to make trauma-centered referrals to providers Include parent leaders to inform policy, program and practice enhancements Relationships Are the Difference Trauma can be created by disruption in healthy relationships Trauma can be healed by development of healthy relationships Keep the focus on relationships for children that are: • • • Nurturing Stable Engaging Building Hope: Resiliency and Change How will YOU use your opportunities for integration and change? Links to Sources The Lifelong Effects of Early Childhood Adversity and Toxic Stress – American Academy of Pediatrics http://aappolicy.aappublications.org/cgi/reprint/pediatrics;129/1/e232.pdf Building a New Biodevelopmental Framework to Guide the Future of Early Childhood Policy – Dr. Jack P. Shonkoff http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/scmsAdmin/media/users/eez206/srb_conference/Building_a_New_Biodevelopmental_Frame work_-_J__Shonkoff.pdf Child Trauma Academy – Dr. Bruce Perry http://www.childtrauma.org/ Adverse Childhood Experiences – Washington State Family Policy Council http://www.fpc.wa.gov/ Strengthening Families - A Protective Factors Framework – Center for the Study of Social Policy http://www.cssp.org/reform/strengthening-families Chapin Hall Child & Family Policy Forum – Public Systems: Responding to Students Affect by Trauma http://www.chapinhall.org/sites/default/files/documents/Child_Family_Forum_Nov_1.pdf Zero to Three: Supporting the Development of Infants and Toddlers in the Child Welfare System: A Call to Action http://www.zerotothree.org/public-policy/webinars-conference-calls/supporting-the-development-of-infatns-andtoddlers-in-the-chld-welfare-system-a-call-to-action.html Joanne Mooney 651.431.3879 joanne.mooney@state.mn.us Carole Wilcox 651.431.4977 carole.wilcox@state.mn.us