Student of the Week


Mrs. Rowe’s




Room 12

I am married with two children. My husband teaches 7 th /8 th

Honors English at Sutter Middle School. My kids (boy/girl) are in 8 th / 6 th grades. I also have two Labs that are my furry children. I previously taught in San Diego for 7 years in 1st,

2 nd , 5 th , and 6 th grades. Then our family moved to Northern

California so I could stay home with our children. I returned to teaching 5 years ago as a Reading Intervention/Special

Education Teacher. I am so excited to be back in General

Education and as well as my favorite grade: 2nd. I love spending time with family and friends, traveling, history, and cooking.

ELA: Houghton Mifflin Program,

SIPPS Reading Program,

Mountain Language, Read

Naturally, AR Library,

Making Meaning

Comprehension Program

Math: Pearson/Excel

Mountain Math

Social Studies: Scott Foresman

Science: Scott Foresman, STEM

Houghton Mifflin: Spelling and some select stories and grammar.

Sipps : Systematic Instruction in Phonics, Phonemic

Awareness and Sight Words. (three levels - Students taught at their reading level)

Making Meaning: Read Aloud Comprehension Program

Read Naturally: Fluency Program

Mountain Language: Daily grammar review

Daily 5: Small group instruction, Word work (spelling, vocabulary, sight words), Listening Center (R.N./books on cd/tape), Buddy Reading, Independent Reading.

Computers: ELA learning programs (Lexia, etc.)

Accelerated Reader: Leveled reading comprehension program

Speaking/Listening: Once a month book reports plus various opportunities to present writing or projects.

Pearson Envision Math


Excel Math Program

Mountain Math: Daily math review

Math Fact tests

Math Games

Computer Math Games

Scott Foresman Program

Family Ties and Ancestors


Producers and Consumers

Historical Figures

Map Skills

Scott Foresman Program

Physical Science

Forces and Motion


Life Science

Plants and Animals in their environment

Animal Life Cycles

All About Plants

Earth Science

Rocks and Soil

Fossils and Dinosaurs

A homework packet will go home every Friday and is due the following Thursday, with the exception of a daily math lesson due the following day.

Reading: 100 minutes weekly

Spelling: 4 pages weekly

Math facts practice: 5 min. daily

Math lesson: 4 pages weekly, due the following day.

Book reports/Special projects due monthly

Progress Reports (report card) every trimester

Parent conferences will be scheduled for all parents at the end of the 1 st trimester, and as needed for the remaining trimesters.


M=meets or exceeds grade level standards


D=developing proficiency with steady progress on grade level standards (60%-74%)

L=limited proficiency with limited progress on grade level standards (59% and below)

Meeting grade level standards is determined through homework, curriculum, summative and formal assessments, quizzes, observations, activities and projects done in class.

Be a good listener

Work quietly

Do your best

Be respectful

Work and play safely

Follow directions

Appropriate Behavior

Results in Positive Comments,

Notes Home, Fuzzys, and

Special Classroom Privileges

Inappropriate Behavior

Results in a warning/redirection, losing a fuzzy,

Loss of partial/full recess, loss of classroom privileges, note home from student, conference with parent, Principal’s office

Wednesdays: All students (early/late Cougars) Arrive @ 8:25 and Dismiss @ 1:52

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

8:25 - Early Cougars arrive, small group reading instruction

9:10 - Late Cougars arrive , Opening, Grammar, Handwriting

10:10 - Snack/ Recess

10:30 - Math

11:25 - Lunch/Recess

12:05 - Read Aloud

12:30 - Writing

1:00 - Independent Reading

1:20 - Science, S.S., Art, Music

1:52 - Early Cougar Dismissal, Late Cougar small group reading instruction

2:37 - Late Cougar Dismissal

All parents will be asked to meet for a Parent/

Teacher Conference at the end of the first

Trimester (early November). The following trimesters, conferences will be scheduled as needed.

I will start the online signup process for

Parent/Teacher Conferences in early October.

Assistance both in and outside the classroom is greatly appreciated.

Volunteers can be Grandparents,

Parents, etc. All volunteers are required to be Category 2 volunteers which means volunteers must be fingerprinted and have a TB test.

Please pick up the volunteer packet in the office.

Volunteers can help in the classroom with small group reading, copying, filing, etc. If you are unable to help in the classroom,

I have various jobs that can be done at home. Volunteers must sign in at the office every time they come on campus. Volunteers for Field Trips will be chosen during the year on a rotating basis.

If interested in any type of volunteering, PLEASE FILL OUT THE


Calling all Art Volunteers

FAME (Fine Arts Mini Experience)

is a lively, content-rich, kid, parent, and teacher-friendly fine arts program for elementary through eighth grade students. It's sometimes-quirky lessons with kidattractive art and fun activities that promote artistic literacy in a manner that has teachers and parents singing its praises in many states.

Library on Wednesday

Students check out 1 Accelerated Reader Book and 1 Book of their choice for one week.

AR books are leveled to meet individual needs. After students take an AR placement test, books will be checked out at their current level. Students take a reading comprehension test on the computer once they finish their book.

P.E. on Wednesday and Friday

Students must wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes. No sandals/thongs.


Programs – Lexia Reading, All the Right Type

AR comprehension quiz, Writing, etc.,

Student Supplies

The only supplies students need for Mrs. Rowe's room are as follows: backpack, lunchbox, and ear buds (computer lab). I have already purchased all other necessary items for each student. I am asking for a donation of $3 per month ($30 total). This donation would greatly help to pay for the supplies

I've already purchased along with the following classroom events: Fridays we will be rotating Cooking, Arts/Crafts, Movie events, Class Reward parties and other Classroom Enrichment activities that go along with curriculum. This money also goes toward photo printing, ink cartridges for our classroom printer, prizes, incentives, and recess equipment throughout the year.

If able, please send cash or a check made payable to Stephanie

Rowe. If willing to donate (by month or for the entire year), please submit by September 4th.


Students are required to complete any missed work. Please return made up work within a week.

Please see student handbook for absence/tardy procedures.

Friday Folders

Each Friday, a Theodore Judah folder will be sent home. It will contain completed work and important notices about school and community activities. The contents of the folder do not reflect all the work for that week. Many items are kept for portfolios, bulletin boards, or assessment purposes.



Birthdays are gladly celebrated. A Birthday treat will be shared at the end of the day. Popsicles and cookies are a big hit right now. Students with Summer Bdays will celebrate with a ½ year birthday.

Book Orders

I will be sending home book orders monthly. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to get affordable books and software for your children. You are encouraging a love of reading and the children can’t wait for their books to come! Your orders also earn bonus points for our class which allows us to add to our Classroom Library. You are able to order online using a code #, or you may pay cash or a check made out to Scholastic.


Each week our class will spend an hour in the computer lab. We will also be using the computers/tablets in our classroom. The students will work on a variety of computer projects using: Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, and various creative writing software titles. They will also work on their keyboarding skills as well as educational software and games.

Student of the Week

Each student will have the opportunity to be “STAR” of the Week . The poster and directions for “STAR” of the week will be sent home on a

Friday and returned on Monday.

Fun Friday

Every Friday afternoon students will rotate through the month various activities: Cooking, Arts/Crafts, Movie Events, Class

Reward Parties, Holiday Parties, Games, Sports and outdoor/

Indoor play. *This is where the classroom fund comes in handy*

Students earn this weekly reward through good behavior and completed classwork and homework.


Students may buy lunch or milk daily. The best way to take care of payment is online or sending in a check buying in bulk.

Please see Student Handbook for information on lunch purchases.


I will be sending a newsletter home in the Friday

Folder. It will also be attached on my classroom website.

Mrs. Rowe’s Class Website

Go to Theodore Judah’s website, followed by teacher websites, and then click on Stephanie Rowe.

Thank you for coming

