Ruben s explanation text

Tornadoes are one of the most powerful and deadly weather phenomena on
land. They can destroy an entire town and fling debris over great distances.
So this information can help you when a tornado occurs.
How and why does tornado are formed?
The weather is created by changes in the temperature and pressure of the
atmosphere. Tornadoes are formed when both high pressure and low
pressure air interact. A tornado happens in the same way a whirlpool in
your sink or bath tub happens. A low internal pressure draws in high
pressure air to form the vortex and eventually the tornado.
Tornadoes are normally formed when a thunderstorm occurs. The most
common type of thunderstorm for forming tornadoes is the supercell. This is
because this type of storm already has rotation occurring within it is called a
mesocycle. The tornado starts forming when a downdraft brings the
mesocycle down near the grown starting the creation of a vortex.
The next step of the cycle starts when cloud wall is formed. This happens
when the vortex starts drawing down the cloud into a funnel. The most
dangerous part of the tornado is not the visible part it’s the winds created by
the high pressure air being sucked into the tornado. This is what creates the
destruction path scene after a tornado passes.
The next step is the maturation and strengthening of the tornado. Like any
major storm phenomena, a tornado needs energy to increase in strength
and sustain itself. The source of this energy is the moist warm air that is
drawn into the tornado. The maturation part of the tornado’s life cycle is the
most destructive since it not only increases in intensity, but also can last a
long period of time.
Fortunately the down draft of air has cooled so it start to shut down the
funnel it created by cutting off its supply of warm air. This begins the end
phase of the tornado. The tornado begins to thin and become less well
developed. Eventually it completely loses energy and the funnel completely
Where Tornadoes do occurs?
The vast majority of tornadoes occur east of the Rocky Mountains in the
Deep South and a region we call "Tornado Alley," which is located in the
Great Plains. However, as shown above, no state is immune. Every region in
the U.S. has the potential to see a tornado, and everyone should be prepared.
Often, the most dangerous tornadoes occur in the Deep South and
Southeast, where low visibility because of trees and hills lead to a false sense
of security during severe weather outbreaks. Furthermore, the South and
Southeast tends to be more heavily populated than the Plains states. This
region has been given the nickname "Dixie Alley."
Although they are possible any time of the day or night, tornadoes tend to
occur in the late afternoon and early evening hours, when the atmospheric
conditions are most ripe for supercell thunderstorms. They are most
common from 4pm to 9pm.
Tornado Alley is a nickname
given to the plains region of the U.S. that experiences a high frequency of
tornadoes, many of which are violent tornadoes (EF-3 or greater).
One of a famous tornado (The Waco tornado)
The 1953 Waco tornado outbreak was a series of 33 tornadoes, over a three
day period, occurring in 10 different U.S States Tornadoes appeared daily,
from May 9 to May 11, 1953, from Minnesota in the north to Texas in the
south. The strongest (F5 on the Fujita scale) and deadliest (114 of the 144
deaths) was the tornado that struck Waco, Texas on Monday May 11.
What is the effect of a Tornado
Tornadoes effect the environment by destroying buildings and trees.
Tornadoes also kill animals, which effects the food chain and disrupts the
whole environment. Tornadoes destroy our farms, which means there will be
food shortages around the surrounding area. After everything is destroyed,
humans have to rebuild. Tornadoes can cause water contamination, which
poses a serious problem, as plants, animals and humans are effected by this.
Debris can be very dangerous, as it could kill plants and animals very easily.
Some trees take over 100 years to grow, so if they are destroyed, they will be
hard to replace. Fires may occur after a tornado due to damaged power lines
and gas leaks. Fire contributes to global warming by giving off carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere.
What warning signs show that a tornado is about to hit?
There are several atmospheric warning signs that precipitate a tornado’s
A dark, often greenish, sky
Wall clouds or an approaching cloud of debris
Large hail often in the absence of rain
Before a tornado strikes, the wind may die down and the air may
become very still
A loud roar similar to a freight train may be heard
An approaching cloud of debris, even if a funnel is not visible
Despite great strides made in meteorology that help us understand and
predict tornadoes, there are still many unknown variables. Advance warning
and proper precautions are the only certainties.
How to stay safe before, during and after:
.prepare for tornado by gathering emergency supplies including food, water
medication, batteries, flash light and important document is necessary to
survive in a tornado
A tornado is one of the most powerful and deadly natural disaster of the
world it can cause damage and death around the world. 1000 people die or
injured in a tornado each year. A tornado can destroy and leave ruins
behind it.