Answer Persuasive question

Natnicha Udompanich
Answer these Questions:
1. What is a persuasive message?
A persuasive message is a message that try to change the receiver opinion; or a request
that convince the receiver who you believe that he or she may be unaware, disinterested, or
unwilling to response the request. It can be viewed neither positive or negative message by the
2. What are the two primary goals of persuasive messages?
The two primary goals of a persuasive message are to get the receiver to read or listen
to the whole of the message and to have the receiver take the requested action.
3. Describe the four parts of the Indirect Plan for persuasive messages.
Attention The receiver’s attention must be captured in the opening of any persuasive
message because the desire action is likely to be taken if the receiver has motivation to
read or listen to the whole message. The opening sentence should be concise and
positive with an interesting point. When a positive emotion is motivated, the receiver
will be give attention and continue reading.
Interest The receiver’s interest must be held after gaining his or her attention. The
receiver will maintain interest when knowing the benefits for him or herself. We should
clearly emphasize the benefits to the receiver so he or she can see the value of taking
the request.
Desire We have to offer proof of the benefits that can be gained; showing how that
action will benefit the receiver will motivate him or her to take the requested action.
The message should intensify the receiver’s interest and create desire for action. Too
many numbers or testimonials will confuse, annoy, or bore the receiver.
Action Asking the receiver to take immediate action once the interest and desire have
been built, the message should be a logical step by step. The request should be in a
direct and positive manner, requiring minimal effort by the receiver, asking for simple
4. What are some of the different types of persuasive messages?
Types of persuasive message are complex (persuasive) requests, recommendations,
special claims, sale messages, and collection messages.
5. List and describe the three stages normally used in collection messages.
Reminder Stage The reminder stage is just to remind the customers who intend to pay
but need a reminder. It is a simple message or a comical sticker attached to a short note
or a copy of the bill with the purpose of getting a receiver to pay a bill. The message
Natnicha Udompanich
should be direct, courteous, and friendly which it must never offend the receiver. If the
reminder fails, the collection process will proceed to the appeal stage.
Appeal Stage In this stage, the message is stronger the first-stage since the customer
has neglected to the reminder notice. It has to persuade the customer to pay, appearing
the customer’s pride, credit rating, morality, or reputation. Appeal stage also should be
in positive and courteous tone that makes the customer believe that the store is trying
to help him maintain his excellent credit reputation.
Warning Stage The final stage-Warning, the sender is interested only in collecting the
past-due amount. It is a last opportunity for a customer to pay an account before it is
transferred to collection agency, a credit bureau, or and lawyer. The message states the
importance of the message and creates a sense of urgency.