Short Answer Questions - Book 1: The Creation | Book 1: The Ages

Short Answer Questions - Book 1: The Creation | Book 1: The Ages of Mankind | Book 1:
The Flood | Book 1: Deucalion and Pyrrha
1. At the opening of the novel, who or what does Ovid evoke to inspire his writing?
2. In Ovid's version of the creation of the earth, what are the first two forces to be
3. Which of the following gods creates the four seasons for man?
4. In what "age of time" are all the creatures of the earth living harmoniously with one
5. In what "age of time" does war begin to break out, but there is still a sense of normality
in the daily lives of the people?
6. After visiting a man named Lycaon, what disastrous event does Jupiter create to wipe
out humanity?
Short Answer Questions - Book 1: Apollo and Daphne | Book 1: Io | Book 2: Phaethon |
Book 2: Callisto
1. What object do Deucalian and Pyrrah throw to the earth, creating humans?
2. Which of the following is NOT an explicit instruction from Jupiter on how the repopulation of the earth is to happen?
3. Who does Cupid's first arrow hit?
4. What type of tree does Jupiter change Daphne into in order to protect her?
5. What is unique about Argus' face?
6. What does Jupiter transform Io into in the attempts to quench his wife's suspicion?
Short Answer Questions - Book 2: The Raven and The Crow | Book 2: Ocyrhoe | Book 2:
Mercury and Battus | Book 2: The Envy of Aglauros
1. Who is Phaeton's father?
2. What does Phaeton request from his father to prove the validity of their relationship?
3. With what is the Sun's palace adorned?
4. With what is Phaeton killed?
5. What animal does Juno transform Castillo into?
6. After Castillo is reunited with her son, what does Jupiter transform the pair into?
Short Answer Questions - Book 2: Jupiter and Europa | Book 3: Cadmus | Book 3: Diana
and Actaeon | Book 3: Semele and The Birth of Bacchus
1. What animal propels Juno's chariot?
2. In her conversation with the raven, what does the crow claim to have been before her
3. Why does Apollo kill Coronis?
4. What type of beast does Apollo give Cononis' baby to?
5. When Apollo goes missing, what does Mercury steal from him?
6. In hearing of Mercury's affections for Herse, what goddess does Minerva transform
herself into?
Short Answer Questions - Book 3: Tiresias | Book 3: Narcissus and Echo | Book 3: Pentheus
and Bacchus | Book 4: The Daughters of Minyas
1. After Tiresias is struck by a stick, what is changed about him?
2. After Juno is so enraged with Tiresias' answer to her question, what does she do to him?
3. In response to Juno's actions against Tiresias, what gift does Jupiter give the old man?
4. What is the name of the nymph that first falls in love with Narcissus?
5. When the nymphs come to bury Narcissus' body, what is the only thing that they find by
the pool of water?
6. What are the sailors aboard Acoetes' ship transformed into after their failed attempt to
kidnap Bacchus?
Short Answer Questions - Book 4: Pyramus and Thisbe | Book 4: The Sun in Love | Book 4:
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus | Book 4: The Daughters of Minyas Transformed
1. Why do Pyramus and Thisbe decide to run away from their families?
2. What animal does Pyramus think attacked and killed Thisbe?
3. How does Pyramus kill himself?
4. Who is Venus having an affair with when her husband, Vulcan, discovers them?
5. How does Clytie respond to the Sun's affair with Leucothoe?
6. Where does Salmacis grab Hermaphrodites, begging the gods to make them as one?
Short Answer Questions - Book 4: Athamas and Ino | Book 4: The Transformation of
Cadmus | Book 4: Perseus and Andromeda | Book 5: Perseus' Fight in the Palace of
1. Why does Juno become enraged with Athamas and Ino?
2. Where do the furies, including Tisiphone, live?
3. What does Juno enlist Tisiphone to do?
4. How does Juno punish the servants living in Athamas and Ino's house?
5. As Cadmus and his wife mourn Athamas and Ino, what animals are they turned into by
their grief?
6. Where do Cadmus and his wife live out the rest of their days after their transformation?
Short Answer Questions - Book 5: Minerva Meets the Muses at Helicon | Book 5: The Rape
of Proserpine | Book 5: Arethusa | Book 5: Triptolemus
1. Who bursts into Perseus and Andromeda's wedding, causing a disturbance?
2. With what weapon is Perseus threatened at his wedding?
3. What power does Medusa's head hold?
4. What type of bird are Pierus' daughters transformed into?
5. What type of flower is Proserpina collecting when Dis first finds her?
6. What do the tears of the sea nymph who sees Dis steal Proserpina transform into?
Short Answer Questions - Book 6: Arachne | Book 6: Niobe | Book 6: The Lycian Peasants |
Book 6: Marsyas
1. What skill do both Arachne and Minerva hold?
2. What does Minerva disguise herself as when she visits Arachne?
3. During the competition, what does Minerva's portrait exemplify?
4. During the competition, what does Arachne's portrait exemplify?
5. After Minerva begins to beat her, how does Arachne commit suicide?
6. After Arachne is dead, what type of animal does Minerva transform her body into?
Short Answer Questions - Book 6: Pelops | Book 6: Tereus, Procne, and Philomela | Book 6:
Boreas and Orithyia | Book 7: Medea and Jason
1. What is the name of the goddess that threatens Niobe?
2. How many children does Niobe lose after she refuses to comply with the gods?
3. How many years is Tereus married to Procne before he begins to see other women?
4. What is Pronce's relationship to Philomena?
5. How does Philomena get messages to Pronce after her tongue has been removed?
6. Who does Pronce kill in order to get back at her husband, Tereus?
Short Answer Questions - Book 7: Medea and Aeson | Book 7: Medea and Pelias: Her
Flight | Book 7: Theseus | Book 7: Minos, Aeacus, The Plague at Ageina, The Myrmidons
1. Why does Jason arrive at King Aetes' court?
2. When Medea first sees Jason, which of the following best describes her response?
3. What does Medea agree to do in exchange for marrying Jason?
4. What does Jason ask Medea to give his ailing father?
5. On what animal does Medea practice her youth-building spell?
6. What does Medea instruct Pelias' daughters to do to their father?
Short Answer Questions - Book 7: Cephalus and Procris | Book 8: Scylla and Minos | Book
8: The Minotaur | Book 8: Daedalus and Icarus
1. What is Minos searching for in Athens?
2. What type of insect reoccurs in Minos' dreams of the tree?
3. What is Cephalus doing when he says he was kidnapped by Aurora?
4. What is the name of the king who rules over Alcathous?
5. What part of her father's body does Scylla present to Minos in an act of love?
6. What color is Scylla's father's hair?
Short Answer Questions - Book 8: Perdix | Book 8: Meleager and the Calydonian Boar |
Book 8: Althaea and Meleager | Book 8: Achelous and the Nymphs
1. What type of bird does Scylla's father transform into after his death?
2. What animal, when mated with a human, produces a Minotaur?
3. With what type of material are Icarus' wings fashioned?
4. What type of animal does Meleager kill, giving all of the credit to Atalanta?
5. When Meleager's mother is faced with the prospect of choosing sides between her son
and brothers, who does she decide to kill?
6. What object represents Meleager's life according to an old prophecy?
Short Answer Questions - Book 8: Philemon and Baucis | Book 8: Erysichthon and His
Daughter | Book 9: Achelous and Hercules | Book 9: Hercules, Nessus, and Deianira
1. Which of the following adjectives best describes the life of Philemon and Baucis?
2. Over what does Achelous find himself in a fight with Hercules?
3. What does Hercules break off of Achelous during their battle?
4. What type of animal attempts to attack Deianara while she is walking through the
5. How does Hercules kill the beast that is attacking Deianara in the woods?
6. What poisonous object does the beast give to Deianara right before it dies?
Short Answer Questions - Book 9: The Death and Apotheosis of Hercules | Book 9: The
Birth of Hercules | Book 9: Dryope | Book 9: Iolaus and the Sons of Callirhoe
1. Which of the following best describes Hercules' death?
2. How many days does Hercules' mother claim to have been in labor when her son was
3. What type of plant does Dyrope pick to give to Hercules when he is born?
4. As punishment for harming a nymph, what is Dyrope slowly transformed into?
5. How are the sons of Callirhoe altered after Hercules' death?
6. On what continent does Miletus give birth to twins?
Short Answer Questions - Book 9: Byblis | Book 9: Iphis and Ianthe | Book 10: Orpheus
and Eurydice | Book 10: Cyparissus
1. Which family member does Byblis inappropriately fall in love with?
2. How does Byblis tell the family member that she is in love with him?
3. What lie is told about Iphis when she is born?
4. What is Eurydice bitten by on the day of her wedding?
5. Where does Orpheus go to attempt to win back his wife?
6. Who sings a song for Eurydice that is so moving, even the harsh Fates begin to weep?
Short Answer Questions - Book 10: Ganymede | Book 10: Hyacinth | Book 10: Pygmalion
1. What animal does Jupiter transform himself into when he kidnaps Ganymede?
2. What job does Ganymede take over when he lives with Jupiter?
3. What sport does Hyacinth excel at?
4. Which god accidentally kills Hyacinth?
5. What does Pygmalion sculpt his wife out of?
6. Which goddess transforms Pygmalions' wife into a real woman?
Short Answer Questions - Book 10: Myrrha | Book 10: Venus and Adonis | Book 10:
1. Which family member does Myrrha inappropriately fall in love with?
2. Which of the following adjectives best describes Myrrha?
3. What does Myrrha turn herself into to avoid being killed?
4. How does Adonis die?
5. What does Venus give to Hippomenes to distract Atalanta?
6. Which of the following activities does Atalanta challenge her potential suitors to?
Short Answer Questions - Book 11: The Death of Orpheus | Book 11: Midas | Book 11:
First Foundation and Destruction of Troy
1. How do the women of Thracian attempt to kill Orpheus?
2. How does Orpheus attempt to charm his way out of death?
3. What does Bacchus transform the women of Thracian into in response to their actions
against Orpheus?
4. What does everything that Midas touches turn into?
5. What animal makes up half of Pan's body?
6. What ears does Apollo place atop Midas' head?
Short Answer Questions - Book 11: Peleus and Thetis | Book 11: Daedalion | Book 11: The
Cattle of Peleus
1. What does Laomedon promise to pay the gods for their help in building a wall around
2. What do the gods say that Laomedon must do to his daughter Hesion?
3. Which of the following animals does Thesion transform into to escape Peleus?
4. How does Peleus eventually tame Thesion?
5. Why is Peleus exiled from Troy?
6. How many gods is Chione impregnated by?
Short Answer Questions - Book 11: Ceyx and Alcyone | Book 11: Aesacus | Book 12: The
Expedition Against Troy
1. Who does Chione liken herself to in beauty?
2. What type of bird is Daedalion transformed into when he jumps off the cliff?
3. What type of animal begins attacking Ceyx's livestock?
4. What does the water nymph transform the attacking animals into?
5. Whose oracle does Ceyx seek out for advice after his livestock are attacked?
6. What is the name of the nymph sent to Alcyone to inform her of Ceyx's death?
Short Answer Questions - Book 12: Achilles and Cycnus | Book 12: Caenis | Book 12: The
Battle of The Lapiths and Centaurs
1. When Paris runs away from Troy, what has he stolen?
2. What slows down the Greeks as they trek toward Troy to find Paris?
3. What soldier is Cycnus worried has infuriated the goddess Diana?
4. What does Diana sacrifice in the place of Iphigenia?
5. What is interesting about Cycnus' skin?
6. What does Caenis request to be turned into when offered a wish from Neptune?
Short Answer Questions - Book 12: Nestor and Hercules | Book 12: The Death of Achilles |
Book 13: Ajax and Ulysses and the Arms of Achilles
1. At what event does a centaur attempt to rape Hippodames?
2. What does Theseus smash over Eurytus' head, killing him?
3. Which of the following objects is NOT thrown at Caenis by the centaurs in an attempt to
kill him?
4. Why does Nestor leave Hercules out of his story about the Trojan War?
5. What does Apollo conceal himself behind when he whispers advice to Paris during the
6. Where is Achilles struck by an arrow, killing him?
Short Answer Questions - Book 13: The Fall of Troy | Book 13: Hecuba, Polyxena, and
Polydorus | Book 13: Memnon
1. Whose armor is fought over between Ajax and Ulysses?
2. Which of the following is NOT an argument that Ajax gives when fighting for the
3. Which of the following is NOT an argument that Ulysses gives when fighting for the
4. To whom does the council award the armor that has been fought over by Ajax and
5. How does Hecuba exact her revenge upon her son, Polymestor?
6. What animal is Hecuba transformed into after she exacts her revenge on Polymestor?
Short Answer Questions - Book 13: The Pilgrimage of Aeneas | Book 13: Acis and Galatea |
Book 13: Scylla and Glaucus
1. Which of the following is NOT one of the substances that Aeneas' daughters produce?
2. Who has stolen Aeneas' daughters and forced them into slavery?
3. How do Aeneas' daughters escape their lives of slavery?
4. How is Acis killed?
5. How does Galatea respond to Acis' death?
6. What type of nymph is Galatea?
Short Answer Questions - Book 14: Scylla and Glaucus (continued) | Book 14: The
Pilgrimage of Aeneas (continued) | Book 14: The Island of Circe
1. How does Glaucus respond to Circe when she offers herself to him?
2. Where does Circe find Scylla when she sets out to poison her?
3. What does Circe transform Scylla's lower body into?
4. Where does Scylla hide out after her transformation?
5. What gift is Sibyl given from Apollo?
6. What is Scylla transformed into when she is attempting to destroy Aeneas' fleet?
Short Answer Questions - Book 14: Picus and Canens | Book 14: The Triumph and
Apotheosis of Aeneas | Book 14: Pomona and Vertumnus
1. What does Circe transform the soldiers scouting her island into?
2. Who rescues Ulysses from Circe's evil magic, allowing him to rescue his men?
3. How does Circe attempt to lure Picus into the woods?
4. What type of bird is Picus transformed into when he rebukes Circe's advances?
5. How does Turnus attempt to exact his revenge on Aeneas after they are both promised
the same woman in marriage?
6. What is Anaxerta transformed into after she rebukes Iphis?
Short Answer Questions - Book 14: Legends of Early Rome; The Apotheosis of Romulus |
Book 15: Numa and the Foundation of Crotona | Book 15: The Doctrines of Pythagoras
1. How does the enemy of Rome get in to defeat the city?
2. Which goddess convinces the nymphs to transform the gates of Rome back to their
original position?
3. What is the name of Romulus' grandfather, whose throne he restored?
4. Who gives Romulus the gift of immortality after her restores his grandfather's throne?
5. Which of the following acts is considered treason in Rome?
6. Who inspires Myscelus to start the land of Crotana?
Short Answer Questions - Book 15: The Death of Numa | Book 15: Hippolytus | Book 15:
1. What landmark is disturbed when Numa's wife is in the woods mourning his death?
2. What is Numa's wife transformed into after she disturbs the landmark in the woods?
3. How does Hippolytus die?
4. What is Hippolytus' name changed to when he is given a second life?
5. Which of the following is the way that Cipius finds himself altered by the gods.
6. How does Ciprius feel about being exiled from the land?
Short Answer Questions - Book 15: Aesculapius | Book 15: The Apotheosis of Julius Caesar
| Book 15: Epilogue
1. What form does Aesculapius take when relieving the Romans of their plague?
2. Which goddess sends omens to Julius Caesar about his fate?
3. How does Julius Caesar react to the omens from the goddess?
4. Which of the following is NOT an argument that Pythagoras gives against the practice of
eating meat?
5. Which of the following characters is NOT included as an example in Pythagoras'
explanation of aging?
6. In the epilogue, what does Ovid say about his words?