Local Program Grants

• We will begin our webinar at the top of the
• As you log on, do not be surprised if you
don’t hear anyone else; participants are
placed on mute in order to limit
background noise
JULY 2015
Objectives for the Webinar:
• Review the 2015 National CASA Association annual grants
• Learn about grants categories and the criteria and
eligibility requirements for each
• Discuss the 2015 grant application materials
• Examine the grant application timeline
• Understand the application review process
• Identify points of contact at National CASA Association for
technical assistance
• Answer your questions
Guiding Principles
• Fund our strategy
• Allocate funding with greater impact
• Position ourselves for funding increase
• Manage more effectively and efficiently
• Increase accountability
Alignment to our Strategic Framework
Grant funding will support
Enabling Focus Areas
2015 Grants Policy Development
State Steering Committee (SSC) discussed grant strategy and
directed National CASA Association staff to develop draft annual
grants policy
Discussion and vetting of draft grants policy by SSC
SSC reviewed policy and voted unanimously to support
National CASA Association Program Committee reviewed and
recommended annual policy to full National CASA Association
board of trustees
Review and approval by Board of Trustees
Ongoing engagement of and input from the CASA/GAL network
2015 Grants Policy Summary
• National CASA Association will sub-award $1.7 million
in competitive grants to state and local CASA/GAL
organizations in four categories for 2015.
• The grants cycle will begin October 1, 2015 and end
on September 30, 2016.
2015 Grants Policy Summary
• For the 2015 grants cycle, National CASA Association
strategically seeks to partner with state and local
CASA/GAL programs to identify and strengthen
demonstration projects which will significantly increase
the impact of the CASA/GAL program and that can be
replicated across the network
• Available grant funds will be focused on best practices
under consideration as demonstration projects
Summary of Categories
Local CASA/GAL Grants
 Select three to five proposals:
 States with a state organization, working collaboratively with local programs
to significantly increase the number of abused and neglected children served
by CASA/GAL volunteers
 Select up to five proposals:
 States without a formal state organization
 States with a state organization with limited capacity
 Select up to eight proposals:
 No direct monetary support but would receive targeted and enhanced resources,
expertise, and technical assistance to support a statewide project in key strategic
 Competitive, internal review based upon set criteria with input from state offices with
the goal to increase number of children served
Key Criteria and Considerations
• All grant categories:
• Close working partnership with National CASA Association
• Including regular reporting and communication
• Stakeholder/network engagement and support for proposal
• Clear and well-supported project plan with measurable
objectives, goals, and timeline
• Member in good standing with the Association
Growth Grants
• Purpose: Demonstration grant opportunity to support statewide
initiatives to significantly increase the number of abused and
neglected children served by CASA/GAL volunteers
• Applicants: State organizations in good standing with the
National CASA Association
• Projected Awards: Three to five grant awards
• Amount: Up to $250,000 (estimated total of $710,000 awarded)
• Grant Period: 10/1/15 through 9/30/16; Second-year funding
preference for successful completion of first year goals,
contingent upon funding availability
Growth Grants
The Growth Grants category supports the national vision to serve
every abused and neglected child.
Growth grants are designed to demonstrate effective strategies
and practices whereby state organizations and local programs
work collaboratively, with support from National CASA Association,
to significantly increase the number of children served.
Successful initiatives will be developed into model approaches for
replication throughout the CASA/GAL network.
Growth Grants
Grant applications will propose statewide projects that:
• Provide a strong statewide plan that will lead to significantly
exceeding the state’s three-year average growth rate
• Include support and engagement of the local program network
• Provide pass through funding to targeted local programs to
support growth
• Provide measurable goals, objectives, and timelines that
support the statewide growth plan
Growth Grants
• Statewide growth plan that significantly exceeds three-year
average growth rate, addresses recruiting and retaining a
diverse network of volunteers, focuses on involving local
programs, and provides a three-year strategy to sustain
increased growth rate and current volunteer levels
• Full support of local programs with a survey response or
signature from each local director
Growth Grants
Award decisions will be based upon:
• Strong statewide plan to significantly increase the number of
abused and neglected children served by CASA/GAL
• Inclusion of local program support and engagement and pass
through funding to targeted local programs to support local
• Demonstration of success in increasing the number of children
• Extent of unmet need
Growth Grants
Award decisions will be based upon:
• Past performance with National CASA grant funds and grant
• Clearly explained, reasonable, and realistic grant budget
based on the projected increase in children served
• Demonstration of a strong sustainability plan
• Strong state organization structure in a position to successfully
implement project
Development Grants
• Purpose: Demonstration grant opportunity to strengthen and build the
capacity of state CASA/GAL organizations with limited capacity or develop
a state organization in a state without a formal state organization
• Applicants:
• CASA/GAL State Organizations that employ one FTE or fewer staff and
have an annual revenue of less than $125,000
• Informal state networks that would like to establish a state organization
and have identified a local program fiscal sponsor
• Member in good standing with National CASA Association
Development Grants
• Projected Awards: up to five grant awards
• Amount: Up to $75,000 (estimated total of $490,000 awarded
including $139,000 for 2014 Capacity Building Renewal grants)
• Grant Period: 10/1/15 through 9/30/16; Second year funding
preference for successful completion of first year goals, contingent
upon funding availability
Development Grants
The Development Grants category aligns with the National CASA
Association Strategic Framework by strengthening and developing
state organizations to effectively partner with the Association in
support of local programs.
Successful initiatives funded by these grants will be developed into
model approaches for replication in the interest of the continued
development of state organizations.
Development Grants
Grant applications will propose development projects that:
• Provide a strong plan for building the capacity of an existing
state organization or provide a strong plan for establishing a
state organization within a state without a state organization
• Include engagement of the local program network
• Provide measureable goals, objectives, and timelines
Development Grants
• Existing State Organizations –
• Provide measureable goals, objectives, and timelines to
build the capacity of the state organization within the grant
• Develop and submit a long-term state organization plan
within the 12-month grant period
• Demonstrate local program support with the application
Development Grants
• Informal State Networks Starting a State Organization –
• Provide measureable goals, objectives, and timelines to
address components of Standard 9 (National CASA
Standards for State CASA/GAL Organizations) with the goal
of operating as a state organization by the end of the grant
• Submit a long-term state organization plan within the grant
• Demonstrate local program support with the application
Development Grants
Award decisions will be based upon:
• Strong plan to build the capacity of an existing state
organization or development of a new state organization
• Past performance with National CASA Association grant funds
and grant goals
• Clearly explained, reasonable, and realistic grant budget
based on the projected activities
• Strong sustainability plan
Resource Grants
• Purpose: Resource grants will provide enhanced technical
assistance, through National CASA Association staff expertise,
for statewide initiatives to build the capacity of the state
CASA/GAL network to serve more children with quality volunteer
• Applicants: CASA/GAL State Organizations or Informal State
CASA/GAL Networks (local program sponsor) in good standing
with the Association
• Projected Awards: Eight in-kind awards
• Grant Period: 10/1/15 through 9/30/16
Resource Grants
Resource Grants are designed to bolster statewide initiatives, in
alignment with National CASA Association’s strategic focus to
provide strong support to member programs.
The initiatives funded in this category will build capacity to grow
statewide work by making available enhanced technical
assistance for specific projects.
Resource Grants
Resource grants will be awarded to state organizations for specific
• Launch of the I am for the Child ® campaign
• Strategic plan development
• Statewide leadership development
• Statewide in-person training – Fostering Futures and Knowing
Who You Are research-based curricula
Resource Grants
Additional resource grant project areas:
• Development of a Superhero Race toolkit
• Market, donor, and/or volunteer research and surveys
• Policymaker education and awareness initiatives
Resource Grants
Requirements: Applicants must submit a three-page plan for
enhanced and extended technical assistance, including a plan to
complete and sustain the effort. Additionally, we require:
• Description of Need
• Background on Need
• Desired Measurable Outcomes and Timeline
• Project Resource Projections
• Project Budget
• Indication of Project Time Sensitivity
Local Program Grants
• Purpose: Initiatives funded through National CASA Association’s
partnership with Jewelers for Children that increase the number
of abused and neglected children served by CASA/GAL
• Applicants:
• Local programs or state organizations that directly serve
abused and neglected children with volunteer advocates
• Applicants must be in good standing with National CASA
Local Program Grants
• Projected Awards: at least 14 awards
• Amount: Up to $35,000 (estimated total of $500,000 awarded)
• Grant Period: 10/1/15 through 9/30/16
• Requirements:
• In order to be considered for a local program grant, the applicant
must support the growth category statewide plan if applicable.
• If the growth category statewide plan is funded, the local program
application will be excluded from consideration in this category.
Local Program Grants
• Local program plan to increase the number of volunteers and
new children served
• Explanation of any gaps between the demographics of
volunteers and children served. If a gap exists, the applicant
must submit a diversity plan
• Plan for engaging local Jewelers for Children member(s)
• Statement of support from state organization
Local Program Grants
Award decisions will be based upon:
• Strong project plan with measurable objectives, goals, and
• Demonstrated ability to expand the number of volunteers and
children served in a 12-month grant period
• Past performance with National CASA Association grant funds
and grant goals
• Clearly explained, reasonable, and realistic grant budget
based on the projected increase in children served
• Strong sustainability plan
Applications and Instructions
• Application materials will be uploaded to
CASAforChildren.org/Grants on Friday, July 17.
• State organizations and local programs will also be notified by
email on Friday, July 17.
• We are again providing a PDF fillable form for your use and
allowing for supplemental material (as specified in the grant
instructions), as one combined PDF attachment.
• Application materials relate directly to the goals and objectives of
each grant category and reflect input from local programs and
state organizations.
Key Dates
• Friday, July 17 – Grant materials released
• Tuesday, July 28 at Noon EST – Technical Assistance
(Q&A) Webinar for Local Grants
• Monday, August 31 – Grant Applications Due
• Monday, September 14 – Awards announced
• Thursday, September 24 – Terms & Conditions due
• Thursday, October 1 – Grant Cycle begins
Application Review Process
Applications will be reviewed by two panels with knowledge of
the CASA/GAL network:
National CASA Association Staff Review Panel
Network Review Panel
Reviews will be conducted based on standardized criteria as
outlined in the grant applications and instructions.
For the network panel, potential reviewers with a potential
conflict of interest for a particular category will be excluded.
Contact Information
Email: GrantsPolicy@casaforchildren.org
Grants Technical Assistance Webinar for Local Grants
Local programs and state organizations are invited to attend
our next Grants Technical Assistance webinar, during which
we will discuss the local program grant application and
provide an open forum for questions.
Tuesday, July 28 at 12 Noon EST / 9 am PST
Call information will be circulated one week in advance.