I, Robot - Space Foundation

•How technology
has been used in art
•Your assignment
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
A robot is defined as:
1. A mechanical device that sometimes resembles a human
and is capable of performing a variety of often complex
human tasks on command or by being programmed in
2. A machine or device that operates automatically or by
remote control
Therefore, what device was
considered the first robot and
when was it developed?
• A clock, ~ 270 BC
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
A Short History of Robots
Robot Timeline:
• 350 BC - the Greek mathematician, Archytas (ahr ky’ tuhs) builds
a mechanical bird dubbed “the pigeon” that is propelled by steam.
• 270 BC - a Greek engineer named Ctesibus (ti sib’ ee uhs) made a
pipe organ called a “hydraulis” and water clocks with movable
figures. These clocks were the most accurate until the use of the
pendulum in the 17th century.
• 1801 – Joseph Jacquard builds an automated loom that is
controlled by a punch card. Punch cards are later used as an input
method for some early 20th century computers.
http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/history.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archytas
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• 1818 - Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein" which was about a
frightening artificial life form created by Dr. Frankenstein.
• 1941 - Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word
"robotics" to describe the technology of robots and predicted the
rise of a powerful robot industry.
• 1942 - Asimov wrote "Runaround", a story about robots which
contained the "Three Laws of Robotics"
• 1921 - The term "robot" was first used in a play called "R.U.R."
or "Rossum's Universal Robots" by the Czech writer Karel Capek
(chap’ ek). The plot was simple: man makes robot then robot kills
http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/history.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archytas
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• 1940 – Isaac Asimov produces a series of short stories about
robots starting with “A Strange Playfellow” (later renamed
“Robbie”) for Super Science Stories magazine. The story is about a
robot bound to protect a child. It is later compiled into the volume,
“I, Robot” in 1950.
• 1948 - "Cybernetics", an influence on artificial intelligence
research was published by Norbert Wiener.
• 1956 - George Devol and Joseph Engelberger formed the world's
first robot company.
http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/history.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archytas
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Three Laws of Robotics
by Isaac Asimov
• A robot may not injure a human, or, through inaction,
allow a human being to come to harm.
• A robot must obey the orders it by human beings except
where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
• A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with the First or Second
• He later adds the “Zeroth Law”. A robot may not injure
humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to
http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/history.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archytas
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
•1977 – Star Wars is released.
George Lucas introduces watchers
to R2-D2 and C-3PO, and the
strongest image of a human future
with robots. It inspires a
generation of researchers.
•1979 - The Standford Cart
crossed a chair-filled room without
human assistance. The cart had a
TV camera mounted on a rail which
took pictures from multiple angles
and relayed them to a computer.
The computer analyzed the
distance between the cart and the
http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/history.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archytas
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• 1997 –Pathfinder lands on Mars.
• 1997 – The first node of the ISS is
placed in orbit using a robotic arm.
• 1998 – Tiger Electronics introduces
Furby. It can react to its
environment and communicate using
over 800 phrases.
• 2004 – The Mars Exploration Rovers
Spirit and Opportunity land on Mars
and prove that Mars was once
covered with water.
Image courtesy of NASA
http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/history.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archytas
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• 2004 – I, Robot, new version of
robots trying to take over the
• 2005 - Honda debuts new Asimo
robot that can complete office
http://prime.jsc.nasa.gov/ROV/history.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archytas
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Why are robots important in today’s society?
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• Computer Assisted Manufacturing
• Military
• Medical
• Space Exploration
• Personal
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Computer Assisted Manufacturing
• Car Industry
• General Packaging
• Mail Processing
• etc.
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• Computer GPS guided
bombs “smart bombs”.
• Movement of troops,
weapons, etc.
• Advancements in war
weapons, aircraft,
artillery, naval ships, etc.
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• Prosthetic limbs
• Pacemakers
• Dialysis Machines
• Heart rate monitors
• Blood Pressure Machines
• etc.
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Space Exploration
• Robonaut
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Personal Satellite Assistant
 Prototyped in 2003
 Volleyball sized
 Will aid astronauts
through various means
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Developed in 2004
Humanoid robot to assist
Controlled by Virtual Reality
Stereoscopic vision
Dexterous hands
Several configurations
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• Fax Machines
• Computers
• Refrigerators
• Blenders
• Watches
• GPS Receivers
• etc.
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
• Each machine “robot” helps our population greatly via technology
advances and improvements in the overall health of our society.
• Medicinal advancements
• Labor intensive activities are decreased due to machines “robots”.
• Mathematical & statistical computations.
• Robots can go and do things that are unsafe for humans (Example:
bomb disarming robots, space probes, etc..
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
CONS & Future concerns:
• Loss of jobs due to
replacement by robots.
•War of the Worlds?
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robonova - 1
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Light Emitting Diodes and FiberOptic Activity
LED’s are produced through
Created one atom layer at a time
The color of the LED can be controlled by
varying the layers of atoms in the
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Light Emitting Diodes and FiberOptic Activity
LED’s are cool to the touch
Most of the energy goes into light not heat
Light is reflected along the interior of the
fiber, like a “light pipeline”
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Nanotechnology Uses
• All around us
– sunscreen
– rechargeable batteries
– clothing stain repellants
– computer chips
– cosmetics
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Nanotechnology Uses
– bottles
– bike frames
– -automotive
– tennis balls
– toothpaste
Shape Memory Alloys
Made from a nickel and titanium alloy
Result of an “atomic bullet” in which
atoms subtly shift position in response
to a stimulus
Eyeglasses, surgical
stents, arch wires for
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Experimenting with LEDs,
robotics, and shape memory alloys
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
Leonardo da Vinci
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
The Kinetica Museum in London
A Tiny Point of Light by Dianne Harris
Dante LeonelliNotting Hill Gate Instillation, 2005-06
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
The Kinetica Museum in London
Peter VogalTrio, 2006
Jim Bond- untitled, n. d.
Istvan Haraszty Circles 1967
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
Nam June Paik
• 1932-2006
• Born in Seoul Korea
• 1956 graduated with art degree
from University Tokyo
• Joslyn Art Museum hosts one
of his artworks
Family of Robots, n.d.
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and
in Art
Nam June Paik
Megatron/Matrix, 1995
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
Nam June Paik
Global Encoder, n.d
Buddha Game, 1991
Jacob’s Ladder, 2000
Cage, 1990
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
Jenny Holzer
• 1950-current
• Born in Gallipolis, Ohio
• MFA from the Rhode Island
School of Design
• Received 3 honorary doctorates
• Still working in New York
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
Jenny Holzer
Truisms, 1978
Untitled (text from various works), 1989
A Survival Sorozatbol 1985-86
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
Barbara Kruger
• 1945-current
• Born in Newark, New Jersey
• Worked for Mademoiselle
Magazine and House and
Garden before starting her
feminist-style art career
• Lives in N.Y. and L.A.
Exhibition Piece 2, n. d.
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
Barbara Kruger
Exhibition Piece 3, n. d.
Love for Sale, n. d.
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Robotics and Technology in Art
Other Kinetic Artists
David Shingler
Bird Drawing Machine, 2008
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Bruce Gray
California Dreamin’, 2008
Your Assignment
• Use modern technology or robotics to create
an advance work of art
– Must use some form of modern technology
– Must effectively demonstrate your
technological choice (move, light up, etc.)
– Must use your previous knowledge of the
artistic elements (line, shape, value, color,
movement, etc.)
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009
Sample Assignments
Extreme Sheep LEDs
Presentation adapted from Space Foundation
Robotics/Nanotechnology 2009