
Use the table below to complete part 1 of your Unit Plan Assignment.
Possible Teaching
Final Choice
I would pick 1 and 3 combined. This
way they would have me telling
them the important concepts to
know about the history, and then
they would also have to make a
timed outline to show people’s
contributions as I am lecturing.
Looking back at when I went to
high school or any other class, I
needed hands on activities to
relate to the lectures. This way
students would have to pay close
attention to what I am saying for
them to learn all the information.
I would pick choice #1.
As stated in the rationale above, I
like activities that are hands on. I
think if students learned about the
structure, and then had to make a
model it would help them
understand. Also, later on I might
add in a project with the DNA
1) Lecture and discuss concept
1) Students will be able to explain
how the work of early geneticists
contributed to the current
understanding of DNA structure
and function.
2) Students will be able to develop
a model of a molecule of DNA
3). Understand how double helix
aids in DNA function.
2) Students will read about this
3) Have a timed outline to show
people’s contributions
1) Have a lecture and notes- then
the students will have to construct
a model with paper and coloring
2) Students will research and take
3) Students will read and take
guided notes.
4) Students will be able to diagram
the process of DNA replication.
1) Lecture the material and have
the students make a flow chart to
show the process of DNA
2) Have the students read about
I would choose option 1.
The reason I would make the
students do the flow chart after I
lecture is because, the students
can draw connections between
what happens in the process. This
way it can be an easy way to
remember the process of DNA
5) Students will be able to compare
and contrast RNA and DNA.
1) Lecture
2) Create a compare and contrast
chart. (Venn Diagram)
I would choose both options.
I think a chart is the best way to
learn the differences. A Venn
Diagram is a great way to see the
similarities and differences. Most
of all it really makes the RNA and
DNA differences stand out visually.
6) Students will be able to
summarize the processes of
transcription and translation.
1. Lecture and notes
2. Activity which the students
would act out the processes
3. Watch a video
I would use all three only
because I think this
concept/objective is the hardest
to understand in this chapter. I
would give the students more
7) Students will be able to compare
and contrast gene mutations and
chromosomal mutations.
1) Lecture/Notes
2) Show a video and discuss
Lecturing about this topic is the
best idea due to the fact that the
students have to understand these
mutations. After lecture and notes
I would show a quick video on
these different mutations to really
help the students visualize these
8) Students will be able to relate
gene regulation to development
1) Lecture/Notes
2) PowerPoint Presentation
showing the relation
When looking at gene regulation
you are going to need to hear
about then going to have to have
some visualization about the
process in both eukaryotes and
9) Students will be able to explain
how scientists are able to
manipulate DNA.
1) Lecture/Notes
2) Students will read and research
about this and take their own
3) Have a Discussion and while the
discussion they are taking notes.
2 and 3
I think this objective would be
perfect to discuss about, and the
students would have to take notes
while the discussion is going on.
This way they are learning more by
being involved instead of just being
bored and taking notes.
Also if they have to do their own
reading and research while taking
their own notes, then they might
discover things that interest them.
10) Students will be able to explain
the genetic code.
1) Lecture and notes
2) Interpreting Graphics and make
their own figure 12-17 on page
11) Draw a strand of DNA and write 1) Draw a strand of DNA and write
the complement strand.
the complement. Then write out
12) Explain the purpose of DNA
the process of transcription.
2) Discussion
In the book you can see that there
is an important figure that would
help the students understand this
concept. Making the students
make their own creative one will
help the students have this on
hand, and also be a creative way
for them to memorize it. Also
lecturing about this topic, would
also be a good idea to use as a
Students always ask what is the
purpose or why do we have to
know this. I think having a
discussion about the importance
about these concepts will make
students get involved to really see
why they do have to know this
stuff. I also think a hands on
activity like drawing this will help
them learn too.
Use the table below to complete part 2 of your Unit Plan Assignment.
Possible Assessment
Final Choice
1) Students will be able to explain
how the work of early geneticists
contributed to the current
understanding of DNA structure
and function.
1) research project to make a
time line
2) worksheet
2) Students will be able to
develop a model of a molecule of
1. DNA model project
2. Worksheet
3. DNA Extraction Lab
1 and 3
1) Grade students’ flow chart, and
check for creativity.
2) worksheet
3) Discussion
1 and 2
I think students making their own
time line about what they learned
about the history of DNA will help
the students understand on a
deeper level. Also this activity
might make them to learn some
more interesting facts.
This is a great way to get a huge
project involved in a class, and
have students have fun with being
creative. I think you could make
this project really short and easy
or make it difficult and longer.
The lab also will help aid in
learning this concept.
The activity will be graded anyway
and will serve as an assessment.
Discussing the process will benefit
those students who are still a
little loss and help me to
determine if most students
3). Understand how double helix
aids in DNA function.
4) Students will be able to
diagram the process of DNA
5) Students will be able to
compare and contrast RNA and
1) Venn diagram
2) Draw the two structures with
3) Have the students create a
1) Discussion
2) Worksheets
3) Quiz
A Venn diagram would be quick
and easy to help the students.
Also the students would be able
to keep these with them if they
ever need them.
All three
7) Students will be able to
compare and contrast gene
mutations and chromosomal
1) Chart to compare and contrast
2) Monstrous Mutations activity
3) Worksheet
1 and 2
8) Students will be able to relate
gene regulation to development
1) Quiz
2) Worksheet
3)Research Project
2 and 3
9) Students will be able to explain
1. discussion for grade
1 and 3
As I stated earlier, these
processes are very difficult to
understand and I would take a lot
of time on them. That way I could
do some worksheets to have
them practice followed by a
discussion and quiz to see who
knows what.
The chart would help them go
further than their notes for
participation, and the monstrous
mutation activity would help
them see how certain mutations
lead to adaptations… but which
I would have the students do a
worksheet about gene regulation,
and then after that have the
students do a research activity on
how it could be related to
development. They could use
their textbooks or outside
I think the discussion will help
6) Students will be able to
summarize the processes of
transcription and translation.
how scientists are able to
manipulate DNA.
2. quiz
3. Paper
10) Students will be able to
explain the genetic code.
1. grade their figure
2. worksheet
1 and 2
11) Draw a strand of DNA and
write the complement strand.
12) Explain the purpose of DNA
1. worksheet
2. quiz
All these objectives could
be used in a unit test also
them understand the concept and
get their mind going. Then for the
paper I would have them pretend
to be a scientist and talk about
how they would manipulate DNA.
This would be a great concept to
just give them a worksheet where
they would have to look at codons
and understand the genetic code.
Also grading their replica of figure
12-17 to see if they drew it out
This would be a great concept to
put a test on, because they would
have to start to understand this to
get some prior knowledge for
Last day I would use a unit test to
tie everything together.
Use the table below to complete part 3 of your Unit Plan Assignment.
Science Literacy Skill
Related Objective(s)?
Where Implemented?
1, 9
These are some research objectives, and with
saying that the students would have to learn
how to interpret graphs and timelines. Also
they would have to know how to construct a
graph for showing peoples contributing work
in what years. Also a timeline for an activity of
showing what scientists helped with.
Ask questions and determine answers.
(Thinking scientifically/ forming a hypothesis/
understanding scientific data)
Observing Skills
Practically all of them
There are hands on activities and a lot of partner
or individual work. The thought provoking
questions allows for higher thinking and formation
of new questions.
In science students will have to observe a lot to
truly grasp most or all of the concepts. For
example, a student is going to observe or view the
processes like translation, transcription, and
replication to diagram and make their own flow
chart. Also they will have to observe DNA and RNA
to compare and contrast them, understand the
structure, and identify what happens in each.
Making a graph or timeline
Use the table below to complete part 4 of your Unit Plan Assignment.
Science Laboratory Skill
Related Objective(s)?
Teaching Strategy?
Make a graph or timeline
1, 9
I would have students make these graphs or
timelines, and make sure that they understand
how to construct a graph. With science the
students have to know that recording data is a
big issue. Also this will be a great way to see if
students are paying attention to my lecture and
discussions by making these.
To really apply observation in my classroom, I
would make sure they are always observing and
writing down notes of what they see. For
example, when we are doing the DNA
extraction lab I will make them record their
observations in writing and drawings.
Observation Skills
Unit Plan Overview (Part 5)
Students will be able to explain
how the work of early
geneticists contributed to the
current understanding of DNA
structure and function.
2) Students will be able to
develop a model of a molecule
of DNA
3). Understand how double
helix aids in DNA function.
Teaching Strategy
Have a timed outline to show
people’s contributions and then
have a class discussion after the
1) Have a lecture and notes- then
the students will have to
construct a model with paper and
coloring tools
Turn in the timed
outline or graph and
grade on discussion.
Make sure to have
students understand how
to construct a graph. Get
discussion questions
Either Lab and Model
Need all materials for
either the lab or model
project. The model project
could take up to three
days. Make sure to tell
students about safety lab
rules again. Have
everything set up before
each class.
This will help them
understand replication
better. Make sure to bring
blank flow charts for the
steps of replication.
4) Students will be able to
diagram the process of DNA
Lecture the material and have the
students make a flow chart to
show the process of DNA
Grade students’ flow
chart, and check for
creativity and hand out
worksheet that will be
Lecture the material and make
them do a Venn Diagram as a
Grade the Venn diagram
5) Students will be able to
compare and contrast RNA and
Make sure all students are
participating at least twice.
Make sure everyone understands
what they are about to be quizzed
Review the past 5 objectives.
Time to ask/answer any
6) Students will be able to
summarize the processes of
transcription and translation.
Lecture and have students take
notes, and then have the students
participate in the activity which
the students would act out the
processes. Then we would watch
a video or clip on the processes.
Make sure quizzes are
handed out after all the
questions have been
Print homework
worksheets/ discussion
questions/ directions or
procedure for the acting
out process
1) Discussion
2) Worksheets
3) Participation during
acting out the processes
Teaching Strategy
7) Students will be able to
compare and contrast gene
mutations and chromosomal
Lecture/Notes then show a video
on some of mutations and the
differences. Have a class
1) Chart to compare and
2) Monstrous Mutations
8) Students will be able to relate
gene regulation to development
Go over the activity from
yesterday and certain things from
past days. Make sure everyone
understands everything.
Especially transcription and
Some Review
Worksheets. Also a
Research Project for
them to look at
interesting facts about
gene regulation and
Bring the materials to
class. Make sure to have
groups set up for this
Remember worksheets
and rubric for research
1) Lecture/Notes
2) PowerPoint Presentation
showing the relation
9) Students will be able to
explain how scientists are able
to manipulate DNA.
11) Draw a strand of DNA and
write the complement strand.
12) Explain the purpose of DNA
Students will read and research
about this and take their own
notes about interesting things
dealing with the DNA.
Have a Discussion about and
while the discussion they are
taking notes.
10) Students will be able to
Review previous material before
Another addition to the
research project: If you
were a scientist.. talk
about the steps you
must take to manipulate
Discussion and
Homework is to read
these three sections in
their book.
Directions and
rubric for addition
to paper.
Go over the main concepts
explain the genetic code.
taking a short quiz. Go over
objective 10 by going over the
figure in the book. While you are
lecturing make them take notes.
Then draw out their own figure
Review game
Grade creative Figure
before short quiz. Have
the blank Figure 12-17
ready to hand out
Research Paper is Due
Bring the PowerPoint
(review game) Jeopardy
Need the test printed for
students/ Review any
questions before the test/
Make sure to have the
desks spread out a little
for the test.