Timmerman Worksheet


Timmerman Worksheet

HMXP 102

Dr. Fike

Note: You must bring this handout and Kelsey’s book to class, and you ought to go through the entire list of concepts on your own as homework. That means marking your books.

STEP ONE (40 minutes) : In your groups, use an arrow (


) to indicate Kelsey’s attitude toward each concept. Underline or circle items that he considers ambiguous (both positive and negative). Obviously, you need to go to the indicated pages and mark your book as you are doing this exercise. Start where your row is indicated but cover as many concepts as possible.

Negative Neutral Positive

ROW 1 : COOL law 5, 199

Importation 6

Environmental psychology 8

Fair Trade 10, 258

Migration from farm to city 11, 115, 266

Overnourishment, malnourishment 11

Outsourcing 12

Sustainability 12, 52, 58-59, 142, 146

National food security 12

Sense of overarching connectedness 12, 52, 141, 152, 241, 263, 266

Climate change, global warming 13, 23, 100, 210

Valuable agricultural commodities 15, etc.

Economic inequity 25, 37

Commodification > value 26

Bureaucracy 33

Clever marketing 35

The Starbucks effect 35

Weaving 46

Ethnic chauvinism 47

The Law of Origin (sustainability) 48, 51

ROW 2 : Non-self-sufficiency 49

Image > culture 51

Understanding > possessions 51

Americans ecological footprint 52

GMOs 52, 238

Environmentalism 54

Spraying, pesticides 55, 238

Wireless connectivity 57

Possessions > values 60

Slavery 66, 108

“African Miracle” 73

Farm subsidies vs. free market 75

Overproduction and market value 76

Value-added product 79, 98

Child labor 90

Global food chain as a hourglass 98, 25

Rite of passage 112

Education 58, 99, 119, 128, 135, 140, 142, 227

EARTH University, closed loop system 134, 144

ROW 3 : Banana Republic 138

Monocultures, homogeneity 141, 148, 238, 265

Spiritual component 141

Rural small-scale farming 142, 146, 238

CAFOs 143

Industrialized agriculture 143-44

Biodiversity 144, 149-50, 263

Positive feedback loop 144

Peace, justice 144

Green Revolution 145

Round-Up ready seeds, “suicide seeds,” “terminator technology” 145

Composting, natural adversaries, cover cropping, reforestation 146-47

Tight margins 151

Consolidation 151

Loss leader 151

Work on a banana plantation 158

Solidarismo > workers’ rights of association 160-61, 238

Overpopulation 162

Workers’ physical and mental stress 162

ROW 4 : Communist threat 170, 186

Decompression sickness 173-74

Lobster: life, luxury 189

Hypocrisy 191

Underwater genocide 192

Quality fade 200

Deforestation, erosion, desertification 220

Ecological reclamation and balance 220

The Slow Food movement 238

Fast food 238

Seed banks 238

Agribusiness, industrial agriculture 238, 259, 263

Racism, xenophobia 243

Ethanol 247

Financial speculation and growth 248

(Vegetarianism) 250

Autism 255

Casein- and gluten-free diet 255

Being a glocal 259

Genetic and cultural diversity 265

STEP TWO (15 minutes) : Answer the following questions, using the items in step one to establish strands (a strand is a list of things that are similar to each other).

Negatives ( ROW 1 ): What features and consequences of the current global food system is Kelsey criticizing? In other words, what items in the list from step one would he diminish or eliminate altogether?

Positives ( ROW 2 ): If Kelsey could adjust the global food system, what would it look like? In other words, which items from the list in step one would receive greater emphasis or be more prevalent?

Attitudes ( ROWS 3 & 4 ): Here are four positive attitudes whose value Kesley wants you as a reader to adopt. They are the lessons he wants you to take away from your reading of his book. What does each mean? Why is each important? Why does each stand out more than other positive items on the list? Respond to each in a few sentences.

Connectedness ( ROW 3 )

Education ( ROW 3 )

Environmentalism ( ROW 4 )

Glocalism ( ROW 4 )

STEP THREE (15 minutes or homework if we run out of time) : The final step in today’s exercise is an individual writing experience. Based on your understanding of the list in step one, write a letter to your senator or representative in the U.S. Congress. You just read Kelsey’s book, and you are writing to call your lawmaker’s attention to X problem and to advocate for Y solution. In other words, now that you have read and discussed Where Am I Eating?

, what is your greatest concern and why?

If any time remains, which is doubtful, we will watch part of The Dark Side of Chocolate . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vfbv6hNeng

