Key issues for the grant scheme

Key issues for the Grant
Scheme on Green
Investments /
Requirements for an effective
and transparent Grants
scheme management
30 April 2009 Bucuresti
Our reserve of CO2 might
finance a GIS
Source: National Inventory Report 2002, Ministry of Environment
&National Research Development Institute for Environmental
Protection, submitted on 2004 under the CRF –Common reporting
Grant scheme and the two
convergent targets
1. To reduce GHG emissions by supporting
technological investments with greatest
2. To support institutional development through:
2.1.Awareness campaigns to promote the gas
emission reduction actions ;
2.2.Organizations to embrace the environmental
attitude [E.q.: EMS, ISO 14000, energy savings
Framework for a Green
Investment Scheme 1
 Establish the Application requirements for
the Investment Component [IC];
 Establish the application requirements for
Institution Development Component [ID];
 Establish grant scheme type, among:
 Concept paper based Call for proposal;
 Open Call for proposal with all requirements
Example for Concept paper
based GIS
An Application should require at least:
 Resume of the application stating impact
results [ measurement procedure and results]
 Pre-feasibility Study for investment /
Component 1 [with General estimate ]
 General Estimate for Component 2[ 2.1&
 Estimated overall budget
Example of Open Call
based GIS
An Application should require at least:
 Full Application containing The budget ,
Resume and Impact results [ e.g.: The
measurement procedure and The results] all
backed up with:
 Feasibility Study for Component 1[IC] .
 General Estimate for Component 2 [ID]
Pro and Cons between the
two GIS forms -1
 Concept paper will last longer for the GIS
Management Body as it must be run the
Concept Paper Call for proposals ;
 Then select the best ones Concepts ;
 Then must launch the Full Proposal Open Call
and selected the best applications for
contracting within the allotted budget;
Pro and Cons between the
two GIS forms -2
 Concept paper Call might not need the precontracting phase which can be useful for
non-specialists managing the GIS;
 GIS with Concept paper can be fully
conducted by non specialists but with
services subcontracted for :
 Evaluation of Concept Paper & Full Proposal
 Monitoring the project implementation
Timing for GIS
Usual time span is 540 days [1,5 years] for
any Open Call encompassing:
 45 days for Promotion phase;
 60 days for the Selection phase;
 15-30 days for the Contracting phase
 365 days for the Monitoring the
Implementation phase
 30 days for the Reporting results;
Main difference between the
two Calls for Proposals
 Calls based on the Concept note might last
with 90 days more, i.e. 630 days, therefore 2
 The risk in financing failure_projects in
Concept paper based Calls is reduced
comparing with the risk of the Open Calls for
Full applications;
 The effort of the applicants GIS management
is higher but better spread in time.
Framework for a Green
Investment Scheme 2
 Establish eligible actions in each measures
supported /financed;
 Establish the eligible applicants
 Establish the co-financing and financing
 Establish the evaluation, contracting and
monitoring key issues
Establish the different
measures in detail
The IC should:
 Encourage investments in
direct/indirect [?] gas reduction
 Encourage the innovative ideas.
The ID should:
 Trainings + consulting for interanl
policy development [e.g.EMS
Establish the eligible actions
per measure [I];
Measure I /The IC
 Investment in equipment that
reduce GHG;
 Support training activities relevant
to investment that reduces GHG;
 Support start-up / operation cost of
investment that reduces GHG;
Establish the eligible actions
per measure [II];
 Measure II/The ID
 Training need analysis;
 Training on institutional development
subjects[ EMS; ISO 14000; ISO 22 000
 Awareness activities that conduct to
reduction of GHG , [ex:by energy
Establish the eligible
 Economic agents [producers; distributors];
Public authorities; NGOs.
 Verify the National Register [for actors];
 Decide on the first Call for proposals eligibility
of applicants by regionally launching the
Guidelines for applicants.
Establish the co-financing
and financing schedule
 It is acceptable to require an applicant’s cofinancing for 10% [at least].
 It is acceptable to use in-king contribution of
least 50 % of the co-financing;
 Pre-financing offered when co-financing is
proven but not more then 50% of the grant.
 It is acceptable to have two installments .
Evaluation, contracting and
monitoring issues.[I]
Indicative Evaluation Key Issues:
Administrative issues:
Only National Actors.
Only those that did not received another State aid for
actions within the proposal.
No loss making actors.
Tehnical evaluation:
Higher marking for lower cost of 1 tone of CO2 saved;
Marking higher the innovative idea;
Create a reserve list of proposal [see pre-contracting]
Evaluation, contracting and
monitoring issues.[I]
Evalaution grid indicative Key issues;
 Relevance criteria max.10. Threshold 5.
 Efficiency criteria.Max 10. Threshold 5.
 Innovation criteria.max 10.
 Maturity and quality of the proposal. Max20
Total 50 points. Final selection threshold can be:
25 points.
Evaluation, contracting and
monitoring issues.[II]
Indicative Contracting Key Issues:
 Undertake Pre-contracting phase for : an
administrative verification and a technical
verification for each proposal. Re-check the PIs
[Performance Indicators,e.g. Tones/month for 0.1Meur]
 Allow for reserve list and pull-out next proposals if
failures on pre-contracting’
 Contract should be simple and clear focusing on
recommendation given by evaluators and the
measurement of the results/reduction [independent
when possible] .
Evaluation, contracting and
monitoring issues.[III]
 Monitoring Key Issues
 Monitoring actions schedule agreed by
 Monitoring actions should be simple focusing
on recommendation given by evaluators
minutes of pre-contracting and quantitative
results of measurement of gas reduction
specified in the proposal;
 Last payment done after last monitoring visit;
Evaluation, contracting and
monitoring issues.[III]
 Lesson learned from other on-going calls
 Accept money / asset transfer from “failure
projects” to “performer_projects” when both
contracting parties agree [World Bank] ;
 Allow for inter-project exchange or study
visit, when both contracting parties agree, but
using as much as possible the co-financing.
Thank you for attention!
Questions please…..