Physical Education II: Wellness Center Training •UNIT OBJECTIVES: •LEARNING HOW TO DESIGN YOUR OWN WORKOUTS, PAIRING EVERY PULLING EXERCISE WITH AN OPPOSITE PUSHING EXERCISE •MAKING CONNECTIONS BETWEEN EXERCISES AND MUSCLE GROUPS BENEFITS OF RESISTANCE TRAINING Fitness enhancement and maintenance Increase in bone density (prevention for bone fractures & osteoporosis) Injury prevention and rehabilitation Ease of daily tasks, decrease fatigue Increased self-confidence Increase metabolism Goal: To increase muscle strength and endurance: OVERLOADING (F.I.T.) **By increasing any of the F.I.T. variables, your body will adapt to increased demands increasing strength and endurance F: Frequency (how many days a week you train): Recommended minimum 2-3 days I: Intensity (how much weight your lifting) Recommended light to moderate to start T: Time (how many repetitions and set you are doing) Rec. 8-15 reps., 1-3 sets per muscle group Principles of ResistanceTraining These principles are key components for injury prevention ***SAFETY IS OUR #1 PRIORITY NEVER SACRIFICE FORM FOR INCREASED WEIGHT OR REPS. Principle 1:MOVE WEIGHT SLOWLY and UNDER CONTROL!! Crucial for joint & ligament protection 2-1-2 Concept: – 2 seconds to raise, 1 sec. pause, 2 seconds to lower – F=ma PRINCIPLE 3: BREATHE Exhale when lifting weight and inhale while lowering, ex. Martial artists Principle 4: PROPER FORM IS KEY FOR PREVENTING INJURIES Always keep back straight, never rounded or curved PRINCIPLE 5: STRIVE FOR FULL RANGE OF MOTION IN ALL EXERCISES ***ALL THE WAY UP AND DOWN*** PRINCIPLE 6: GOAL SETTING Recommended repetitions per set: –SIZE: 6-8 reps. –STRENGTH: 8-12 reps. –ENDURANCE / TONING: 12-15+ reps. Optional: timed intervals: cardio benefits added to strength and endurance *Some Cardio benefits= limited rest between sets and exercises. Principle 7:Muscle Balance For every pulling motion, you need to also include a pushing motion on that same joint. That will make sure muscles pairs are balanced, protecting your ligaments, joints and tendons. Ex. of opposite muscle pairs: Bicep / Tricep, Hamstring / Quadricep, etc. Designing a workout Where For do you start? total body toning and strengthening: try to hit all muscle pairs on a regular basis Upper Body Muscle Pairs PULLING MUSCLES Biceps Trapezius Latissimus dorsi PUSHING MUSCLES Triceps Pectorals (Chest) Deltoids (Shoulders) BICEPS (Pulling) Motion: Primary pulling or bending arm Exercises: – Curls (dumbbell, preacher, pulley, etc.) TRICEPS (Pushing) Motion: Pushing/ Extending arm Primary Exercises: – Overhead extensions – Kickbacks – Pulley machine push downs Deltoids / Shoulders (Pushing) Motion: upward “pushing” movement of arm Primary Exercises: – Shoulder press – Straight or bent arm raises Latissimus Dorsi (Pulling) Motion: Pulling down from an overhead position Primary Exercises: – Pull-ups – Lat pull down (bar on machine) Pectorals / ( Pushing) Motion: Pushing away from chest Primary Exercises: – Bench press – Push-ups – Bench dumbell flies – Chest press (machine) Trapezuis ( Pulling) Motion: Pulling in toward chest Primary Exercises: -bent over rows -upright rows Core Muscles PULLING vs. Abdominals / Obliques PUSHING Erector Spinae (low back, sides of low back) Lower body Pushing Muscles vs. Glutes --------------------- Quadricep------------------ Gastrocnemuis------------ Outer hips (Abductor)---- Pulling Muscles Hip Flexors Hamstring Tibialis Anterior Inner Thigh (Adductors) Glutes Motion: Pushing leg back or up Primary Exercises: -squats, lunges, bridges, leg kickbacks Hip Flexors Motion: Pulling leg forward Primary Exercises: -band forward pulls, walks, forward knee thrusts Quadriceps Motion: Pushing to extend leg Primary Exercises: Squats, lunges, leg extension machine PROTECT YOUR KNEES In a lunge or squat, shoulders are back and front knee is over heel. Front knee should never go past the toe! Hamstrings Motion: Pulling leg in toward glutes Primary Exercises: -any leg curls Gastrocnemius (Calves) Motion: Pushing toes up or away from body Primary Exercises: -calf/toe raises, band toe pushes, jumping Tibialis Anterior (Shins) Motion: Pulling toes in toward knees Primary Exercises: -Band toe pulls Hip Abductors (Outer Thigh) Motion: Pushing leg out to side away from body Primary Exercises: -band or cable side leg lifts Hip Adductors (Inner Thigh) Motion: Pulling leg in toward body Primary Exercises: -band or cable leg pulls