REPERES PARTENARIAT ÉDUCATIF GRUNDTVIG 2009-2011 EUROPEAN TERRITORIES 1.- DEFINITIONS OF THE TERM TERRITORY Area where a state’s sovereignty is exercised, we talk about national territory : example : France ; Area having a competent authority : example : Region of Aquitaine ; Area considered as collective property by a group of people: example: French Basque Country. In reality, territories fit into each other: the Basque Country belongs to the department of the Pyrénées Atlantiques that belongs to France that is a member of European Union, of the Council of Europe, etc. One Europe, several territories TERRITORIES ACCORDING TO EUROPEAN COUNTRIES MEMBERSHIP USA Canada EEA Bulgaria Romania EU-27 OSCE OTAN OTAN United Kingdom Cyprus Euro Ireland Finland Austria Belgium Germany France Greece Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain Lithuania Latvia Poland Czech Repub. Hungary EFTA Norway Denmark Estonia Slovakia Slovenia Russia Switzerland Lichtenstein Andorra Monaco San Marino Vatican Iceland EU Candidate countries Turkey Croatia FYROM (Macedonia) Albania Montenegro Bosnia-Herzgovina Yugoslavia Kosovo Stability Pact Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia Moldavia Ukraine © Richard Stock, Centre européen Robert Schuman, 2010 Malta Schengen Council of Europe Sweden Council of Europe The COUNCIL OF EUROPE brings together, with its 47 members, almost all European countries. Its headquarters is situated in Strasbourg (France). Created on 5 May 1949 by ten founding countries, the Council of Europe’s aim is to promote common standards of democracy and rule of law, based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other texts of reference concerning the protection of individuals. European Union The EUROPEAN UNION is made up of 27 countries who, by passing it a part of their sovereignty, enable it to take democratic decisions on questions of common interest on European level. Until now, every country that joined the European Union was before a member of the Council of Europe. The first step of the European integration was the Schuman Declaration of 9 May (Schuman Plan) that founded the first European Community: the one of coal and steel. EFTA EUROPEAN FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION (EFTA)'s objective was to create a zone of free trade for the countries non-members of the European Economic Community (EEC), ancestor of the European Union. Little by little, many members of the EFTA joined the EEC . EFTA and the European Union created in 1994 the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA (EEA) ENP EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY (ENP) was developed in 2004 in order to avoid emergence of any new dividing barriers between the enlarged European Union and its neighbours and to strengthen everyone’s prosperity, stability and security STABILITY PACT FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE The STABILITY PACT FOR SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE (in particular with the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia countries) aims to reinforce the peace and security in South Eastern Europe, restore stability and avoid conflicts. UfM THE UNION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN (UFM) is an international intergovernmental organisation with a regional focus created in 2008. It brings together countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and all the EU members It is made up of 43 member countries and includes as well the League of Arab States NATO The NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION (NATO) is a military organisation of mutual assistance in case of an assault. Formed in April 1949, it had for several years the Warsaw Pact as an adversary . NATO plays the key role in the engagement of the international community in Afghanistan where it helps the Afghan authorities to establish the security and fight terrorism CSDP THE COMMON SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY (CSDP) completes the spectrum of means of the European Union in the field of and foreign affairs in general. It provides the European Union with the possibility of using the military and civilian means in order to prevent conflicts and to manage international crises. OSCE ORGANISATION FOR SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE (OSCE) is an organisation whose aim is to promote the dialogue between the East and the West. The OSCE is the only European organisation that brings together all the countries of the European continent, even some non-European countries formed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It offers the possibility of maintaining a permanent political dialogue between Europe and its immediate neighbours SCHENGEN AREA The Convention of Schengen created borderless area among the signatory countries. This territory is commonly called « SCHENGEN AREA » The Treaty of Lisbon, which entered into force by the end of 2009, alters the legal rules concerning the Schengen Area and strengthens the notion of the « AREA OF LIBERTY, SECURITY AND JUSTICE ». ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION The euro zone (or the ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION - EMU) is a union of 17 member countries of the European Union that adopted euro as their national currency. The euro zone currently consists of 17 members: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. AUTHOR AND © : RICHARD STOCK, EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING (EUNET), 2011 Education is above all about sharing learning and transmitting and exchanging of knowledge. The present presentation can be used freely in the framework of academic and extra-academic non-profit trainings. Think freely and quote your source! Warning: This project was funded with the support of the European Commission. This document reflects only the opinions of the author. Partners and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. With the support of National agencies: