Independent study
Weighting: 25%
This component is based on film theory and history, but also draws to some extent on
textual analysis. The aim of the independent study is to encourage students to engage in
some depth with a cinematic tradition that is unfamiliar to their own culture.
IB Spirit...
The topic and cinemas chosen should not be familiar to you! The task is designed to
challenge and stretch you
You must produce a script for a complete short documentary production exploring an
aspect of film theory or film history, based on the study of films from more than one
country. The documentary should be targeted at an audience of film students in the 14
to 18 years age range. Among the topics students may choose to investigate are:
Use of sound
The topic should be discussed primarily in cinematic terms and use appropriate
The prime voice of the documentary must clearly be that of the student, who will also
act as the narrator, on- screen host and/or voice-over. Students must ensure that any
comments or ideas they attribute to celebrities or others, such as experts, are fully
supported by detailed references in the annotated list of sources.
Students at SL must make reference to a minimum of two films in the independent
study. The chosen films must originate from more than one country. At SL the study is
not necessarily comparative.
Students at HL must refer to a minimum of 4 films which must originate from more
than one country. Comparison is expected.
The independent study must be presented in the form of a written dossier composed of
the following three items.
Annotated list of sources
The rationale must offer a brief, reasoned explanation of the concerns of the topic in no
more than 100 words.
The script must clearly indicate the relationship between the audio and visual elements
of the documentary, employing an established documentary format such as “side-byside” columns for video and audio components. All descriptions of video and audio
elements must be both detailed and specific. Scripts must be 8–10 pages long at SL,
using an accepted size of paper (for example, A4 or US letter) and must use 12-point
Courier font (not in block capitals) and single spacing. It is important that the student
treats a topic of film history or film theory in cinematic rather than literary terms.
The annotated list of sources should refer to all materials used in researching the topic
and all materials used in the documentary itself, including films from which extracts will
be shown and quotations from experts or academics. Annotations should give the source
and/or location of the reference. A comment on the relevance of the source must be
Assessment of this component is based solely on the written script and the rationale.
Actual films or film sequences are not acceptable.
The materials produced for this component must not be submitted as part of the
production portfolio. As part of the learning process, teachers can give advice to
students on a first draft of the independent study. Advice on improving the work can be
given, but this first draft must not be heavily annotated or edited by the teacher.
Constant drafting and redrafting is not allowed, and the next version handed to the
teacher after the first draft must be the final one.
Examples of topics for the independent study
Suggested topic
Suggested films
At SL the study could be of Walkabout and
Cinema Paradiso.
Rites of passage: A study of cinematic
At HL these two films could be studied in
representation of adolescence (and/or
addition to Rebel Without a Cause and The
Magdalene Sisters. (Other suitable films could
include The Butcher Boy and Boyz n the Hood.)
The outsider: A study of how
At SL the study could be of The Seven Samurai
of “the outsider” are constructed, with and The Magnificent Seven.
particular reference to the films of
At HL these two films could be studied in
Akira Kurosawa and their Western
addition to Yojimbo and A Fistful of Dollars.
At SL the study could be of The Triumph of the
Will and Why We Fight.
Propaganda and film: A study of film
At HL these two films could be studied in
as political and/or social propaganda
addition to Battleship Potemkin and Fires Were
At SL the study could be of Nosferatu and Mary
Images of horror: A study of the
development of horror films through
Shelley’s Frankenstein.
cinematic techniques (or their
At HL these two films could be studied in
reflections of cultural fears)
addition to King Kong and Gojira (Godzilla).
• At SL- The Cabinet of Dr Caligari & One Flew
A study of how insanity has been
portrayed in cinema through the use of Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
light and composition
• At HL- Above + The Last Laugh & Ran/King Lear
Some sources of inspiration –( try to go beyond these)
Areas we have touched on in class which you would like to explore in much
more depth.
Look carefully at the blog and your notes
Look at text books
World Cinema Directory books
Docs about film
Big Picture magazine
The process + timetable
Class discussion – looking for ideas and looking at example
scripts and finished docs e.g. Reel Bad Arabs
Brainstorming of ideas. Go beyond your own culture and go
beyond what you already know
Start Google site – send link to KB
Rationale statement + research plan (see example below)
Gather all resources.
Produce an analysis sheet for 2 of the films (SL = 1)
See example
Full research notes.
Analysis sheets for remaining films – hand in
Adjust rationale if needed
Plan (assessed) - hand in
See example
Reminder of doc. Script format (for first draft only, add images
column). First draft completed. Assessed
Individual Feedback (+assessment) from KB
Final Draft
May 10th
June + July
Beginning of
End of August
Mid September
Beginning October
Beginning October
Mid November
Note: Next semester this will run parallel to your production work. You will
therefore need to be very organized.
Research - general
You need to become an expert in your chosen field:
Read critical essays;
Use youtube: making of, or interviews with directors;
Rent/buy/borrow a book that explores your title and/or a relevant director
Watch as many films (including the director’s commentaries) as possible
that explore your main idea;
Keep a log of everything useful: quotes or ideas to use in your film, specific
sequences, as well as your list of sources for your bibliography. These should be
stored on a google site so that KB has access
Choice of films
You should be able to explain exactly why they are the best choice of films
to explore your title;
Research these films specifically and in depth.
Research Plan
What is the focus of your study?
What resources do you already have?
What else do you need to do?
How will you find information?
1. What is the focus of your study?
Use of sound in police procedural films
2. What resources do you already have?
DVD copy of M by Fritz Lang (with useful commentary), a copy of CSI Miami,
an article in The Big Picture on sound in M. M is my starting point as it’s
from the early 1930,s, is German and famous for its use of sound
3. What else do you need to do + 4. How will you find information?
 Find at least 2 more films in the same genre – preferably with
commentaries. Culture isn’t too important as I already have 2
cultures, but I’d like to move away from Hollywood if possible
 Watch more CSI
 Get and watch Akira Kurosawa's Stray Dog – mentioned in a
wikipedia article. Might need to be ordered through Amazon.
 Find academic articles on sound – see blog as a starting point
Find academic articles on Police Procedurals – start with web
entries and look especially for academic sites e.g. ‘edu’, look through
online and print magazines e.g. Sight & Sound. Use Wikipedia as a
starting point only. Use IMDB as a starting point only – look to
external reviews.
Check in library+ classroom for books+ on Amazon
Check with KB to see if he has any DVDs I need ( he won’t necessarily
suggest them – I need to be proactive)
Analysis sheet
Infernal Affairs (2002)
From these notes, what do you think is the focus of the Independent Study?
Film – visuals and/audio
What does it mean/signify?
* First image is male statues
* Praying to the God statues
* Why male figures and not women?
* The Vishnu god symbolism the Supreme lord,
ideas that men = supreme and powerful
* They are the Gang, and are all referred as
brothers, why no women? Not strong as men?
* No women in training? The shoots are
designed to focus on the main character to make
him look dominate and strong.
* The mirror images suggest split personality,
this could be the close relationship her has with
the unknown undercover cop.
* The first women is portrayed as serving then
men she bring in the tea and asks the boss what
he wants. Even though she is a cop when does
she have to be the one to buy and hand out the
* First female name we hear is "Fanni", the
english definitions is = From France, free men.
Not only is her name linked to men the boss
demands the women to work straight away
putting down their power and showing that the
men are dominate and have a lot of power.
* Gives the idea that women are only there to
serve and provide for the men, they have no
input or power
* This is the first women to show that she has
some power, but they had role played making
out, making seem like there stereotypical idea
of what couple would be doing in public,
making the role of women look more sexual
and seductive
* Often shoot in LA, of his upper body and face
which shows his power and male dominance
that he has
* It portrays women as very unintelligent that
she can't rememebr something so simple as
counting boxes and he husband is the one that
knows how many their really is..
* She is not involved with his business and just
simple leaves, he appears and looks as though
he doesn't take her seriously.
* He doesn't seem to care much and even says
"You women" as it's expected for them to make
a mistake
* She is just there to watch him and play
computer games as she is given free time. But
why play a computer game? she can do
something else, she is shoot at a quite HA and is
* Line of men, boss talking
*Montage images of the cadet training
*Boss walking on top building
* First women appears, carry plastic bags
*Boss ask one of the female worker to that the
phone and the other to get the number
* Throws food to the boos
* Under cop women and men spying on the
triads, pretending to be a couple
*Boss in the undercover office
*Mary the wife can't remember how many
boxes she was counting
* Husband gets a phone call and then wife then
* Mary got the measurement for the couch
*Chen is sleeping and the women psychiatrist
is at the desk
*Close up of her face
*Golfing on top of the roof
*All the triads in the night club
*The triad boss and Chen
* Calls Mary to ask about trying the new bed,
cut to them in the bed
* Mary can't sleep because she wants to
continue writing her book
* Sees a past girlfriend
* His gang brother about to die
*HA of the police men sat around the table
*Gives address to female cop
* Dr.Lee come meets Chen after he calls her
* Lau comes home and Mary is sitting on the
*1:30 Lots of LA on Chen as he has the gun
pointed on Lau
*Dr.Lee found the file
* The women in his lief Dr.Lee and his ex gf
are both in tears
focused in the middle of the frame on the table
making her look quite insignificant
* Soft focus of her face, icon of beauty and that
women are portrayed as beautiful and attractive
emphasized when he says "Dreams about you".
* The idea that men are at the top of everything,
they are also shot in LA.
* 1/3 of the shot is half naked women for about
a sec, very pointless and useless towards the
narrative, but still why they put their and half
naked? You don't even see their faces just their
bodies briefly.
* The boos even says "those girls are so ugly",
putting down the role and women and the link
to the narrative know purpose puts down the
representation of women. Even the walls of the
club is full of have naked women portraits most
likely renaissance (which baroque painting tried
to portray human nature & behavior relating
how men behave towards the women in this
* Only calls up his wife to try out the bed, has
"sexual possibilities" towards his statement
* Ironic how her book is representing Lau,
shows that she is aware of the situation but she
doesn't have much impact and doesn't know
how to talk about to Lau
* She has told him about his daughter, maybe
too afraid of him?
* One of his last words refers to his masseuse as
says that she "better have been good looking"
still in his time of death he can joke around, the
joke refers to women how their looks are
* In contrast to the Traids they are all in white
and clean cut signifies they are the good guys,
only Lau and one other guy in blue show they
are different and the other guy in blue never
says anything no shots are on him is only in the
background as a blur, insignificant?
*Portrayed as having the simple job of circling
the location and then passing it on to the man to
do the important/more significant task
*White top and white car she is the symbol and
sign of goodness and the idea the she is an
angel and takes care of him/ there when he
needs her
* She cares for him, and lets him use her care,
she is in his "dreams" she is like an item of
desire, leaves a note idea of just use her chair
and room for safety and comfort.
* Mary is also portrayed in white she is
crouching on the floor looks small venerable
and scared, she ask hims what he whats for
breakfast her purpose is to serve him, she then
starts crying how she can't finish her novel
again symbolizing her knowledge in the
situation but her incapable to tell or talk about it
to him but she to say something in order to
create an impact
* He has the power now, in all black leather and
Lau has hit of white, he can change? White
underneath take the black off to become good?
*The is the most significant thing she has done
which leads to the proper funeral for Chen
* Women often seen crying in the times of
sadness and the men are the powerful and
strong ones who show different emotions
Script Plan
Introduction :
Brief history on the gangster genre:
Started to evolve and become a major wave during the 1930s with the films of Little Caesar, the
public enemy marking the start of the “gangster cycle”
· Earlier films developed the background of criminal placing
· The late 1960s and early 70s saw the start of the interest in the Mafia
· Violent and bloody films
Little Caesar (1930); Long shoot of tony, walking up the stairs, bright palette, diegetic sound, fade
to next scene
The public enemy (1931): Mid shot of Tom and Gwen, ambient sound, cut to mid shot of Gwen,
quite bright palette, fade to next scene
Scarface (1932): Mid shot, Tony shooting out the window, light from the window his in the
darkness, diegetic sound
1. Women are seen as secondary relationships. Compared to their primary interest being with
their friends and their loyalty towards each other and the gang.
Shots to use:
White heat: 1:06 Mid shot, diegetic sound to then non diegetic sound of the background music,
uses the rules of third, cops vs. prisoners from their suits and prison cloths OR 00:13 Zoom into
Mid shot, small track following the gun shot to then a quite tight frame of Cotton and Zuckie,
Cotton pretends to shot Zuckie and gives him a cigarette tell him he will try come back.
A better tomorrow: 00:07 Mid shot of them play fighting, slight low angle, quite dark palette
their both in black suits, motif of gangster & both wearing glasses the idea of being
anonymous/secretive OR 00:39 LA close up on Sung then slight HA close up on Mark, dark
palette to close up of their hands to mid shot of them hugged, brighter and palette had a lot more
color, background blurred their in main focus OR 1:30 Mid shot track of Sung, cutaway to mid
shot of Mark failing down, dark palette focused on the characters, slight low angle non diegetic
Goodfellas: 1:12, Mid shot zoom out track to short long short, diegetic sound, house and GF in
very bright colors juxtapose to the guys in dark suits (them hugging each other and Paul kisses
henry on the check) OR 1:33 Mid shot to track to tight frame mid shot of Jimmy, to then a zoom
out track to a tight mid shot of both Henry and Jimmy, he kisses Henry, diegetic sound, platter
quite dark, shadows in back ground element or darkness, secrecy OR close up on money track out
to large mid shot, using rules of third, then track into a tight frame mid shot, Paul kisses henry so
proud of him like a son.
Infernal affairs: 01:06 Close up focused on Chen face cut to mid shot of them two, diegetic
sound, cut to close up of the wound, slight LA on the triad, bright palette, extreme close up of
Chen’s eyes OR 1: 33 Mid shot of the other cop saying we are brothers, non diegetic sound fade
slightly, lift door covers frame then doesn’t, cut to close mid shot, close up of him undoing the
hand cuffs, bright palette
2. Men constantly abuse women who defenselessly take it and this has generally not change
through the era of Gangster films.
Shots to use:
White heat: 00:18 Kicks Verna of the chair, long shot, then exposes her night dress on the bed
symbolizing quite sexual connotations OR 01:16 LA close up of Cody’s face, cuts to close up of
Verna face profile mid shot, HA close up on her face, she is in white and he is in black, she is
defenseless and venerable.
A better tomorrow: 00:22 Close up of the knife stabbing the assistant, cut to mid shot of GF
screaming then getting punched, close up of her face bleeding, shows some violence from her but
essential she cause little to none effect on him, when she tries to take on the role of the mean she
can barely do it and gets injured OR 1:18 Close mid shot of Sung and GF faces zoom out cut to
close up of gun, symbol of Gangster, violence man’s weapon Mid shot of Sung pushes her around,
then track to the door he locks her in.
Goodfellas: 01:07 Mid shot, rules of third, diegetic sound, quite bright palette, shadows, small
close up of her shouting, slight signs of power, cut to henry mid shot call her crazy OR 01:11 Mid
shot of them on the bed sexual connotations, like a “stylized rap” the dominate role switch and he
is now on top, her leg exposed, long shot use rules of third quite bright palette OR 02:01 large mid
shot of him pushing her, track, ambient sound, mirror on henry/ different person, cut to mid shot
of him hitting the wall as a substitute of Karen.
Infernal affairs: Possibly 00:52 mid shot of Lau and Mary on the bed, Lau lightly pushing her,
quite dull palette.
3. The purpose of women in Gangster films is to be there as symbol of affection/sexuality and to
serve them, the idea of the female and male sphere’s.
Shots to use:
White heat: 00:06 Mid shot track of Cody walking to his mum cooking OR 1:30 Mid shot of
Verna helping herself to a drink then serving the men, track out to a large mid shot, using the rules
of third, she is in black symbolize she is committing a crime and getting involved with Cody
criminal life.
Goodfellas: 0:55, ambient sound, quite bright palette mid shot, mother says she will cook for
them and can’t sleep, slight LA she looks very defenseless and venerable OR 1:20 Mid shot,
taking food out, cut to HA of the food, diegetic sound, dark palette.
A better tomorrow: 0:54 slight LA close up on GF cleaning up the rubbish he split, bright palette
cut to mid shot of her putting it in the bin OR 0:47 close up of his cut hand, cross fade into close
up of GF putting a bandage on it, track out to mid shot of Sung and then to clos up shot of her face
showing concern, bright palette non-diegetic sound.
Infernal affairs: 1:27 close up of her face, focused on her background blurred, slow track to
almost extra close up, slight LA, bright soft focus palette, ask if she can fix him breakfast, clos up
of his face, diegetic and non diegetic sound playing same time OR 1:24 large mid shot of, “your
wanted by the police” but she still meets him, she arrives in white car & clothes, symbol of
innocence and good, quite dark palette, busy background, cross fade to next shot.
4. Still often presented as ignorant and incapable of living without men and their support.
Shots to use:
White heat: 1:45 tracking mid shot to close up of Verna, trying to use her beauty to flirt with the
cop, soft focus on her face OR 1:12 mid shot of Verna walking away cut to close up, soft focus,
dark palette shadows behind her, juxtapose close up of her mistress all in black, presented in dark.
Goodfellas: 0:44 mid shot, non- diegetic sound, very bright palette shows the portrayal of
stereotypical gangster wives OR 0:37 track mid shot of Karen crying OR 0:49 Mid shot, Karen
framed within a frame, track to a mid shot of Karen and Henry together in the rules of third,
ambient sound
A better tomorrow: 08:00 close up of her face soft focus first time introduced, cut to mid shot of
Sung darker palette, diegetic and non diegetic sound, mid shot of her cutting the wrong side of the
flowers OR 09: 00 Mid shot of Mary passing her violin to Sung, track of them jogging, diegetic
sound, non diegetic sound starting to play.
Infernal Affairs: 00:35 Tracking shot of Lau, to long short of Lau very bright palette, cut to a
track of Mary talking using rules of third, diegetic sound, mid shot of her back then face, camera
moving as thought it is handheld, giving the element of being in real life OR 00:37 mid shot of her
back, bright palette, diegetic sound he says “you women” cut to slight LA long shot of him
checking, slightly darker palette fade out to next scene.
Their roles has greatly change but some American films are starting to have more dominate
female characters compared to Hong Kong films where their female roles are still very small. This
is a very brief look into the ideologies that are possible presented in gangster films and my
research is very slight as the whole genre itself is very large.
Dreams & Dead Ends – The American Gangster films (Jack Shadoian) (About White heat and
women in film)
Key film texts (Graham Roberts & Heather Walis) (Information on Gangster films, based on The
Godfather and Reservoir Dogs)
History of the Movies (Edward F.Dolan) (About the genre of crime and the Gangster cycle
How to read a film (James Monaco)(About signs and signifiers)
Sites: (About Karen’s role
in Goodfellas) (Women in Gangster films) (Women in Scorsese’s films) (Karen’s role in Goodfellas)
Videos: (Making of Goodfellas) (Scorsese’s mother scene) (Documentory on Scorsese)
-Have films been chosen from more than one country? (Have you chosen an
unfamiliar film tradition or film culture to explore?)
-Have you chosen the correct minimum number of films? (2 at Standard Level
LEVEL and 4 at Higher Level)
-Do you understand what film theory or strand of film history your documentary
script focuses on. Do you state this specifically in their rationale?
-Is there a rationale (not a synopsis) of no more than 100 words?
-Have the films been well chosen? Do they relate well to the chosen Film Theory or
Film History topic?
-Do you treat films, cultures, and countries equally in the documentary script?
-Is the script written in Documentary script format? (2 columns with audio on the
right, and video on the left, written across pages in ordinary orientation, not
horizontally) -Is the script written in correct professional style? 12 pt Courier font.
-Is the script the correct number of pages? (8-10 pages Standard Level / 12-15 pages
Higher Level)
-Does the script show detailed knowledge of the films and the theory or history topic?
-Does the script do a good job of engaging the target audience?
-Is there both scope and depth to the argument, or is it superficial?
-Is the script well developed both visually and aurally? (Strong scripts will require
reading back and forth from audio to video columns. Weak scripts will be an essay in
the audio column with illustrative pictures in the video column.)
-Do the visuals create a meaning and rhythm of their own?
-Are the visuals and audio aptly and proficiently linked? (Careful there is not too
much white space on the page.)
-Have the visuals been clearly and specifically described? (Time code may be used for
reference but is not necessary, and time code alone will not allow the examiner to
understand the significance of the visuals.)
-Are the films coherently and fully integrated into the script?
Is there an annotated list of sources? (FROM THE GUIDE: The annotated list of
sources should refer to all materials used in researching the topic and all materials
used in the documentary itself, including films from which extracts will be shown and
quotations from experts or academics. Annotations should give the source and/or
location of the reference. A comment on the relevance of the source must be
-Do sources indicate persistence? (Time spent viewing and analyzing primary
sources, and time spent discovering books, dvd commentaries, and other sources
beyond the obvious internet sources.)