School District No. 21 of Maricopa County, Arizona MURPHY ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER GOVERNING BOARD ROOM 2615 WEST BUCKEYE ROAD AGENDA Monday, August 10, 2015 5:30 P.M. Order of Business A. ROUTINE MATTERS A.1 Call to Order and Roll Call - Pledge of Allegiance A.2 Appointment of Acting President (If Necessary) A.3 Acceptance of Agenda A.4 Acceptance of Minutes of the Meetings of the Governing Board as follows: Special Meeting Executive Session Public Hearing Regular Meeting Executive Session Special Meeting June 4, 2015 June 4, 2015 July 13, 2015 July 13, 2015 July 13, 2015 July 16, 2015 A.5 Ratification of Payroll and Expense Vouchers C. CURRENT EVENTS: C.1 Students from all four schools that participated in the Summer School Elevate Summer Leadership Program will make a presentation on the Program. C.2 Interim Superintendent’s Update Certified Update 1% Raise D. HEARING OF PRESENTATIONS BY INDIVIDUALS/GROUP REPRESENTATIVES Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(G), this is the time the Governing Board may conduct an open call to the public but may not discuss or take legal action on a matter raised during a call to the public unless the matter has been placed on the meeting agenda and related thereto. Please complete the "Request to Address the Governing Board," and submit the completed form to the Executive Administrative Assistant before the meeting is called to order. Those persons who are recognized by the board president to make a presentation are asked to please state their name, indicate whether they are a parent, student or employee and indicate what topic/agenda item they wish to address. A three (3) minute time limit is set and all are asked to adhere to this limit. Regular Meeting Of the Governing Board -2- E. NEW BUSINESS: E.1 Vote to Call for an Executive Session on Monday, August 10, 2015 August 10, 2015 If approved by a majority vote, the Executive Session will be held immediately following the vote to go into Executive Session in the Superintendent’s Office pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (1), which states that an Executive Session may be held for the purpose of: (1) Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee or employee of any public body, except that, with the exception of salary discussions, an officer, appointee or employee may demand that such discussion or consideration occur at a public meeting... Interim Superintendent Performance Pay Provision/Contract Revision One (1) Per Cent Raise for Continuing Teachers Human Resources Coordinator Director of Student Support Services The Governing Board may reconvene in public session to take legal action on any of the matters regarding Item C.1(A) discussed in Executive Session. Certified Personnel Items E.1.1 Administrative Employment (Effective 8/11/2015): Patricia Blanton, Director of Student Support Services, Administrative Center The Human Resources Coordinator may be announced pending discussion in Executive Session. E.1.2 Qualified Evaluators (2015-2016 School Year) Jose Diaz Interim Superintendent Gloiria Rivera Director of Federal Programs Daniel Cooper Principal, Garcia School Laura Venzor Assistant Principal, Garcia School Bryan Borden Principal, Sullivan School Takesha Turner Assistant Principal, Sullivan School Nicole Shamblin Principal, Hamilton School Jose Trevizo Principal, Kuban School Laurie Black Director, Head Start Margaret Moya Director, Education & Health Center Substitutes for the 2015-2016 School Year Gil Enciso Janice Johnson Bernadette Spurlock Hazel Beard Kathy Kochery Judy Woods Rovonda Doty Tamika Bufford Brenda Martinez Paul Harris Andrea Fernandez Eric Buckmaster Azetta Harper Bey Richard Allen Daniel Nichols Regular Meeting Of the Governing Board -3Employment ESI (Effective 8/11/2015): *Richard Hagel, MOWR Teacher, Garcia School *Pending reference & background checks August 10, 2015 Site Science Coordinators for EiE and CK12 2015-2016 School Year Stipend for Site Science Coordinators (4) @ $1,000 per site E.2 Classified Personnel Items: Emloyment Kelsey Gonzalez Registrar/Secretary Roy Forman Crossing Guard Tierra Sutherlin MOWR IA Brenda Hare IA Sylvia Aldaz Registrar Elizabeth Franco Payroll Specialist Promotions: Maria Barraza Obdulia Bogarin Evalia Bugarin Lupita Cazares From: To: From: To: From: To: From: To: J.L. Kuban A.F. Garcia A.M. Hamilton Garcia A.M. Hamilton District Office Night Custodian 1 Night Lead Custodian, Kuban Night Lead Custodian Unit Operations Manager, Sullivan Night Custodian I Night Lead Custodian, Sullivan Instructional Assistant SEI Secretary/Registrar, Garcia Effective 8/11/15 8/11/15 8/11/15 8/11/15 8/11/15 8/11/15 8/10/15 8/3/15 8/3/15 7/20/15 Transfers (Effective 7/28/2015): Ana S. Diaz – From: MOWR Instructional Asst. to Bilingual Inst. Asst. Substitute (Effective 2015-2016 School Year): Opal Johansen, Business Services Termination/Non Extension of Employment (Effective 7/14/2015): Anthony Lopez, Custodian, Alfred F. Garcia School E.3 Consideration of Approval of Interim Superintendent’s Performance Based Pay Resolution Pursuant to A.R.S. §15-341(40) the District’s Governing Board may, in its determination, designate up to twenty percent (20%) of Interim Superintendent’s annual base salary as performance based pay. Any award by the Governing Board of performance based pay shall be in addition to the Interim Superintendent’s base salary. The base salary shall be as defined in the Interim Superintendent’s employment contract. This Resolution shall be attached to the Interim Superintendent’s employment contract as Exhibit A and shall replace any and all prior performance based pay plans previously adopted by the Governing Board. The Governing Board reserves the right to revise its Superintendent performance based pay plan adopted herein. Regular Meeting Of the Governing Board E.4 -4- August 10, 2015 Consideration Of Approval To Participate In A Memorandum Of Understanding With Red Mountain Academy for the 2015-2016 School Year Red Mountain Academy focuses on influencing positive change in Arizona’s innercity youth. Their goal is to provide an environment that improves self-esteem, spiritual formation, job and life skills while establishing a foundation in academics and service. Red Mountain Academy gives inner-city youth a positive and hopeful vision for their future. Red Mountain Academy will provide programming, activities and qualified staff for their program; proof of insurance and quarterly reports describing number of students and general update on activities. Murphy School District will make one large classroom available for two to three afternoons after school until 5:00 p.m. This MOU will be effective for the 2015-2016 school year. The Certificate of Liability Insurance, which expires 12/18/2015, must be renewed by 12/18/2015 in order for this MOU to remain effective. There is no cost to the district. E.5 Consideration of Approval of the Murphy Head Start Fiscal and Policy Committee Reports for July 2015 To insure shared governance of the Head Start Program between the Head Start Policy Committee and the Murphy School District Governing Board, the Head Start Program Director will be providing monthly reports to the Board. A copy of the Policy Committee Report is provided to the Governing Board for review. A copy of the July fiscal report will be provided to the Governing Board for review prior to the August meeting. The Head Start Director will be present at the August Board meeting to answer any questions. E.6 Consideration Of Approval To Participate In A Memo Of Understanding Between Esperança And Murphy School District No. 21 The purpose of this Agreement is to provide preventive health courses, education, and support services to both parents and students during school year 2015-2016 as a community partner under the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program. The benefit to both parties will be to combine strengths to address both oral health and obesity prevention for students and parents of students within Murphy School District. There will be no cost to the district. E.7 Consideration Of Approval To Enter Into A Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between University Of Arizona Nutrition Network And Murphy School District Head Start from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2018 (3 Years) This partnership will provide nutrition and nutrition integrated physical activity education to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and SNAP eligible children and families from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2018 (3 years). There is no monetary cost to Murphy School District. Regular Meeting Of the Governing Board E.8 -5- August 10, 2015 Consideration Of Approval To Participate In A Memorandum Of Understanding With “Future For Kids” At Arthur M. Hamilton School The purpose of this MOU is to collaborate in order to deliver a high quality two-hour after-school enrichment program to district students. The goals of the Future for KIDS Discover Your Future enrichment program are: o To implement, evaluate and sustain a successful out-of school-time enrichment program that supports youth academically, ensures youth are engaged in physical activities, provides youth with at least one nutritious snack, and increases mentorship opportunities for youth. Cost for the district will be $5,000 to Future for KIDS to help cover costs of equipment and supplies for one program year (September 2015 to May 2016). E.9 Consideration Of Approval To Participate In A Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) Between Murphy Elementary School District And Elevate Adventures, LLC Elevate Adventures, LLC will begin phase II of the Community Leadership Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) program, and continue with mentoring of 5th-8th grade identified student leaders. The student leaders will receive intensive Peer-Mediation and Leadership development supporting 40 Youth Developmental Assets. The Community Leadership program will provide 21st CCLC students with opportunities to connect with nature, raise student achievement, and promote physical activity (reducing child obesity), through the implementation of a mobile garden. The Elevate program will occur at Alfred F. Garcia School, Arthur M. Hamilton School, Jack L. Kuban School and William R. Sullivan School. The cost for this project will be shared between the four Murphy School District Schools using 21st CCLC funding ($3,750 x 4 schools = $15,000). E.10 Consideration Of Approval To Procure Randstad Staffing For Fiscal Year 20152016 Randstad Staffing is a personnel temporary contracted services. Randstad has been servicing the State of Arizona and its Cooperative Members for more than 20 years. They are an approved supplier of temporary personnel for the State of Arizona and its entities. State Contract # ADSP013-043967 Vendor Service/And Or Commodity Randstad Temporary Staffing Temporary Services Total Cost $5000.00 Regular Meeting Of the Governing Board E.11 -6- Consideration of Approval to Submit and Accept Federal and State Funds for the 2015-2016 School Year Race to the Top Grant Title I Title II-A Improving Teacher Quality Title III LEP Program 21st Century Community Learning Center (Kuban and Sullivan Schools) 21st Century Community Learning Center (Garcia and Hamilton Schools) IDEA – Basic – ENT IDEA Preschool (Pre-K) Head Start Program F. G. August 11, 2014 $ 35,122.97 $1,906,262.83 $ 182,642.68 $ 162,109.00 $ 105,860.13 $ 238,748.96 $ 350,000.00 $ 19,012.50 $ 680,000.00 OTHER - REPORTS AND INFORMATION G.1 Student Activity Report Mr. Joseph Cucinotta G.2 District M&O & Capital Budgets Report Mr. Joseph Cucinotta G.3 Bank Reconciliation Report Mr. Joseph Cucinotta ADJOURNMENT