05b - front sheet for Performance Report April 2013


Item 3

Performance Report

Governing Body – April 2013

Item 5

Date April 2013 Author

Jayne Marklew

Matthew White

For information X For discussion

Purpose of this briefing

Audience Governing Body

For decision

This document will provide the Governing Body with information regarding the performance of the NHS in Coastal West

Sussex over recent months. It is broken into three sections:

Unscheduled Care - emergency and urgent care including Accident & Emergency departments, 999 calls and ambulance services.

Planned Care - Elective operations and outpatient services including diagnostic tests and follow up care for conditions like cancer

Other Services – Key headlines from other areas of the NHS such as Mental Health and Prescribing


In the months from October to January overall activity in unscheduled care was lower than we had expected given the high demand we saw in the first 6 months of the year. We have seen good performance in A&E waiting times, where over 96.4%

(target 95%) of people were admitted, discharged or transferred in under 4 hours and average length of stay in hospital is lower than last year and the number of patients whose discharge was delayed (called transfers of care), has reduced.

In the months from October to January outpatient activity in planned care was lower than we had expected. We have seen good performance in aggregate Elective Referral to Treatment (RTT) & Cancer waiting times where patients are being seen and provided with appropriate treatment quickly and safely.

In Mental Health more people are being followed up within 7 days of discharge from inpatient care through the care programme approach, so they get the right support to live independently and in their local community. In hospital we haven’t had any patient staying in mixed sex accommodation since April last year and the use of medicines in primary care has continued to improve, meaning more effective care and better use of resources.


The report is provided to the Governing Body for information only, no decision or action is required. Further supporting information is available on request from our CCG and your suggestions as to how we can improve this document are always welcome by contacting Jayne.Marklew@nhs.net

