Religion Trivia – Aug 18, 2012 1. It’s widely believed that a major factor in Katie Holmes’s divorce from Tom Cruise was his religion. What religion does Tom Cruise practice? Scientology. 2. Now they live mainly in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. In what country did the Amish religion originate? Switzerland. ‘The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptists in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann.’ 3. Before his enlightenment, Buddha was a Hindu prince. However, he was not born in India, but rather in this Hindu country to its north. Nepal. Mt Everest lies at the border of China (Tibet) and Nepal. 4. The most important Muslim prophet Mohammed was born in Mecca. In which modern-day country would you find this holy city? Saudi Arabia. 5. According to the Bible, how many days did it take God to create the universe? Six. 6. Believed to contain direct revelations from God, what is the holy book of the Muslim religion? The Koran. 7. What is the tenth commandment that God gave Moses? THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR'S … anything 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them … You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain… Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy … Honor your father and your mother… 2 6. 7. 8. 9. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” 8. This second book of the Bible chronicles the Israelites’ flight from Egypt to the Promised Land. Exodus. 9. This Indian prince was born with the name Siddhartha. After he became enlightened, he was known by what more famous name? Buddha. 10. A key concept of Chinese philosophy is the interdependence of complementary opposites, whose traditional symbol looks like two tadpoles – one black, one white -- joined to make a circle. One represents ‘yin’. What does the other represent? ‘Yang’. Yin ‘shadow’, Yang ‘light’. 11. Famous for his many marriages, this king played a key role in separating the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. Henry VIII. (Including his marriage to Anne Boleyn) 12. This German theologian nailed his 95 theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg, ushering in the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther. 13. Who was the first Polish Pope? John Paul II. Elected 1978, died 2005. 14. Which country has the most Catholics? Brazil. (Brazil, Mexico, Philippines, USA, Italy). 3 15. Vishnu, Shiva, and Ganesh are deities in what important world religion? Hinduism. 16. Who was America’s first and only Catholic president? President John F. Kennedy. 17. What is the religion of presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney? Mormon. 18. Christianity then Islam are world’s two largest religions. What’s the third? Hinduism. (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Non-religious, Buddhism) 19. In 1844, Mormons followed Brigham Young out west where they could practice their religion in peace. Today, most American Mormons live in this state. Utah. (Utah, CA, Idaho, AZ, TX) 20. In 1805 a small community of followers from this religious sect built up a village at Pleasant Hill, where they could live their simple life and make simple furniture. Shakers. 21. Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Chanukah are holidays of what important world religion? Judaism. Rosh Hashanah (new year) Yom Kippur (day of atonement) Chanukah (festival of lights) 22. What body of water did Moses part to help the Israelites escape from Egpyt? The Red Sea. 23. For precisely how long did it rain creating the Bible’s great flood? 40 days and 40 nights. 24. Who did Jesus famously raise from the dead? Lazarus. Jesus raised the widow's son at Nain ( Luke 7:11 -17), Jairus' daughter ( Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56), and Lazarus (John 11:1 -44). Jesus raised the widow's son at Nain ( Luke 7:11 -17), Jairus' daughter ( Matthew 9:18 -26; Mark 5:21 -43; Luke 8:40 -56), and Lazarus (John 11:1 -44). 4 25. Jerusalem is a holy city to three major religions who trace their common origin to Abraham. What are the three religions? Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 26. The books in the New Testament based on the letters of Paul are called by what Greek word, that means ‘letters’? Epistles. Greek ἐπιστολή, epistolē, 'letter' 27. These Catholic clerics wear robes as red as the birds whose name they share. Cardinal. cardinal (n.) early 12c., "one of the ecclesiastical princes who constitute the sacred college" (short for cardinalis ecclesiae Romanae or episcopus cardinalis), from L. cardinalis "principal, chief, essential," from cardo (gen. cardinis) "that on which something turns or depends; pole of the sky," originally "door hinge," of unknown origin. Ecclesiastical use began for the presbyters of the chief (cardinal) churches of Rome. The N.Amer. songbird (Cardinalis virginianus) is attested from 1670s, so named for its resemblance to the red robes of the cardinals. 28. Little David beat this giant. Goliath. 29. This Biblical strong man lost his strength when they cut his hair. Samson. 30. These wars of religion for the Holy Land between Christians and Muslims lasted throughout the Middle Ages. What were they called? Crusades. 31. Fortunately for the history of the Jewish people, pharaoh’s daughter found this little baby, floating down the Nile in a reed basket. Moses. 32. Shinto is an indigenous religion of which country? Japan. 33. We typically associate Islam with the Middle East. But, which country actually has the largest Muslim population? Indonesia. (Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt) 5 34. The great songs and poems of Judaism are collected in the Hebrew Bible under what name? Psalms. A famous one begins ‘The Lord is my Shepherd …’ 35. At Chanukah, Jews ritually burn candles in a special candle-holder that bears this Hebrew name? Menorah. candelabrum |ˌkandəˈläbrəm, -ˈlab-|noun ( pl. candelabra |-ˈläbrə, -ˈlabrə| ) a large branched candlestick or holder for several candles or lamps. ORIGIN early 19th cent.: from Latin, from candela (see candle) . 36. The four weeks before Christmas that Christians commemorate with candles are known by this religious term. Advent. 37. The forty days preceding Easter when Christians practice fasting, abstinence, and penitence are called by this religious term. Lent. 38. Justin Bieber called it ‘the Sixteenth Chapel’. What is the correct name of the famous chapel on whose ceiling Michelangelo painted his ‘The Last Judgment (15351541)? Sistene Chapel. 39. Noah knew the floodwaters had receded because the dove came back. What bird did he send out for reconnaissance before the dove? A raven. 40. According to the Bible, we have a diversity of languages because humans tried to build this tower, that God had to destroy. Tower of Babel. 41. According to the Book of Revelation, how many ‘Horsemen of the Apocalypse’ are summoned forth when Jesus starts opening the seven seals? Four. That ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses 6 42. Latin ‘beatus’ means ‘happy, fortunate, or blissful.’ This explains why the 8 blessings of God that Jesus shares with his disciples in his Sermon on the Mount are called by what name? The beatitudes. 43. In Christianity, believers worship in a ‘church’, in Islam, it’s a ‘mosque’, sometimes called a temple, what’s another name for the traditional Jewish house of worship? Synagogue Conservative Jews usually use the word "synagogue," which is actually a Greek translation of Beit K'nesset and means "place of assembly" (it's related to the word "synod"). Reform Jews use the word "temple," because they consider every one of their meeting places to be equivalent to, or a replacement for, The Temple in Jerusalem. 44. God asked this Biblical patriarch to kill his son, but stopped him at the last minute. Abraham. (Asked to kill his son Isaac.) 45. According to Genesis, 4 burning six-winged Seraphim guard the throne of God. What divine protectors guard the Tree of Life? Cherubim. (4-faced man, ox, lion, eagle, 4 wings). 46. This Biblical figure had a vision of angels climbing an enormous ladder to heaven, and a wrestling match with a single one. Jacob. 47. Some religions believe people don’t go directly to their final destination, but rather are born again and again into different bodies depending on their previous life’s deeds. What is this belief called? Reincarnation. 48. What is the name of the small slender towers of a mosque from which a muezzin calls the Muslim faithful to prayer? Minaret. 7 49. Conflicts in the Middle East often involve clashes between the two main sects of Islam. Name one. Sunnis and Shiites. 50. Which city’s walls did Joshua and his ram’s horn trumpets make tumble down? Jericho. 51. Catholics use this circle of beads to keep count of their prayers. Rosary. 52. The color of a Buddhist monk’s robes is described by this same name of a very expensive red-orange spice. Saffron. 53. Cathedrals dedicated to Mary in France, bear this name, as does a famous basketball powerhouse university in Indiana. Notre Dame. 54. A popular English translation of the Bible produced during Renaissance times, considered by many as ‘the real Bible’ vs. inaccurate modern translations is named after which British monarch? King James. 55. A traditional Chinese religion is named after this Chinese philosopher, who seemed to speak in proverbs. Confucius. 56. This holiday in the Christian liturgical year commemorates the descent of the holy spirit to Jesus’ disciples. Pentecost. 57. This wise Biblical king suggested to two women fighting over a baby that the infant be cut in two with a sword. Solomon. 8 58. Pass the Febreze. According to the Bible, who spent three days and three nights in the belly of a ‘great fish’? Jonah 59. The act of Holy Communion commemorates a final Passover meal of Jesus and his disciples. Leonardo da Vinci envisioned this meal scene in which famous painting? The Last Supper. Milan. 15th century mural. 60. Spiky-haired capuchin monkeys are named after French capuchin monks who wore pointed hoods on their cloaks. What popular Starbucks beverage looks similar, as it is topped off with frothy cap. Cappuccino. 61. Christians believe that St. Peter will greet people at this shiny entryway to heaven. Pearly Gates. 62. Three Magi presented the baby Jesus with 3 gifts. Name two. Gold, frankincense and myrrh. 63. The Vedas, Upanashads, and Bhagavadgita are texts sacred to which world religion? Hindu 64. Not exactly a city, name the smallest independent state in the world, where the Pope resides. Vatican City. 65. In the Bible, seductive dancer Salome asked King Herod for whose head on a plate? John the Baptist’s. 66. Mullahs and imams are clerics associated with which religion? Islam. 67. The complex of buildings where a community of monks might live together is 9 called a what? Monastery 68. Name of a son of Noah, also a popular breakfast food. Ham. (Shem, Ham, and Japeth) 69. In 1054, the Great Schism occurred, dividing Christianity into Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Rome was the religious capital for Catholics. What was the religious capital for Orthodox Christians? Constantinople (Byzantium) 70. This popular 1970 musical based on the parables of Matthew takes its name from the Old English word for ‘good news’. Godspell. OE gōdspel. Gospel: ORIGIN Old English gōdspel, from gōd ‘good’ + spel ‘news, a story’ (see spell2), translating ecclesiastical Latin bona annuntiatio or bonus nuntius, used to gloss ecclesiastical Latin evangelium, from Greek euangelion ‘good news’ (see evangel); after the vowel was shortened in Old English, the first syllable was mistaken for god ‘God.’ "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" – 2:03 "Save the People" – 3:24 "Day by Day" – 3:16 "Learn Your Lessons Well" – 1:25 "Bless the Lord" – 3:01 "All for the Best" – 2:31 "All Good Gifts" – 3:33 "Light of the World" – 2:59 "Turn Back, O Man" – 4:20 "Alas for You" – 2:01 "By My Side" (lyric by Jay Hamburger / music by Peggy Gordon) – 2:42 "We Beseech Thee" – 3:37 "On the Willows" – 3:07 "Finale" – 5:4 "Day By Day (Reprise)" – 71. According to the Bible, what was the profession of Jesus’s earthly father, Joseph. Carpenter. Matthew 13:55 New International Version (NIV) 55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? 72. What substance was Lot’s wife turned into when she looked back, against angelic orders? 10 Pillar of salt. 73. Boxes of Wheaties now feature Michael Phelps and Misty May-Treanor. But, if you reach for the oatmeal, that box will likely display the picture of a man dressed in the traditional garments of this religion. Quaker. ‘Although it is popularly believed that the man on the box is Province of Pennsylvania founder, namesake and Quaker William Penn, the company states that "The 'Quaker man' is not an actual person", but is instead a generic representation of a "man dressed in Quaker garb".[17] …The company has no formal ties with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). When the company was being built up, Quaker businesspeople were known for their honesty (Truth is often considered a Quaker testimony). 74. Name of the skullcap worm by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish males. Yarmulke 75. Both Christians and Jews end their prayers with this Hebrew word meaning ‘so be it’. Amen. 76. John the Baptist baptized Jesus in this Middle Eastern river. Jordan River. 77. This gentle Catholic saint from Assisi is often pictured surrounded by placid wild birds and animals. St. Francis 78. What book of the Christian Bible prophesizes the end of time? The Revelation. 79. Adam and Eve had two sons. One killed the other. Name them both. Cain & Abel. 80. Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset for month that they call by this name. Ramadan. 11 81. Mahayana, Theravada, and Zen are all sects of this world religion? Buddhism. 82. When Muslims make their great pilgrimage, called the hajj, their destination is what holy city? < Mecca. 83. This disciple of Jesus was famous for doubting. Thomas. 84. This sect of Buddhism is famous for its simple, minimalist ways. For example, gardens consisting of raked sand and a single rock. Zen. 85. Who is the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, known for his dedication to peace and happiness? Dalai Lama. 86. These large impressive churches are always the seat of a bishop. Cathedra. from Latin cathedra ‘seat,’ from Greek kathedra . 87. In the Christian tradition, who are the four evangelists? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. 88. According to Biblical tradition, this is the fruit that started all the trouble. Apple. 89. According to the Beatitudes, who shall inherit the earth? The meek. 90. Jesus fed the multitudes with these two meal staples. Loaves and fishes.