GOD IN THE LIFE OF JOSEPH The story of Joseph teaches about faith and trust, and God’s power in times of suffering. It’s also a thrilling story of a 17-year-old boy who was: • Favored by his father; • Resented by his ten older brothers; • Thrown into a pit in the wilderness; • Sold into slavery and never returned home. GOD IN THE LIFE OF JOSEPH Later—just when it appeared his life was improving— he was: • Stalked by someone powerful and vengeful; • Falsely accused and imprisoned; • Abandoned in jail without friends or supporters to defend him; • Forgotten by people who owed him a favor. But throughout the misery, God was there with Joseph. GOD IN THE LIFE OF JOSEPH Joseph’s story gives hope on four levels: • Personal: God has a purpose in our suffering. God grew Joseph from immaturity to strength and mercy. • Family: God used bad circumstances to save Joseph’s family and change attitudes. • Nationally: God used Joseph’s misfortunes to save many lives and set up the rest of the biblical story that leads to the saving of the world through Christ. GOD IN THE LIFE OF JOSEPH Joseph’s story gives hope on four levels: • Beyond: God used this event to bring blessing to the world long past biblical days. We, too, are part of God’s larger plan that calls for patience and trust during times of suffering. Just as God blessed Joseph’s faithfulness, God will bless our faithfulness. MENU JOSEPH AND HIS FAMILY A STORY WITHIN A STORY JOSEPH IN EGYPT JOSEPH IN PRISON JOSEPH IN THE PALACE RECONCILIATION THE GOD WHO WAS THERE JOSEPH’S FAMILY TREE & TIME LINE In Slide Show mode, click on any option above JOSEPH AND HIS FAMILY Genesis 12:1–3 Genesis 37:1–36 JOSEPH AND HIS FAMILY This story begins long before Joseph’s birth, with his great-grandfather, Abraham, a nomadic sheep and goat herder who lived in the dry, hot region of the Middle East known then as Canaan and today as Israel. Judean wilderness, Israel JOSEPH AND HIS FAMILY Journeys of Joseph 1.Hebron (Gen. 37:14) 2.Shechem (Gen. 37:14–15) 3.Dotham (Gen. 37:17) 4.Egypt (Gen. 37:25–28) Route of Joseph Route of the Ishmaelite Traders A STORY WITHIN A STORY Genesis 38 A STORY WITHIN A STORY Right in the middle of the story of Joseph, the Bible pauses and tells a separate story. Joseph’s brother Judah, now a grown man with three sons, tries to deceive his daughter-in-law, Tamar, by promising to follow the biblical laws that will protect her but actually refusing to carry them out. JOSEPH IN EGYPT Joseph goes from being the beloved son to being sold as a powerless slave in a powerful Egyptian officer’s home. Potiphar is the captain of Pharaoh’s bodyguard. Stone carving of slaves in Egypt. JOSEPH IN PRISON A good man treated wrongly, framed, betrayed by his employer’s wife despite his flawless performance. No one would blame Joseph for becoming angry and bitter, but he didn’t. However, “the Lord was with Joseph” (Gen. 39:2). Joseph used his administrative skills to help, and over time was put in charge of all the prisoners and the prison organization. He found favor with the chief jailer, whose confidence in Joseph was so high that he didn’t even supervise Joseph. Discussion Question RECONCILIATION Pharaoh sets Joseph over all Egypt, gives him his signet ring of authority, clothes him in fine linen and emblems of power, and puts him in a chariot and makes him his second-in-command. Joseph oversees Pharaoh’s granaries. THE GOD WHO WAS THERE Through Joseph’s life, we can learn how God moves in the lives of his people. Throughout the story, we find God at crucial moments. He is not always acting directly, but his presence is constant, causing or enabling all possible movement: geographic, moral, from foolishness to wisdom. Through the movement in Joseph’s story, God redeems a broken family.