to view the excellent slides she presented.

One Hundred Years of Policing Morality:
The Diggs Caminetti Case of 1913
Nancy C. Unger, Santa Clara University
Supervised Courtship
Entrance to Coney Island’s Dreamland
Amusement Park in New York
“The Cause of White Slavery”
“Friends” accost an immigrant girl at
the dock
Ernest A. Bell and his edited book
Edwin W. Sims
James R. Mann
Jack Johnson
Johnson with Lucille Cameron
Belle Schreiber
Jane Addams
Maury I. Diggs
Farley Drew Caminetti
Anthony Caminetti
Marsha Warrington
Lola Norris
The Reno Bungalow
John McNab and James McReynolds
Julius Kahn (R-California)
Kenneth McKellar (D-Tennessee)
Joseph Byrns (D-Tennessee)
Supreme Court Hears Diggs Caminetti
Louis D. Brandeis
Joseph W. Bailey
William R. Day
Joseph McKenna
Rise of Blackmail
David Starr Jordan
Rex Ingram and Chuck Berry
Frank Lloyd Wright and Charlie Chaplin