GENESIS Chapter 38 THE SAVIOR’S SHADY TREE I. INTRODUCTION A. A brief detour. 1. “One of the worst chapters in the 2. More like a dirty novel. a) It is full of sex, death, prostitution. b) SEX – not love. B. So why is it here? 1. No accidents in the 2. I do not pick and choose which chapters to study. a) A verse-by-serve, inductive Bible study. b) This chapter is here to teach us! C. 2 Corinthians 5:21 1. Jesus is and was sinless. a) This chapter is about? Judah. (1) A lot of sinners in his family tree! II. Genesis 38:1-5 A. 23 years pass. 1. Hardly enough time for Judah to take a wife, and have three sons. a) After Jacob moved up from Shechem. (1) A step back in time. 2. Judah on a business trip. a) She bore him 3 sons. III. Genesis 38:6-10 A. The next older brother to assume responsibility. 1. Onan didn’t want any part of it. a) The Lord took both of these brother’s lives. IV. Genesis 38:11-12 A. Judah didn’t want to lose his youngest son. 1. He loses a wife. V. Genesis 38:13-24 A. Easy to see the sin in everyone else? 1. The “old double standard”. 2. We will see it again when Nathan confronts King David! a) 2 Samuel 12:1-6 b) Easy to be a man of the Law. VI. Genesis 38:25-30 A. Judah went from a man of the Law to a man of grace? VII. Conclusion A. Judah was not much older than his daughter-inlaw Tamar. 1. Babies shouldn’t have babies! 2. Judah life was full of grief from then on. 3. These are the kinds of brothers Joseph had! a) The Lord needs to re-train him? a) The Lord should have chosen a more pristine lineage. b) We can identify with His lineage! (1) It is how you finish! (2) Philemon 4:13