Access 2007 Project 1 Creating and Using a Database

Computer Applications 2
Shelly Cashman web site:
Access 2007 Project 1 Creating and Using a Database
___Read and complete all activities in this chapter (p AC 2 – AC 64). You will be creating the JSP Recruiters database. Keep all
printouts until you have completed the reading and activities of the chapter. Staple all printouts together in order and hand in. When
you save or name a database, table, report, query, etc. always include your name ie. Client John Doe. Since the header in Access
is automatic, this will distinguish your work from someone else’s work on the printer.
In the Lab
___ #2: Creating the Hockey Fan Zone Database. (p AC 68 – 69) Remember to add your name to every object. You need to print the
Item Table, Supplier table and the Inventory Status Report. Staple and hand in the three printed documents
___ #3: Creating the Ada Beauty Database. (p AC 69 – 70) Remember to add your name to every object. Staple and hand in the five
printed documents. Print out the Customer Table in landscape view. Print out the Sales Rep Table in landscape view. Make sure to
change the margins to normal. Print the Customer Status Report. Print the Sales Rep Salary Report. Staple and hand in the four
printed documents.
___ Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___ Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___ Testing
___ Last date to hand in Project 1 daily work.
Access 2007 Project 2 Querying a Database
___Read and complete all activities in Project 2 (pp AC 74 – AC 127). You will be querying the JSP Recruiters Database. Do not print
the query in the particular chapter. It would not include your name. Save the queries when the textbook tells you to but, do not print
queries as you read this chapter.
In the Lab
___2 Querying the Babbage Hockey Zone Database Name the queries Lab 2-2 step 1 your name. Staple queries in order and hand
in the 12 queries.
___3 Querying the Ada Beauty Supply Database (Save queries as In the Lab 2-3 part 1a Your Name etc. etc.) Hand in all parts in
order. You will have 11 p
___Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___Last date to hand in Project 2 daily work.
Access 2007 Project 3 Maintaining a Database
___Read and complete all activities in this chapter (pp AC 139-AC195). You will be maintaining the JSP Recruiters Database. Make
sure to print in Landscape view. Print Client Table after step 4 on Page 176. Print Recruiter Table after Step 2 on Page 180. Print
the Query after step 3 on page 184. Print the Relationships Report after step 6 on Page188. Staple and hand in the four pages.
In the Lab
___2 Maintaining the Hockey Fan Zone Database. Print the Relationships Report. Print the Item Table, Print the Supplier
Table. Staple the three printouts and hand in.
___3 Maintaining the Ada Beauty Supply Database. Read all of the directions for Part 1 before beginning. Print the Customer
Table. Part 2: Print the Sales Rep Table, Part 3: Print the Relationships Report staple, and hand in the three documents.
___Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___Last date to hand in Project 3 daily work.
Assignment Sheet Computer Applications 2
Access 2007 Proj 1-5
Updated 3/18/2016
Access 2003 Sharing Data among Applications
___Read and complete all activities in this project ( AC 173 AC 190). Go to the Y Drive and copy the 4 files from the Integration
Folder to your H drive.
In the Lab
___1 Before printing the tables, make sure that your name is part of the database table name.
___2 Exporting Data to Other Applications. Include your name in the header if you are printing a spreadsheet and include your
name in the name of the table if you are printing an Access table.
Access 2003 Project 4 Reports, Forms, and Combo Boxes
___Read and complete all activities in this project (AC 194 – AC 247). You will be working with the Ashton James College database.
Keep all printout until you have completed reading the project and then staple in order and hand in.
Apply Your Knowledge
___1 Presenting Data in the Begon Pest Control Database (I will give you a copy of Begon Pest Control Database on the Y Drive.
Open Drive Y/Students/East/Business/Lounsberry and then the appropriate folder for the document you are looking for Add your
name to the title of the Report. Include your name also on the title of the form. Staple and hand in the two documents.
In the Lab
___1 Presenting Data in the Birds 2U Database A copy of Bird 2 U database is on the Y Drive. Add your name to the table
names.Always include you name in the title of the reports and forms. Staple the three printouts in order and hand in.
___2 Presenting Data in the Babbage Bookkeeping Database. Add your name to the table names. Always include you name in the
title of the reports and forms. Staple the three printouts in order and hand in.
___3 Presenting Data in the City Guide Database. Add your name to the table names .Always include you name in the title of the
reports and forms. Staple the three printouts in order and hand in.
___Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___Last dat to hand in Project 4 daily work.
Access 2003 Project 5 Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms.
___Read and complete all activities in this project (AC 260 – AC 302) Always include your name in the report and form
Apply Your Knowledge
___1 Enhancing the Begon Pest Control Database. Complete all directions. You will need to save the query and include your name
before you print the query. Staple the three documents together and hand in.
In the Lab
___1 Enhancing the Birds 2U Database. You will need to save the query and include your name before you print the query. Staple
the three documents together and hand in.
___2 Enhancing the Babbage Bookkeeping Database. Make sure your name will appear in the header of each printout. Staple and
hand in the three documents.
___3 Enhancing the City Guide Database. Make sure your name will appear in the header of each printout. Staple and hand in the
four documents.
___Open the Shelly Cashman website. Prepare for your Project test by completing Project Reinforcement TF, MC, and SA, Flash
Cards, Wheel of Terms, or Crossword Puzzle Challenge. Do not print these activities. They are for you to use to prepare for testing.
___Practice Test. Continue to take the test until you score 80% or better. When you do, show me for on screen for extra credit.
___Last day to hand in Project 5 daily work.
Assignment Sheet Computer Applications 2
Access 2007 Proj 1-5
Updated 3/18/2016