Local Patient Participation Report St John’s Medical Centre, Grantham March 2013 Firstly, we would like to start by thanking all of our patients who contributed towards the Patient Representative Group over the last year. We would also like to invite any patients who are not members to join up and have your say about the service we offer over the years to come. We discuss issues and concerns via email. To join please enquire on our website or at the practice. Our main source of membership came from posters and leaflets within the practice, made available in waiting rooms, at reception and in clinical rooms. Our practice website has a link to the Patient Participation Group. www.stjohnsmedical.co.uk Our current PRG consists of patients with a range of ages, ethnicity and medical needs. Please see our demographics link on the website. We currently have 83 members of our email Patient Representative Group. Patient Participation Group Age and Gender Female + 85 -8 4 75 -7 4 65 -6 4 55 -5 4 45 -4 4 35 -3 4 25 -2 4 6 r1 nd e U 17 No. of People Male 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 In 2012 we had had complaints and concerns from patients re access to appointments and waiting times for appointments. As a practice we looked into the reasons why these occurred and felt it maybe due to how quickly our practice size was increasing. We therefore applied to the NHS Lincolnshire asking to close our practice list but had the application rejected. We, therefore, discussed the concerns re access to appointments, waiting times and list closure with the Patient Representative Group. Therefore, on 15/08/12 the PRG were emailed the following. Good Afternoon We would firstly like to thank you all for your contribution to the participation group last year, your input was greatly appreciated. We would also like to welcome new members to the group. We have now successfully changed our telephone number to a local number as a result of comments made from this group. In order to continue the group's good work, we would like to ask whether there are any other changes you feel would be beneficial to patients registered at St John's Medical Centre. We have recently had some input from patients regarding frustrations with waiting times for a routine appointments. We have applied to the Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust to stop accepting new patients and we were wondering what the patient participation group's views were on this. We would welcome your views with regards to waiting times, closing our list and any other changes you feel we could make. We look forward to hearing from you. We had a variety of responses but it was apparent that this was an issue for members of our group. Group members wanted less waiting times for both nurse and doctors appointments. As you can see there were a variety of responses, however, it became apparent that access to appointments was an issue to our PRG members. On 18th October 2012 the following email was sent Thank you for your replies to our email of 15 August 2012. It is apparent from your responses that you feel passionate about the importance of access to appointments. Many members aired their views as to the closure of our patient list, some for and some against. We are going to carry out a survey of the practice population so can we can assess opinion on a larger scale. Do you think it would be a good idea to include in the survey topics related to appointment access and list closure? Can you suggest any other priority areas we could also include. Thank you once again for all your useful comments, your input is very much appreciated. If you have any family or friends, who are registered here, who would like to join our Group then please ask them to enquire at reception. It was agreed to survey the practice population with regard access to appointments. We issued 400 surveys and received 320 responses. Our population size at 01/04/12 was 13266 giving us a 2.41% response rate. We used GPAQ surveys who are a recognised body in providing surveys for General Practice. They provide the questions and analysis and we added these to our practice survey. The results were as follows: How easy do you find it to make an appointment to see a doctor? 180 160 No. of People 140 120 Urgent 100 Non-urgent 80 Doctor of Choice 60 40 20 0 Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult How easy do you find it to make appointments with other healthcare professionals? (i.e. nurses, healthcare assistants, phlebotomists) 200 No.of People 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult How do you rate the length of time it took to make an appointment with the doctor/nurse of your choice? 200 180 160 No. of People 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Excellent Good Poor Very Poor If 'Poor' or 'Very Poor', do you feel this has affected the care you received? 30 No. of People 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No How should we resolve this problem? 18 16 No. of People 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Close the practice list to new patients Employ additional doctors Employ Employ additional nurse additional nurses practitioners The survey results were fedback to our PRG on email on 31st January 2013 Following on from your concerns last year with regard to access to appointments, we have carried out a patient survey. We managed to survey in the region of 400 patients. Attached is the outcome of this survey, we would be most grateful if you could peruse the survey findings and let us have your comments. As you can see, the majority of patients found it easy or very easy to make an appointment at the practice but we strive to continually improve our service to our patients. We would be interested in your opinion with regard to any subsequent changes you feel should be implemented following on from this survey. Reviewing the survey results the majority of patients found it easy or very easy to make an appointment at the practice but we strive to continually improve our service to all of our patients. These results were fed back to our patient representative group and discussed at a practice meeting with all doctors present. The priorities were decided that access to appointments needed improvement especially on Monday and Friday and more ‘on the day’ bookable appointments were made available. We also discussed contacting the PCT again re the closure of our list and informing them of the survey outcome. We also discussed the use of a Locum doctor to ease some pressure and the return of a GP off long term sickness. Action Plan Monday and Friday rearrangement of rota to provide easier access to appointments The PCT were contacted mid February with regards closure of our list. They have been provided with the survey outcome. Return of Dr Hutchinson Employment of locum doctor The action plan was discussed and agreed by group members on email. Opening hours of the practice Consulting times by appointment only Extended hours are in bold Morning Afternoon/Evening Monday 08.55-10.40 15.30-17.40 Tuesday 080.55-10.40 15.30-17.40 18.30-20.00 Wednesday 08.55-10.40 15.30-17.40 Thursday 08.55-10.40 15.30-17.40 Friday 08.55-10.40 15.30-17.40 Saturday 09.00-11.30 Access to services in core hours can be booked by telephone or in person at the surgery. Repeat prescriptions can be requested by email