FAMILY PLANNING IN THE PRIVATE HEALTH SECTOR Uganda’s Case Presentation Outline Background to the private health sector Contribution of the private sector in FP Good practices in the private sector Challenges Recommendations Background The private Health sector in Uganda comprises the private health delivery system and consists of; PNFP PFP TCMP; and the communities. The private health sector started mainly as FBOs as early as 1897 when Mengo hospital was opened. Documented FP activities began in 1957 under FPAU(now RHU) arrangement In 1986: Owor commission recommended reactivation of Public-Private partnership The National Policy on Public Private Partnership in Health has been drafted and contains components addressing partnership with the PNFP and PHP Private sector contribution 65% of Ugandans of reproductive age access FP services from the private sector. This has shown a positive increase from 53% in 1995. The private sector through the JMS supports government efforts in procurement and delivery of FP equipment. Out of 5,500 health facilities in the country, 49% are PFP and 13% PNFP Private sector FP model Commodity security and distribution FP commodity sourcing from NMS, product facility & other sources FP commodity distribution through the PFP & PNFP networks Service provision Identify consumer needs/preferences Create demand and Influence behaviour change (BCC) Family planning Consumer Enhancement of FP Knowledge through; training, raising awareness FP service provision at PFP and PNFP outlets FP Good Practices Increased access to FP services through the growth of the private health sector. Developed an efficient and sustainable FP distribution network to serve the very rural areas An establishment of the product facility that ensures FP commodity security Delivery of FP commodities by SSEs to deep rural using bicycles FP Good Practices (Cont:) FP services Delivery has increased at the work place (40% of commercial companies offer FP services to their employees, up from 5% 10 years ago). Creation & certification of strong FP community mobilization teams including POLS, peer educators A provider from the company clinic orienting Female & male employees on modern natural Family planning –Moon Beads A team of POLS that mobilise the communities for FP services FP Good Practices (Cont) Extension of support to the private health providers through training, accreditation and supervision. This has promoted service quality FP private providers on a training on how to insert an implant Creation of a network of accredited private FP clinics (Good life clinics, Profarm Clinics, Yellow star clinics). This has increased accessibility, quality and utilization of FP services FP Good Practices Introduction and promotion of the broad range of the FP methods inclusive of long term and permanent methods. This has increased FP uptake Partners can now openly advertise FP products on mass media. This has raised awareness and reduced stigma. Challenges Access to FP commodities through NMS is still a big problem In very rural areas, FP programs are still perceived as public sector business- Clients expect free services Due to poor regulation & Supervision, adherence to Quality and standards of service provision is low in PFP sector. Cost of FP services in the PFP is still high to most Ugandan families Funding for FP is highly dependant on donor funds Recommendations There is need to strengthen the Private health sector in the provision of FP services on order to: reach grass-root areas (widen service coverage) ensure commodity security and provide alternatives that could contribute to budget cuts (cost recoverable system). Workplace is a good avenue to promote FP services. Employers should be encouraged to provide FP services to staff. Need to have more accredited FP private health facilities in under-served communities. FP partners in the private sector To live a Good Life……