Global Stock Market Administration Our Mission Statement Our

Global Stock Market Administration
Our Mission Statement
Our mission to empower all individuals regarding money matters, how to stay out of debt and
mainly looking into other sources of other operational income. Decreasing of poverty and uplifting
mental income and expenditure habits becoming priorities.
Our Vision Statement
Educating all persons across the board on wants and needs, understanding investments, liabilities
and how to stay away from the poverty rat race. Uplifting communities and our people in
understanding the realities of practical financial solutions.
What is the reason for us doing this kind of work?
Based on ongoing research, we have identified that too many people around the world get
manipulated financially, this is done either by long term investments, insurance companies and
other financial institutions. Salaries never seem to be enough and budgets are becoming impossible
to handle with price hikes and minimal salary increases. Understanding what you earn and what you
need to pay monthly is one sector of life, however understanding how to levering of your money and
what your financial future has in store for you is another situation.
What is the main function of this venture?
Allowing individuals the opportunity to look into other operational fluctuating income rather than
fixed income. This all goes back to financial practical education. Stereotype investments have very
little or almost no value in time to come. We would like to see more people earning other income
rather than a monthly salary and in conjunction to that, spending it wisely.
What are the options?
There are two different options available which is totally based on the member’s needs and
demands. Also taking into consideration there are risk factors, we have ensured that a physiological
investment subject has been included within our services avoiding greed and minimizing risks to
almost zero percent.
Option 1
This option is done on our local markets in South Africa.
Option 2
The second option is done internationally
Later within the portfolio we will discuss the two available options of active income.
Global Stock Market Administration
Who are we and where do we come from?
We are an independent non-affiliated consultation firm working closely with independent sub
contractual practical and theoretical companies. This means that we administer the entire process
up until all documents are ready for submission to the relevant sub-contractor. Once this process
has been completed, you will be active and in a position to start trading actively. One of the reasons
for being non-affiliated, is that we do NOT except investment monies whatsoever but assist in
getting the “ball rolling”.
The Sectors and Sub – Sectors
Option one – with option one, Global Stock Market Administrators will assist in all processes in
obtaining a trading account and all new members to the local stock market. In order to being
affiliated and active one has to be fica compliant. This is a simple and affordable way to start getting
actively involved with fluctuating income. Once all the members fica documents and paperwork has
been completed and ready for submission, the member will receive a Trading account issued from
the sub contactor firm which will, in all cases be affiliated to the local markets and registered with
the respective countries demands and laws (Financial Services Board in South Africa).
The Next Step
Members will then be contacted by the independent firm that does a practical one year course on
how to trade and what to look out for. Three learning shares can be bought immediately after the
main simulation process has been completed which takes no longer than an hour. Once this process
begins you are in a position to start trading on your own with the back up support of the
independent practical firm.
Services that are offered within phase one
1. One year full practical course
2. Seminars that need to be attended to, hosted by the Financial institution your trading
account is opened with
3. Seminars from Global Stock Market Administration
4. Full Stocks Training module
5. Statements – via e-mail
(Emails can be arranged if the member does not have one)
6. Back up support
7. Motivational audio discs
8. Motivational booklets by Global Stock Market Administration
Fees and costing of the entire process
All new members will be entitled to pay a once off process fee of R4950.00
There will be no other charges that the member will incur from Global Stock Market Administration
All payments must be done via EFT or Bank Transfer – All proof of payments should be kept safely
Global Stock Market Administration
Option two
This option is a bit more vast and exciting when discussing stock market investments. One has to
look into currency rates and be quite disciplined when investing as greed is one of the key factors
that make people lose their money.
With international investments there two are sectors:
a. Investing and trading independently
b. Allowing an affiliated independent trader to trade on your behalf. This can only be done if a
limited power of attorney is signed and acknowledged
Option B
This option, all members need to be fica compliant which will also include a copy of the signed
international mandate. Once this has been administered it will be submitted to the relevant Trading
station for the members trading account activation. Once the trading account has been activated the
member will be issued with a trading account number. Having this number on hand the member
should visit his/her bank requesting a transfer of investment monies into the nominated account.
The process takes between two to three days before funds can reflect into the trading account
What does the member get if this option is required?
1. One year full practical course (Self Trading)
2. Seminars that need to be attended to via the Financial institution your trading account is
opened with
3. Seminars from Global Stock Market Administration
4. Full Stocks Training module
5. Statements – via e-mail
(Emails can be arranged if the member does not have one)
6. Back up support
7. Motivational audio discs
8. Motivational booklets by Global Stock Market Administration
How much does this entire process cost?
Fees and costing of the entire process
All new members will be entitled to pay a once off process fee of R4950.00
There will be no other chargers that the member will incur from Global Stock Market Administration
All payments must be done via EFT or Bank Transfer – All proof of payments should be kept safely
Start small and don’t get greedy
Global Stock Market Administration
Option 3
This option falls similarly to option 2, however only addition is that an independent approved trader
will trade on the member’s behalf. In order for the trader to trade on your behalf a “limited power of
attorney” has to be signed and acknowledged. All fica documentation is required as per option 2.
Fees and costing of the entire process
All new members will be entitled to pay a once off process fee of R4250.00. The member should
sign, acknowledge and implement a stop order off their account into Global Stock Markets account
monthly of R299.00 handling fees. If any payments return unpaid or instruction ignored, the entire
account will remain dormant until such process of the stop order has been initiated and successful.
What happens if the member wants to invest their monies?
Taking into consideration that investments should go directly into the trading station platform and
Global Stock Market Administration does not except any investment monies whatsoever, all
members should go directly to their bank of choice and request the funds to be transferred directly
into the nominated trade station were the account is held. This information will be sent directly to
you via e-mail and/or SMS once the account has been activated.
When can I draw monies from my trading account?
This is a very simple step and the best part of being an active investor is that there is no long waiting
periods for a pay-out. This can be either done by the member via the independent trader’s
assistance alternatively it can be done online by the member self. Monies that are drawn from the
members trading account does not have to be paid back as it belongs to the member and no one
What amounts are good to start with?
Most portfolio managers and brokers always push members for bigger equity as per the member’s
investment demands and options, which works in par with ones needs analysis.
Local investments should be a minimum of R2720.00
R2000 will be utilised for learning shares
R720.00 will be a fee split up in twelve months of R60.00 per month, which will go directly to the
financial service provider, were the members trading account is held.
International investments should start with a minimum of R5000.00
Please remember that this is not a monthly injection, neither will any members account be debited.
Start small, test the system and then look further
Global Stock Market Administration
What if I am unhappy and want to cancel this whole process?
Any new member can cancel and opt not to continue with the services or even up to the extent of
not trading, this will not entitle the client to any refunds of process fees whatsoever. The initiated
“cool off period” has been determined for seven working days.
Will I ever learn to trade on my own or are there any workshops?
A full training module on the stock market, local and international activities are included in the
member’s package describing the different markets, activities, what to look out for, multiple
investment options and a whole lot of very vital information that will empower you as a new trader.
In conjunction to this Global Stock Markets aftersales services are always at ones finger tips.
Seminars and Workshops
Irrespective under which option every member falls under, we request that you as a valued client
attend our seminars. These seminars are held every four months discussing money matters, how
one ends up in debt, people and egos, actually the list is quite vast and not to mention informative.
Although you are investing in some way or the other, it is vital that one of our bigger discussions are
spending money on assets instead of liabilities.
Seminars are free to all affiliated members allowing them to open their minds to understanding
money and the freedom of financial stress. Members will be contacted well in advance to avail
themselves for these motivational powerhouse seminars.
What happens if I die?
On each and every mandate, there is a section for a beneficiary, so if anything drastic has to happen,
your benefactor will take over and continue with the services if they wish to under no obligation.
Training and services
The training offered, either practical or theoretical equips and assists individuals on trading
individually eventually, meaning that primarily we workshop and assist up until you on your own feet
and ready to trade independently.
What if I lose all my money?
It is very easy to lose money on the stock exchange when gambling, this is one of the main reasons
why we train all members up until they are prepared and convinced that they are ready to trade by
themselves independently. Another way of losing money is greed. We always stress the fact of being
patient when investing. It can make you millions or you could lose a package if not managed well.
Global Stock Market Administration
Global Stock
The Main Member
Local Markets
Managed Portfolio
The process is a very simple one without any complications or confusion. This includes the amounts
invested, withdrawals, reconciliation of statements or even follow ups on account history.
Who cannot do this?
Any person can join providing they are fica compliant and not under administration. Also take into
consideration if any process fees are outstanding, the member will be unable to start trading
Why is this options better for me?
One of the main reasons is struggling financially. Too many people have tried passive income
however with inflation and minimal salary increases, life becomes unmanageable from a financial
perspective. Take a calculator and work with 10% of 1M split into 12 months, interest only. Passive is
not worth it.
Investing on the markets is a risky business and we urge all our clients to please practice patience,
furthermore there are several members just like yourself that’s eager to get out of the financial
struggle and see better results with their investment options. So we urge you once again PLEASE