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Market Analysis
(Questions to consider)
• What are your brand’s overall strengths?
• What are your brand’s overall weaknesses?
• What opportunities exist for your brand?
• What are the biggest threats to your brand?
• Describe your brand’s overall business strategy.
• Segmentation & Target
– Explain your view of the market & its segmentation.
Identify your target and explain why this is the best target for your brand
• Positioning
– Explain and justify how your will position your brand.
– Provide a positioning statement (e.g. To (target market), X is the brand of (frame of reference) that
(benefit/point of difference) because of (product attribute))
• Media Tactics Chosen
– List media tactics / resources chosen
• Strategy
– Explain your media and promotions strategies (i.e. are you going for awareness, trying to stress a certain attribute, etc)
• Rationale
– Give clear rationale for each of your media tactics
Optional: Marketing Strategy
(Planning Document Only)
Objective: Drive broad & fast AWARENESS
Strategy (HOW?)
Drive the consumer benefit of xxxx
Rationale (WHY?)
• Key point of differentiation
Tactics (Specifics)
• Guerilla marketing
Rationale (WHY?)
• Breaks through the clutter
Rules of Engagement:
• Your presentation order will be determined by sign-up
• Email Steve Dumas (sdumas2008) your top three time slots ASAP. First come, first served
• Presentation CANNOT exceed 15 minutes
– 10 minutes for presentation – there will be a hard stop
– 5 minutes for Q&A
• Marketing is all about making the right choices. Be able to justify your choices!
Judges & Judging Criteria:
• Panel: Brand Manager, Kellogg Marketing Professor, AKMC Co-Chair
• Criteria: Sound marketing rationale, Creativity, Passion, Fun, Clarity,
Plans must be submitted by Sunday, October 21 st to your co-chair contact before midnight for feedback
9:30 am
9:50 am
10:10 am
10:30 am
10:50 am
11:10 am
11:30 am