After Reading & Learning - ReadWriteServe Tutoring

ReadWriteServe Tutor Training
ReadWriteServe Programs of the
Center for Adolescent Literacies at UNC Charlotte
Before we get started…
Three things you want to learn today
Two things you want us to know about you
One thing you believe about reading
 ReadWriteServe--
Partnership for Literacy
Action Initiatives supports
literacy and reading tutors
working with students at
different levels and in
differing contexts.
 We offer a structured but
flexible approach to tutoring
that relies on tutors to make
decisions about the needs of
Check out the RWS Tutoring
website at
Make a commitment
 Set a time
commitment that is
reasonable and stick
with it.
 How much help is
enough help?
Research shows that
tutoring once a week
makes a difference!
Tutors provide:
 Homework Help
 Reading Support
 Mentoring
A note about our terminology:
Tutors-----UNC Charlotte student /staff
Learners----the grades K-12 students receiving
• Getting Started: tips and strategies to
help you get off on the right foot in
Getting to Know the Learner
At the first meeting or two, the tutor and learner need to
get to know one another. This initial session is an
important step towards building a positive rapport that
will underlie the tutoring and learning experience. Use
this first meeting to:
 Establish rapport
 Setting expectations
 Get to know your learner
Ice Breakers
Ice Breakers are games
or activities we use to
get to know a learner
or “break the ice.”
Here are a few of
these activities:
 Acrostic Name Poem
 The Memory Game
 Two truths and a lie
NAME About me…
Curious and loves to learn
Happy and has lots of friends
Really loves science
Interested in music and
wants to play guitar
Sports fanatic
Informal Assessment
Assessment gives us information about what
learners strengths and areas of need—what
they can do and what they need help with.
Here are some informal methods of
 Informal interview
 Learner Surveys
 5-finger assessment
 Read Alouds
 Retellings
The “What” of Tutoring
Key areas that we most often focus on in literacy tutoring:
• Comprehension
• Word Work: Vocabulary & Sight Words
• Fluency
• Phonics & Spelling
Comprehension is the “so what” of reading. Readers who
comprehend understand and can answer questions about what
they’ve read.
Proficient readers...
Struggling readers...
• may not understand what they read
• cannot accurately answer questions about
what they read
• cannot explain what they read to others
• realize when they do not understand
what they are reading, but they may not
know what to do when this happens
• may not realize when they do not
understand as they read
understand what they read can accurately
answer questions about what they read
can explain what they read to others
realize when they do not understand
what they are reading and know what to
do when this happens
Comprehension Strategies
Say Something
Take turns reading and…
 Make a prediction
 Ask a question
 Clarify something you read
 Make a comment
 Make a connection
KWL Chart
What I
What I
Comprehension Strategies
3-2-1 Strategy
3 things I learned
2 things that interested me
1 question I have
Talking Drawings
1. Close your eyes and think
about _____. Open them
and draw a picture.
2. After reading about
_____, draw 2nd picture
about what you learned.
3. Describe what changed
from your before and after
pictures. What did you
Sight Word
Sight words are the most common words that make up our
spoken and written language. Fifty percent of all text is made
up of the most common 100 sight words. Some examples of
these important words are a, is, the, of, and, that, in, you, I, and
Repetition is the key to teaching sight words. Try this:
 Play Sight Word bingo
 Make sight word flash cards and review them each
 Vocabulary refers to the
meanings of words, not their
spelling or
pronunciation. Vocabulary is
important to a reader’s
success because
comprehension breaks down
when readers encounter too
many words they do not
know. Vocabulary words are
new words that students must
 Vocabulary Cards
 Vocabulary Self-Awareness
 How Well Do I Know These
 Teach common pre-fixes and
root words
Vocabulary Teaching Do’s
Teach words that matter
Teach a few words at a time
Teach words that the student will
see and use again
Vocab Cards & How Well Do I Know
Vocabulary Self-Awareness Chart
 Fluency is the ability to read accurately, effortlessly, at the
appropriate pace, and with expression. Because fluent
readers do not have to concentrate on figuring out the words,
they can focus their attention on what the text means. In
other words, fluent readers recognize words and
comprehend at the same time.
 Less fluent readers, however, must focus their attention on
figuring out the words, leaving them little attention for
understanding the text.
Fluency Strategies
Here are some strategies to help with fluency:
 Rereading. This is one of the best ways to help improve
 Echo Reading. Echo reading is a rereading strategy designed
to help students develop expressive, fluent reading. In echo
reading, the tutor reads a short segment of text (sentence or
phrase), and the student echoes back the same sentence or
phrase while following along in the text.
 Paying Attention to Punctuation. Some students read through
periods. Point out end punctuation, model reading it, and
have the learner reread.
Phonics & Decoding
 Phonics has to do with looking at the letters of a word,
figuring out what sounds those letters make, and putting the
sounds together to read the word.
 Phonics instruction can also focus on patterns, such as the –
ight pattern and all of the words that you can make from that
pattern (flight, knight, light, might, night, plight, right, sight,
and tight).
 Spelling is similar to phonics except that instead of reading,
you are writing.
English has many irregular words. Consider these two:
Ate and Eight
However there are many word patterns you can teach. Here are
a few:
 Spelling Rules. Late: the /e/ makes the /a/ say it’s name
 Word Families. –ight words, -ate words (late, fate, crate), -ad
words (mad, bad, had)
Note: Don’t spend too much time on decoding. Be sure to help
with comprehension, vocabulary and fluency.
Word Families
Decoding/Phonics Strategies
Word Family Sorts
Sticky-note Word Family
The “How” of Tutoring
Key areas that we most often focus on in literacy tutoring:
• Comprehension
• Word Work: Vocabulary & Sight Words
• Fluency
• Phonics & Spelling
Guided Reading & Learning
Guided Reading & Learning is a type of instruction in which a tutor
guides at student (learner) through the process of reading. Tutors help
students (learners) improve their reading by helping them:
• BEFORE reading
• DURING reading
• AFTER reading
Instructional Sequence
To establish purpose, activate background knowledge,
motivate & engage learner.
Before Reading & Learning
Pre-reading &
Pre-reading activities
 Previewing a book: Book Walk or Picture Talk
 Talk about the subject or text
Scaffold reading and learning. Make learning active.
During Reading & Learning
During-reading activities
 Shared reading: Choral or Part Reading
 Reread for fluency
 Say Something
 Think Pair Share
 Double Entry Journal
To extend and elaborate ideas from the text
After Reading & Learning
Post reading &
Post-reading activities
 Retellings and discussion
 Journaling
 Concept Maps
 Mini-lessons (teaching concepts & strategies)
Example 1: 7th Grade Social Studies
Instructional Sequence
Before Reading & Learning
Preview book—book
To establish purpose, activate
background knowledge, motivate
Talk about text or
& engage learner.
During Reading & Learning
Shared reading:
Choral or parts
Guided reading and learning.
Make learning active.
Reread for fluency
After Reading & Learning
Retellings &
To extend and elaborate ideas
from the text
Journaling, concept
Use Strategies
--DE Journal, etc
Mini Lessons
Pre-view Social Studies homework
(worksheet) and pre-read textbook with
Sam. Point out headings, subheads, and
key words.
Use Say Something strategy while
reading text to help Sam verbalize what he
is reading. Post ideas on sticky notes to
help answer questions.
Guide Sam in answering questions on
worksheet. Check to see if he is using
headings/subheads and notes to help
answer questions.
Example 2: 3rd Grade Reading
Instructional Sequence
Before Reading & Learning
Preview book—book
To establish purpose, activate
background knowledge, motivate
Talk about text or
& engage learner.
During Reading & Learning
Shared reading:
Choral or parts
Guided reading and learning.
Make learning active.
Reread for fluency
After Reading & Learning
Retellings &
To extend and elaborate ideas
from the text
Journaling, concept
Use Strategies
--DE Journal, etc
Mini Lessons
Introduce new books and Do a picture walk
of the book that Rachel chooses to read. Have
her make predictions. Point out a few words.
New books:
Three Questions, Lion and the Mouse,
Strega Nona
Guide reading. Ask recall questions and
check for comprehension (“Does that make
sense?”). Reread sections as needed to build
fluency. Find 4 to 5 words to teach
Ask: “Tell me about what you just read?”
Teach the new words and review sight
Scenario #1: What’s a Tutor to Do?
You begin
tutoring with
a book. What
do you do?
Scenario #1: What’s a Tutor to Do?
Scenario #1: What’s a Tutor to Do?
Scenario #1: What’s a Tutor to Do?
 You’ve just begin working with Alex, a 2nd grade student who
struggles a bit with reading.You sit down with Alex and open
up Flat Stanley at Bat, an I Can Read Level 2 book.
 What do you say? What do you NOT say?
 What do you do? What do you NOT do?
 How would you plan a simple lesson to help Alex before,
during and after reading Flat Stanley.
Scenario #2: Planning for Alex
Instructional Sequence
Before Reading & Learning
Preview book—book
To establish purpose, activate
background knowledge, motivate
Talk about text or
& engage learner.
During Reading & Learning
Shared reading:
Choral or parts
Guided reading and learning.
Make learning active.
Reread for fluency
After Reading & Learning
Retellings &
To extend and elaborate ideas
from the text
Journaling, concept
Use Strategies
--DE Journal, etc
Mini Lessons
Scenario #2: Planning for Sam
 You’ve been working with
Sam, a 5th grade student
who loves science but
struggles a bit with reading.
Sam has difficulty
remembering what he
reads and finds new words
 Plan a lesson for Sam using
Fossils as your book. It’s one
he’s picked out and seems
like it’s not too difficult.
Scenario #2: Planning for Sam
Scenario #2: Planning for Sam
Scenario #2: Planning for Sam
Instructional Sequence
Before Reading & Learning
Preview book—book
To establish purpose, activate
background knowledge, motivate
Talk about text or
& engage learner.
During Reading & Learning
Shared reading:
Choral or parts
Guided reading and learning.
Make learning active.
Reread for fluency
After Reading & Learning
Retellings &
To extend and elaborate ideas
from the text
Journaling, concept
Use Strategies
--DE Journal, etc
Mini Lessons
A Few More Things about Tutoring
• Finding and introducing books
Picking Texts to Read
You can use any type of text to tutor from; however, if you get a
chance to read for enjoyment, pick a good book (one that your
student picks) that is not too difficult and enjoy reading for pleasure.
Together with the student, you can choose reading material that
interests the student and is at an appropriate reading level. One
method for choosing a book is the five finger method.
 Whenever possible, pick books that are interesting to the learner
 For tutoring, pick books are that at their Instructional Level (not
too easy, not too hard)
 For independent (personal) reading, pick books at the
Independent Level.
Picking books at the right level
“Just right” book but when time
is short use these strategies for
finding a book that isn’t too
 Ballpark it! Working with a
struggling 3rd grader? Pick a
book that looks like a 1st or
2nd grader could read it.
 Don’t worry. Just read it!
Don’t worry if it is a “just
right” book. Read aloud and
talk with the child.
 Five Finger Rule. As you or
the child reads a page from a
book, have them put a finger
on any words they don't
understand. The number of
fingers used helps indicate the
reading level.
 0-1 fingers - too easy
(Independent level)
 2-3 fingers - just right
(Instructional level)
 4-5 fingers - too hard
(Frustration level)
The Book Walk, Picture Talk
 Tutors guide students through a book by looking at the cover, title
page, and pictures in the book.
 Start with the cover.
 Look at the picture
 Read the title and author
 Ask, “what do you think this book is about?”
 Take a picture walk.
 Without reading the words ask the child to turn the pages one at a
 Point to the pictures and ask, “What do you think is happening?”
 Ask “W” and “H” questions
 Confirm predictions when reading the book.
If time allows…try a book walk
 If you have a book available,
do a quick book walk or
picture talk with a partner.
 Talk about pictures
 Make predictions
 Point out the title and a
few words you think are
important to the story
Go-to Strategies: use these often
 Comprehension
 Say Something
 KWL or 3-2-1
 Stickies
 Vocabulary
 Vocab Cards
 Sight Words
 Flash cards (practice each
time you meet)
 Fluency
 Repeated readings
 Decoding:
 Word families
 A few spelling rules (magic
E, vowel blends)
Verbal Prompts Tutors Should Use
 “Does that make senses?”
The point of reading is to
comprehend. Fluency,
decoding and vocabulary are
important aspects of
comprehension but the
overall goal is understanding.
Regardless of what students
need help in, we can and
should ask them, does that
make sense?
 “What can you do?” It’s
tempting fix things when a
student struggles. When a
learner misses or
mispronounces a word, we
want to jump in and give
them the word or correct
pronunciation. Resist that
temptation! It’s better to help
a student develop the skills to
fix their own struggles by
asking them, what can you do?
More than the sum of its parts
The Kingdom Of Kay Oss
Once in the land of Serenity there ruled a king called Kay Oss.
He wanted to be liked by all his people.
So onx day thx bxnxvolxnt dxspot dxcidxd that no onx in thex
country would bx rxsponsiblx for anything. Zll of thx
workerxrs rxstxd from thxir dzily lxbors. "Blxss Kzy Oss,"
thxy xxclzimxd. Now, thx lzw mzkxrs wxrx vxry wvsx. But zs
wvsx zs wthxy wxrx, thxy dxcvdxd thzt thx bxst form of
govxernmxnt wzs nonx zt zll. Zs tvmx wxnt qo, thx kvngdqm
og Kzy qss bxgzn tq splvt zt thx sxzms znd vt lqqkxd lvkx thvs:
Bex dqufghj klzm nqxp qqt rqst vqxwxxz bqxc dqf
ghzj kqlxmnxp.
DO’S: Tutoring Tips
 Let the child hold the book and turn the pages
 Let the child set the pace
 Take time to look and talk—look at the pictures and talk
about the book
Listen, listen, listen and use verbal prompts
Talk about their ideas and check your predictions from the
picture walk
“What did you like?”
Talk about other good books and reading
Need help? Have questions?
ReadWriteServe Programs are a part of the Center for
Adolescent Literacies at UNC Charlotte. If you have
questions or need our help, call or email us:
Dr. Bruce Taylor
Jean Vintinner