GIS-aided for marine conservation planning: Case study in Phu Quoc island, Vietnam Mai Ky Vinh Examination committee: Dr. Rajendra Shrestha Dr. Wenresti Gallardo Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt Dr. Hakan Berg (chairman) (member) (member) (member) 1 Outline • Introduction • Literature review • Methodology • Study area • Results and Discussion • Conclusion & Recommendations 2 Introduction - Background • Wetland & important role • Phu Quoc archipelago • • • • Seagrass Coral reef Marine resources Dugong dugong 3 Introduction - Problem statement and Rationale Problem statement •PQ Marine ecosystem is degraded •Population •Fishing activities •Zoning MPA •Conservation planning •GIS database •MPA management Rational of study •PQMPA declared •There are many proposed MPAs boundary •Zoning plan needs •GIS data •New situation MoFi merged to MARD 4 Introduction - Objectives Overall objective Suggest conservation measure for PQMPA including boundary selecting, zoning, and conservation measure. Specific objectives 1: To establish a GIS database for PQ 2: To propose MPA boundary & zoning for PQMPA 3: To suggest the conservation measures 5 Literature review 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Wetland, seagrass and coral reefs Biodiversity and conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Land evaluation Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Decision, multi-criteria, Analytical Hierarchy Process Social analysis Institutional analysis and assessment 6 Study AREA 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 Selection of the study area Location of Phu Quoc Island Topography & geomorphology Geology and soil Climatic condition Hydrology Marine area around Phu Quoc Flora and fauna overview History and culture Socio-economic condition Tourism Phu Quoc – from the West 7 Methodology Problem &objective setting Site selection Conceptual Framework of GIS-added PQMPA conservation planning MPA Management Objectives Literature review Secondary Data •GIS layers, RS data Report, data Policy and program Stakeholder Planning development DATA ACQUISITION DATA AUTOMATION DATABASE GENERATING Data requirement Seminar, workshop, consultation mapping Spatial Data Attribute Data GIS, RS, Processing, Digitizing & Input Socioeconomic GIS database Layers involving potential for marine conservation Weighting Rating Scoring MPA SELECTION CONSERVATION PLANNING Primary Data Hardcopy maps, GPS Semi-str. Questionnaire Observation, Survey Local Mapping participation Key informants interview Mapping consultation Weighting, scoring Zoning models Maps, Tables, Figures, Texts Non-spatial database Socioeconomic Stakeholder … Stakeholders Institutional PQMPA Spatial Conservation measures MPA selecting & zonning 8 Methodology Primary Data Secondary Data GIS/GPS/RS Technique Local participatory mapping Expert consultation Workshop, Intweview the key informants Semi-structured interviews Criteria for MPA potential GIS database Weighting Rating Scoring Maps overlay & calculation High potential techniques Review, revise MPA • Procedure for selecting and suggesting conservation measure Socio-economic aspects Stakeholder analysis MPA selecting/zoning Institutional analysis Suggest conservation measure 9 Methodology – Data collection • Interview key informants 10 Methodology – Data collection • Field visit and observation 11 Methodology – Data collection • Local participatory mapping •Fishermen, sea product merchants, •Got information •Need to have crosschecking 12 Methodology – Data collection • Workshop, seminar 13 Methodology Data collection, tools & materials • Data collection • Secondary data •Topographical maps •Satellite images •Ancillary data •Primary data •Mapping data, Social data •Interview key informants •Field data (GPS/Field) TOOLS: •Camera •Scanner • Laptop • Color printer • GPS Receiver • Small boat • Motorbike • Compass • Digital camera • Voice recorder Software •ENVI 3.5& ERDAS 8.7 •Map/info •ArcGIS 9.2 & ARC VIEW 3.3 •Microsoft Excel, • Mapsource 14 Methodology No I Mapping Layer Data preparation Data sources Mapping method Scale Base map Scanning, do geometry, digitizing 1 Administrative Topographical map 2 River, stream Topographical map 3 Road Topographical map Local Participatory mapping (LPM), expert consultation 1: 50,000 4 Contour Topographical map (LPM), expert consultation 1: 50,000 II 1: 50,000 1: 50,000 Bio-geographical feature 1 Bathymetry Topographical map Spatial analysis 1: 50,000 2 Seabed slope Depth contour Spatial analysis 1: 50,000 3 Marine current Base map Local Participatory mapping (LPM), expert consultation 1: 50,000 4 High productivity area Base map (LPM), expert consultation 1: 50,000 5 Distribution of seagrass NIO, UNEP Digital image processing and field check, diving survey 1: 50,000 6 Distribution of coral reefs NIO, UNEP Digital image processing and field check, diving survey 1: 50,000 7 Global threatened species Local people, KGDoFi, NIO, Local Participatory mapping (LPM), expert consultation 1: 50,000 8 Distribution of marine resource Local people, KGDoFi Local Participatory mapping (LPM), expert consultation 1: 50,000 9 Land use planning inland KG DARD PQNP, sub-FIPI Remote sensing and field check 1: 50,000 III Socio-economic 1 Population KG DoFi PQ DSO Secondary data, Field work expert consultation 1: 50,000 2 No. of catching unit KG DoFi Communes data Secondary data, Field work expert consultation 1: 50,000 15 Methodology Data Analysis • Land evaluation process: applied into marine evaluation / marine conservation planning - multicriteria analysis • Remote Sensing – enhancing satellite image • GIS analysis • Spatial analysis, overlaying layers, Buffering, DEM, modelling • Data preparation, GIS database 16 Methodology • Scoring by ranking and classifying each criteria into classes • Weighting by rating MPA selecting I D Criteria/ Methods 1 Biogeographical criteria Local participate mapping Expert consultation (EC) Layer/ Data source Unit High potential (3) Medium potential (2) Low potential (1) No potential (0) Bathymetry Depth contour meter 0 to -5 -5 to -10 -10 to -20 -20 to - 100 Seabed slope average Depth contour degree 0 to 0.1 0.1 to 1.0 1.0 to 5.0 > 5.0 Marine current LPM Logic Yes Marine current No Marine current High productivity area LPM Relative level High productivity Low productivity 2 Distribution of seagrass EC, Seagrass NIO, RS&surveys Relative important High cover, species Medium cover, species Low cover, species No seagrass 3 Distribution of coral reefs EC Coral reefs NIO, RS&surveys Logic High cover, species Buffer 200m Buffer 400m No coral reefs 4 Global threatened species EC Rare Species LPM, KG DoFi Relative abundan ce Very abundance No abundance 5 Fishery resources EC Fishery resources LPM, KG DoFi Relative abundan ce Very abundance No abundance 6 Land use planning inland EC, GIS buffering Inland planning KQ DARD, sub-FIPI Relative potential High potential conservation No potential conservation 7 Socio-economic EC Relative potential High potential conservation No potential conservation Population density per 1km coastal line Boats/ 1km 0-200 200-500 500-5000 Fishing boat density Unit 0-15 15-20 20-100 • Final score = ni=1 (weight of factor i) * (score of class) • Reclassifying, mapping consultation, review and revise MPA – propose MPA selecting and zoning 17 Methodology MPA conservation planning Socio-economic overview Stakeholder Analysis Framework cons. programs Institutional Analysis 18 1. GIS database ID Key informants Workshop Seminar -Identifying criteria Criteria Theme Sub-criteria Data source/ mapping method 1 Bio-geographical criteria Seabed, Sea depth (Bathymetry), Currents, High Productivity Areas Local participatory mapping; Topo map, Spatial analysis Expert consultation mapping 2 Coral reefs include relative importance in term of marine conservation KG DoFi; NIO Local knowledge; PQMPA; 3 Seagrass relative importance in term of marine conservation species, density and biomass KG DoFi; NIO; Local knowledge 4 Distribution of threatened species, nesting beaches Dugong, dolphin, sea turtle relative importance in term of marine conservation KG DoFi, NIO, Local participatory mapping, Expert consultation mapping 5 Fishery resources relative abundance in term of marine conservation KG DoFi, NIO, Local participatory mapping, Expert consultation mapping 6 Terrestrial planning forest and land-use planning FIPI, scientific knowledge 7 Socio-economic criteria Population density per an unit of coastal length, Statistical data, GIS analysis 19 GIS database Results 20 MPA Selecting/Zoning Identifying MPA goals PQMPA Goals & Objectives ID PQMPA goals I BIOPHYSICAL goals 1 Sustain and/or protect marine resources 12.50 2 Protect biological diversity 11.75 3 Habitat protection 10.67 II Workshop Seminar Average points for goal SOCIO-ECONOMIC goals 1 Maintain or enhance food security 7.25 2 Maintain or improve livelihoods 9.00 3 Enhanced environmental awareness and knowledge III 17.50 MANAGEMENT goals 1 Effective management structures and strategies maintained 8.86 2 Effective legal structures and strategies maintained 9.20 3 effective stakeholder participation and representation 7.00 21 MPA Selecting/Zoning ID Name Office Weighting by Voting C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 Seminar 1 Lê Văn Tính KGDoFi 5 30 30 15 10 5 5 Workshop 2 Phạm Thống Nhất KGDoFi 7 25 25 20 7 10 6 3 Nguyễn Quốc Trường KG Fish P 15 19 19 14 11 5 17 4 Dương Minh Tâm PQ FPMB 15 10 15 20 20 10 10 Hồn Văn Phú 15 15 is20decided 15 10 The weight of PQNP each criterion 6 Nguyễn Văn Thuấn PQ MPA 8 25 20 15 15 by rating or scoring criteria weights by … allocating 100 points among criteria 15 10 8 9 15 25 5 Priority ranking of criteria 20 Nguyen Quoc Dung FIPI Standard Error Statistical Median 5 20 20 5 10 0.88 1.08 0.93 0.94 0.63 0.97 1.20 10 20 20 15 10 10 12.5 3.94 4.84 4.15 4.21 2.82 4.36 5.35 1.8 2.3 1.9 2.0 1.3 2.0 2.5 Analysis Standard Deviation Weighting for criteria Confidence Level (95.0%) Average weight (mean) 9.5 20.0 20.1 15.0 10.8 11.4 13.4 22 MPA Selecting/Zoning No Criteria Weight Note 1 Biogeographical 10 C1 2 Coral reefs 20 C2 3 Seagrass 20 C3 4 Key species 15 C4 5 Fisheries resources 11 C5 6 Inland planning 11 C6 7 Socio-economic 13 C7 Total 100 Map overlay & calculation IMCP = 10* C1 + 20* C2 + 20* C3 + 15* C4 + 11* C5 + 11* C6 +13* C7 •Overlaying Maps of 7 criteria •(Union, Intersect, Identity) •Mapping calculation •Data processing 23 MPA Selecting/Zoning MC Potential Total Score Area (ha) % Low Potential 0-100 24028.3 33.8 Medium Potential 100200 35029.7 49.3 High Potential 200300 12010.6 16.9 71068.5 100.0 Total MPA selecting Mapping consultation Reclassifying Review, revise MPA 24 MPA Selecting/Zoning Mapping MPA & statistical area MPA planning Location Area (ha) Core zone – seagrass protection Coastal Bai Thom, Bai Bon 2776.0 16.1 Rehabilitatio n zone – seagrass protection Bai Thom to Mui Cay Sao 5416.5 31.5 Core zone – coral protection Hon Gam Ghi, Hon Xuong, Hon Vong and Hon Mong Tay 760.7 4.4 Rehabilitatio n zone – coral protection Hon Thom commune 8240.1 47.9 17193.2 100.0 Total % 25 Proposed Cons. Planning Gen Socio-economic overview (4 commune involving MPA) Stakeholder Analysis Institutional Analysis Framework cons. programs 26 Proposed Cons. Planning Socio-economic overviewing • Bai Thom Socio-economic overview (4 commune involving MPA) • Population, labors • Economic condition • Income • Livelihood • Fishing activities • Ham Ninh • Hon Thom • An Thoi 27 Proposed Cons. Planning Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholders Secondary Stakeholder Analysis NGOs Primary Impacts (MARD) + FPD + Kien Giang PPC + KG DARD, DoFi, DOST, DONRE, FiPD + Phu Quoc District PPC + PQMPA Management Board + PQ National Park + PQ Forest Protection MB + Commune PPC +/- Red Cross Association + Travel agencies and companies +/- Schools + DANIDA + WWF + Farmers associations + Youth unions + Women’s unions + Local credit funds for the poor + Village leaders + Tour guiders +/- Teachers + Fishermen 28 - Proposed Cons. Planning Institutional Analysis Institutional Analysis Roles MARD/DARD/DoFI/PQNP, PQMPA Staffing capacity, Human resources Funding by province 29 Proposed Cons. Planning Framework cons. programs Objectives: •To protect PQMPA’s resources •To implement and enforce MPA rules and regulations, Proposed Framework cons. pr conservation and protection programme Activities: •Establishment of Zoning regulation •Preparation protection schedules for each zone •Enforcement of the rules and regulations. •Regular inspection and interviews •Implementation the patrolling and controlling activities to protect marine resources 30 Proposed Cons. Planning Framework cons. programs Objectives: •To enhance scientific knowledge and activities •To continue inventory and survey activities of seagrass and coral reefs •To monitor and assess the changes Proposed Framework cons. pr Scientific research programme Activities: •Field survey, Establishment studies of the range, habits and ecology of rare and endemic species •Application of new technology such as remote sensing, GIS, reef check, seagrass measurement •Cooperate with international, national institutes, NGO for study •Seminar, meeting, workshop, conference 31 Proposed Cons. Planning Framework cons. programs Objectives: •To reduce the negative impacts of tourism •To cooperate with DOET to do EE acts •To increase the awareness of people local people Proposed Framework cons. pr education and awareness programme Activities: •Evaluating and raising the awareness of local people on marine resource and environment •Education activities to increase the awareness •Training, mobilizing and increasing the awareness of local people on marine resource and environment 32 Proposed Cons. Planning Framework cons. programs Objectives: •To find our the dependency of local people on marine resources. •To find alternative livelihood for local. •Mobilize the participation Proposed Framework cons. pr communities participation programme Activities: •Supplying vocational training, eg. tourism •Offering the credit loans for economic dev. •Promotion aquaculture, maquaculture •Seeking alternative livelihood such as handcraft products 33 Conclusion 1. The establishing of GIS dataset using GIS/RS/GPS, local participatory mapping, expert consultation and secondary data will be useful for later international study. 2. The GIS dataset supplied the basic information for selecting and zoning MPA using multi-criteria analysis and GIS zoning model. The model is flexible in case we can add some more criteria and identify again the weights by ranking and rating. As the result, it would bring further positive impacts on conservation planning process. 3. Socio-economic data, stakeholder analysis, institutional assessment together with GIS database will useful tools for conservation planning 4. Four programmes were designed for MPA management. The main actor is PQMPA management board and involvement of NGOs and national research institutes. 5. The research proposed ways to improve the effective collaboration between PQMPA and the district and comune authorities in MPA conservation and development 34 Recommendations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Potential analysis should be done with many scientists from different sectors. Local participatory mapping is powerful tool in combination of local knowledge with GIS/GPS/RS. The satellite data brings the overview of study area. Meanwhile, local people could supply precious information of location of rare species and the distribution of marine habitat. It will be better to have more involvement of stakeholders in mapping, zoning and conservation planning process The use of multi-criteria analysis added GIS techniques should become standard operating procedures in the planning, zoning, and management for any MPA or PA in Vietnam. It is high recommend to integrating between terrestrial/ forest conservation, coastal and marine conservation. It needs to create the regulation for MPA as the basic for implementing conservation activities. Law enforcement. 35 • Examination Committee: – – – – • • • • Dr. Rajendra Shrestha Dr. Wenresti Gallardo Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt Dr. Hakan Berg (Chairperson) (member) (member) (member) SIDA, WAP, WWF Vietnam PQMPA, KQDoFi, AIT, SERD, International friends, … 36