K-2 Health Education Essential Questions: How can health enhancement achieve personal wellness? How can I make an informed decision to keep myself safe? How do the physical, mental, social and emotional changes that I can experience from childhood through adulthood affect my personal wellness? Standard 1: Comprehend concepts related to personal health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. K-2.1.1 Identify that healthy behaviors impact personal health. Students will know… Nutrition: the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods. Vocabulary: healthy food federal guidelines daily Students will understand that… Nutrition: making good nutritional choices affects their overall well-being. Personal Health / Physical Activity: characteristics of a healthy person healthy behavior procedures Vocabulary: habit – (healthy/unhealthy) behavior healthy person Personal Health / Physical Activity: creating healthy habits affects their overall well-being. Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will be able to… Nutrition: 1. identify healthy food choices. 2. name healthful food groups and gives examples of healthy food items in each group (i.e. snacks and meals). (St. 2, 7) 3. name current federal guidelines. 4. identify current federal guidelines daily food amounts and gives reasons how these help their health. Personal Health / Physical Activity: 5. identify characteristics of a healthy person (exercises, eats well, sleeps adequately and goes to the doctor/dentist) . 6. name, describe, and demonstrate healthy behaviors, e.g., hand washing, brushing teeth, using a seat belt, not smoking that benefit physical and mental health. (St. 2, 7) 7. describe and explain why brushing/flossing teeth and getting the proper amount of sleep are healthy habits. (St.7) 8. tell the proper amount of sleep needed for their own age group. 9. compare and contrast healthy behaviors and non-healthy behaviors. K-2.1.2 Recognize that there are multiple dimensions of health. (physical, mental, emotional, personal, social, environmental) Students will know… Mental/Emotional Health: how stress affects the body. ways to express feelings. link feelings to behaviors. Vocabulary: feelings stress behavior Students will understand that… Mental/Emotional Health: mental and emotional health affect their well-being. Family/Social Health: Family/Social Health: individual differences. family and social choices affect proper sportsmanship practices. their overall well-being. rules and procedures and how to follow them. Vocabulary: sportsmanship rules Growth and Development: Growth and Development: your body will continue to skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, change throughout your respiratory, digestive, nervous, lifetime. integumentary (skin), immune systems. main body parts for each of the systems. the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will be able to… Mental/Emotional Health: 1. describe the effect of stress on body, e.g., worry (bad), excitement (good), and identify coping effective coping skills. 2. identify types of feelings and emotions and discuss ways to handle them in healthy ways (such as when you make a mistake). (St. 4) 3. name and explain a variety feelings and how they are linked to behaviors e.g., happy, sad, worried. Excited, brave, scared(St. 4) Family/Social Health: 4. describe ways people are different and alike. 5. describe and explain what being a good sport is and how to be a good sport. 6. name/identify rules for the games you play (general and safety). Growth and Development: 7. identify basic body systems and name their function. 8. name body parts and their function. 9. name and describe the five senses and explain how they are used. (St. 6) 10. name ways you grow, learn, and change and explain how that is unique to every individual. 11. identify stages of growth in childhood and during a life-span. smell, touch. stages of growth: infant, toddlers, child, adolescent (teenager), adult. Vocabulary: system senses K-2.1.3 Describe the ways to prevent communicable diseases. Students will know… Communicable and Chronic Diseases: types of germs. ways to spread germs. hand-washing procedures. sneezing/coughing procedures. symptoms of a cold. causes of breathing problems. procedures to control breathing problems. Vocabulary: germ symptom prevent allergy asthma diabetes heart disease communicable / non-communicable disease chronic Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will understand that… Communicable and Chronic Diseases: personal choices may increase the likelihood of contracting communicable or developing non-communicable (chronic) diseases and can affect their overall well-being. Students will be able to… Communicable and Chronic Diseases: 12. identify types of germs and how they are spread and explain ways to protect from them. 13. list and describe health and food safety practices to prevent germs from spreading. 14. describe symptoms, treatment and ways to prevent common childhood diseases. 15. name common causes that make it hard for people with allergies/asthma to breathe. 16. name ways to help control and treat asthma and allergies. 17. discuss and explain how exercise and healthy diet help prevent and are ways to treat heart disease and diabetes. (St. 1) 18. describe how to communicate when not feeling well. 19. regular exercise and healthy nutrition prevents disease. 20. non-communicable diseases cannot be passed from one person to another. K-2.1.4 List the ways to prevent and treat common childhood injuries. Students will know… Injury and Safety: safety rules for home and school. (specific to site) bandaging and nose-bleed procedures. injury prevention procedures. Vocabulary: scrape / cut direct pressure bandage nose-bleed prevent Students will understand that… Injury and Safety: following safety rules and procedures will affect their overall well-being. Students will be able to… Injury and Safety: 21. observe, identify, and describe safety rules on playground, school, and home. 22. explain and apply how and when to bandage a scrape and control a nosebleed. (St. 8) 23. name, describe and explain ways to prevent injury, e.g. bicycle helmet, sunscreen. K-2.1.5 Describe why it is important to seek health care. Students will know… Communicable and Chronic Diseases: reasons why to seek health care. job descriptions of health professionals. Vocabulary: health professional dentist doctor nurse check-up non-communicable disease Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will understand that… Communicable and Chronic Diseases: annual health and dental checkups are necessary for good overall well-being. Students will be able to… Communicable and Chronic Diseases: 24. define dentist, doctor and/or nurse. 25. explain how annual check- up can detect non-communicable diseases, tooth problems and why they are important. Standard 2: Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors. K-2.2.1 Identify how family and culture influences personal health practices and behaviors. Students will know… Family/Social Health: family practices that enhance health. examples of different types of families. ways that families can influence behaviors. Vocabulary: family culture biological parents Students will understand that… Family/Social Health: family and social choices affect their overall well-being. Students will be able to... Family/Social Health: 1. names and describes family (individual and whole) practices that promote health and safety, e.g., snack on fruits or vegetables, wash hands before meals, brush teeth after each meal, use seat belts, eat breakfast, eats meals together, limits screen time. 2. names physical activities that the family can do together, e.g., hiking, biking, going for a walk, ice skating, skiing 3. describe family and influence of culture, e.g., adopted, live with grandparents, uncle/aunt or other guardian, biological parents, two moms or dads, a single parent and/or two households. 4. describes how a family member prepares a healthy meal. 5. describe the importance of family time to discuss responsible behaviors. K-2.2.2 Identify what the school can do to support personal health practices and behaviors. Students will know… Nutrition: healthy food choices at school. Consumer and Community Health: rules and procedures at school. Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will understand that… Nutrition: schools play a part in supporting a child’s overall well-being. Consumer and Community Health: a healthy learning environment is one Students will be able to... Nutrition: 6. identify healthy foods that are served by the school lunch program. Consumer and Community Health: 7. name, explain and model rules and Vocabulary: rules procedures with consistent rules and procedures. purpose for rules on the school playground, in the cafeteria, in the hallways, in the classroom, on buses. 8. identify and have the opportunity to participate in school-sponsored health events, e.g. Red Ribbon week (Oct.), Native American Heritage month (Dec.), Jump Rope for Heart K-2.2.3 Describe how the media can influence health behaviors. Students will know… Nutrition: tips to interpret the advertisement. Vocabulary: advertisement Consumer and Community Health: Vocabulary: reliable unreliable Students will understand that… Nutrition: making informed decisions can affect their overall well-being. Consumer and Community Health: making informed decisions can affect their overall well-being. Students will be able to... Nutrition: 9. name, discuss and investigate ads that influence food choices. Consumer and Community Health: 10. identify, compare and contrast reliable vs. unreliable ads. Standard 3: Demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health. K-2.3.1 Identify trusted adults and professionals who can help promote health. Students will know… Students will understand that… Nutrition: trusted adults and professionals can help and promote their health and wellbeing. Students will be able to… Nutrition: 1. explain how the school nutrition staff helps students eat healthy. Communicable and Chronic Disease: Vocabulary: health care professional trusted adult Communicable and Chronic Disease: trusted adults and professionals can help and promote their health and wellbeing. Communicable and Chronic Disease: 2. describe and explain the roles of health care professionals and community health helpers in promoting health in Drafted May 13, 2014 check up Injury Prevention and Safety: Vocabulary: emergency non-emergency Injury Prevention and Safety: trusted adults and professionals can help and promote their health and wellbeing. the community. 3. explain why medical, dental, hearing and vision checkups are needed and describe what to expect. 4. describe reasons for seeing a health professional. Injury Prevention and Safety: 5. recognize the difference between an emergency and non-emergency situation. 6. identify, demonstrate and explain how make a 911 emergency call. 7. list emergency alert devices, e.g. fire alarm, smoke alarm, CO2, detector. K-2.3.2 Identify ways to locate school, tribe, and community health helpers. Students will know… Consumer and Community Health: Vocabulary: emergency personnel non-emergency personnel Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will understand that… Consumer and Community Health: trusted adults and professionals can promote their help and well-being. Students will be able to… Consumer and Community Health: 8. identify community helpers, adults and professionals who can promote health and physical activities. 9. identify school and community members who can help with safety procedures. 10. identify school and community members who could help when someone is being bullied, sad or hurt. 11. identify three people to ask for help in an emergency situation at home, school, and in the community. Standard 4: Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. K-2.4.1 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings. Students will know… Mental/Emotional Health: conflict resolution strategies. multiple feelings and how they are expressed. Vocabulary: feelings conflict emotions Students will understand that… Mental/Emotional Health: the way they show their emotions affects themselves and others. Students will be able to… Mental/Emotional Health: 1. gives examples of how the body/face shows different emotions and impacts others. Family/Social Health: tips to meeting and keeping friends and interacting with others. procedures on recognizing and handling conflicts. Vocabulary: sharing social skills cooperation respect conflict Family/Social Health: the way they interact with others often affects their own well-being. Family/Social Health: 2. describe ways to have friends and the benefit of doing so, e.g., sharing, ask someone to join in a game. 3. explain social skills and cooperation, e.g., takes turns, sharing. 4. describe how to care for and respect others (e.g. friends, family) and explain why it’s important to do so. 5. identify and discuss family changes and feelings that may go along with these changes. 6. define and give examples of conflict and provide strategies to avoid them. Drafted May 13, 2014 K-2.4.2 Demonstrate listening skills to enhance health. Students will know… Family/Social Health: listening strategies. Vocabulary: body language listening eye contact Students will understand that… Family/Social Health: listening is an important skill necessary for healthy interaction with others. Students will be able to… Family/Social Health: 7. describe and explain how listening will show respect for others. 8. show and demonstrate techniques of effective listening ( i.e. body language and eye contact). K-2.4.3 Demonstrate ways to respond in an unwanted, threatening, or dangerous situation. Students will know… Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: effects of alcohol and tobacco on the body. refusal skills. Vocabulary: second-hand smoke alcohol tobacco Students will understand that… Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: substance abuse can affect overall wellbeing. Students will be able to… Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: 9. identify and explain harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco on the body, mind, and family members. 10. name, describe, explain ways to avoid harmful situations (i.e. second hand smoke, tobacco and alcohol use). Family/Social Health: refusal skills. procedures for recognizing and report harmful situations. Vocabulary: refusal skills unwanted touch abuse risky situations bullying Family/Social Health: they have skills to avoid or safely respond to unsafe situations. Family/Social Health: 11. describe and explain various refusal skills and when to use them. 12. recognize and explain unwanted touch and who to tell (good touch vs bad). 13. recognizes abusive situations and how to get help, e.g., good touch vs. bad touch. 14. identifies risky situations and how to get help while at school, e.g., sees someone being bullying and asks an Drafted May 13, 2014 adult for help. K-2.4.4 Demonstrate ways to tell a trusted adult if threatened or harmed. Students will know… Family/Social Health: tips to respond to unsafe situations. appropriate adult responses to unsafe situations. Vocabulary: adults /trusted adult no uncomfortable situation Students will understand that… Family/Social Health: adults can help with unsafe situations. Students will be able to… Family/Social Health: 15. names adults who can help you say ‘no’ 16. describes how to get help from a parent or trusted adult when made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe. 17. describes ways a parent or trusted adult can help in situations that make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Standard 5: Demonstrate the ability to use decision making skills to enhance health. K-2.5.1 Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed. Students will know… Mental/Emotional Health: Vocabulary: decisions honesty Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will understand that… Injury Prevention and Safety: identifying risky situations and making informed decisions is important to overall health and well-being. Mental/Emotional Health: identifying risky situations and making informed decisions is important to overall health and well-being. Students will be able to… Injury Prevention and Safety: 1. gives examples of risky health situations and list ways to avoid them, i.e. alcohol. Mental/Emotional Health: 2. give examples of decisions with friends (wise, unwise), i.e. littering. 3. list and demonstrate steps for responsible decisions related to health. 4. explain why honesty is important. K-2.5.2 Differentiate between situations when a health-related decision can be made individually or when assistance is needed. Students will know… Mental/Emotional Health: Vocabulary: individual decision Students will understand that… Mental/Emotional Health: healthy decisions can be made individually or with appropriate guidance. Students will be able to… Mental/Emotional Health: 5. explain when an individual decision can be made and when and how to ask for outside help. Standard 6: Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. K-2.6.1 Identify a short-term personal health goal and take action toward achieving the goal. Students will know… Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: Vocabulary: goal short-term goal Growth and Development Vocabulary: goal short-term goal Communicable and Chronic: Vocabulary: goal short-term goal cancer Family/Social Health: Vocabulary: goal short-term goal Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will understand that… Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: setting short-term goals is important to achieving good overall health and wellness. Growth and Development setting short-term goals is important to achieving good overall health and wellness. Communicable and Chronic: setting short-term goals is important to achieving good overall health and wellness. Students will be able to… Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: 6. explain why second-hand smoke is harmful and set a goal to stay away from it. Growth and Development: 7. demonstrate exercises that strengthen muscles and bones and set goals to improve on those exercises. Communicable and Chronic: 8. identify ways to prevent cancer and make a goal to do so. Family/Social Health: setting short-term goals is important to achieving good overall health and wellness. Family/Social Health: 9. discuss how to make wise decisions while being a good friend and set a goal to support a friend every day. Mental/Emotional Health: Vocabulary: goal short-term goal learning styles Personal Health / Physical Activity: Vocabulary: goal short-term goal sleep rest Mental/Emotional Health: setting short-term goals is important to achieving good overall health and wellness. Mental/Emotional Health: 10. explain different learning styles and set goals to develop different learning styles. Personal Health / Physical Activity: setting short-term goals is important to achieving good overall health and wellness. Personal Health / Physical Activity: 11. set goals to manage sleep patterns. 12. identify daily health activities, demonstrate how they positively affect health and fitness, and set goals to participate in these activities daily. K-2.6.2 Identify who can help when assistance is needed to achieve a personal health goal. Students will know… Family/Social Health: Vocabulary: personal health goal Students will understand that… Family/Social Health: others can help you achieve your goals. Nutrition: Vocabulary: dietary goal Nutrition: others can help you achieve your goals. Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will be able to… Family/Social Health: 13. identify ways parents can assist children towards reaching personal health goals. 14. identify other people who can assist in achieving health goals. Nutrition: 15. identify individuals, i.e. family, lunch personnel, who can assist in reaching dietary goals. Standard 7: Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. K-2.7.1 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health. Students will know… Family/Social Health: Vocabulary: fair Injury Prevention and Safety: Vocabulary: sportsmanship Mental/Emotional Health: Vocabulary: stressors Students will understand that… Family/Social Health: being pro-active and making healthy choices helps maintain or improve overall wellness. Injury Prevention and Safety: being pro-active and making healthy choices helps maintain or improve overall wellness. Mental/Emotional Health: being pro-active and making healthy choices helps maintain or improve overall wellness. Nutrition: Vocabulary: food-borne illness Nutrition: being pro-active and making healthy choices helps maintain or improve overall wellness. Personal Health/Physical Activity: being pro-active and making healthy choices helps maintain or improve overall wellness. Personal Health/Physical Activity: Vocabulary: warm-up cool-down Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will be able to… Family/Social Health: 1. demonstrate ways to be fair, caring and respectful to others, i.e. listening. Injury Prevention and Safety: 2. describe sportsmanship and rules for playing safe. Mental/Emotional Health: 3. identify parts of health: physical, mental/emotional, family/social. 4. identify and explain ways to show good character. 5. identify stressors and describe how they affect the body. 6. explain what to do when you make a mistake and how to fix it. Nutrition: 7. identify food-borne illnesses Personal Health/Physical Activity: 8. list ways to stay healthy. 9. explain why good posture is important and identify exercises that help develop it. 10. identify exercises that help improve health. 11. identify ways that exercise and fitness benefit the mind and body. 12. demonstrate exercises that warm-up and cool-down and how they prevent injuries. K-2.7.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks. Students will know… Environmental Health: Vocabulary: litter pollution environment Injury Prevention and Safety: Vocabulary: internet Nutrition: Vocabulary: germs Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will understand that… Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: avoiding risky or unhealthy behaviors helps to stay safe and maintain good overall wellness. Environmental Health: avoiding risky or unhealthy behaviors helps to stay safe and maintain good overall wellness. Injury Prevention and Safety: avoiding risky or unhealthy behaviors helps to stay safe and maintain good overall wellness. Nutrition: avoiding risky or unhealthy behaviors helps to stay safe and maintain good overall wellness. Students will be able to… Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: 13. identify illegal drugs and demonstrate how to say “No”. 14. discuss laws about illegal drugs. Environmental Health: 15. explain ways litter and pollution hurt the environment. 16. explain how to protect your hearing from noise pollution. Injury Prevention and Safety: 17. explain how to stay safe in and around water. 18. explain how to stay safe around animals. 19. identify safety rules for being around stranger, using the internet and opening mail. Nutrition: 20. identify how germs get into food and explain ways to keep them out. 21. describe ways to prepare food safely. Standard 8: Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health. K-2.8.1 Make requests to promote personal health. Students will know… Students will understand that… Family/Social Health: they can influence and encourage others to lead healthy lives. Nutrition they can influence and encourage others to lead healthy lives. Personal Health/Physical Activity: Vocabulary: health record Personal Health/Physical Activity: they can influence and encourage others to lead healthy lives. Students will be able to… Family/Social Health: 1. ask a parent or guardian to accompany them on a walk or some type of physical activity. Nutrition 2. explain how to ask a parent or trusted adult how to make healthy snack and food choices. Personal Health/Physical Activity: 3. explain what a health record, what is in one, and why parents or guardians discuss them with a doctor. K-2.8.2 Encourage peers to make positive health choices. Students will know… Environmental Health: Vocabulary: conserve resources Students will understand that… Environmental Health: maintaining a healthy environment is a community effort. Family/Social Health: maintaining a healthy environment is a community effort. Drafted May 13, 2014 Students will be able to… Environmental Health: 4. explain harmful effects of litter and pollution and identify ways to manage them. 5. identify ways to protect the environment and conserve resources 6. list and describe ways to encourage recycling. Family/Social Health: 7. identify and explain ways to be a good neighbor and how to keep the neighborhood and environment friendly.