
Welcome Freshmen
English 9 Honors
• Please find your seat and fill out the back of your
index card with the following information:
Preferred Name/Nickname
Middle School
Your email address
Primary language spoken at home/by parents
Titles of assigned summer reading books you read
Time Commitments (job, sports, family obligations)
▫ OPTIONAL: Anything else I should know about your
learning style/safety/comfort in my class (can’t see
from back row, nut allergy, etc.)
September 3, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Seating/Notecard
▫ Syllabus and Course Overview
▫ Remind and Weebly
▫ Homework: Review syllabus and get parental
September 4, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Due: Contracts and Permission Slips
▫ Syllabus and Course Overview
▫ Student Questionnaires and Interviews
▫ Homework: Post on website your
understanding/connections/reaction to the John
Green quote on the syllabus
▫ Letter to self due Monday
September 5, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Finish questionnaires
▫ Due: Responses to John Green quote
 Discussion
▫ Group Work: summer reading novel activity
▫ Homework: Letter to self
September 8, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm up—Root of the week:
 stru/struct: BUILD. It comes from the Latin struere,
structus, meaning build. As the ROOT implies, every word
with it is a word of action.
▫ Structural: A building; an arrangement
▫ Instruction: Teaching; information; education
▫ Other examples?
▫ Due: Letter to self, movie poster
▫ Mini-Lesson: Plot & Conflict (Review)
 “Death by Scrabble”
▫ Homework: Finish “Death by Scrabble”, POS Review
Plot Review Warm-Up:
September 10, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Due: “Death by Scrabble”
 Review
▫ Mini-Lesson: Setting & Mood (Review)
 Room Raiders
 “Silent Towns”
Homework: Interactive Notes for “Silent
September 11, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: QHS word of the week: homeostasis
▫ Due: “Silent Towns” and Interactive Notes
 Discuss
▫ Summer Reading Tests
▫ Parts of Speech Diagnosis
▫ Mini-Lesson: Point of View & Characterization
 “Teacher Man” and Interactive Notes
Homework: Finish Interactive Notes
September 12, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Due: POS Review
 Review
▫ Mini-Lesson: Point of View & Characterization
 Interactive Notes for “Teacher Man”
Homework: Rewrite “Teacher Man” from another
character’s POV
September 12, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up:
▫ Due: “Teacher Man” and Interactive Notes
 Discuss
 Mini-Lesson: Point of View and Characterization
▫ Parts of Speech Diagnosis—Review
Homework: Scar Story
September 16, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Root of the Week:
 trans: meaning ACROSS, THROUGH & OVER.
▫ Ex: Transfer: To bring from one place to another
Transatlantic: Across or beyond the Atlantic Ocean
▫ Due: Scar Story
▫ Mini-Lesson: Tone and Style
 “What Do Teachers Make”
 Ms. Trunchbull Makeover
Homework: Tone Letter
September 17, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: QHS Word of the Week: theory
▫ Due: Miss Trunchbull Makeover
 Share
▫ Mini-Lesson: Symbolism, Motif & Theme
 “Do You Want To Build a Snowman?”
 “Paperman”
 Personal Symbol
▫ Mini-Lesson: Switching Modes of Writing/Intro to
Weekly Writing
Homework: Switching Modes of Writing Intro Task
September 18, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Review “Paperman”
▫ Due: Switching Modes of Writing
▫ Mini-Lesson: Intro to Weekly Writing
 The Tragedy
 Brainstorm
 Intro to M.E.A.L.
Homework: MEAL Outline
Monday, September 22, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: vers/vert: to TURN. VERS comes from versare and
VERT comes from vertere. Both are Latin and mean TURN
 Examples?
▫ Due: Word Web
 Review
▫ Mini-Lesson: Intro. to Interactive Notes
 Objective vs. Subjective
 The House
Homework: Syllabus Quiz tomorrow (Listening and Speaking
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: QHS Word of the Week: variable
▫ Syllabus Quiz
▫ “What’s the point of stories that aren’t even true?”
Scar Story Share
Movie Poster Gallery
They Things They Carried Excerpt
Mnemonic Devices
Homework: Haroun and the Sea of Stories Vocab
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Write briefly about a story that affected you in
some way.
▫ Due: Vocab
 Review
▫ Mini-Lesson: Figurative Lang. and Irony
 Begin Haroun
Homework: Ch. 1, 5 Interactive Notes—Focus on Rushdie’s style
and uses of irony/fig. lang.
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: “‘Everything comes from somewhere” Haroun
reasoned ‘so theses stories can’t simply comes out of thin
▫ Grab your writing folders
▫ Due: Interactive Notes
▫ Weekly Writing : MEAL outlining
Homework: Finish MEAL outline , Ch. 2 & 3, 10 Interactive
September 29, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Root of the Week: MOV/MOT/MOB: all meaning
MOVE. They come from the Latin words mobilis, movere, motus,
all meaning move, and in them you get the reason for the changes
in spelling.
 Examples?
▫ Due: Outline, Interactive Notes
 Share
 Review Setting and Mood
 Close Reading Partners
▫ Mini-Lesson: Grammar—Nouns, Pronouns, Articles Review
▫ Scar Stories—if time permits
▫ Homework: Ch. 4, 5 Interactive notes—focus on Chup and Gup
September 30, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: QHS Word of the Week: atrophy
▫ Due: Interactive Notes
 Share
▫ Mini-Lesson: Hero’s Journey
▫ Homework: Ch. 5, 5 Interactive notes—draw Gup for extra
credit—use the imagery provided in the chapter as a guide.
October 2, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Life Philosophies—HOW & WHY? Rewriting clichés
 Examples
▫ Due: Interactive Notes
 Share
▫ Mini-Lesson: Literal vs. Figurative
 Literal, Biographical, Universal
 “The Death of Santa Claus”
▫ Homework: Ch. 6, 5 Interactive notes
It’s October 3rd
Daily Agenda:
Warm-Up: “Here Iff, the Water Genie, cleared his throat. ‘Sirs’, he said, ‘maybe you don’t know it but
the young people of Gup do go into the Twilight Strip just occasionally, that is to say sometimes, that
is to say most frequently. Living in the sunlight all the time, they wish you see the stars, the Earth, the
Other Moon shining in the sky. It is a daredevil thing to do. And also ways there was, they thought.
Chattergy’s Wall to protect them. Dark, my sirs, has its fascinations: mystery, strangeness,
romance…’” (Rushdie 103).
Due: Interactive Notes
Salman Rushdie’s Bio
Literal, Biographical, Universal Close Reading Groups
Weekly Writing: Revisiting Outlines
Mini-Lesson: Literal vs. Figurative
Analyze this quote on three levels: Literally (like a child), in connection to history or society (as if the text was a
reflection of the time it was written in), and metaphorically (as representing certain universal ideas)
I will pass back some papers while you do this if someone remind me to! Thanks 
Answering the how/why
Going beyond the literal to universal ideas
Structural Rough Drafts
Homework: Ch. 7, 5 Interactive notes—MOVE BEYOND THE LITERAL
Structural Rough Drafts
First Rough Draft Stage—The Structural Rough Draft
 You will then take your outlines and turn them into
first rough drafts (MEAL). With this rough draft, you
will only focus on structure, organization, details, and
ideas. You will not worry about grammar or spelling
at all.
 This draft should be typed (unless you’ve made
arrangement with me) and double-spaced.
 These drafts will be peer edited (and checked by me).
 You should turn this stage and stage 1 in with the next
October 6, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Rewriting cliché statements—We will
▫ Due: Interactive Notes, Structural Rough Draft
 Share
▫ Mini-Lesson: Literal vs. Metaphorical
 Share Friday’s group findings
▫ Homework: Vocab II, Ch. 8, 5 Interactive notes—
Rewriting clichés
You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover (114)
Money talks (118)
Love conquers all (123)
There's more to you than meets the blinking eye
There are plenty more fish in the sea (43)
Feeling blue (72)
It is all for love (121)
Opposites attract (125)
October 8, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Root of the Week: dyn/dynamo: which
mean POWER
 Examples?
▫ Due: Vocab II, Ch. 8, 5 Interactive notes
 Review
▫ Mini-Lesson: Motif
 Jigsaw Groups
 Darkness vs. Light
 Silence vs. Noise
Homework: Chapter 9, 5 Ins, Study for Vocab Quiz
October 9, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: “You’d have done better to stick to the Facts, but you were stuffed,
with stories. You’d have done better to have stayed home, but you come. Stories
make trouble. An Ocean of Stories is an Ocean of Trouble. Answer me this: what’s
the use of stories that aren’t even true?” (155).
▫ Vocab Quiz
▫ Due: Vocab 9, 5 Interactive notes
 Review
▫ Mini-Lesson: Motif
 Jigsaw Groups
▫ Mini-Lesson: Hero’s Journey
 Where is Haroun in the pattern?
▫ Grammar: Verbs
 Jigsaw Groups
Homework: Chapter 10, 5 Ins
October 10, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: “Now the fact is that I personally have discovered that
for every story there is an anti-story. I mean that every story--and so every Stream of Story—has a shadow-self…” (160)
▫ Due: Vocab 10, 5 Interactive notes
 Review
▫ Weekly Writing: Peer Revising
 Peer Revising Structural Rough Drafts
 Focus on elaborating analysis and adding transitions
Homework: Chapter 11-12, 10 Ins, Mechanical Rough Draft based on revisions
Second Rough Draft Stage—The Mechanical Rough Draft
 You will then take your edited first rough draft and
create a new rough draft based on your revisions. This
will almost be your final draft.
 You and your peer editor will use this draft to edit
ONLY for grammar, spelling and wording. The
structure, organization, details, and ideas at this point
should be pretty much finalized .
 You should turn this stage and stages 1 & 2 in with
the next stage.
October 15, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: “Peace broke out. The new government of the Land of
Chup, headed by Mudra, announced its desire for a long and
lasting peace with Gup, a peace in which Night and Day, Speech
and Silence, would no longer be separated into Zones by Twilight
Strips and Walls of Force”(160).
▫ Due: Ch.11-12, 10 Interactive notes, Mechanical RDs
 Review
▫ Mini-Lesson: Allusions
Homework: Gaza Strip
October 16, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: The Twilight Strip
▫ Due: The Gaza Strip
 Discuss Allusion
▫ Mini-Lesson: Theme
 Topics to Themes
▫ Grammar: Adjectives and Adverbs
 Notes and Exercises
Homework: Finish backside of theme handout
October 17, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: On the Road—what is the theme?
▫ Due: Theme Practice
 Discuss
▫ Weekly Writing: Peer Editing
 Sophistication
 Mode/Audience
 Mechanics
Homework: Final MEAL paragraph due Tuesday
October 21, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Metacognitives—we will do this together
▫ Due: Final MEAL paragraph
▫ The NeverEnding Story
Homework: None
October 23, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up:
▫ Finish Movie
 Finish Analysis
 Discuss
 Trace Hero’s Journey
Homework: Extra Credit/Coraline—Haroun exam on Tuesday during the double
October 28, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Haroun Exam
▫ Homework: Coraline due tomorrow
▫ Extra Credit due Friday
October 29, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
Warm-Up: Post Metacognitive
Due: Coraline Interactive Notes
Formative Review of Weekly Writing
Socratic Seminar Discussion
▫ Homework: Prepare notes for SS—Bring INS and
Coraline book with you to Friday’s class
October 31, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Please put desks into a circle
▫ Due: Coraline Interactive Notes, Discussion
▫ Socratic Seminar
▫ Homework: Metacognitive
November 3, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Generational Differences
▫ Due: Metacognitive
▫ Mini-Lesson: Intro to TKM
 How/why does an individual use storytelling?
 How/why does a society use storytelling?
 Role Playing Activity
▫ Mini-Lesson: Conjunctions, Prepositions, Interjections
 Wrap up Parts of Speech
▫ Homework: Point of View Activity
November 4, 2014
Today, you will be writing a timed, diagnostic essay that will help measure
your progress this year in English Language Arts. You will receive two
readings that are to be used in responding to a prompt. You may make
notes on the readings but you will write your essay on the provided paper
and only within the space provided.
As a reminder, at this time you must power off your phone and put it
You will have 40 minutes to complete your essay. When time is up, you
will turn in both your written response and your readings. I am not
allowed to assist you in developing your essay. Please do your best and
good luck.
▫ Homework: TKAM Vocab
November 6, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Think Pair Share
▫ Due: Vocab
▫ Mini-Lesson: Weekly Writing
 Shrek
 Story mapping
 Writing a more sophisticated MEAL paragraph
▫ Homework: Outline
November 7, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
Warm-Up: Study Vocab words
Due: Outline
Vocab Quiz
Mini-Lesson: Quote Analysis
 To Kill a Mockingbird Tea Party
▫ Homework: Conjunctions
• To Kill a Mockingbird Tea Party Questionnaire
• Today you are going to participate in a “Tea Party”. The goal of this activity is to figure out
what our next book, To Kill A Mockingbird, is about before we begin to read it. You have
each been given a quote from the first chapter of the book. Your task is to exchange as
many quotes as you can with your classmates to help you gain more information about this
opening chapter.
• Rules to follow:
• •
You can only exchange quotes with one person at a time
• •
Once you have exchanged quotes, read it carefully and write it down on your
“quotation” sheet. Remember to write down the quotation number!
• •
This activity is to be done individually. You are only interacting with your classmates
to exchange quotes. Once you have seen their quote, you must move on.
• •
After 15 minutes, you will be given a questionnaire to fill out. You must complete this
using only the information from the quotes you have recorded, so be sure to be as
productive and efficient as possible.
• •
Have fun!
November 10, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: To Kill a Mockingbird
begins with the following quote from
Charles lamb: “Lawyers, I suppose, were
children once.” Why do you think this is
included? P.S. Teachers were children
once too 
▫ Due: Conjunctions
▫ Mini-Lesson: Historical Content
 Jigsaw
▫ Homework: TKAM Ch. 1-3, 15
Jigsaw Directions
• You have received a playing card.
• You will break into groups based on your card’s suit
▫ Diamonds will read and annotate article #1
▫ Hearts will read and annotate article #2
▫ Clubs will read and annotate article #3
▫ Spades will read and annotate article #4
• After you have finished discussing the article in your
small groups, you will break into groups based on your
card number. The people in this group will have read the
other articles and will present the most important
information in them to you. You will need to listen and
fill in the graphic organizer.
November 13, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Scout’s teacher is very unaware of the social climate of
Maycomb. What would a teacher need to understand about the social
climate of Quincy?
▫ Due: Ch.1-3 Ins
▫ Mini-Lesson: Monster Theory
 Creative Assignment
▫ Homework: TKAM Ch. 4-5, 5 INs
November 14, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Reflect back on childhood games you played—
aside from entertainment, what purpose did they serve?
▫ Due: Ch.4-5 Ins
 Discuss
▫ Mini-Lesson: Monster Theory
 Creative Assignment
 Moral Dilemmas
▫ Homework: TKAM Ch. 6-7, 5 Ins—continue to focus on
Atticus’ character and any changes in the children
▫ Structural RD
“Son,” he said to Jem, “I’m going to tell you something and tell you one time: stop tormenting
that man. That goes for the other two of you.”
What Mr. Radley did was his own business. If he wanted to come out, he would.If he wanted to
stay inside his own house he had the right to stay inside free fromthe attentions of inquisitive
children, which was a mild term for the likes of us. How would we like it if Atticus barged in on
us without knocking, when we were in our rooms at night? We were, in effect, doing the same
thing to Mr. Radley. What Mr. Radley did might seem peculiar to us, but it did not seem
peculiar to him. Furthermore, had it never occurred to us that the civil way to communicate
with another being was by the front door instead of a side window? Lastly, we were to stay
away from that house until we were invited there, we were not to play an asinine game he had
seen us playing or make fun of anybody on this street or in this town“We weren’t makin‘ fun of him, we weren’t laughin’ at him,” said Jem, “we were just-”
“So that was what you were doing, wasn’t it?”
“Makin‘ fun of him?”
“No,” said Atticus, “putting his life’s history on display for the edification of the
Jem seemed to swell a little. “I didn’t say we were doin‘ that, I didn’t say it!”
Atticus grinned dryly. “You just told me,” he said. “You stop this nonsense right
now, every one of you.”
November 17, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: "First of all," he said, "if you can learn a simple trick,
Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You
never really understand a person until you consider things from
his point of view […] until you climb into his skin and walk
around in it.“—What does Atticus mean and what does Atticus’
advice reveal about him as a character?
▫ Due: Ch.6-7 Ins, Structural RD
 Discuss
▫ Mini-Lesson: Point of View, Character Development
 Atticus’ words of wisdom—how have the begun to affect Scout?
 Jem’s transformation
▫ Homework: TKAM Ch. 8, 5 Ins—how do the children reflect the
overall opinion of Maycomb/the historical time period?
November 19, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Interjection Worksheet
▫ Due: Ch.8 Ins,
 Discuss
▫ Mini-Lesson: Character Development
 Literature Circles
▫ Mini-Lesson: Grammar
 Parts of Speech— Prepositions if time permits
▫ Homework: TKAM Ch. 9-10, 5 Ins—focus on how Maycomb views
men and women
November 20, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: “[…]if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I
couldn’t represent this country in the legislature, I couldn’t even
tell you or Jem not to do something again.” What is Atticus
referring to? What does this reveal about Atticus?
▫ Finish Discussing yesterday’s lit. circle questions
▫ Due: Ch.9-10 Ins,
 Discuss
 Femininity vs. Masculinity
▫ Mini-Lesson: Symbolism
 Mockingbirds
▫ Homework: TKAM Ch. 11, 5 INS, prepositions
November 21, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Haroun exams
▫ Due: Prepositions, Ch.11 Ins,
 Discuss
▫ Mini-Lesson: Weekly Writing
 Structural Rough Draft Peer Review
▫ Homework: Personal Symbol, Mechanical Rough Drafts
November 25, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Share Personal Symbols
▫ Due: Personal Symbol, Mechanical Rough Drafts
▫ Mini-Lesson: Weekly Writing
 Mechanical Rough Drafts Peer Edit
▫ Homework: Final Shrek MEAL Paragraph/Editing Packet due
November 26, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Rally Day!
▫ Due: None
▫ Mini-Lesson: Grammar
 Parts of Speech Review
 Football Word Play
▫ Homework: Final Shrek MEAL Paragraph/Editing Packet due
December 1, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: What is courage?
▫ Due: Final Shrek MEAL Paragraphs
▫ Mini-Lesson: Motif
 Courage Chart
 Literature Groups
▫ Homework: Chapters 12&13, 5 Ins—focus on how today’s
discussion ties in
December 3, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up:
▫ Due: 12&13 Ins
 Discuss
▫ Mini-Lesson: Symbolism
 Symbolism Analysis
▫ Homework: Chapters 14&16, 5 Ins--take notes on possible
December 4, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: How did these chapters illustrate Atticus’s advice to
Scout to “climb in someone else’s skin and walk around in it”?
▫ Due: 14-15 INs
▫ Mini-Lesson: Trail Simulation
 Mob Mentality article
 Literature Groups
▫ Homework: Chapters 16&17, 5 Ins—Take notes on the trial, the
characterization of the Ewells, Tom Robinson and the jury/town
members, Scout’s observations and confusion
December 5, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: None for now
▫ Due: 16-17 Ins
 Discuss
▫ Writing Focus: Annotating
 Weekly Writing Prompt #3
▫ Homework: Chapters 18-20, 7 Ins—Take notes on Scout’s
▫ Brainstorming notes on “Popular Mechanics”—Socratic Seminar
on Tuesday
▫ Parts of Speech Quiz and L2 on Wednesday
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Put desks in a circle
▫ Due: 18&19 Ins
 Discuss
▫ Literature Focus: Analyzing a text
 Socratic Seminar
 3 MEAL paragraph essays
▫ Homework: Tomorrow quiz on Parts of Speech and
Characterization/Inferences in To Kill a Mockingbird
December 10, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Review for quiz—POS and Methods of Char.
▫ Due: Outline due tomorrow
 Discuss
▫ Literature Focus: Characterization and Inference
 Analysis of a character
▫ Language Focus: Grammar—Parts of Speech
 Parts of Speech Quiz
▫ Homework: Ch. 21, 5 Ins, Weekly Writing Outline
December 11, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: In which ways are you “privileged”, in which ways are
you underprivileged?
▫ Due: Weekly Writing Outline
 Discuss
▫ Literature Focus: Analyzing a text
 Evidence of Trial
▫ Writing Focus: Introductions and Conclusions, Outlining
 Thesis Statements
 3 MEAL paragraph essays
▫ Homework: Structural Rough Draft, Ch. 22-24, 7 INs
December 15, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: “I always thought Maycomb folks were the best folks
in the world, least that’s what they seemed like”. Who says this
quote and what does it reveal about that character?
▫ Due: Weekly Writing SRD, Ch. 22-24 INs
 Discuss
▫ Literature Focus: Motif
 Jem’s Loss of Innocence
▫ Homework: Ch. 25-26, 5 INs
December 16, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: “I sometimes felt a twinge of remorse, when passing by the
old [Radley] place, at ever having taken part in what must have been
sheer torment to Arthur Radley—what reasonable recluse wants
children peeping through his shutters, delivering greetings on the end of
a fishing-pole, wandering in his collards at night?” How has Scout
changed? What has caused her to reach this realization?
▫ Due: 25-26 Ins
 Discuss
▫ Literature Focus: Symbolism
 Mockingbirds
▫ Grammar Focus: POS, Parts of a Sentence
 Review POS Quiz
 Parts of a Sentence
▫ Homework: Ch. 27-28, 5 Ins
December 17, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Shrek Metacognitive
▫ Due: 27-28 Ins
 Discuss
▫ Writing Focus: Revising
 SRD Peer Review
▫ Homework: Ch. 29-31 (finish book), 7 Ins
December 19, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Create a list of topics that could be turned into themes for
▫ Due: End of book INs
 Discuss
▫ Literature Focus: Film
 To Kill a Mockingbird Film
▫ Homework: Finish subject/predicate worksheet from the other day
January 6, 2015
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up:
▫ Due: MRD due tomorrow
▫ Literature Focus: Symbolism
 To Kill a Mockingbird Poem Connections
 Review for test
▫ Homework: Test tomorrow. MRD due tomorrow.
January 7, 2014
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Study
▫ Due: MRD
▫ Summative Assessment: To Kill a Mockingbird
 Unit Exam
▫ Homework: “Poetry is…” handout and creative task
January 8, 2015
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up: Reflection on assembly—we’ll skip this cuz y’all are mad late
▫ Due: “Poetry is…”
▫ Writing Focus: Weekly Writing
 Mechanical Rough Draft Peer Editing
▫ Homework: Final Popular Mechanics Essay/Packet due Monday
January 12, 2015
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up:
▫ Due: Final “Pop. Mechanics” Packet, Poem on Poems
▫ Summative Assessment: To Kill a Mockingbird
 Unit Exam—Finish
▫ Literature Focus: Poetry
 Intro. notes
▫ Homework: Review for Mid-Years
January 13, 2015
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up:
▫ Due: None
▫ Literature Focus: Film Analysis
 “The Goonies” Review Analysis
 This is your review guide for the mid year—take it seriously!
▫ Homework: Review for Mid-Years
January 14, 2015
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up:
▫ Due: None
▫ Literature Focus: Film Analysis
 “The Goonies” Review Analysis
▫ Homework: Review for Mid-Years
January 16, 2015
• Daily Agenda:
▫ Warm-Up:
▫ Due: None
▫ Literature Focus: Review
 Review Jeopardy
▫ Homework: Review for Mid-Years