Case Study Rogue Waves on the Leadership Voyage How Leaders survive and thrive from crises that threaten to submerge their organizations, sink their careers, and drown their souls Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson Executive Summary The following are five lessons for leaders: 1. A leadership role is not an easy ride. Be advised: there are always pending crises (rogue waves), and some may have your name on them. 2. Readiness and emergency preparedness are necessary but not sufficient for survival. Without social support and commitment to your values, you are vulnerable. 3. You have two jobs as a leader: be there for others, and be there for yourself. There is no point in succeeding at the former while failing at the latter. 4. Your leadership stories are open to revision. If the world changes, you’ll have new stories. Tell your stories for your sake as well as to benefit your organization. 5. Don’t waste your trauma. Play a bigger game. Embrace your rogue wave experience and make a positive difference in the world. Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 1 We, the authors, have known each other and worked intermittently together for over 30 years. Our shared professional interest is leadership, which we have addressed as teachers, researchers, and practitioners. Recent changes in our careers, some surprising and some smoldering, got us talking about how leaders experience crises. Our shelves began to fill with books about resilience, crisis management, and emergency preparedness. But the standard readings only raised new questions. We realized that what was treated lightly in the literature was what most concerned us: What happens to leaders themselves, during and after crises? We started by talking with colleagues, reading broadly across many disciplines, and interviewing experts. We then began to hold formal interviews with diverse leaders across multiple sectors, including corporate CEOs, nonprofit directors, clergy, social entrepreneurs, and government officials. Each person had a crisis tale to tell—some had many. We chose the rogue wave as an archetypal image of crisis. Frightening in its suddenness, the image evokes primal dread: of the deep, of natural disaster, and of death itself. A rogue wave story grabs attention. When applied to organizational life, the image invited us to explore in stark terms how leaders respond to organizational crises. Rogue wave events offer insights into leadership behavior unclouded by second-guessing, organizational politics, or a search for blame. We also wanted to go beyond the sympathy we bestow on good people when bad things happen. The lessons of a rogue wave are born out of crisis. Yet, because these lessons concern instinctive behaviors, self-awareness, and core values, they have meaning for leaders within the dimensions of ordinary, daily issues and problems. They can provide a tutorial about leadership. Let’s begin with a literal rogue wave story as a source for the archetype. A wave so high… Kale Garcia is a ship captain and a professional deep sea crab fisherman. Twelve years ago, on a February night, he was piloting the Auriga, a 160-foot trawler from King Cove to Dutch Harbor, Alaska. On board were his wife, Nancy, Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 2 and a crew of seven. The moon and stars were shining in the clear evening sky, while Kale and Nancy sat in the wheelhouse enjoying the quiet, a cup of coffee steaming on the driver’s console. Kale got up from his chair in order to radio the captain of another boat proceeding through narrow Baby Pass. As they talked, something caught Kale’s eye on the radar. “What in the world is that?” he asked thinking the blip was an electronic anomaly. Within seconds, the icy sea rose from a calm two-foot chop to become a wall of water—a rogue wave—one so high Kale never saw its top. “It sounded like an explosion, a cannon shot, followed by a blood curdling scream.” The wave tore into the boat, ripping open the superstructure and curling back the three-inch steel frame as if it were a sardine can. In the ensuing pandemonium, Kale turned to Nancy and said, "We are not going to get in that water." He was determined not to abandon ship. He assessed the situation quickly: they were a half-mile from rocky shore; the forecastle had a gaping hole with exposed wires; the engineer’s room below the wheelhouse was stripped of wood, bunks, and door. Exposed heaters had electrified the freezing water. Chunks of ice were littered everywhere. One crewmember who had been washed across the engine room was unhurt, but his hair was a tangle of pink insulation—a detail that they would laugh about years later. Kale took charge. He told his crew to manage the gearbox and throttle and steer the boat manually while he set up radio communications between the engine room and the wheelhouse. The wave had severed the air and hydraulic lines for both steering and engine controls. He dispatched others to pump water and to chain mattresses across holes. They found flashlights, ran hoses, called to shore, and shoveled ice out of the boat. In the midst of the bedlam, Nancy saw life rafts floating away from them in the water—“Look, life rafts!”—without realizing that these were their life rafts, washed from the roof of the wheelhouse. The world was out of kilter. The boat survived because the wave hit the vertical bulkhead, and not amidships. Kale knew there was one way to make it safely out of danger: limp through the narrow pass, stay away from the rocks, and head for deeper Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 3 water. “Just keep going,” he remembers thinking. They made it safely onto Dutch Harbor, the closest port, where they spent a weekend welding, and then they returned to fishing, their job. Offhandedly, Kale recalls it was “a good group of guys to have a crisis with.” Kale admits the Bering Sea “is a helluva place to hang out,” and not surprisingly, Kale’s boat is “over the top, safety-wise.” He says he’ll “park” his boat when “the pile of stories gets bigger than the money,” but he’s not ready to leave the sea yet. “We made it through one. We could make it through anything.” Sometime later, Kale’s investment counselor warned him about the risks of the stock market, and how “dangerous” it is. Kale said he could handle it…. Shocking, unpredictable, and potentially catastrophic challenges Rogue waves are indeed formidable and sensational. Arising without warning “out of the blue,” they rise up to at least twice the height of normally occurring wave peaks. Their “roguishness” is a quality of their unpredictability; however, they are not as rare as is commonly thought. By some learned estimates, there are at least ten rogue waves boiling away in the oceans at any moment. And as Kale experienced, they don’t announce themselves. Even a calm sea warrants watchful care. For our purposes, a rogue wave is an archetype, not an oceanic phenomenon. A rogue wave is both an event and a corresponding idea that sheds light on deep patterns of leadership and organizational behavior. The essence of rogue waves, then, is three-fold. They are, at once: Shocking… Since 9/11, leaders have turned up the dial on readiness. Disaster recovery and emergency preparedness are parts of any leader’s job. Organizations devote considerable resources to forecasting, anticipating, predicting, and preparing for possible disasters. This formal preparedness, though necessary, is never completely sufficient. The shock of a rogue wave elicits a near-primal response, one which strips back normal defenses and uncovers what lies beneath—weaknesses and strengths, tendencies to fight or flee, underlying motivations and values. Unpredictable… Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 4 Although rogue waves emerge from nowhere, a leader’s deep instinct is to ask about causes. Leaders are responsible for understanding the “whys” (of an operation), and the question is a natural one in a crisis. The force of the event within an organization exerts huge pressure to learn more: Could I have prevented this? How should we have prepared? Where does fault lie? Leaders do not cause rogue waves, and though they are responsible for leading within them, they are not culpable. It is neither realistic nor fair to expect that leaders will anticipate, and be prepared for, every possible event. Catastrophic… Leaders live in a “both-and” world. They are responsible for organizational vision, mission, and values, but the drip of daily events can sap energy from the strategic agenda. A rogue wave event, such as the death of an employee, the financial meltdown of 2008, Hurricane Katrina, or the Boston Marathon bombing, refocuses leaders on the larger picture, on bigger questions, on higher purpose and even on survival itself. From the leadership stories we have been told, we have begun to see many types of rogue wave experiences, differing in cause, scope and nature, and we also discern similarities in how leaders and their organizations emerge from rogue wave events, for the better… or for worse. We’ve been emotionally touched and intellectually captured by many stories of integrity, character, and courage, and through them, we have pieced together a pattern of four interacting—sequential yet sometimes spiral—leadership phases of a successfully mastered rogue wave journey. Phase One: FACE THE WAVE First and immediately, leaders must face the wave. They respond to the storm at hand while accepting both expectations of and responsibilities for others. The energy that their action generates also provides them temporary comfort and respite from the personal impact of the event. Stephanie Streeter, CEO of Banta, had been on a three-day backpacking trip in the wilds of Montana, out of cell phone range. As soon as she returned to connectivity, she answered a call from her company headquarters in Menasha, Wisconsin. Unexpectedly, a competitor had launched a hostile takeover bid. Immediately, she began working the phones while her husband, Ed, piloted the Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 5 rental car. “Ed, you can help me if you just listen, and as a way to support me nod if I show anger.” For the next three months Banta was “in play” as Stephanie and her team warded off the hostile takeover and found a “white knight” acquirer, realizing favorable terms for shareholders. But the rogue wave was real, and Banta, as an independent company, was no more. Good leaders faced with rogue wave events do not stand aside waiting for outcomes; they see the damage, realize the impact, and jump into the fray. They do not quibble or equivocate. They act decisively with minimal hesitation. For Rod West, CEO of Entergy in New Orleans, the moment of truth came when the 17th Street Canal gave way during Hurricane Katrina. Though the electric utility had recently performed its annual storm drill for a Katrina-like disaster, no one could have prepared to see whitecap waves rolling down Canal Street. In his first view of the scene from a helicopter all Rod could see were the roofs of houses. The pilot who flew him over the flood had just returned from duty in Iraq; he was fighting back tears. “I’ve seen chaos,” Rod remembers him saying, “but this is the U.S.!” Rod knew he was “in the middle of an American saga,” a rogue wave event that would re-shape a city, a region, a nation. Rod’s job, however, was not to continue to witness the destruction from above; his responsibility was to restore power to New Orleans, quickly, on the ground. His immediate task was to call together his crew of 400 and give them a first-hand report. Barely able to control his emotions, Rod disclosed: “The city is under water. For most of you, everything you left at home has been destroyed.” Rod felt the full weight of leadership in that moment—the need to command authoritatively while being responsible for the lives of his employees. “I cried with them, but I had to stop, stand up, gather myself together and get up at the podium and say, here is the plan….” He had to face the wave. Rod knew that Katrina had delivered a catastrophe. There could be no denying or delaying, and no looking for blame. As Rod said, “Our lives were turned upside down, inside out, and ripped from their core.” Katrina had destroyed the old order—nevertheless, it was time to get to work and build the new. Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 6 Leaders face the wave, already armed Neither Stephanie nor Rod considered doing anything but leading. Where did that fortitude come from? When the phone rang, Stephanie moved from blistered backpacker to corporate counter-puncher in a New York minute: “It never occurred to me to do anything else.” Stephanie is a fierce competitor, an Olympic-level basketball player from Stanford long accustomed to delivering wins; her favorite saying is “promises made, promises kept.” Her persistence developed early; as a small child she was the “question machine” in her family, driven by intense curiosity. As a leader, these qualities of competitiveness, persistence and curiosity serve her well. Rod, a native of New Orleans, was a member of Notre Dame’s football team under renowned coach Lou Holtz, where he collected an NCAA championship ring and developed a “psychological well.” He believes that, “Adversity reveals character—it doesn’t just build or breed it.” Perhaps more important to Rod than even his lessons on the gridiron, however, is a message he absorbed as a young child. His second grade teacher wrote a note on his report card saying he possessed “a leadership presence that belied his age.” Rod has seen himself as a leader ever since. Facing a rogue wave alters a leader’s internal world, permanently A rogue wave sweeps over an organization quickly, but it leaves a lasting impact. The experience becomes embedded within the leader’s memory and subconscious. In our interviews, experiences were recalled as vividly as if they had happened yesterday. Some of the stories had rarely been told, yet they poured out without hesitation, often accompanied by audible sighs and long silences as the narrator recalled the intense experience of the event. Russ Laine has had a career as a police officer and as chief of police. Years ago a young woman on his force, a dispatcher who was in a troubled relationship with one of the department’s detectives, killed herself with a service revolver. It was a devastating event for the department and the entire community, and it was the turning point in Russ’s life. Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 7 In his loss and dismay, Russ took ownership of what he could control including his personal demons. After years of abusing alcohol, he chose to become sober in response to this event, and his career has taken off. Russ was elected President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, a high honor, and from that platform he advocated for substance abuse programs for police officers. Russ lives with the raw memory of the suicide in his department. Recently, he said, “I heard someone talking on the radio about the grieving process. You never totally get over it and that’s true. You handle it in different ways but you will always remember the time, the event, the pain. I can’t forget that young woman.” Some form of change in a leader’s view of the world is core to the rogue wave experience. What was previously assumed to be reality will not be returning. Easy and automatic processing of events is suspended. Conscious thinking now bears a burden of making sense of things that were once taken for granted. There is a new normal—and it is exhausting. Post-wave, leaders must face the new normal. The alternative is to deny it, stuff it, duck it, marginalize it, power through it, or to use a word we heard often in interviews, “compartmentalize” it. This may be necessary in the moment, but if the internal impact of the event is not examined, it may become a missed chance for personal growth. At its unexamined worst, the wave may eventually bring a leader down. A catastrophe and the ensuing trauma that is its legacy remind us uncomfortably of our mortality. The event is real, and the terror experienced in the event is real. But for a leader, there is an added dimension because it comes with the job. While engaging in rapid, responsible, and righteous efforts to cope with the aftermath of a rogue wave, leaders must make sense of what happened while providing hope about what lies ahead. They must be genuine and whole, striking the right balance between strength and vulnerability, if their organization is to recover, heal, and move on. Crisis changes the terms under which leaders lead and exist. They must face the wave and respond as leaders, and as human beings. Phase Two: SEEK A SAFE HARBOR Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 8 Soon, leaders seek a safe harbor. When a rogue wave swamps a boat, bulkheads are battered, lifeboats are torn from their stays, and the compass is rendered useless. The world is topsy. One Atlantic fisherman told us of a wave that swamped a lighthouse; the boundaries of land and sea were violated, the source of guidance obscured. Leaders have instinctive reactions that help them perform in the moment, but the process of recovery and renewal is a long one, and they need a safety network for support, sympathy, and solace. The normal channels for self-expression are narrowed during an emergency; leaders cannot cry on the shoulder of just anyone, just anytime. They are expected to show just the right amount of resolve, optimism, and empathy, without becoming a “stone statue,” as one of the leaders we interviewed remarked. They know better than to seek solace by throwing themselves on the very people they lead. This is not to say that leaders cannot express distress, shed a tear, or offer their own witness to the pain, but first and foremost, they must be there for others. Their circle of friends and colleagues plays an important, if private, role. The helpful helper has an explicit role to play For helpers, intimates in the network to whom the leader turns, there is an explicit role. The helpful helper is not there to fix things. The task is not to do something for you, but to be there with you. The leader can be affirmed in her sense of the crisis while being reassured about her reactions. Helpers do not pander to leaders but corroborate their realities and acknowledge the heavy responsibilities that come with the job. A helper for a leader can be a spouse, a boss, or a trusted colleague. When Steve Piano was VP of Human Resources at First Data in New York, he received the kind of middle-of-the-night phone call every HR person dreads. “Steve, there’s been an employee homicide or suicide in the parking lot. Can you come right down?” Immediately he went through a mental checklist and made all the right calls, calm under pressure, while feeling anger, sadness, and empathy. The very next night he decompressed with a trusted co-worker who “talked him through it.” They were used to helping others and now they were helping each other. Leaders need existential confirmation Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 9 In the upheaval of the rogue wave, leaders can lose track of their own coordinates. Family, friends, and trusted colleagues can provide helpful help— not advice, or even comfort, but reassurance that they are not damaged, lost or alone. Russ Laine, the police chief mentioned above, agrees that at such times a person has an existential need: “It’s good for me to talk about these things. You get to cast yourself as a main character.” Martha Johnson’s story is about a raw panic attack that she had weeks after a public scandal and the loss of her public service career. She was at home reading email and for a moment she thought some important legal correspondence had been deleted. I remember my breath shortened and I started to cry. Pretty soon I was doubled over, fighting to breathe. All I could say to my husband was What else do they want from me? How perfect do I have to be? He didn’t say a thing. I remember he just grabbed me and held me. It had the effect of anchoring me. It assured me that I was real, not some stick person in the headlines. Slowly I calmed down and became myself again. Her husband had supplied a safe harbor. Phase Three: TELL THE TALE Crucially, leaders tell their tale. Leaders are storytellers-in-chief, and now they have new stories to create and to share. They begin to map the upheaval against their pre-wave leadership stories and digest what happened. They “author” and in so doing “authorize” new narratives—for themselves and for their organizations, and as a result they enhance their authority. As leaders responsible for setting context and providing direction, they share with others. Leaders give purpose to organizations through storytelling Leaders have a role as “chief storytellers” for their organizations. They fashion the strategy and value proposition for the organization and communicate these ideas through stories. Story-tellers help the organization remember its history, they take stock of how things stand today, and they invite hope for the future. Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 10 Leaders find themselves in that role because of their particular large view, positioned to see the full scope of the organization, and to see the place their organization occupies in the world. Their job is to interpret that unique story. What happened? Where are we now? What do we need to do next? The story might be told at least partially with numbers, graphs, and slides, but without reference to people, plot, and passion, the organization will not fully benefit from the story. Storytelling is an important leadership competency. Rogue waves create the need for new stories When a rogue wave hits, the world changes. A new story is needed to make sense of what has happened and to move forward. In the wake of a crisis, leaders must begin the work of incorporating the event into the organizational narrative. Leaders cannot turn back events, but they can take charge of the story. They can put the trauma into context and restore meaning. In some cases this requires a complete rewriting of the organization’s saga. When Steve Denne stepped in as the COO at Heifer International in 2008, he thought he was joining a growing organization. Then when the financial collapse began on Wall Street and spread through the economy, philanthropic giving shrank. Heifer was awash in financial concerns. Reacting to the crisis required creating a new storyline. Plenty, abundance, and growth were no longer workable tenets. Steve led the senior team in three rounds of contingency conversations during which they progressively developed a story about the future: We are in an unprecedented situation. We don’t know where the bottom is. We will suppose until we know more. There will be hardship. We will adjust. Leaders have new leadership stories Leaders’ rogue wave stories are leadership stories intended to have a 360degree impact. They can benefit all who hear them, and they can also benefit the one who does the telling. The plot is recursive: meaning is made for all, and for one, simultaneously. But just telling “the facts,” or avoiding saying much for fear of making things worse, will in fact make things worse. Leaders must lead! That maxim digs into Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 11 the importance of modeling and exhibiting courage, and of engaging others. Courtney Wilson is Director of the B&O Railroad Museum in Baltimore, the finest collection of historic railway artifacts in the country. On February 16, 2003, a rogue wave event hit. The roof of the museum’s roundhouse collapsed under the weight of two feet of snow, causing damage to beloved railway antiques and threatening the life of the museum itself. It was devastating news in the global rail-fan community. “No disaster plan on earth says how you will handle emotions,” Courtney says. He wept, privately, a tremendous amount in the aftermath. The trauma was both organizational and personal. As it happened, Courtney was scheduled to deliver a keynote address at a conference of museum directors two days after the roof collapse. He wondered whether he would be able to say anything at all, but he stepped up to the podium, threw away his prepared speech, and spoke directly from the heart. The story of his wrecked emotions merged with details of wrecked roofing and rolling stock. Courtney’s talk was poignant and moving. By exercising the courage to be vulnerable with his peers, Courtney began the long journey back to restore his world. Along the way, Courtney found a broader stage for his leadership. He has shared his story of how hard it is to manage emotional reactions in a crisis more than 250 times in professional meetings. He is now being asked to lend a hand to other museums facing emergency or even closure; his story has become a business school case study. Courtney’s storytelling cleared a path ahead and helped him reimagine his own leadership. Hard as it is, leaders have to take measure of both personal and organizational trauma, and they have to go public. Their leadership depends upon narrating the organization’s new story while speaking their own. Who could truly tell the story of a massive external change outside without reflecting internal changes? Steve Denne at Heifer comments that in the wake of crisis, “All eyes are on you. So, how you behave has multiplier impact—good or bad.” This is not to say that the leaders can immediately reboot their stories. The stories won’t emerge completely or with full clarity on the spot or on demand. Leaders must also go through a process—often a visible one—to Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 12 weave their new leadership story. Yet, ultimately, leaders earn a new level of trust through their rogue wave storytelling. They stand up for the organization and call it to its full potential. Creating the organization’s new story does even more than establishing meaning in the wake of crisis. The storyteller-in-chief invites the organization to new authenticity when the organization’s story resonates from the depths of the storyteller. The new story expands the leader’s world One consequence of building a new story from a rogue wave event is that leaders improve their field of vision. Staring into disaster reveals new realities—a deeper sense of responsibility, humility, and even destiny. People and events gain dimension. Leaders gain comfort with “black swans” as a category of possibility. This larger strategic perspective is a true gift. Yusufi Vali is the Executive Director of the 1,300-member Islamic Center of Boston, the largest such organization in the metropolitan area. He had previously been on a prestigious academic career path but had felt the call to support his religious community, a career choice that hints at his willingness to be led by larger purpose. When the bombs exploded near the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon, the entire nation was horrified. Three days later, when the suspects were identified as Muslims, the Islamic community of Boston felt a second wave of despair. The Muslims of Boston were suddenly thrust into an international news event, and spokespersons would need to be identified. The Imam would speak for the Islamic Center, but there was no one to speak for the separate Cambridge Mosque, across the river, where one of the accused bombers had attended; it was too small to afford public relations staff. The community elders turned to Yusufi to be its spokesperson. Yusufi was consumed with self-doubt, feeling unprepared to play this assigned role. “What am I doing here? This is not what I signed up for. What does this mean for my career and family?” To find his way, he did a “combo” of things, including talking with his wife, close friends, media experts, and a board member who kept saying: “God is calling you to take this on. You have the Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 13 potential to take this on,” which instilled precious confidence. After several days he reached a personal threshold, and in an “alone moment,” he “had a conversation with himself,” and got clarity. He remembered his larger purpose, to serve God, and then he was ready: “I own it. I am going to take this on.” With this shift, Yusufi enlarged his leadership and along the way, transformed the story he had to tell. Yusufi faced the microphones and the hundred reporters who had shown up at the Mosque and spoke to the world of his community’s grief, solidarity, and deep loyalty to Boston. Previously his work had been about building a faith community. Now his work was to build a larger community of citizens and neighbors. The media were divided into two camps. The right wing press questioned whether the suspected bombers had ever attended the Mosque, insinuating complicity of the Muslim community in perfidy. The left wing press asked how the Muslim community was coping. Was there a backlash? Could there be a hero in the congregation? The implication was that the Muslim community was to be pitied. Yusufi rejected the right wing narrative of conspiracy and the left wing narrative of victimhood. His community story was at once his leadership story, born directly from the crisis. Muslims were not “the other”; he was unwilling to allow the Boston Muslim community to “other themselves” away from society; and he would rise above his insecurities and stand up to the media in order to be true to his beliefs. He would profess a story of Muslim solidarity with Boston. “I imagine myself now as part of the city. When I speak publicly now I think very carefully about how to speak about being a Bostonian and not a Muslim other.” Yusufi Vali has emerged from his rogue wave wiser, tougher, larger. Leaders are storytellers-in-chief. Finding a voice while shaping the new agenda, and incorporating the trauma while speaking deeply of one’s own shock and dismay, are the stuff of leadership. Phase Four: CHANGING COURSE Along the way, leaders change their course. Inevitably, new leadership stories Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 14 add depth and breadth to their view of the voyage. Leaders grow curious about broader horizons, become energized by fresh breezes, and are moved by shifting currents. They have new confidence. They ask: Where to next? Some rogue waves were catalogued as forgettable, one-time events, or as ghoulishly entertaining aberrations as if recorded on a YouTube clip. Some leaders shrugged off events as having no lasting impact or consequence. Most, however, claimed their experiences had great impact. Lives, fortunes, policies, and communities changed. Leaders themselves changed. A crisis is a terrible thing to waste. Rogue waves can be opportunities for transformation, or they can be trials without meaning. Three stories we heard revealed positive impact, post-rogue wave. They can do more Organizations improve when leaders feel more confident in their purpose. In this story, the leader knew her organization was capable of more than it had shown. Patrice Nelson is the Executive Director of United Ministries of Durham, North Carolina, a community shelter and food pantry. An M.I.T. graduate and an ordained minister, Patrice moved from Philadelphia to take the job, having just been through a divorce and a fire in which she lost all her possessions. The new opportunity “felt like a calling.” It turned out to be a rogue wave experience. On her first day on the job, she learned that the organization was running a $267,000 deficit with a budget that would soon increase it to $500,000. She discovered unethical behaviors, unprofessional attitudes, unaligned policies, and instances of unfair treatment. In confronting these problems she became a lightning rod for criticism and accusation, including charges of racism. She was given a 360-degree review by her Board which was very positive but contained painful feedback from her staff. “I don’t like it,” she remembers thinking, “but it won’t kill me.” She held on and stepped up. Patrice corrected past practices that had allowed people to live in a shelter for years and years. “They can do more,” she believed. Patrice replaced the old story of her agency, “three hots and a cot,” Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 15 with a goal to end homelessness in Durham, all together. The impact of her leadership is remarkable. Now with a new story, new staff, new rules, new programs, and increased private donations, UMD is healthy and growing in community service and influence. “All people were created to do great things,” Patrice believes—and practices as a leader. I’m stronger than before In the context of organizations and collective rogue wave experiences, a leader can find new depths and abilities. John Kim was President of New York Life’s Investments Group and Chief Investment Officer in 2008. Ten days before the Lehman Brothers collapse, he saw “something” coming. On a business call with bankers in Madrid, he had the sudden insight that things “were going to be really bad.” A rogue wave was gathering force. Yet, he was wrong. He had underestimated both the duration and the extent of the coming financial crash. As the clouds grew ever darker, John, an analytical person, felt something unusual—deep vulnerability. His anxiety rose until it was as high as it had ever been in his life. Responsible for a quarter of a trillion dollars in assets at New York Life as well as his own family’s security, he blamed himself as an investor, a father, and a leader. “I have not done my job professionally or personally,” he told himself. Shaken by the fast moving events, he knew his organization would be even more distressed. Yet he knew he needed to manage this crisis as a team. He thought of his father, a Presbyterian minister, who would call congregational meetings when there were problems to be solved. This was not a time for heroic, independent actions. John convened his portfolio managers and scheduled frequent, collective dialogue. Together they absorbed, collaborated, and responded to the crisis. It was a war-room model, and John learned first-hand the value of solidarity. New York Life’s investment portfolio has recovered, and John has emerged wiser. John’s experience of leading through the rogue wave helped him to master Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 16 new dimensions of his leadership. While his culture at work is still tough, fast, and hard-charging, he is now a “more thoughtful, and a kinder, gentler person.” His maturing leadership has led to greater responsibilities and promotion to Vice Chairman. “When people go through traumas, they can become stronger, better human beings,” according to John. This is my calling The power of a rogue wave event is that it washes over both organization and leader. The more profound and deep the leader’s journey, the stronger the probability for transformation for both institution and person. Vincent Strully is the CEO and founder of the internationally renowned New England Center for Children, a Massachusetts-based school for autism. NECC had always been a very good school, and Vincent enjoyed his leadership role—the school was his creation, after all. In truth, however, he knew he had reached a point where he was just cruising along. Then came a rogue wave. In the storm’s wake, Vincent changed and so did NECC, accelerating to the top of its class. On a Friday afternoon, Vincent got a call that changed everything. A popular student had died of what was later determined to be a rare medical disorder, but his death had occurred while the boy was being restrained by NECC teachers in order to limit his self-injurious behavior. The event was shocking, tragic, and, for Vincent, it was “life-changing.” He always knew himself to be capable, and he “always knew he had this kind of responsibility,” but this event forced him to analyze his whole life and “look at everything.” The jolt “plugged him into the school” in a new way. He stepped into the crisis, handling it with sensitivity and care. He emerged with the confidence that he could handle almost anything. Much of what NECC is today had its origin in that rogue wave. The school’s reputation, its growth at home and abroad, and its special standing in the world of autism are results of Vincent’s ferocious new passion. And as a matter of routine, NECC practices CALM protocols, techniques designed to de-escalate behavioral crises and maintain safety while avoiding physical confrontation. Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 17 Vincent says, “This is what I was meant to do.” ROGUE WAVE EXPERIENCE Leadership is an invitation to transformation on the back of a rogue wave. It’s not possible to predict what will happen or when. What matters most is whether leaders respond well in the moment, whether they take care of themselves while caring for others, whether they make use of their story and the story of the trauma, and whether they emerge with a larger view of themselves as leaders, able to serve new and greater purposes. _____________________________________________________________________ Questions for Reflection and Conversation 1. What is the role of a leader’s values during a rogue wave event? Can you describe that role using a nautical term such as rudder, hull, ballast, etc.? 2. Does having a strong sense of purpose, either as a leader or an organization, increase chances of survival and success following a rogue wave event—and if so, how does it work? 3. If you were asked to design an organizational workshop for emotional emergency preparedness, what would you include? 4. The novelist and writer John Barth said, “The story of your life is not your life; it’s your story.” How does this apply to rogue wave events? 5. Some leaders experience post-rogue wave growth. How would you expect them to be different? Harry Hutson ( is a leadership coach and consultant Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 18 living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, whose clients include startups, multinationals, and nonprofits. Previously he served in learning management roles at Cummins, Avery Dennison and Devon Energy. He is coauthor of Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations, and Putting Hope to Work. Martha Johnson ( is a leadership speaker and writer who lives in Annapolis, Maryland. Her 35-year career in business and government included executive positions with SRA International and Computer Sciences Corporation. She held a Senate confirmed appointment as the Administrator of the US General Services Administration under President Obama. Her most recent book is On My Watch: Leadership, Innovation, and Personal Resilience. Copyright Harry Hutson and Martha Johnson 2014 19