Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Title Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative State/District Alabama Alabama Alabama/1 Alabama/2 Alabama/3 Alabama/4 Alabama/5 Alabama/6 Alabama/7 Alaska Alaska Alaska/At Large American Samoa/At Large Arizona Arizona Arizona /1 Arizona /2 Arizona /3 Arizona/4 Arizona/5 Arizona/6 Arizona/7 Arizona/8 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas/1 Arkansas/2 Arkansas/3 Arkansas/4 California California California/1 California/2 California/3 California/4 California/5 California/6 California/7 California/8 California/9 First Name Jeff Richard C. Jo Martha Mike Robert Mo Spencer Terri Mark Lisa Don Eni Jon John Paul Trent Ben Ed David Jeff Raul Gabrielle John Mark.L Rick Tim Steve Mike Barbara Dianne Mike Wally Daniel Tom Doris Lynn George Nancy Barbara Last Name Sessions Shelby Bonner Roby Rogers Aderholt Brooks Bachus Sewell Begich Murkowski Young Faleomavaega Kyl McCain Gosar Franks Quayle Pastors Schweikert Flake Grijalva Giffords Boozman Pryor Crawford Griffin Womack Ross Boxer Feinstein Thompson Herger Lungren McClintock Matsui Woolsey Miller Pelosi Lee Twitter Handle @senatorsessions @SenShelbyPress @RepJoBonner @RepMarthaRoby @RepMikeRogersAL @Robert_Aderholt @RepMoBrooks @BachusAL06 @RepTerriSewell @SenatorBegich @lisamurkowski @repdonyoung @SenJonKyl @senjohnmccain @RepGosar @RepTrentFranks @benquayle @RepDavid @JeffFlake @RepRaulGrijalva @Gabbygiffords @JohnBoozman @senmarkpryor @RepRickCrawford @RepTimGriffin @Rep_Stevewomack @RepMikeRoss @SenatorBoxer @senfeinstein @RepThompson @RepDanLungren @repMcClintock @DorisMatsui @RepLynnWoolsey @askgeorge @NancyPelosi @RepBarbaraLee Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Title Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative State/District California/10 California/11 California/12 California/13 California/14 California/15 California/16 California/17 California/18 California/19 California/20 California/21 California/22 California/23 California/24 California/25 California/26 California/27 California/28 California/29 California/30 California/31 California/32 California/33 California/34 California/35 California/36 California/37 California/38 California/39 California/40 California/41 California/42 California/43 California/44 California/45 California/46 California/47 California/48 California/49 First Name John Jerry Jackie Pete Ann Mike Zoe Sam Dennis Jeff Jim Devin Kevin Lois Elton Buck David Brad Howard Adam Henery Xavier Judy Karen Lucille Maxine Janice Laura Grace Linda Ed Jerry Gary Joe Ken Mary Dana Loretta John Darrell Last Name Garamendi McNerney Speier Stark Eshoo Honda Lofgren Farr Cardoza Denham Costa Nunes McCarthy Capps Gallegly McKeon Dreier Sherman Berman Schiff Waxman Becerra Chu Bass Roybal-Allard Waters Hahn Richardson Napolitano Sanchez Royce Lewis Miller Baca Calvert Bono Rohrabacher Sanchez Campbell Issa Twitter Handle @RepGaramendi @RepMcNerney @RepSpeier @petestark @RepAnnaEshoo @RepMikeHonda @RepZoeLofgren @RepSamFarr @RepCardoza @RepJeffDenham @RepJimCosta @DevingNunes @kevinomccarthy @RepLoisCapps @eltongallegly24 @BuckMcKeon @BradSherman @RepHowardBerman @RepAdamSchiff @RepBecerra @RepJudyChu @RepKarenBass @MaxineWaters @Rep_JaniceHahn @RepLRichardson @gracenapolitano @RepLindaSanchez @RepEdRoyce @RepJerryLewis @RepGaryMiller @RepJoeBaca @KenCalvert @Rep_BonoMack @DanaRohrabacher @LorettaSanchez @RepJohnCampbell @DarrellIssa Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Title Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative State/District California/50 California/51 California/52 California/53 Colorado Colorado Colorado/1 Colorado/2 Colorado/3 Colorado/4 Colorado/5 Colorado/6 Colorado/7 Connecticut Connecticut Connecticut/1 Connecticut/2 Connecticut/3 Connecticut/4 Connecticut/5 Delaware Delaware Delaware/At Large District of Columbia/At Large Florida Florida Florida/1 Florida/2 Florida/3 Florida/4 Florida/5 Florida/6 Florida/7 Florida/8 Florida/9 Florida/10 Florida/11 Florida/12 Florida/13 Florida/14 First Name Brian Bob Duncan Susan Michael F. Mark Diana Jared Scott Cory Doug Mike Ed Richard Joseph I. John Joe Rosa Jim Christopher Thomas R. Christopher A. John Eleanor Bill Marco Jeff Steve Corrine Ander Richard Cliff John Daniel Gus Bill Kathy Dennis Vern Connie Last Name Bilbray Filner Hunter Davis Bennet Udall DeGette Polis Tipton Gardner Lamborn Coffman Perlmutter Blumenthal Lieberman Larson Courtney DeLauro Himes Murphy Carper Coons Carney Holmes Nelson Rubio Miller Southerland Brown Crenshaw Nugent Stearns Mica Webster Bilirakis Young Castor Ross Buchanan Mack Twitter Handle @BilbrayCA50 @CongBobFilner @SusanDavisBRAC @SenBennetCO @MarkUdall @jaredpolis @RepTipton @repcorygardner @RepDLamborn @RepMikeCoffman @RepPerlmutter @SenBlumenthal @joelieberman @RepJohnLarson @RepJoeCourtney @rosadelauro @jahimes @ChrisMurphyCT @senatorcarper @SenCoonsOffice @JohnCarneyDE @EleanorNorton @SenBillNelson @SenRubioPress @CongJeffMiller @Rep_Southerland @RepCorrineBrown @AnderCrenshaw @RepRichNugent @RepCliffStearns @repwebster @RepGusBikirakis @RepDennisRoss @Vern Buchanan @ConnieMackIV Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Title Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative State/District Florida/15 Florida/16 Florida/17 Florida/18 Florida/19 Florida/20 Florida/21 Florida/22 Florida/23 Florida/24 Florida/25 Georgia Georgia Georgia/1 Georgia/2 Georgia/3 Georgia/4 Georgia/5 Georgia/6 Georgia/7 Georgia/8 Georgia/9 Georgia/10 Georgia/11 Georgia/12 Georgia/13 Guam/At Large Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii/1 Hawaii/2 Idaho Idaho Idaho/1 Idaho/2 Illinois Illinois Illinois/1 Illinois/2 Illinois/3 First Name Bill Tom Frederica Ileana Ted Debbie Mario Allen Alcee Sandy David Saxby Johnny Jack Sanford Lynn Henry John Tom Robert Austin Tom Paul Phil John David Madeleine Daniel K. Daniel K. Colleen Mazie Mike James E. Raul Mike Richard J. Mark Bobby Jesse Daniel Last Name Posey Rooney Wilson Ros-Lehtinen Deutch Wasserman Diaz-Balart West Hastings Adams Rivera Chambliss Isakson Kingston Bishop Jr Westmoreland Johnson Lewis Price Woodall Scott Graves Broun Gingrey Barrow Scott Bordallo Akaka Inouye Hanabusa Hirono Crapo Risch Labrador Simpson Durbin Kirk Rush Jackson Jr Lipinski Twitter Handle @Congbillposey @TomRooney @RepWilson @RosLehtinen @RepTedDeutch @DWStweets @MarioDC @AllenWest @RepSandyAdams @RepRivera @saxby08 @SenatorIsakson @Jackkingston @SanfordBishop @RepWestmoreland @RepTomPrice @AustinScottGA08 @RepTomGraves @RepPaulBrounMD @RepPhilGingrey @repjohnbarrow @repdavidscott @SenatorAkaka @Daniel_Inouye @RepHanabusa @maziehirono @MikeCrapo @Raul_Labrador @CongMikeSimpson @SenatorDurbin @SenatorKirk @RepBobbyRush @RepJJJr Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Title Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative State/District Illinois/4 Illinois/5 Illinois/6 Illinois/7 Illinois/8 Illinois/9 Illinois/10 Illinois/11 Illinois/12 Illinois/13 Illinois/14 Illinois/15 Illinois/16 Illinois/17 Illinois/18 Illinois/19 Indiana Indiana Indiana/1 Indiana/2 Indiana/3 Indiana/4 Indiana/5 Indiana/6 Indiana/7 Indiana/8 Indiana/9 Iowa Iowa Iowa/1 Iowa/2 Iowa/3 Iowa/4 Iowa/5 Kansas Kansas Kansas/1 Kansas/2 Kansas/3 Kansas/4 First Name Luis Mike Peter Danny Joe Jan Robert Adam Jerry Judy Randy Timothy Donald Bobby Aaron John Daniel Richard G. Peter Joe Marlin Todd Dan Mike Andre Larry Todd Chuck Tom Bruce David Leonard Tom Steve Jerry Pat Tim Lynn Kevin Mike Last Name Gutierrez Quigley Roskam Davis Walsh Schakowsky Dold Kinzinger Costello Biggert Hultgren Johnson Manzullo Schilling Schock Shimkus Coats Lugar Visclosky Donnelly Stutzman Rokita Burton Pence Carson Bucshon Young Grassley Harkin Braley Loebsack Boswell Latham King Moran Roberts Huelskamp Jenkins Yoder Pompeo Twitter Handle @LuisGutierrez @RepMikeQuigley @PeterRoskam @RepJoeWalsh @janschakowsky @RepDold @RepKinzinger @JerryCostello @JudyBiggert @RepHultgren @reptimjohnson @ManzulloHQ @Repshilling @repaaronschock @RepShimkus @senatorlugar @RepVisclosky @RepDonnelly @RepStutzman @ToddRokita @RepDanBurton @RepMikePence @RepAndreCarson @RepLarryBucshon @RepToddYoung @ChuckGrassley @SenatorHarkin @BruceBraley @LeonardBoswell @TomLatham @SteveKingIA @jerrymoran @senpatroberts @CongHuelskamp @RepLynnJenkins @RepKevinYoder @Repmikepompeo Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Title Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative State/District Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky/1 Kentucky/2 Kentucky/3 Kentucky/4 Kentucky/5 Kentucky/6 Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana/1 Louisiana/2 Louisiana/3 Louisiana/4 Louisiana/5 Louisiana/6 Louisiana/7 Maine Maine Maine/1 Maine/2 Maryland Maryland Maryland/1 Maryland/2 Maryland/3 Maryland/4 Maryland/5 Maryland/6 Maryland/7 Maryland/8 Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts/1 Massachusetts/2 Massachusetts/3 Massachusetts/4 Massachusetts/5 Massachusetts/6 Massachusetts/7 First Name Mitch Rand Ed S.Brett John A. Geoff Harold Ben Mary L. David Steve Cedric Jeffrey John Rodney William Charles W. Susan M. Olympia J. Chellie Michael Benjamin L. Barbara A. Andy Dutch John P. Donna F. Steny H. Roscoe Elijah Chris Scott P. John F. John Richard E. James Barney Niki John Ed Last Name McConnell Paul Whitfield Guthrie Yarmuth Davis Rogers Chandler Landrieu Vitter Scalise Richmond Landry Fleming Alexander Cassidy Boustany Jr. Collins Snowe Pingree Michaud Cardin Milkusiki Harris Ruppersberger Sarbanes Edwards Hoyer Bartlett Cummings Van Hollen Brown Kerry Olver Neal McGovern Frank Tsongas Tierney Markey Twitter Handle @McConnellPress @SenRandPaul @RepEdWhitfield @RepGuthrie @RepJohnYarmuth @RepGeoffDavis @senlandrieu @DavidVitter @RepRichmond @RepJeffLandry @RepFleming @USRepAlexander @BillCassidy @RepBoustany @senatorcollins @senatorsnowe @ChelliePingree @RepMikeMichaud @SenatorCardin @SenatorBarb @Harris4Congress @Call_Me_Dutch @RepJohnSarbanes @RepDonnaEdwards @WhipHoyer @RepRoscoeBartlett @ChrisVanHollen @USSenScottBrown @JohnKerry @RepJohnOlver @RepRichardNeal @RepMcGovern @nikiinthehouse @RepTierney @markeymemo Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Title Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator State/District Massachusetts/8 Massachusetts/9 Massachusetts/10 Michigan Michigan Michigan/1 Michigan/2 Michigan/3 Michigan/4 Michigan/5 Michigan/6 Michigan/7 Michigan/8 Michigan/9 Michigan/10 Michigan/11 Michigan/12 Michigan/13 Michigan/14 Michigan/15 Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota/1 Minnesota/2 Minnesota/3 Minnesota/4 Minnesota/5 Minnesota/6 Minnesota/7 Minnesota/8 Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi/1 Mississippi/2 Mississippi/3 Mississippi/4 Missouri Missouri Representative Missouri/1 First Name Michael E. Stephen F. William Carl Debbie Dan Bill Justin Dave Dale Fred Tim Mike Gary Candice Thaddeus Sander Hansen John John Al Amy Timothy J. John Erik Betty Keith Michele Collin C. Chip Thad Rodger F. Alan Bennie G. Gregg Steven Roy Claire William "Lacy"Clay Jr. Last Name Capuano Lynch Keating Levin Stabenow Benishek Huizenga Amash Camp Kildee Upton Walberg Rogers Peters Miller McCotter Levin Clarke Conyers Jr. Dingell Franken Klobuchar Walz Kline Paulsen McCollum Ellison Bachmann Peterson Cravaak Cochran Wicker Nunnelee Thompson Harper Palazzo Blunt McCaskill Twitter Handle @mikecapuano @RepStephenLynch @USRepKeating @sencarllevin @StabenowPress @CongressmanDan @RepHuizenga @RepJustinAmash @RepDaveCamp @RepFredUpton @RepWalberg @RepMikeRogers @RepGaryPeters @CandiceMiller @ThadMcCotter @RepSandyLevin @RepHansenClarke @RepJohnConyers @TeamDingell @alfranken @amyklobuchar @Tim_Walz @RepJohnKline @RepErikPaulsen @BettyMcCollum04 @keithellison @MicheleBachmann @RepChipCravaack @SenThadCochran @SenatorWicker @RepAlanNunnelee @BennieGThompson @GreggHarper @congpalazzo @RoyBlunt @McCaskillOffice Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Representative Title Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Missouri/2 State/District Missouri/3 Missouri/4 Missouri/5 Missouri/6 Missouri/7 Missouri/8 Missouri/9 Montana Montana Montana/At Large Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska/1 Nebraska/2 Nebraska/3 Nevada Nevada Nevada/1 Nevada/2 Nevada/3 New Hampshire/1 New Hampshire/2 New Jersey/1 New Jersey/2 New Jersey/3 New Jersey/4 New Jersey/5 New Jersey/6 New Jersey/7 New Jersey/8 New Jersey/9 New Jersey/10 New Jersey/11 New Jersey/12 New Jersey/13 New Mexico/1 New Mexico/2 New Mexico/3 New York/1 Todd First Name Russ Vicky Emanuel Sam Billy Jo Ann Blaine Max Jon Dennis Ben Mike Jeff Lee Adrian Dean Harry Shelley Moore Mark Joe Frank Charles Robert E. Frank Jon Chris Scott Frank Leonard Bill Steven Donald M. Rodney Rush Albio Martin T. Steve Ben R. Timothy Akin Last Name Carnahan Hartzler Cleaver Graves Long Emerson Luetkemeyer Baucus Tester Rehberg Nelson Johnanns Fortenberry Terry Smith Heller Reid Berkley Amodei Heck Guinta Bass Andrews LoBiondo Runyan Smith Garrett Pallone Jr. Lance Pascrell Jr. Rothman Payne (Vacant) Frelinghuysen Holt Sires Heinrich Pearce Lujan Bishop @RepToddAkin Twitter Handle @ReppCarnahan @RepHartzler @RepCleaver @SmallBizGOP @auctnr1 @JoAnnEmerson @jontester @DennyRehberg @SenBenNelson @Mike_Johanns @jeffortenberry @LEETERRYNE @RepAdrianSmith @SenDeanHeller @SenatorReid @RepBerkley @markamodeinv2 @RepJoeHeck @RepFrankGuinta @RepCharlesBass @RepLobiondo @RepJonRunyan @FrankPallone @RepLeonardLance @fema @SteveRothmanNJ @Payne10thNJ @RodneyforNJ @RushHolt @Rep_Albio_Sires @Heinrich4NM @RepStevePearce @RepBenRayLujan @timprezence Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Representative Title Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative New York/2 State/District New York/3 New York/4 New York/5 New York/6 New York/7 New York/8 New York/9 New York/10 New York/11 New York/12 New York/13 New York/14 New York/15 New York/16 New York/17 New York/18 New York/19 New York/20 New York/21 New York/22 New York/23 New York/24 New York/25 New York/26 New York/27 New York/28 New York/29 North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina/1 North Carolina/2 North Carolina/3 North Carolina/4 North Carolina/5 North Carolina/6 North Carolina/7 North Carolina/8 North Carolina/9 North Carolina/10 Steve First Name Pete Carolyn Gary Gregory W. Joseph Jerrold Robert Edolphus Yvette D. Nydia M. Michael Carolyn Charles B. José E. Eliot Nita Nan Chris Paul D. Maurice Bill Richard Ann Marie Kathy Brian Louise Tom Richard Kay R. G.K. Renee Walter B. David Virginia Howard Mike Larry Sue Patrick T. Israel Last Name King McCarthy Ackerman Meeks Crowley Nadier Turner Towns Clarke Velázquez Grimm Maloney Rangel Serrano Engel Lowey Hayworth Gibson Tonko Hinchey Owens Hanna Buerkle Hochul Higgins Slaughter Reed Burr Hagan Butterfield Ellmers Jones Price Foxx Coble McIntyre Kissell Myrick McHenry @repSteveIsrael Twitter Handle @RepPeteKing @RepMcCarthyNY @RepGaryAckerman @GregoryMeeks @RepJoeCrowley @RepJerryNadler @USRepBobTurner @edtowns @YvetteClarke @NydiaVelazquez @RepMichaelGrimm @RepMaloney @cbrangel @RepJoseSerrano @RepEliotEngel @NitaLowey @RepNanHayworth @RepChrisGibson @paultonko @mauricehinchey @BillOwensNY @RepRichardHanna @RepBuerkle @RepKathyHochul @ReoBrianHiggins @louiseslaughter @RepTomReed @senatorburr @SenatorHagan @gkbutterfield @RepReneeEllmers @RepWalterJones @RepDavidPrice @virginiafoxx @HowardCoble @RepMikeMcIntyre @RepLarryKissell @suemyrick @PatrickMcHenry Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Representative Title Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative North Carolina/11 State/District North Carolina/12 North Carolina/13 North Dakota North Dakota North Dakota/At Large Northern Mariana Islands/At Large Ohio Ohio Ohio/1 Ohio/2 Ohio/3 Ohio/4 Ohio/5 Ohio/6 Ohio/7 Ohio/8 Ohio/9 Ohio/10 Ohio/11 Ohio/12 Ohio/13 Ohio/14 Ohio/15 Ohio/16 Ohio/17 Ohio/18 Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma/1 Oklahoma/2 Oklahoma/3 Oklahoma/4 Oklahoma/5 Oregon Oregon Oregon/1 Oregon/2 Oregon/3 Oregon/4 Heath First Name Mel Brad Kent John Rick Gregorio Sherrod Rob Steve Jean Michael Jim Robert E. Bill Steve John A. Marcy Dennis J. Marcia L. Pat Betty Steven C. Steve Jim Tim Bob Tom James M. John Dan Frank Tom James Jeff Ron Suzanne Greg Earl Peter Shuler Last Name Watt Miller Conrad Hoeven Berg Sablan Brown Portman Chabot Schmidt Turner Jordan Latta Johnson Austria Boehner Kaptur Kucinich Fudge Tiberi Sutton LaTourette Stivers Renacci Ryan Gibbs Coburn Inhofe Sullivan Boren Lucas Cole Lankford Merkley Wyden Bonamici Walden Blumenauer DeFazio @shuler4congress Twitter Handle @MelWattNC12 @RepBradMiller @SenateBudget @hoeven4senate @RepRickBerg @SenSherrodBrown @robportman @RepSteveChabot @RepJeanSchmidt @RepMikeTurner @Jim_Jordan @boblatta @RepBillJohnson @SteveAustria @SpeakerBoehner @Marcy_Kaptur @RepKucinich @marciafudge @TeamTiberi @BettySutton @SteveLaTourette @RepSteveStivers @RepJimRenacci @RepTimRyan @RepBobGibbs @TomCoburn @InhofePress @USRepSullivan @tomcoleok04 @RepLankford @SenJeffMerkley @RonWyden @HouseDemocrats @RepGregWalden @blumenauermedia @RepPeterDeFazio Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Representative Title Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Senator Senator Oregon/5 State/District Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania/1 Pennsylvania/2 Pennsylvania/3 Pennsylvania/4 Pennsylvania/5 Pennsylvania/6 Pennsylvania/7 Pennsylvania/8 Pennsylvania/9 Pennsylvania/10 Pennsylvania/11 Pennsylvania/12 Pennsylvania/13 Pennsylvania/14 Pennsylvania/15 Pennsylvania/16 Pennsylvania/17 Pennsylvania/18 Pennsylvania/19 Puerto Rico/At Large Rhode Island Rhode Island Rhode Island/1 Rhode Island/2 South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina/1 South Carolina/2 South Carolina/3 South Carolina/4 South Carolina/5 South Carolina/6 South Dakota South Dakota South Dakota/At Large Tennessee Tennessee Kurt First Name Robert P., Jr. Patrick J. Robert Chaka Mike Jason Glenn W. Jim Pat Michael G. Bill Tom Lou Mark Allyson Y. Mike Charles W. Joseph R. Tim Tim Todd Pedro Jack Sheldon David Jim Jim Lindsey Tim Joe Jeff Trey Mick James E. Tim John Kristi Lamar Bob Schrader Last Name Casey Toomey Brady Fattah Kelly Altmire Thompson Gerlach Meehan Flitzpatrick Shuster Marino Barletta Critz Schwartz Doyle Dent Pitts Holden Murphy Platts Pierluisi Reed Whitehouse Cicilline Langevin DeMint Graham Scott Wilson Duncan Gowdy Mulvaney Clyburn Johnson Thune Noem Alexander Corker @RepSchrader Twitter Handle @SenBobCasey @SenToomey @RepBrady @chakafattah @MikeKellyforPA3 @RepJasonAltmire @CongressmanGT @JimGerlach @RepMeehan @RepFitzpatrick @RepBillShuster @RepLouBarletta @RepMarkCritz @usrepmikedoyle @dentforcongress @RepJoePitts @RepTimHolden @RepTimMurphy @pedropierluisi @SenJackReed @SenWhitehouse @HouseDemocrats @jimlangevin @JimDeMint @GrahamBlog @reptimscott @USRepJoeWilson @RepJeffDuncan @TGowdySC @RepMickMulvaney @clyburn @SenJohnsonSD @SenJohnThune @RepKristiNoem @SenAlexander @SenBobCorker Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Representative Title Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Tennessee/1 State/District Tennessee/2 Tennessee/3 Tennessee/4 Tennessee/5 Tennessee/6 Tennessee/7 Tennessee/8 Tennessee/9 Texas Texas Texas/1 Texas/2 Texas/3 Texas/4 Texas/5 Texas/6 Texas/7 Texas/8 Texas/9 Texas/10 Texas/11 Texas/12 Texas/13 Texas/14 Texas/15 Texas/16 Texas/17 Texas/18 Texas/19 Texas/20 Texas/21 Texas/22 Texas/23 Texas/24 Texas/25 Texas/26 Texas/27 Texas/28 Texas/29 Phil First Name John J. Chuck Scott Jim Daine Marsha Stephen Steve John Kay Bailey Louie Ted Sam Ralph M. Jeb Joe John Kevin Al Michael T. K.Michael Kay Mac Ron Rubén Silverstre Bill Sheila Randy Charlie A. Lamar Pete Francisco Kenny Lloyd Michael Blake Henry Gene Roe Last Name Duncan Jr. Fleischmann DesJarlais Cooper Black Blackburn Fincher Cohen Cornyn Hutchison Gohmert Poe Johnson Hall Hensarling Barton Culberson Brady Green McCaul Conaway Granger Thornberry Paul Hinojosa Reyes Flores Jackson Lee Neugebauer Gonzalez Smith Olson Canseco Marchant Doggett Burgess Farenthold Cuella Green @ drphilroe Twitter Handle @RepChuck @DesJarlaisTN04 @repjimcooper @RepDianeBlack @MarshaBlackburn @repfinchertn08 @repcohen @JohnCornyn @kaybaileyhutch @replouiegohmert @JudgeTedPoe @samspressshop @rephensarling @repjoebarton @johnculberson @RepKevinBrady @RepAlGreen @McCaulPressShop @ConawayTX11 @RepKayGranger @MacTXPress @RonPaul @usreprhinojosa @SilvestreReyes @RepBillFlores @JacksonLeeTX18 @RandyNeugebauer @TX20CharlieG @LamarSmithTX21 @OlsonPressShop @RepCanseco @RepKenMarchant @RepLloydDoggett @michaelcburgess @farenthold @RepCuellar @RepGeneGreen Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Representative Title Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Texas/30 State/District Texas/31 Texas/32 Utah Utah Utah/1 Utah/2 Utah/3 Vermont Vermont Vermont/At Large Virgin Islands/At Large Virginia Virginia Virginia/1 Virginia/2 Virginia/3 Virginia/4 Virginia/5 Virginia/6 Virginia/7 Virginia/8 Virginia/9 Virginia/10 Virginia/11 Washington Washington Washington/1 Washington/2 Washington/3 Washington/4 Eddie Bernice First Name John Pete Orrin G. Mike Rob Jim Jason Patrick J. Bernard Peter Donna M. Mark R. Jim Robert J. Scott Robert C. J.Randy Robert Bob Eric James Morgan Frank Gerald E."Gerry" Maria Patty Jay Rick Jaime Doc Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative Washington/5 Washington/6 Washington/7 Washington/8 Washington/9 West Virginia West Virginia West Virginia/1 Cathy Norman D. Jim David G. Adam Joe III John D., IV David Johnson Last Name Carter Sessions Hatch Lee Bishop Matheson Chaffetz Leahy Sanders Welch Chrisyensen Warner Webb Wittman Rigell Scott Forbes. Hurt Goodlatte Cantor Moran Griffith Wolf Connolly Cantwell Murray Inslee Larsen Herrera Beutler Hastings McMorris Rodgers Dicks McDermott Reichert Smith Manchin Rockefeller McKinley @RepEBJ Twitter Handle @judgecarter @petesessions @SenOrrinHatch @SenMikeLee @RepHalRogers @RepJimMatheson @SenatorLeahy @SenSanders @DelegateDonna @MarkWarner @RobWittman @RepScottRigell @repbobbyscott @RepRandyForbes @reproberthurt @RepGoodlatte @GOPLeader @Jim_Moran @RepMGriffith @RepWOLFPress @gerryconnolly @CantwellPress PattyMurray @JayInslee @RepRickLarsen @HerreraBeutler @DocHastings @cathymcmorris @RepNormDicks @RepJimMcDermott @davereichert @Rep_Adam_Smith @Sen_JoeManchin @SenRockefeller @RepMcKinley Members of Congress Twitter Handles (Alphabetical by state) Representative Representative Title Senator Senator Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Representative Senator Senator Representative West Virginia/2 West Virginia/3 State/District Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin/1 Wisconsin/2 Wisconsin/3 Wisconsin/4 Wisconsin/5 Wisconsin/6 Wisconsin/7 Wisconsin/8 Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming/At Large Shelley Moore Nick First Name Ron Herb Paul Tammy Ron Gwen F.James Thomas Sean.P Reid John Michael B. Cynthia M. Capito Rahall Last Name Johnson Kohl Ryan Baldwin Kind Moore Sensenbrenner Petri Duffy Ribble Barrasso Enzi Lummins @RepShelley Twitter Handle @SenRonJohnson @RepPaulRyan @RepRonKind @RepGwenMoore @RpSensenbrenner @RepSeanDuffy @RepRibble @SenJohnBarrasso @SenatorEnzi @CynthiaLummis