Data Grid Web Services

Data Grid Web Services
Chip Watson
Jie Chen, Ying Chen,
Bryan Hess, Walt Akers
A Three Tier Web Services Architecture
Web Browser
Authenticated connections
XML to HTML servlet
Web Service
Web Server
Web Service
Web Service
Grid Service
Grid resources,
e.g. Condor
Web Service
Local Backend
Storage system
(batch, file, etc.)
Batch system
Remote Web
Why Web Services?
Strong industry support & growing adoption
Self describing interfaces & protocol
Support in all languages
Easy addition of additional input or output
Interface evolution w/o breaking what works
PPDG Architecture
Catalog Services
Info Services
Repl. Mgmt.
Reliable Transfer
Compute Resource
Storage Resource
Network Resource
PPDG Architecture
Catalog Services
Info Services
Repl. Mgmt.
Reliable Transfer
Compute Resource
Storage Resource
Network Resource
Data Grid Web Services Architecture
Web Services
Meta Data Catalog
Replica Catalog
Replication Service
File Client
HRM++ Service
File Server(s)
HRM Listener
Storage Resource
Single Site
Components: Replica Catalog
Get replicas: GFN -> SURLs
Get best replica?
Web Services
Meta Data Catalog
Replica Catalog
Create replica
Replication Service
File Client
Input: GFN, SURL
Specify <meta data> for new GFN
HRM++ Service
File Server(s)
HRM Listener
Storage Resource
Remove replica
Single Site
Input: GFN, SURL
Make / delete directory (recursive)
Directory Listing
terse or verbose, optionally more than 1 level deep
optionally matching a pattern (regexp?)
Create / delete link (soft) to another file or directory
Components: HRM Listener
This component serves as the link
between the grid-unaware HRM and
the replica system. The HRM /
storage resource generates 2
possible types of events.
File Client
Web Services
Meta Data Catalog
Replica Catalog
Replication Service
HRM++ Service
File Server(s)
HRM Listener
Storage Resource
Single Site
Advice request: proposed deletion of file X. Listener responds
with advice as a number in the range of 0.0 (please don’t) to 1.0
(OK). The listener could base this advice upon interaction with
the replica catalog to discover if this is the last disk resident
copy, for example.
State change notification: File X is added, or deleted, or cache
state is changed. In this case the listener updates the replica
Components: Replication Service
This component acts as an agent
for the client to make replicas,
and manipulate replica policy
Web Services
Meta Data Catalog
Replica Catalog
Replication Service
File Client
HRM++ Service
File Server(s)
Web services:
Storage Resource
Copy a replica of GFN / SURL to site X.
Get status of replication operation.
Add / edit / remove a local replication policy
(push, maybe pull)
To implement a replication policy, it may
register as a listener with the HRM
HRM Listener
Single Site
Components: HRM++ Service
HRM Web Services:
File status (cached, pinned, permanent, size, owner, etc.)
File status changes (e.g. stage a file, pin a file, make permanent)
Mapping from SURL to TURL for file get, including protocol
Web Services
Space allocations for put, including
Meta Data Catalog
Replica Catalog
protocol negotiation to yield TURL
Replication Service
File Client
HRM++ Service
File Server(s)
Extended functions:
HRM Listener
Storage Resource
Directory listings, search (like replica catalog)
Reliable (as much as possible) third party file transfers to/from
another Data Grid Site (reliable), or to/from a site with a supported
protocol (e.g. ftp site)
Single Site
Technologies Employed
Apache web server
Tomcat servlet engine
JAXM for SOAP Messages
XML data format
Web Services
Meta Data Catalog
Replica Catalog
Replication Service
File Client
HRM++ Service
File Server(s)
HRM Listener
Storage Resource
Single Site
Replica Catalog
SOAP servlet + mySQL back end
(future) global replication policy, client to replication service
HRM++ Service
HRM: SOAP servlet wrapping JASMine
Extensions to HRM:
reliable file transfer (wrap gridftp, etc.), queuing
directory listings, tree search
Replication Service
SOAP servlet + mySQL for request persistence & queues
(future) listener for new files + policy for replication (push)
HRM Listener
SOAP servlet, client to Replica Catalog
Year old raw XML limited prototypes:
Replica catalog
Read-only listings, GFN -> SURL
Loaded with silo info (>100,000 files)
Pre-HRM service
Read-only listings, SURL -> TURL (multi-protocol)
New SOAP components currently in development
Replica catalog
full capabilities except ACL’s, user defined meta-data (deferred)
HRM++ service
Recursive file transfer client <-> unmanaged storage (jparss)
3rd party reliable file transfers
Web Services Definition Language
(equivalent to CORBA IDL)
Data Grid File Manager
Client Application
Capabilities (prototype)
Browse contents of file system
Managed disk cache on data grid node
Unmanaged Local or Remote file system
Tertiary storage (eventually HRM)
Move files between managed and unmanaged storage
Within a single data grid node
Between local file system and data grid node
1Q02: Between data grid nodes (3rd party transfer)
Status – displays if file is currently in disk cache
Migrate from tape to disk (not released)
Standardization Activities
PPDG Activity:
Jlab is working with the SRB group to
standardize web services (WSDL) for
managing a data grid
Common interface for JASMine and SRB
Web services client to inter-operate between
dissimilar back ends
Extend to additional systems once operational