PowerPoint - Carmel Clay Schools

CHS Class of 2018
A timeline and resources for high school sophomores
10th – 12th grade Counseling Center
Mrs. Clark
Mrs. Cool
Mrs. Hartman
Mrs. Johnson
Mr. McDonough
Mr. Mikesell
Mrs. Patane
Mrs. Payne
Mrs. Stringham
Mrs. Stuelpe
Mrs. Wernke
Social Workers: Mrs. Wildman and Mrs. Kneifel
o Family
o Part-time job postings
o Information about tutors, SAT/ACT tests,
o Information about summer programs
o College and Career Resource Center:
• Mrs. Stephan
• Mr. Pettibone
• Mrs. Boldt
College Info on Facebook &Twitter!
Follow us on Twitter @CHSCollege411
 Like us on Facebook at “Carmel High
School College Counseling”
 Instagram-@chscollegecareer
A great resource for:
◦ College Admissions Information
◦ Application Deadlines
◦ Scholarships
◦ Financial Aid
◦ College Rep Visits
◦ Summer Programs
Plan for the year ahead
Take the PSAT
Get involved with activities
Explore college options
Explore career options
Attend a college fair
Create junior year schedule
◦ Continue to STUDY
◦ Start preparing for
◦ Learn about how to
finance a college
◦ Continue to explore
college options
◦ Study for AP exams
◦ Explore summer
◦ Take the End of Course
Assessments in English 10
and Algebra I
◦ Participate in activities
that will help with your
◦ Read
◦ Visit college campuses
“Even though the future seems far away, it is actually
beginning right now.” - Mattie Stepanek
Additional Information
If you are struggling in a class:
Talk to your teacher
Work with a tutor
Talk to your counselor
Work with peers
Tutoring Opportunities
Teachers are available during SRT: Students can request to
see their teacher(s) during SRT for small-group help. Students
must ask the teacher for a pass prior to the SRT.
Late-Start Wednesdays: NHS students tutor during this time.
National Honor Society peer tutors: National Honor Society
students volunteer their time to offer peer tutoring outside of the
school day. Students can get a list of NHS tutors from the
Counseling Office.
Adult tutors: Adults in the community offer tutoring services for
an hourly rate. Students can get a list of adult tutors through their
“myccs” accounts in the “Resources” widget.
Exploring Options for the Future
Use the Family Connection
 Visit college fairs and college admissions
 Set up college campus visitations
 Pay attention to announcements from the
Counseling Center
Internet Issues
Set up a college admissions email account
• do not choose usernames that are silly,
inappropriate or immature
• Use this account to communicate with college
admission personnel
• Review your online persona – what do people
see when they view your Facebook page or
other social networks*?
• *From Purdue U. = “A good rule of thumb for students – if it’s not
something you would want your mother to see, don’t post it online.”
Get Involved in Activities
Community service
 CHS clubs
 Remember: It is the quality of activity, not
the quantity of activities, that counts
 Leadership is valuable
Explore Career Options
Interest inventories
◦ Family Connection
J. Everett Light Career Center
College Athletics
Check NCAA eligibility requirements at
 If the college is an NAIA school:
Family Connection
Access Family
Connection through the
CHS Counseling
Prior to using Family Connection for
the first time, you will need to add
the email address which will be used
for all of your college applications.
Select “Manage My Account”
Select “Manage My Profile”
Select the pencil icon to
edit/add your personal email
Find today’s handout!
Stay focused and work hard this year.
 Continue planning for the future.
 Sign up to follow the CHS College Info
Twitter account. Do it now!
 Use Family Connection as a resource!
“I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion
to the things you want to see happen.”
Frank Lloyd Wright